The lava is fake
Ответитьbruh the bed + max height is fake, he use gamerule nofalldamage lmao XD
ОтветитьTotem of undying place one is fake
Ответитьyoure amazing
ОтветитьNOT all minecraft MLG in one video
ОтветитьLeaves _ fake
Lava - Very hard to time,
Wet sponge - fake
Lily pad - fake
Bed + max height - Bro didn't even take fall damage- FAKE
Disconected MLG - Doesn't work in newer versions :(
Cauldron is fake mlg
ОтветитьOpppppp chiluch
ОтветитьWater bucket and leaves is fake😮
ОтветитьWater bucket and leaves is fake😮
ОтветитьWater bucket + leaves is fake
ОтветитьYou didn’t do water bucket +slime block
ОтветитьBed max height is fake
ОтветитьLilypad is fake
ОтветитьWet sponge is fake
ОтветитьLava bucket fake
Ответитьwater with leaves fake cuz u still take fall damage even with logged leaf
Ответить_ Cauldron No fake 😊 -
Water bucket Real
Honey block real 😅
Honey block no Real is Real is real 5>
ОтветитьIs cauldron no fake is real! Real life yes
Ответитьwater bucket in the place
ОтветитьWater bucket in leaves and sponge
ОтветитьAll the lava ones are fake
ОтветитьLava is fake leaves are fake disconnecting is fake
ОтветитьI thought you took fall damage when landing on lava
ОтветитьYou forgot gamemode spectator 😂
ОтветитьSince when we could plant twisted vines without netherrack??
ОтветитьYou forgot the Cammel MLG
ОтветитьBed+MaxHeight is fake, it only negates 50%
ОтветитьWater bucket leaves
ОтветитьThe fake one is the cauldron and water because water in a cauldron doesn’t negate fall damage
ОтветитьForgot crouch, iron golem, fire tick, llama, donkey, mule, shears, and weeping vines mlg-Im prolly missing some as well
ОтветитьIts like making a party to the planet itself
ОтветитьYou forgot the honey side clutch and the hannahrose clutch
Ответитьyou missed lava bucket wall MLG and lava MLG max height
ОтветитьAnswers and Why
Water + cauldron:
cauldron filled with water isn't taged water in cauldron but cauldron with liquid that is water.
All lava buckets MLG:
Yes you can mlg with them but only if you have more then 1 blocks of lava to breake your fall.
Water + Leaves:
You have to touch the air gap of the non full block for it to work. leaves are a full block not hollow.
Wet Sponge:
Look, I know, minecraft has weird water saving tech but just because it has water. Dosn't mean it is the same a water block... So please, befor you plung yourself into that cave- and they're dead...
Chorus Fruit:
Fall damage isn't about the speed, its about the hight of when you first air born. unless something limits or disables you fall damage in the code, YOU'LL DIE. chorus fruits are one of those things.
Lily Pad:
Bed (Night):
Remember the thing I said about Chorus Fruit. Yah sleeping in beds dosn't reset your fall damage. Enjoy your 15 min coma till your freind can place water next to you.
Bed + Max Hight:
No... it reduces fall damage, not removes fall damge.
Didconnected MLG:
Sadly no longer works... :(
You cheated in Bed + Max height MLG
ОтветитьCrafting table is fake
ОтветитьРубрика "Изучаем комбинаторику в майнкрафт"
ОтветитьBro, you can add the maze.
ОтветитьThe enchanted golden apple one XD (edit) wow... uh... you kinda ran with... everything that was simple, you even just right-click equipped boots... uh... congrats? You kinda ruined the bit like the third time around... and further saw just a totem of undying just sitting in your hand to further make it JUST walk off... ok
Ответить1 100%
ОтветитьWhere is Mace MLG?
ОтветитьQuite a few our fake the leaves couldron and lava bucket