[3.7] Piecing Together Ancient Teyvat - A Genshin Impact Timeline Theory

[3.7] Piecing Together Ancient Teyvat - A Genshin Impact Timeline Theory


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Alèxia - 16.11.2023 15:04

Dear god I thought spending 3 months in Genshin University to try and understand the battle mechanics was the end of it. Now I'm realizing that I have no grip on wth is going on with all the lore and I need to spend uhhhhh like 40 credit hours going over it all

Clay Reichard
Clay Reichard - 07.11.2023 08:13

Weird theory about the moon sisters what if each moon sister represents one of the main effects the moon has on the world being time, light, and tides. It’s kind of a crack theory but it makes so much sense and this could mean that the time sister is horae the Greek goddess of the natural portions of time, the tide goddess could be the Roman goddess Diana she’s associated with the moon, sea, rivers, night, hunters, nature, wildlife, and childbirth. That one is a stretch I admit but if you look at the associations as a puzzle it makes sense. Lastly the goddess of moonlight was the hardest to put together but I think it’s Selene the Roman goddess of the full moon, in her myths she’s already in a moon sister trio and of course when do you see more moonlight than on a full moon. Crack theory complete.

DETECTIVE_026 - 05.11.2023 15:15


Toast - 02.11.2023 05:06

But hey thats just a Theory a GAME THEORY

Marcus Bullock
Marcus Bullock - 29.10.2023 07:59

Do we still not know what happened to the seelies in 4.1 yet

Aada DeVoide
Aada DeVoide - 25.10.2023 14:23


Thxlib - 06.10.2023 13:38

But mortal arrogation never stops

Grace Lewis
Grace Lewis - 06.10.2023 04:43

Coming here from the future to ask if anyone has thoughts on placing Remuria into this?

Random stranger
Random stranger - 26.09.2023 10:50

We now have another peice of tentative proof that there are three moons: one of the melusines counted three of them while under the effects of the truesight potion.

cocogoat - 24.09.2023 21:02


Lou Balto
Lou Balto - 20.09.2023 03:35

if he is made of light and we assume white light. then by roy g biv a shade for each wavelength of light would make sense and the sun which produces white light would be the primordial one

Habama10 - 14.09.2023 22:03

But, hold on a second. Do we know for sure that then nails only fell twice in Teyvat? Because if they didn't, isn't it entirely possible that the Seelies' end and Sal Vindagnyr's destruction didn't happen at the same time?

The set (the relevant quotes) is narrated by the Godess of Flowers, right? She speaks of her people (Which I think makes the Seelie connection clear), but I don't think she connects the Divine Envoys she mentions to herself or to her people. She talks about envoys speaking openly to people in a faraway time, but doesn't say that the envoys stopped with the invasion of the Second One. She only mentions her people facing exile, and Celestia's fear and retaliation against the corruption.

So, my conclusion is: We can't really say when Sal Vindagnyr was nailed, and therefore can't conclude when Khaenri'ah's foundation is on the timeline. We only know that the envoy era likely ended with Sal Vindagnyr. We can probably place it between Morax's birth (as he witnessed the Second Throne's invasion while still young [Vermillion Hereafter]), and Guizhong's death (since she had seen the machines during her lifetime).

Also, I don't think associating the Second Throne with the Dragon King makes much sense. I don't know if the abyss is outside the firmament, or if Forbidden Knowledge can only be abyssal in nature, but since the set mentions the invaders coming from beyond, I don't think it refers to Teyvat's inhabitants. I also don't think the set needs to obscure Nibelung's nature as an original inhabitant. Well, the Flower of Paradise Lost set isn't Before Sun and Moon, therefore GoF might lie in fear of Celestia, or simply for not knowing much about the dragons, but even that is a possibility at best. (plus, lying or unreliable artifact descriptions isn't a can of worms I'm want to open lol). Either that, or ,,beyond the firmament" just means ,,from the abyss", and in that case, it could've been anyone.

Blackbird_Bird - 08.09.2023 00:09

New insight regarding the 3 Moons following the Merusea world quest chain in 4.0:
Verenata, a Melusine potioneer, developed a credible "True Sight" potion. After consuming this potion, another Melusine named Topyas said this in a dizzy haze:
"Wololo... So many moons... One, two, three..."
Along with other visions/memories induced by this potion which turned out to be true, we're inclined to believe that this little detail proves the existence of the 3 Moons!

