ARKS OF OMEN: FARSIGHT - The Lore | Warhammer 40,000

ARKS OF OMEN: FARSIGHT - The Lore | Warhammer 40,000

Arbitor Ian

1 год назад

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Alexander Galica
Alexander Galica - 12.08.2023 05:23

AL ee's off to Reading

Clarke - 17.04.2023 16:59

With so many factions, it is pretty difficult to give them all a time on center stage. I was just about to comment how it’s nice to see orks but wish we’d get something more substantial, but it occurs to me that at least the orks are present. Other factions haven’t got even that much

My other favorite faction, Genestealer cults, don’t even have any big lore characters to cheer on like Farsight, Abbadon, or Yvraine

supremercommonder - 15.04.2023 06:44

Sounds like the orcs won

Catcadev - 12.04.2023 08:17

I loved the ork lore. Got so many chuckles from me. And Farsight almost falling to chaos? That is sick! Plus the weird plants, like on that ark of omen? I thoroughly loved this one.

Aptonoth - 10.04.2023 12:59

Other than Farsight and the Eight current games workshop fundamentally misunderstand the Taau and Deathwatch. I was hoping that as its been nearly 10 years since we got a big update we would get stuff later into 10th edition but this is filler gw lore and don't have anything significant for either faction possibly for another decade.

Aptonoth - 10.04.2023 12:50

Gathering storm and 8th dition lore ruined Tau and its just a dung beetle ball gaining speed and momentum with each edition. Same with the Deathwatch I don't think the Deathwatch in gw lore have any major wins and are basically a joke chapter at this point theor own codex makes them losers and makes them wimpy as fuck. I shelved both my armies in 8th and never looked back. I was hoping maybe gw would be over it's infantile hatred of these two factions at this point but nope.

terry kingpin
terry kingpin - 07.04.2023 23:21

Damn, Brightsword died again? Hope the Stone Dragon has another clone chilling somewhere.

Phil Millar
Phil Millar - 02.04.2023 22:05

The whole saga has been a pretty cool story, sets up lots of threats and intrigue and the idea that maybe Abaddon wants the Lion to be free in the galaxy? Is that a dire threat to the Imperium? Do we have a civil war brewing?

Yamcha Kippur
Yamcha Kippur - 30.03.2023 19:08

I'm glad GW didn't turn Farsight into Chaos Tau. I also like his mid-season mech upgrade

Sebastian Hovenäs
Sebastian Hovenäs - 30.03.2023 01:28

I'm happy that they haven't straight up confirmed Nazdregs death, making it more of a mystery. Causr it would be a shame to see him also getting face-ripped

CNC MNE - 29.03.2023 18:45

Alright , this book was good , but now we wait for the main event.

Richard Neumann
Richard Neumann - 29.03.2023 16:49

Hey Ian, will you ever get around to continuing the history of Necromunda series? I've been looking forward to that for a while now!

Juan _
Juan _ - 29.03.2023 02:45

Isha lives 🤭

Mark Hohenbrink
Mark Hohenbrink - 28.03.2023 23:23

I would have had the Tau Empire come to the aid of Farsight. It would have progressed the lore meaningfully and could have opened up the potential of Aun'Va Holograms being replaced by a more level headed Etheral Supreme. Nope, its just the same thing its always been for the Tau, no real development outside of some paragraphs in a Codex.

Marcelo Nunes
Marcelo Nunes - 28.03.2023 19:42

I pretty sure the key will get on DA hands. keys are part of their gimmick

Phoney72 - 28.03.2023 12:43

I'm glad Nazdreg has made an appearance again. I still have his model from way back when

João Gabriel Lima Moraes
João Gabriel Lima Moraes - 28.03.2023 05:46

i can only thank you so much for always recaping the previous videos

valdr22 - 28.03.2023 01:04

I'm still waiting for the gazzgul vs angron fight

Daniel Lawson
Daniel Lawson - 27.03.2023 15:54

Awesome video as always

8trigrammer - 27.03.2023 09:50

Great synopsis, but as for the story itself - meh... I feel like GW is shackled by their own commitment to "grimdark" - it necessitates that there's rarely, if ever, a true protagonist or "hero", therefore any resolutions that happen will always feel a bit anti climactic.

Pierre White
Pierre White - 27.03.2023 04:00

We will all be eagerly awaiting this 40k infinity war story line conclusion. Great vidéos, thanks for all the story recaps.

CousinOfKurze - 27.03.2023 03:30

See I wasn't going to get this book because Tau and Orks are 2 factions that I care very little about. And then you had to go and mention the Midnight lads ... Even if they are pretty much just NPC's to the Black Legion these days I still love anything Night Lords.

James Dillon
James Dillon - 26.03.2023 21:18

Well, thats rather disappointing. Fantastic coverage of the story, unfortunately that's a very MID story. Farsight is one of the best 40k characters and they could have done so much more with this.

Jaque Braveau
Jaque Braveau - 26.03.2023 20:07

Damn, still using a green screen, huh?

ImmortaleyeStudio - 26.03.2023 19:10

Comment for the algorithm gods!

