The Truth about Expensive Gear (for local bands) | SpectreSoundStudios

The Truth about Expensive Gear (for local bands) | SpectreSoundStudios


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@chimchamp - 29.10.2023 21:27

It makes a difference if you are happy with your sound

@alrecks619 - 10.09.2023 18:41

for studio, free stuffs are more than enough to achieve pro level mix, and for live shows, sound quality is less of a concern until you start playing to thousands of people, if you somehow managed to pull it off anyway.

@AnthonySforza - 23.08.2023 02:09

I started out with expensive gear (Gibson guitars and full Marshall stack) and something that occured to me much later than it probably should have, is that the peiple who usually care the most about that, are other players. Sure, try and impress them... but one really should be trying to impress their audience.

I used to sit at concerts, right there at the barricade and scope their gear, see who is using what, etc. So I thought it was something most people did and I wanted to use likewise gear that all the musicians I look up to had. Not only for that, but also the repution of saod gear, in which for such Idols to have them.

However, over the years, when talking with a lot of "huge music fans", they don't know the difference between a lot of that gear. A Gibson Flying V may as well be a Jackson King V and a Marshall is a Marshall is a Marshall. They have no idea the difference between a tube amp or a solid state, they're just used to seeing the name up on stage. You could seriously have a 200w Marshall Major or a 100w MG100HDFX and they wouldnt even be able to tell.

@jjjohny_a5965 - 06.06.2023 08:41

well said dont worrie about gear...i knew guys that sherd too no ends on the worst gear look whats on stage and say that not spouse too happen..2 marshall stacks you know your in for a show...a guy on a modded cort guitar and a peavy amp your like too cool..scales/chords/keys spend time not money

@stratplayr6997 - 27.04.2023 21:31

Funny how the guy lecturing everyone that they don't need expensive gear is sitting there with two 5150 heads and a rack full of stuff behind him - HAHAHAHA!!! He does make great points though - nobody in the audience gives a cr@p what gear you're playing through. They only care that you can play the songs well.

@julianphillips4787 - 17.02.2023 15:47

i love that this guy swears his ass off!
Quite refreshing in this horrible sanitised world at the moment

@mooreoutdoor9841 - 09.02.2023 20:01

So glad I've never minded playing a Squire or Ephiphone instead of a big Fender or Gibson logo. Save's me a shiton of money!

@qua7771 - 24.01.2023 11:53

I don't notice a bands gear so much. I can tell if the band members don't mesh well more.

@danielnunez4689 - 03.11.2022 00:45

i love the enthusiasm

@patrickhughes6020 - 26.08.2022 10:03


@dag1704 - 10.07.2022 12:57

The most important part about buying gear is that first you buy what you can afford.
Secondly buy what you like, buy what makes you play more, buy what makes you smile when you pick it up.

I have a PRS here, that I absolutely love, especially for clean sounds, it is completely and absolutely beautiful.
And I have a super cheap 200 bucks VGS here, which was terrible out of the box. I learned how to set up guitars with it, I learned how to switch stuff and electronics on this guitar. It is now after 15 years, with new electronics and a for me perfect setup my absolute favorite guitar for high gain stuff. Boy that baby cries and sustains, pure love for this guitar.

What I want to say with this. Yes, new and shiny gear is awesome, but if you are not completely happy with your guitar, you can always make small, incremental changes. Often alone a new set of strings works wonders. And maybe along the way you are able to learn something by doing stuff.

@thecollective1584 - 16.05.2022 16:38

My entire rig for my last band cost me $1100.
I have an Ibby 300 from the early 2000's that sold me for $120. I had a Behringer 300watt amp (the gold face) that cost me $300. The Behringer metal cone cabinet cost me $350. My Line 6 Pod Pro Xt cost me $150 used, and I had the cheap Line 6 wireless.
I 0layed shows in front of multiple thousands, in front of nationals, and 8n front of only 4 people. The ONLY person who had anything to say was some kid who's father bought him a $1500 bass, and a $2500 amp/cab. Several musicians (names) were amazed at how my rig sounded.
Oh, the final "gotcha"? I ended up replacing the brand whore in his band.

@razorm4527 - 23.12.2021 08:31

I used a Gorilla for years still better than a first act

@richardsmith6128 - 08.11.2021 10:39

Great comments Glenn 100w head 4x12 cabs look great but sound terrible in small spaces
after many years doing live stuff the best formula that we came across/use is guitar.. Good combo amp or micro head into good speaker cab
Bass... Into sans amp. Into D. I.
OK that relies on a half decent p. A.
Also don't buy super expensive cable buy the components ( neutrick) and make your own it's way cheaper and learn how to coil cable hand over hand NOT round the elbow it makes them last a hell of a lot longer without twisting

@mojoemurphy - 06.11.2021 18:35

Only advice I'd give to anyone starting out, buy the best you can AFFORD. Do your diligent research, find some good used gear and familiarize yourself with it

@fkat1666 - 05.11.2021 03:50

Most audiences the bass player can get some sleep during the show.

@johnrodems6360 - 21.10.2021 04:15

Hell my cousin gear a fender & fender tube amp
Me SWR Working man bass amp & Cheap 175 bass used we’re jamming

@nathanowens3423 - 31.08.2021 18:23

If you can afford it, expensive gear is awesome but not necessary. I’m a punk rock kid, and I’ve played many shows with a cheap squire bullet with a single pick up in it, that I replaced with a dirty fingers for the sole reason that I was only about $250 in on it and I wouldnt give a fuck if beer was spilt on it or it got knocked off the strap and hit the floor. Saved my real Gibson and Fenders for recording in the studio. Spend the $30, or whatever it costs, to have someone set up your $200 guitar and learn your songs. Literally no one cares about your gear. Hell it may even give you more “street cred” if you play on shitty stuff live and still sound amazing.