Robert Masengale
Robert Masengale - 07.09.2023 17:18

Yanfei as your avatar is perfect.

Moon Goblin
Moon Goblin - 07.09.2023 02:32

The only memories of three moons are from a fairy tale and from king deshret, which makes it sound like this was something that got rewritten / erased from Irminsul. I think the Seelie in the story was Paimon and the traveler from afar was one of the Second who came, a group of people from 'beyond the sky' that the twins are possibly the last survivors of...

The seelie are cursed in a similar way to the hilichurls which also points to Celestia having done this, probably because of forbidden knowledge. I also theorize that Paimon was the moon sister who survived and was a powerful enough god that she held onto some of her form, but it got chibi-ficated and memory wiped like we've seen with Rukhedevata and Marchosius.

рогнеда рогволодовна
рогнеда рогволодовна - 03.09.2023 00:15

I kinda think that Nibelung might be the Sinner...

Moonlight .Z
Moonlight .Z - 02.09.2023 19:20

We already do know where the moons' corpses are. One moon is in Celestia (shown in loading screen), another is in Teyvat's fake sky, the other is down in the abyss.

Funnily enough, that makes it sould like that the moons fell from Celestia's higher sky, rather than Teyvat's fake one. Which might make Teyvat's moon a fallen one in and on itself.

05pn - 02.09.2023 16:19

When you say that the second who came has like forbidden knowledge, I just wonder that is the unknown god we see at the start of the journey isn’t primordial one but actually the second who came? This is definitely a reach so ye. Amazing videos analysis as always!

Lowlieth XD
Lowlieth XD - 02.09.2023 12:03

I like how the Archons won their Archon title either by blood bath or default

Venti: Decarabian died, Andrius gave up, so he became anemo archon by default.

Zhongli: Geo Archon via Bloodbath

Makoto and Ei: Electro Archon via bloodbath (and a little sacrifice from Ei when they were the only 2 gods left)

Rukkha: Dendro Archon by default because Deshret and GoF was already dead at the time

Makes me excited how Egeria (OG hydro archon) won the archon war.

syeda rubina
syeda rubina - 01.09.2023 20:03

I don't know why but i think the civilization that thrived under the primordial one was actually heabily destroyed and left deeo scars inside those wbo survived the Catastrophe... Imagine seeing your God and their loyal retainers (4 shades) and his army of guides (seelies) were all dying due to corruption abd theres someone (perhaps Dragon king? Or someone from beyond the skies) invading and fighging with your God and in the midst of asking ans seeking his protection... You see him preparing to hurl down Divine Nail and completely Annihilating the very nation theh build.. i think to humans who were new to the world. .. who knew no struggle nor stife nor even knew to fight, felt extremely betrayed upon witnessing them... Over the top the Forbidden knowledge messed with their brains abd caused more delutions and misunderstanding.. and they ended up desping their own creator... Perhaps that was the reason why forbidden knowledge is a taboo... It makes a person loose their inate ability to think clearly and fill their minds with delusions... Delutions that theh were powerful and can stand against divine beings...?

Wasn't this same thing happened with Lumine who witnessed the destruction of Khaenri'ah and ended up taking the side of the Abyss and even went against Dains? She could have helped saving humans form Abysal monsters but she choosed fo side with them instead... As if her perspective was corrupted.. could be ..

Felipe Carvalho
Felipe Carvalho - 31.08.2023 18:14

I loove how you use Yanfei in your videos 🤣🤣
your voice and style totally mathces hers

SuperRandoms - 26.08.2023 19:08


SYZO - 25.08.2023 15:14

You know what i think? And this is just me speculating after watching this video:

I think forbidden knowledge is the process of how to obtain visions.

Remember when the Fatui was creating delusions? I think they may have been trying to recreate the acutal thing, but ended up with delusions, and then they were testing it on people.

That knowledge is so important that celectia raged war against khanriah. Why you may ask?

I think because it is how the gods obtained their powers.

Since khanriah found out about this, they thought "we dont need anyone to rule us" and remember, they were technologically advanced, it would make sense to come to such knowledge.