Pem - 26.03.2023 16:32

I like how the Alpha Legion appears to be a truly divided force in the 41st Millennium: Some appear to be secret Loyalists (although their methods might raise eyebrows..), but others are fully corrupted - and even those are divided into warbands which seem to serve different masters?

... That being said, I'm a little dissapointed with the Tau. For a book called "Farsight", his character doesn't reeaally have much to do with the overall story - more like a catalyst to push forward the narrative for other characters? It just feels like this book was a missed opportunity to venture into more depths of the Enclave/Tau Empire story.

Zaro - 26.03.2023 15:27

I remember someone a few weeks ago saying "what connection could farsight possibly have to the arks storyline" and my response was "well OBVIOUSLY one of the artifacts their after is the dawnblade and he needs to fight them off somehow"......why weren't they after the dawnblade? especially after in the last book vashtorr complaining about time being linear I was like oh they need some kinda time fucky device but I guess not whatever.

My highest hope was that farsight gets possessed by a deamon but then forces it out of him firmly telling chaos to get fucked but I guess they wanted to do the farsight novel (which I actually really liked) again.

Lord Omnissiah
Lord Omnissiah - 26.03.2023 14:40

This just proves that old video game Fire warriors concept of a Tau empowered by Khorne is legit. For those who have never played it or read the book based on it the novelization of that game said the protagonist was given strength by Khorne so he could kill the final Tzeentch demon boss.

TheMrFishnDucks - 26.03.2023 09:39

Awesome video. Really interesting the existential stuff Farsight is going through. Looking forward to what the device Vashthor is making actually does. Keep up the good work.

D Bone
D Bone - 26.03.2023 07:06

I feel like farsights sword isn’t of demonic origin, it seems more likely, to me, it’s from the necrons or the old ones, it doesn’t look very chaosy, and they’re very particular about their aesthetic, a super advanced sword that provides health and longevity sounds like the kind of weapon the necrons would have wanted back when they were organic and genetically frail and riddled with cancer. Maybe an ancient necron leader got their hands on old one tech and weapons and that’s where the sword comes from. They were obsessed with immortality and longevity. And a super advanced sword that gives you that at the expense of your enemies sounds right up their alley. Especially considering how brutal life was in necron society.

Simon Kaye
Simon Kaye - 26.03.2023 05:57

Okay mate come clean now. Tell us what’s with the green screen! Where are ya?

frenchy1138 - 26.03.2023 04:58

I'm a bit out of touch with a lot of the lore, but how is Farsight still alive? I thought Tau only lived 40 or 50 years, and he's been active since before the 13th Black Crusade.

StormNeedsTroopers - 26.03.2023 04:35

I know tau has little understanding of threat the chaos poses, but holy shit I didn't expect this level of ignorance from farsight!. Like, imperial forces will exterminatus themselves then willfully unleashing a daemon horde to take down their enemies.

Gareth Johns
Gareth Johns - 26.03.2023 00:32

That's it...? I'm a huge Enclaves fan, all my models that I've painted are Enclaves, and this is it? I'm so glad you make these videos Ian, I was actually going to buy this book... Good to know it would have been a waste of money.

Prof. Sir
Prof. Sir - 26.03.2023 00:08

Farsight is quickly becoming my favorite character.

Fionn - 25.03.2023 23:58

I dont why they chose to reveal the Lion's model and the books name beforehand, they couldve called it something else and there wouldve been some surprise left.

MewsleyMorborossa - 25.03.2023 23:52

That was a bit lack lustre in comparison to the other books

Abdeslam LARBI
Abdeslam LARBI - 25.03.2023 23:19

Thank you I was waiting for your summary

Amos B
Amos B - 25.03.2023 22:33

comment for the comment god!

Alastair Collins
Alastair Collins - 25.03.2023 21:59

Orks may be themed in their planet names, but hunans will always have Alexandria… and Alexandria… and Alexandria…. and Alexandria…

David Howell
David Howell - 25.03.2023 21:58

Tau aren't at all biologically compatible with Chaos. It's deep within the law (unless it was retconned and I missed it) So Farsight cannot fall. Hummies who join up can still fall tho.

Thomas T
Thomas T - 25.03.2023 21:45

And just like that, Commander Farsight becomes one of my favorite characters in Warhammer

Luke McDonladson
Luke McDonladson - 25.03.2023 20:59

Cool ... ✌️💚

Archonis - 25.03.2023 20:45

Disappointing. Nothing happen, aside some Alpha stolen some Dark Angels artifact. It was so underwhelming for the Tau lore.

Keresian - 25.03.2023 20:18

Everything else sold out lol.

mirmonkey1 - 25.03.2023 20:12

So Farsight gets his ass kicked in his own book? And named chaarcters die? There goes my hopes for official 'the eight' release I guess? Just adds to the dissapointment of not being able to preorder the boarding patrol for the model as well as it sold out in under 0.5 seconds.

Psychic Alchemy
Psychic Alchemy - 25.03.2023 20:11

Maybe the next beat for the Tau will be Shas'o Kais.

Josh - 25.03.2023 20:08

Nothing about Boss Snikrot?