@coreyroberts47 - 17.08.2021 02:57

Why i always buy used

@timbrink - 03.08.2021 19:42

Gear doesn't matter so much but proper eq is really important.

@michaelvolpi6851 - 31.07.2021 19:24

My guess is all those dislikes are axefx guys

@whiskeyncash1487 - 07.07.2021 05:25

I can agree with this to a point. There is definitely the rule of diminishing returns. However, I did just spend a boat load on a Les Paul but I love it. Always wanted one though so it was for me more than “looking/sounding professional.” Admittedly though, it plays and sounds amazing. Just have a Fender Deluxe and it’s all I’ve needed so far. Minus those shite Grove Tubes.

@VnMJack - 01.07.2021 00:32

You're damn skippy I'm self-indulgent I worked hard to earn all that equipment. I've literally been collecting it for years

@diegocolli86 - 28.06.2021 15:42

Actually no one from non northern American or European countries can afford a dual rectifier, really just rich people, it would take an entire year salary from an adult to buy one

@imhatchmantoo - 24.06.2021 02:06

Bro, i need at least 4 marshall 4x12 cabs to play for the 15 people that come to my show or im not going on.

@Liyingbemo - 04.06.2021 20:25

As a poor guitarist this video makes me feel better about myself 😂😂

@adeofbass - 19.05.2021 11:53

I used an £80 Squier P Bass for 3 years...almost 150 gigs. Wonderful. Never worried about spilling beer on it or chucking it in the van in a soft case...never let me down.

@fancykarlmarx - 19.05.2021 04:03

I refuse to believe there is Amon on the planet that couldn’t be dialed in to get through a show. Obviously you can’t use a 10inch combo in a metal band but if you have the right sized amp you can make it do so much.

@guyonamotorcycle1 - 07.05.2021 19:58

Tone comes from the fingers... spend time on that.

@erockscott1184 - 03.05.2021 05:06

Well, I've always said that is the bands job to know your sound and gear. That being said....the crowd DOES NOT CARE...TRUE, ...BUT...they "DO" know when it sounds like shit, they just don't know why...and it is after all OUR JOB TO KNOW. This is why bands fail, and good ones dont.

@gettyfeet9119 - 02.05.2021 19:02

Remember us regular people don’t have the trained ears to hear recognize good or bad mixes. As long as we can dance to it

@ryananthony4840 - 01.05.2021 00:43

Studio and live are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ANIMALS....

@ryananthony4840 - 01.05.2021 00:40

TOTALLY AGREE!!! People don't know nor give a shit.... I've been saying for years it's ALL about the performance

@williamcarr1148 - 12.04.2021 11:32

This dude is an idiot

@SalAveNU - 14.03.2021 09:31

I don't drive, I get around on buses, trains, and a bike. I'm also a busker so I'm playing in subway stations and on sidewalks. I go out of my way NOT to use expensive gear in those situations.

@nobrakes3765 - 19.02.2021 11:47

Except, there is a difference. But, no you don't need an expensive amp, a 5150 will do nicely (not an expensive amp, but a real one). The other ones still sound like lawn mowers but being tight will go a long way.

@waedi73 - 07.02.2021 14:05

My favorit amp is the Orange Micro Crush ! It has also a headphone out, no need for a mic ! Awesome !

@AjCohn - 05.02.2021 02:29

the only gear anyone needs is a chorus pedal and a rat

@simonwhitlock9189 - 20.01.2021 06:08

If you must have a name brand amp then keep an eye out on the second hand market, I run a GK head and cab that cost me under $1500 and a Greco bass that I paid $500 for, a service on the amp and a set up on the bass and it is all going strong three years later, happy days.

@alexmurphy5289 - 19.01.2021 19:29

The main salesman at guitar center I worked for brought FOUR marshall cabinets and four heads for their local Christian gigs. Probably like 25 people in the crowd, maximum. Fucking embarrassing

@L-ONE-X - 14.01.2021 15:19

to put this into perspective, both Cradle of filths guitarists use a mooer micro preamp and a mooer radar to plug into the P.A as of 2017 (I think). if you want to add a overdrive to that and you want like a behringer tubescreamer clone you can get that rig for 250 pounds.

@vawser6289 - 10.01.2021 07:18

That is the sickest shirt omg love hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

@jaymeselliot8181 - 08.01.2021 04:34

all the snooty prog people in Vancouver comment on my tone pretty much every gig...:/

@victorkaab6964 - 23.12.2020 05:16

Well i mean, if you are good enough and you know how to get a good tone out of you instrument and also if your band is tight and the musicianship is good you will sound good on a 150 dollar squier.

@michaelgarcia2050 - 14.12.2020 02:44

That Gorilla sounds great for hardcore punk, by the way.

@adrianmedeiros8431 - 03.12.2020 16:45

Hell, even if you're going for different sims, you only really need three settings: clean, riffs, leads. And since I'm the rythm guy in a Thrash band, I only really need the one setting.

@peevee605 - 29.11.2020 15:52

My first ever amp was the Rockman. It worked well, especially for recording. No gear anxiety there.

First good tube amp was a 30 watt Mesa DC-3 combo. Sound engineer at a gig recognized me and said "oh it's you, dude? Then we can use proper mikes, you always sound good". The DC-3 did sound great. Bass player drowned me with 600 watts so from there, 100 watt tube heads. I can do a gig on the head more or less on one channel and one of my guitars as long as I'm in tune. Cheers and F U Glenn!

@codysifford5470 - 19.11.2020 17:06

Women don’t dress up for men... they dress up for other women

@Bilsuburbians - 07.11.2020 19:53

Thanks glenn. You make a great confidence in my soul.