I dont know if that information is already out there, i just popeed iny mind.

PsychoD - 24.08.2023 20:29

Starting to think the sinner is the second who came

Reverie's End
Reverie's End - 24.08.2023 00:12

yeah, this might make or break with Fontaine lore, depending on how we assume things.

Megha - 23.08.2023 21:01

I like how the game made the primordial one just like how humans actually are. They take up any place and treat it like it's there's.

idminister - 23.08.2023 18:01

in Genshin impact: forbidden knowledge is tied to the abyss
recently in honkai impact: honkai has revealed to also be called the abyss by other civilizations
based on current links of hoyoverse games:
teyvat could be the ark of project ark and is being assailed by abyss-honkai, sky people, or Sa
it could alternatively be the birthplace of abyss-honkai and the cocoon of finality

Sebanox - 22.08.2023 20:38

I know this makes no sense but what is the possibility that the traveller has descended multiple times

TJ San
TJ San - 22.08.2023 08:16

This is so good! Thank you so much for consolidating all of these and explaining it well! 💙🥹

Pipe Dream
Pipe Dream - 20.08.2023 20:35

Man this would be a helluva thing for the people of Teyvat to find out, it puts pretty much all the the history that they even vaguely are aware of into a new light at the same time as it brings forward the true overarching threat that's caused so much death and pain and is still very much a threat 😢

Klyyrisa - 20.08.2023 00:01

I wonder if the Black Dragon the Scribe is referencing is Durin, which means Durin must have been alive before the Celestial Nail struck Dragonmount. But since Durin was a creation of Rhinedotter, and so is Albedo, that means that she'd have to be thousands of years old. And because she was likely the cause of the destruction of Khaenri'ah, I can't help but wonder if she was the one who created the idea for Khaenri'ah in the first place. The entirety of the place essentially being her personal laboratory.

Holly Jackson
Holly Jackson - 19.08.2023 16:33

Which gnosis did king deshret have?

I'll Change My Name in 90 Days
I'll Change My Name in 90 Days - 19.08.2023 06:13

game theory!!

I'll Change My Name in 90 Days
I'll Change My Name in 90 Days - 19.08.2023 05:58

I love the editing of this video!

yukiandkanamekuran - 19.08.2023 00:39

paimon has to be the third moon sister, right? also i feel like they're connected to the seelie fr

hanif thabibi
hanif thabibi - 18.08.2023 18:15

Yo, the travelers and khaenriah connection?, Maybe they the second throne or from it

C0ntrl - 18.08.2023 13:01

that's a good explanation to what make gods be gods, for some reason in the archon war everyone was a god with enough power to freely rampage as they pleased, it always felt weird to me how a small wind spirit, a weakened descendant of the seeles and an idealistic thunder god that sucks at fighting were in the same category a a mythical being capable of making a rain of massive stone spears.
If every being got exposed to a certain extent to forbidden knowledge, those who didn't go mad and die instantly became stronger enough to be considered gods.
...Somehow I feel there's a hint of why visions are distributed in current era, like instead of giving a vision to everyone, Celestia only gives it to who certainly can withstand the power. Perhaps to create a new war between vision holders and those without one shall perish, this way it's possible to put the strongest vision holders in a pedestal and turn them into new gods, taking out the current archons that know of past events they want the world to forget about. And if "to be stripped of one's vision is to be stripped of one's ambition", losing a vision causes memory loss, couldn't Celestia make the new "gods" forget anything they want to be forgotten?
Venti and Zhongli said something about how lies at some point always coming to light, so how many times could this "filter" of gods have been already used? Is it really impossible to erase a few thousands of years of history with nails, this filter and the Irminsul? What guarantee we have that the earliest event in Teyvat in 6000 years ago?

I just woke up and saw this video while having breakfast, dunno if any of this makes sense, it's been 8 days since the video came out, there will be hardly anyone willing to read all this anyways.

Kashu desu
Kashu desu - 18.08.2023 12:30

Throwing a theory out there for the sake if it but.. what if the forbidden knowledge that brings about decay and destruction to Teyvat is actually stripping away its false reality and presenting its true state?

spahgetti - 18.08.2023 03:59

The traveler is a descender, while their sibling married the remaining moon sister to become of the world, enabling them to utilize the abyss and survive due to their being alien.

