Piers Clashes With Model Angelina Duplisea on Whether Obesity Is Glorified | Good Morning Britain

Piers Clashes With Model Angelina Duplisea on Whether Obesity Is Glorified | Good Morning Britain

Good Morning Britain

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bbfrankie - 25.09.2023 01:55

Is she wearing a red tent?

THE J With UNE - 25.09.2023 00:31

The singer Adele had health problems with her weight. The moment she lost weights, some "body positivity" people started to be mad. Pure jealousy from them, too lazy to do any efforts. Being obese is not healthy. Being anorexic is not healthy. End of the discussion.

sophia tomasi
sophia tomasi - 25.09.2023 00:19

Lose bloody weight
You look horrible

HoldinLong - 24.09.2023 12:50

I hope that was in wide screen

Zack Allen
Zack Allen - 24.09.2023 06:40

how many pharma drugs is she on to keep her alive? I think at least 5.

Dayz4Life - 23.09.2023 21:49

95% of of diets dont work….lol. The excuses. They dont work because people fail, not the diets.

Aarav Patel
Aarav Patel - 23.09.2023 09:19

i agree with the BMI argument except lets say we calculate ronnie coleman at 297lbs @ 5' 11" which gives us 41.4 which is certified obesity however he is obviously in amazing shapd most will never achieve. thus it can't take into account your actual physical shape. still agree withe piers 100% tho

WestK Event Specialist
WestK Event Specialist - 22.09.2023 23:29

Fucking gross

Alex Eddowes
Alex Eddowes - 22.09.2023 14:50

Gluttony is a sin, Praying for anyone going through this

Sai Siddharth
Sai Siddharth - 22.09.2023 14:19

that obese woman is just spoiling her wellbeing and her thinking perspective

SuperPompey - 22.09.2023 01:56

Fat and lazy - that’s all… 😊

Jacob Polion
Jacob Polion - 21.09.2023 22:14

Girl on green not vaild

Chad - 21.09.2023 21:20

The why would I diet, it has a high failure rate comment got me. It’s like, I’m not going to try and make myself healthier and improve my health because I might fail at it, so I’m just going to completely give up and be a fat slob and die at age 48. I think the fat has seeped into her brain

آدم. - 21.09.2023 20:26

It's all fun and games until you get your Diabetes type 2 diagnosis

Michaele Kukard
Michaele Kukard - 21.09.2023 20:23

I am sure this lady cries herself to sleep when nobody is watching. She is beautiful but cant be really happy. 😮

LegenDaddy - 21.09.2023 17:19

how many cameras did they used to catch her whole obese body?

Nathan Summerfield
Nathan Summerfield - 21.09.2023 12:15

We ban smoking adds because smoking is bad for you, there are smokers out there, that is a fact. So is promoting obesity not similar?

Christian Ramirez
Christian Ramirez - 21.09.2023 10:19

Crazy that this is still relevant. The thing that perplexes me about the 'fat acceptance' position is that that the argument supposes that being fat is a fundamental part of a person, which deserves to be valued. It implies that you cannot reject the obese aspect of a person while accepting them as a whole (no pun intended).

Emilio Herrera
Emilio Herrera - 21.09.2023 05:39

“I don’t look my age” maybe because you drowned your face in a lb of makeup

Jennifer Gersch
Jennifer Gersch - 21.09.2023 04:13

Susanna's gaping mouth when she starts attacking him is very telling.

Luis Arenas
Luis Arenas - 20.09.2023 22:15

Piers is fat now? lol by what standards? that whale mentality of this meatball is amazing

Emma .....
Emma ..... - 20.09.2023 15:45

Ew....😅sweaty disgusting thing um i saw my dad have had open heart surgery who wasn't obese very scary good luck get help Honesty

kcazzzzz - 20.09.2023 10:22

i think her mid is too small to comprehend the world morbidly obese. piers should just say, "i am a little fat, thats ok. a lot of people are like that. but not a lot of people are super fat, so fat that they need a mobile device to move around"

Ima Carnivore
Ima Carnivore - 20.09.2023 08:12

Im with Piers. 100%


Angeleaner 😂 I love British accents.


You almost need a wide angle camera Lens to get all of her in frame 😂

Niks Andersons
Niks Andersons - 19.09.2023 20:52

I would try fasting insted of diets.

Bunca - 19.09.2023 18:21

I hate the fact that our society became so soft and fragile.
Everything morgan says is just the truth people are not willing to take because they are simply too lazy to change and work on themselfs.
Bodypossitivity is something that should be aplied to people with genetic disorders or a missing limb or anthing like that because there is almost nothing they can do about it and not on people who are just lazy to change and call you out if you say anthing to them even tho its for their own good.
Also fat modeling is not a profession but more just screaming for attention.
Real models have a very strict diet and workout plan,skincare routine and much more in return for attention but fat models can just be fat and think that they deserved all the attention?
Of course im not just trying to call out fat people and say rude things to them but the thing is that morgan is right.
A little bit of fat shaming is a healthy thing that encourages people to try to be the best person they can be both physicaly and mentaly.

