Why Not Quit? Featuring Julie Roys

Why Not Quit? Featuring Julie Roys

Julie Roys

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@stefaniemetzler2661 - 02.12.2023 18:43

You are an encouragement to me, and I love that you are weird! I am too :D

@PotterSpurn1 - 02.12.2023 22:51

Some of the vile comments directed at Julie brought home to me what nonsense Calvinism is.

@EternalVisionToday - 03.12.2023 18:43

I was helped by the sincerity.

@janetchavis - 04.12.2023 05:48

I think you put yourself into all this chaos because it’s not your Biblical duty to “expose” everyone in ministry accused of wrong doing. Why do you insert yourself into every church’s business? They have a mandate to follow a Scriptural path and it doesn’t include you.

@vipkidteacher - 04.12.2023 18:01

Great courageous talk!

@kimsteinke713 - 04.12.2023 19:54


@laurielutgen4799 - 04.12.2023 23:54

I admire you for your bravery Julie! Thank you for all that you do. ❤

@marcimccann1109 - 05.12.2023 04:07

I am a survivor of church abuse as well. In my opinion, because of 5O1C3 status, churches are run like businesses. Their board of Elders act more like a board of directors instead of caring shepherds. There is so much money on the line with these huge ministries. Scripture teaches that the Kingdom of Heaven is NOT of this world. It also teaches that the love of money is the root of all evil. Follow the money and you will find corruption of the darkest kind. You are hitting a nerve that's why the push back. May you walk in the peace and protection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

@karenperret1351 - 05.12.2023 22:22

Thank you for not quitting

@lornadoone8887 - 07.12.2023 11:30

The Evangelical-Industrial Complex. Apt description! Modern Evangelicalism seems to have become the creature and servant of the NWO powers in order to counterfeit and adulterate Christian religion. So much of American religion seems to be the creation of Free ma$on$. Allegedly, they do try to infiltrate everywhere, but Dispensationalism, Dallas Seminary and the Southern Baptist Convention, the heart of conservative Evangelicalism, I’ve learned are riddled with Free ma $onic influence. Coincidence?

About two decades ago, after about twice that long as a devout Evangelical, I was disillusioned by the lack of coherence I found in those numerous, often-competing theological traditions rooted in developments both in Medieval Roman Catholicism and in the Protestant Reformation. I began rereading a college text book on Church history from my Wheaton College days, when the novel thought suddenly struck me, “I wonder whether I am on the wrong side of the Great Schism (of 1054 where the Bishop in Rome excommunicated the Bishop in Constantinople, who returned the favor)?” The rest of the Eastern Patriarchates stuck with Constantinople and maintained their dogmatic and sacramental unity and the rest is history—part of the universal Apostolic Church of the first millennium Holy Roman Empire broke away from the rest and all of Protestantism is the result of that major fracture.

After an intense study, I left Evangelicalism for Eastern Orthodoxy—one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but no regrets! We get all the same demonic assaults and infiltrations as elsewhere, and even worse because this Church has suffered centuries of external assaults at the hands of Roman Popes, under Islam, and under Communism, too, but we also have the sure antidote in the fullness of dogmatic and sacramental continuity with the Apostolic faith of the first centuries, manifested in our Saints, which I’ve found unfailingly connects us with our Head, Jesus Christ.

May the Lord continue to lead all who seek Him safely home to His Father’s house!

@triciad5723 - 08.12.2023 06:08

I don’t think MacArthur repenting would cause other pastors to repent. I also think there is probably more evil in that ministry than has been revealed. Evil protects evil.

@ezbody - 09.12.2023 08:06

Corrupt Christians attacking Julie is just a case of self-snitching, they actually help Julie make here case.

@lemonzestandbasilfouts2723 - 11.12.2023 03:46

Never believed for a second the nonsense they said. They make me sick...

@elitabarnhart3192 - 12.12.2023 20:37

So thankful for this vital ministry & your sacrificial willingness to use your courage for the sakebof the 'C'hurch and the vulnerable, & to stand steadfast when people target you trying to get you to cowar and fear them. Thankful to God for you.

@MariaGomez-yr1zw - 13.12.2023 03:17

Truth always divides. Always. Or unites when pursued together as the Body of Christ.

@clintwilkinson4517 - 15.12.2023 17:30

Thank you for being brave for the actual Church and for abuse victims.