Karottox - 17.08.2023 20:15

Canon event

Lucas Galloway
Lucas Galloway - 16.08.2023 18:07

The Honkai are coming!

The Honkai are coming!

smileythegreat03 s
smileythegreat03 s - 16.08.2023 17:07

A game theorryyyy 😂😂

Conterez - 15.08.2023 20:07

I've been thinking about this for the last few days since watching this video. I had been holding onto the impression from the beginning of the game that the Heavenly Principles was the major antagonist of the game, but it was hard to do that since the abyss was clearly a separate power.
This video helped put into context both of those forces and throws into question that villainous nature of the Heavenly Principles that I had been assuming. If some outside power was seeping in and corrupting the whole of creation, it only makes sense to do what you can to eliminate it.
So we have a god trying to preserve its domain and the archons trying to do the same with theirs, with at least some kind of falling out between them; The cryo archon seemingly taking the most direct action on that falling out. Then there's Khaenri'ah, and other such people trying to live on their own without the gods, and finally the abyss order, which I think is aiming for the same goal, if a bit more zealously.
Really cool how there are so many antagonists and yet at their core motivations it seems like no one is inherently evil. How they're going about their goals is something else entirely, but you can at least understand what they're all aiming for.
Now if we could get a clearer understanding of what Abyssal energy/ forbidden knowledge is...

Nabiel Adrian
Nabiel Adrian - 15.08.2023 10:56

I love now that we started using background videos backward because what is time but arrow that can be flipped.

Boop Beep
Boop Beep - 15.08.2023 01:44

Hey so a little thing i realized: one way guizhong could have been affected is through the experiments on the ruin creature, especially of she touched the one in the chasm (i forget what its called) but it uses the slime stuff from down there. This might also mean the khaneriahs knew how to harness it in a way to infect living beinga

CallmeFat - 15.08.2023 00:11

This has nothing to do with the video however there something bothering me and my friends since we met Mona and that where she from as she under a mon characters however in her story quest we take her 2 mon where it clear she never been there before and doesn’t know who Klee is and also we help get her a house there also her outfits doesn’t look like a mon character it look more steampunk what made me and my friends believe she actually from Fon character as she also work for the new paper there but that would make sense of her vision as it a mon vision what she got before we met her so I’m not sure what going on with her if she live outside of mon (far from the city maybe a part of Mon we haven’t seen yet) or they just made a mistake or I’m missing a part of the story

I do have 0 brain cells

Mendelynn Mantaya
Mendelynn Mantaya - 14.08.2023 22:32

Been watching for the second time (I love your videos) and got the thought of 'Erosion'.
What if the elemental being connected to the Ley Lines all are slowly corrupted by Forbidden Knowledge and that's what causes the Erosion? The symptoms are quite similar...
What if the whole elemental system is already corrupted, maybe even since the arrival of the Primordial one, and it's spreading very, very slowly...

Another crack theory to add to my list.

Selene Unbreakable
Selene Unbreakable - 14.08.2023 17:29

In my opinion, through the various readings of myths, fables, stories, both inside the Genshin world and outside, from which Hoyoverse drew inspiration, everything leads me to think that King Deshret is the giver of gnoses as visions and the creator of khaenri'ah and therefore also the second throne. He has created a great work of redemption, global enlightenment in the world of teyvat, where everyone collaborates for realization.Visions through ambitions, desires are connected to the constellations as a form of way, the way to follow, the script of the work. In the great work where man must have power and control and no one else. But the path needs a pyramid of control, the visionless controlled by those with visions who in turn are controlled by those with gnosis and who in turn are controlled by Khaenrians. King D. used the flower goddess, the moon that fell on teyvat as power, he divided the mother of the jin and from there the continents with its archons and elements. The four moons were the anchors of the world of Teyvat that having 4 would mean to be the typical example made in the quest of Seele in Honkai Impact, still also mentioned on Honkai Star Rail, the famous anchors of Durandal, Kiana, but the story about Honkai Impact of Seele in the world of Sale has been better explained than in others. The stigma project is the Ark of Genshin and Phanes someone who had the power to create it, Kevin ?

Andrei Calcea
Andrei Calcea - 14.08.2023 16:23

MatPat if he played Genshin and not FNaF
