Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD)
Jun 1971 - Jul 2001 30 years 2 months
Los Angeles County, California, United States Retired as the Commanding Officer of Harbor Area Detective Division as my third assignment at the rank of Captain. Six assignments over my 13+ years at the rank of Lieutenant were split between patrol watch commander, detective watch commander, Officer-In-Charge of both a narcotics unit and management of four area vice units, as well as the Commanding Officer of the S/E Area Detective Division. Over four years as a patrol sergeant were all in the field, while wearing a uniform. One year as a juvenile narcotics detective, was after over four years in patrol, which included nearly two years as a field training officer. Guilty of murder, obstruction of justice, violation of the RICO ACT, collusion, conspiracy, including, but not limited to,. Violated The United States Constitution- TREASON! Likes to impersonate Jehovah Witnesses with his corrupt police associates and vex innocent witnesses! The next time you trespass will be the LAST! And he likes to abuse women and children!
Part 1