@eugenejoseph7076 - 15.12.2023 19:07

As a childhood survivor of sexual abuse which led me down a path of sexual addiction, I can personally affirm everything your ministry is trying to expose within the church. Though my abuse in the early 70's took place in my home, it was swept under the rug by my parents who did not have the tools to deal with the trauma and the whole thing was never discussed. Years later my twin sister's history of sexual abuse, that started at the age of 6 by a custodian in a nearby school, and subsequently continued by my brother in Law who had married my older sister Sue to get to my twin sister, Angela, and he sexually abused her from the age of twelve till about 18. He even made Angela have an abortion, my older sister Sue, who had married him, was also sexually abused and Sue eventually committed suicide, who could no longer live with the shame of what she knew about this monster and what he did. Our family found this out at Sue funeral and we all disowned him. Needless to say, my twin sister is highly manic and suffers from unimaginable PTSD, worse than me. By God's grace I was saved in 1985 in a profound conversion similar to Paul's on his way to Damascus. But my twin sister's history of pain and suffering has created such a broken person that she has completely disowned me for reasons unknown to me. Why I'm I sharing all this? My wife nd I have tried many churches over our 37 year marriage and the issue with ALL of them was not them trying to hide anything (at least we think so) but more to do with the statistical reality that sexual abuse SURVIVORS are sitting in the pews in front of them nd they NEVER MENTION IT. My wife and I started attending a small a very small church last year, and as we got to know people and sharing more personal details of our lives, including surviving childhood sexual abuse, we realized one Sunday morning that in front of us sitting in the pews, were at least three women survivors of childhood sexual abuse! And here is the reason I'm writing all this, though well meaning, the very young pastor, is not able to, or worse, will not acknowledge this reality sitting in front of him every Sunday morning as he preaches gospel messages, all the while forgetting to speak on God's grace for the wounded, the broken hearted. The majority of these survivors are in their sixties and females.I pray you continue to expose the lying leaders of churches.
BUT we need to start PUSHING pastors to TALK ABOUT IT LIKE PAUL, PETER AND JOHN did in their letters.
Finally, I would like to challenge a topic not discussed in your investigations. Many of these leaders are Reformed/Calvinistic and even a shallow review of their doctrines reveals that these doctrines are man-centered and require the submission of women to husbands, pastors, elders! This is something that should be seriously investigated, i.e. MacArthur, Driscoll, and many more.

@Marlaina - 15.12.2023 21:01

There are unbelievers who have read Scripture and know theology etc but they don't have the Spirit that comes through belief in Jesus and repentance of sins.
If someone memorized all 66 books and can quote them in their sleep but they are not repentant, do not believe it, and are not living it then it counts for nothing.
Christianity is not just wisdom, it is a hatred of sin and an obedience to God because they love Him and seek to please Him.
Those who still live wicked do not hate sin, in fact they are slaves to their sin, do not love God, and Jesus does not know them.
Jesus said, if you love Me you will obey My commandments.

@songsgardensbyjenniferlynn3242 - 28.12.2023 00:49

So encouraging ❤

@deborah3912 - 03.01.2024 21:53

Thank you Julie, I believe speaking truth is love. God bless you.

@gilbertk366 - 04.01.2024 07:58

'Promo SM' ❗

@raising5kiddos - 10.01.2024 00:03

Thank you for this wonderful message I really enjoyed your outward discussion of your inward thoughts about the desire for someone to have forgiveness versus the want and need for Justice. I always just try to default to love and let that guide me. In the end we know it will be God wipes away all our tears. Blessings to you and your family.

@lionandlamb7663 - 10.01.2024 02:09

Ted Haggard too!

@lionandlamb7663 - 10.01.2024 02:56


The devil knows the Bible better than we do!
Just because they are well studied and know scripture doesn't mean they have God's Holy Spirit.
As you said, they were the most wicked people you have ever met. They are not God's people!
The high priests were well studied and knew the scriptures.
Satan disguises himself very well! When you meet these people, ask Jesus. Lord, show me if this man belongs to you? Am I dealing with one of your people, or am I dealing with one of Satan's people? Then you will have a ground base.
Jesus will tell you. He will.

Julie, you are doing a tremendous job! I will keep you in my prayers.
You are an angel of the Lord.

@lionandlamb7663 - 10.01.2024 03:16

I'm sorry to say this, but J. Mac is under a demonic spirit.
I know of someone who was saved in his church. She spoke highly of his teaching of scripture.
He may know scripture very well but after hearing his handling of women and children who he is supposed to be " Shepherding." We will know them by their fruit!
His behavior and those who were involved were anything but Spirit filled Christians.

Again, Satan deguises himself very well. He knows scripture better than most humans.

@gailpurcell1649 - 14.01.2024 02:31

I think a great story would be the churches and pastors who are doing it right not just the ones who are doing it wrong. Paul did this in his letters.

@celestialgates777 - 16.01.2024 21:23

Thank you for your transparency and fight 👆🏻🤗

@dashlamb9318 - 17.01.2024 16:15

This has been my catalyst for leaving the Christian faith. That is the making of "Political Monsters in the Church." I now after 50 plus years, I have come to despise Church and could care less about ever stepping into a Church of any kind for any reason ever again. The longer I stay away from religious people and Church, the more freedom I experience. "Forgetta' bout it."

@joeljoy4144 - 20.01.2024 06:59

You notice how most of these scandals involving men in leadership in the church at large involve sex!

@deboraheaton2726 - 08.02.2024 10:18

I am so blessed to hear this and understand better your ministry, thank you so much for posting this conference. I have not been able to get back into church because of church hurt, but I study the Bible and stay close to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I can say healing is starting as I listened to you share. God Bless you 🙏❤️

@abhirai6124 - 08.02.2024 21:31

You are brave. You are needed. May God empower you more ..❤Love from India .