Anita Fowler
Anita Fowler - 19.09.2023 03:45

Piers is not fat what is she talking about?

Santarpia Mcneill
Santarpia Mcneill - 19.09.2023 03:15

How could she call him fat. 6 ft tall and 220 she is definitely pixelated

Michigan Man 95
Michigan Man 95 - 19.09.2023 00:38

6‘ 1” and 220 pounds is fat? Um, sweetheart, that’s the average size of a strong safety in the NFL; wtf are you talking about?

Pradeep Tudu
Pradeep Tudu - 18.09.2023 18:25

She is just promoting something that is not healthy. Best thing is to boycott this kind of people who tries to be a celebrity.

Ahmadi Arismaharto
Ahmadi Arismaharto - 18.09.2023 15:05

as annoying as piers might be, he's not earning his money by showing off his body and glamorizing it. she is.

sarbani mukherjee
sarbani mukherjee - 18.09.2023 10:02

Celebrating body type is different. A chubby girl can be celebrated as long as she is fit, able to run, walk do all the other chores with full energy and vigour. Same goes to skinny people. Everybody is allowed to do what they want, live how they live. Now shaming is bad, cz sometimes it comes off really harsh. Some people have medical conditions in which they cant lose weight, and that is fine! Not all people have tons of money to go around having their fat sucked out of their body. But yah, promote health, not body type, promoting thin body ideal body (hour glass figure) is just as toxic as promoting morbid obesity. Promote health, push people to be healthy and happy. That is it!!

Drew Studlino
Drew Studlino - 18.09.2023 04:47

Forgive me if this example is offensive it's only an example and not my own opinion on it it's for you to decide. Suppose if it were possible to influence an entire country's population that being morbidly obese will give you a significant advantage over all people , the higher the BMI # the more of a significant advantage you will have overall based on body mass index alone. Influencing high body mass index number will make you stronger, more powerful ,more respected, more irresistible and best verson you could possibly be the higher your body mass index # is.
Now imagine that country became reality with 100% of the population morbidly obese. Now this countys will call Bigland its land is full of extremely valuable natural resources and essentials its neighboring country Healthland is running desperate low on. Biglands so rich with resources its just able to provide its alone entire population to continue there lifestyle and and not much to spare so they can all over endulge and live without any limitations to what they use. Now imagine not far away Biglands
neighboring country land isn't as rich with resources and they are desperately needing essential natural resources tp survive, this country is Healthland.

Bigland the country full of resources and selfishly will not part with any of its resources to Healthland. So out of desperation and becausen they are so influential to Bigland, they secretly come up with a plan to deceive bigland so they somehow survive if they won't let us purchase or share any of its resources we need a way to get some of them so we too survive and they decide that they're going to tell bigland through social media and many other forms that having a very high body mass index is the best possible thing you could do. Again Bigland will not part with any of its resources at all ever.
The twist imagine Healthland who desperately needs resources came up with the higher body mass index # influence the more of a significant advantage you will have overall people. Because big land will not part with any resources healthland successfully does convert the other land population into obese and it's secretly causes serious conflict.
Bigland now faced with war like Ukraine.n do you really think an entire morbidly obese military force expected to defend itself would be capable against a military with a similar body mass index reflecting todays current soldiers ? Who do you know is really at a significant advantage and who is going to eventually realize they were deceived? do you think that this possibly could sound like maybe the United States and China and how 100% of the deadly fentanyl coming into this country is from China and how it supported Russia in the Ukraine war Etc you can draw your own conclusions just know that you shouldn't be fooled by what you see in here all the time

don't be fooled people division weakens us united together keeps us strong all I see today is countless ways to divide the population against each other

LilyASMR - 18.09.2023 04:43

I love how she talks about how all bodies should be recognized and glorified but yet she IMMEDIATELY starts calling him fat. She is such a hypocrite.

Lucas Sam
Lucas Sam - 17.09.2023 04:54

Piers is fat, hahahhahh

Nic Ven
Nic Ven - 17.09.2023 02:49

😂 Brave until death comes knocking

Southern Soul Family
Southern Soul Family - 16.09.2023 22:32

Everyone look up Eugenia Cooney and then come back here

spiderman01980 - 16.09.2023 20:16

Piers doesn't need to purchase 2 seats on a plane so that he can fly.

Aditya Koul
Aditya Koul - 16.09.2023 14:10

less model. more giant bowling ball.

miklo4 - 16.09.2023 07:08

A model for what? I'm confused. 46 years old this girl...
She'll be lucky if she doesn't start having blood pressure issues or a heart attack

Roy Velden
Roy Velden - 16.09.2023 03:32

angelina duplisea is the wreckingball on Miley Cyrus video clip

sir sir
sir sir - 16.09.2023 03:30

"But you're still fat too!"- supposed obesity activist

Devara Putra
Devara Putra - 16.09.2023 03:24

"She wasn't born like that, she made herself that way." 🙏

AwesomelyAutistic - 16.09.2023 03:20

The Girl In The Green Is More Interested In Saving Face Rather Than Being Willing To Admit Facts.