@fromthewrath2come - 11.02.2024 01:28

Julie we are making a difference. Scott McKnight's book on The Toxic Church. Seminary presidents are examining their recruiting and education curriculum in hopes of graduating humble servants.
We can't quit.

@Sandra-wv3ow - 23.02.2024 01:02

Wow, I just found you yesterday! Thank you!!!

@petrazhang2409 - 26.02.2024 10:31

Thank you, Julie! For not quitting... your message was a huge encouragement, and it brought me so much hope ❤❤❤

@theresepaivarinta7496 - 29.02.2024 14:46

Thank you for putting into words
Why we stay n fight
God’s continued grace be with you in this most difficult yet needed work.

@Godsgirl77777 - 15.03.2024 20:34

Julie, thank you for sharing so honestly. I can relate to your experiences. My husband was a psychologist who counseled several women abused by a well known "christian leader". After the victims filed a court case with my husband listed as a witness all hell broke loose. We had so much attack. We had phone calls in the middle of the night, websites put up against us, lies told. Twitter feeds started about us, even though we were not on Twitter. A letter denouncing my husband was signed by 70 so called "leaders" who never talked to us. They just signed the letter for notoriety. My passed away suddenly in 2018. I believed the stress of the attack he was under contributed to his sudden death. Even now, 6 years after his death if I say anything at all I am attacked. I simply do not understand why the church chooses to support the abusers. Is it hero worship? Do we idolize humans that much? I don't know.

@YosemiteLee - 16.03.2024 20:46

I’ve heard of very few leaders discuss the possibility of becoming a type of wolf THEMSELVES in their pursuit of justice. Julie you HAVE considered this and for that scope of understanding of human nature as well as your own possible inclinations I thank you and value your judgment.

While the Lord is using you to help bring justice to His house I pray you are well able to stay close to His superabundant, loving heart. You are loved.

@michaelhagerman7829 - 10.04.2024 06:18


@michaelhagerman7829 - 10.04.2024 08:50


@BMC_self-invent - 20.04.2024 06:02

@julie roys , is there going to be a Restore conference in the Pacific Northwest, near Seattle. I'm a Canadian guy who would love to drive across the border to attend. I love your work. I resonate.

@DrewS777 - 02.05.2024 11:29

Even MacArthur! Really?! If he’s not trustworthy, who can we trust? Are there any well-known Christian figures who are noble and safe?

@claudiabannister6414 - 06.05.2024 23:55

~❤~ thank you.

@LawandaFinch - 09.05.2024 00:55

You seem very liberal. People like you are the reason I homeschool. I would never let my kids be taught about CRT or LGBTQ! Why don’t you do positive reports about IFB! I have raised all my kids in IFB and they are all serving God. Our current church Worth Baptist in Fort Worth is a wonderful church with a wonderful Pastor. You should be ashamed!

@desireehelms8012 - 22.05.2024 01:51

Look Julia I am a survivor my self I had my first sexual encounter with a man at 6 years of age and was held captive in a basement by a repeat sex offender when I was in my 20s. The first thing I learned as a truth bearer is if I don't have any one but Jesus Christ as my backer that is all I need. Sometimes God will separate us and cause us to be alone because he doesn't want us to have any one but him

@StandUp777 - 01.06.2024 15:56

Keep on calling out evil! God's got you!

@StandUp777 - 01.06.2024 16:00

McArthur loyalists are like Trump loyalists. Neither can do any evil. We are in an hour of deception. Keep calling it out. Jesus did. The enemy HATES being exposed so he will naturally attack. And he NEVER fights fair.

@KC-xw2ms - 12.06.2024 19:24

I am so incredibly thankful for your mission Julie. You are fighting the good fight.

@flowergirl-pp7vz - 23.06.2024 06:26

The Reformation started as calling out financial corruption in the Catholic Church, but it went WAY off track when it came up with all manner of new, man-made doctrines. Martin Luther called the Letter of James in the Bible nothing but straw, and “faith alone” doctrine was started! (That’s an attack on Scripture itself!) Then, it was no longer “reform” but “revolution.” The Catholic Church responded in the 1500’s with what is called the “Counter Reformation,” where they got their house in order and cracked down on abuses. However, The Protestant movement, with its new doctrines, had already taken
hold, and led to all out wars all over Europe, where millions of people were killed, with Protestant armies and Catholic armies waging war against each other. Catholic Churches were desecrated and robbed, and a variety of contradictory Protestant teachings were spread all over Europe. French Calvinists thought German Lutherans were from the devil and Lutherans thought Calvinists were from the devil. Anglicans persecuted Puritans and drove them right out of England. Countries became either a “Protestant country” or a “Catholic country.” If you were a Catholic priest in a Protestant country, you could be killed. And if you were a Calvin or Lutheran preacher in a Catholic country, you would be incarcerated. The Protestant Revolution, which led to chaos and violence, was NOT from God. But God can bring good out of anything.
