The Flash Season 4 Finale - “Nora West-Allen” REVEAL (4x23)

The Flash Season 4 Finale - “Nora West-Allen” REVEAL (4x23)


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Titan Cameraman
Titan Cameraman - 07.09.2023 03:13

The way Cisco realized what he decipher when Barry got out from the Speed Force.


Ajay Rathod
Ajay Rathod - 04.12.2022 19:55

Let me get this straight, so that jacket survive time gap from her birth to get her old and then time travel. My cloth never survive that long. Must be tough material.

Chavlon Gray
Chavlon Gray - 17.02.2022 17:06


Bryan S
Bryan S - 31.05.2020 05:47

When i saw this i said "great, another season-ending plot, for the fourth time"

Karissa - 18.05.2020 12:25

Nora: I'm your daughter Nora, from the future
Barry: uh huh sure
Nora: And I made a big mistake

Super diamond lord
Super diamond lord - 02.11.2019 01:49

I was just watching this on Netflix when Iris says we are next for a baby I knew that the girl who helped Barry in the final fight I knew that the girl was there doughter # called it

CmonMate - 15.05.2019 19:35

Who's here after the season 5 finale

AlleyFrog17 - 21.01.2019 21:51

I love how she just walks in like she owns the place😂

Arrowverse Lover 100
Arrowverse Lover 100 - 10.01.2019 15:18

This ending was stupid. We all were led to believe that there really was a big mistake, which there wasn't. So why even put a cliffhanger if it's not real. I don't get it, do you?

CeRe-I\I-CoV - 07.12.2018 20:23

Nora : this house is bitchin

Remember when cisco figuring barry writing weird letters after he got out from the speed force .. this is actually the same thing he said

Kaiii - 07.10.2018 08:07

I just now realized the jacket she's wearing is speedster Iris' costume

Michel Andres Rosales
Michel Andres Rosales - 03.10.2018 14:30

Nora: I am your daughter from the future and i made a big mistake giving you a footjob
Barry: Yeah...but I loved your feet..... again ?
Nora: Come on....

Carly Russell
Carly Russell - 03.09.2018 18:43

I think in helping her father take down the satellite she has started to Marty mcfly herself out of existence or it could be from simply letting them see her

KorovaMilkBar - 29.07.2018 07:42

We are House Allen
Our words are:
"I will mess with time. I will mess with time."

Howlin Mad
Howlin Mad - 20.07.2018 10:08

Nora: I'm Your Daughter From The Future
Barry (Internally): Ok That Makes Sense
Barry (Face): OH

Zero - 14.07.2018 05:08

Nice Barry Allens tradition of fucking up timelines is still strong throughout generations 😂😂

Angel Humphrey
Angel Humphrey - 04.07.2018 06:56

I somehow see the rezemblance

damian - 27.06.2018 23:01

This house is bitchin

Lorelle Speck
Lorelle Speck - 26.06.2018 20:44

Won't seeing her from the future mess up the future?

Thin Htet
Thin Htet - 22.06.2018 03:38

Nora:hey dad
Barry:UR not my daughter
Nora:Yes I am
Barry: proof it
Nora:I fucked up
Barry:yep ur my daughter

Aldiggy2000 - 21.06.2018 05:03

I totally called it, first time I saw her. She was quirky like Barry and sounded just like Iris.. way Iris talks. Funny thing is, right after this arc, they'll know to jump in the sack quick and start making Nora. We got some screwin to do!

Christina Byrd
Christina Byrd - 20.06.2018 18:49

This house is bitchin is from the first episode of season 4 and it’s Nora. So he was probably talking about her not his mother.

See Lo
See Lo - 20.06.2018 00:33

I am getting a Charmed flashback here.

Cruzer Edge
Cruzer Edge - 19.06.2018 21:14

To all the people saying Nora is reverse dumb are you? Don't you know that she was on this earth during crisis on earth X as a server for Barry's wedding while reverse flash was on earth X..... Besides her lightning color is yellow and purple while reverse flash's is red........ God understand what is going on

RuPT Bolt
RuPT Bolt - 18.06.2018 22:10

Like father and daughter messing up the timeline.

SnackZ atPC
SnackZ atPC - 18.06.2018 20:55

Apperantly fucking up the time line runs in the family

Sebastian - 18.06.2018 15:54

When I tell yalll I can’t wait for season 5......

kim piero
kim piero - 18.06.2018 05:03

The flash season 5 final eisode:
Knock knock...
Barry : can i help u?
Kumar: im kumar your grandson
Barry : how....?
Kumar : your daughter nora married with an indian man.. so im kumar allen.. wakakakakka

Bella Wood
Bella Wood - 17.06.2018 22:45

Cisco decoded Barry’s code in the begging of the season it was “ this house is bitchin.” Nora says “this house is bitchin” ahh

Ivan Nalual
Ivan Nalual - 17.06.2018 06:12

Can't wait for Barry to be mad at his daughter for travelling back in time and Everyone will be like "you saying that like u never done it before".

pattymuch jackson
pattymuch jackson - 12.06.2018 23:22

i do belive that barry will remmber what he saw in speedforce in season 5 and will go to the future and different time line and find out the reason why he is with iris was revers flash plan and in the real timeline he is with caitlin or jessice have family and kids this show will not end like in the comics it will be different no bart allen but we will see flash family and iris west real family and maybe iris findout that eddie is alive and hide it from barry and this is how wstallen fall apart and never meant to be because she loves eddie also the way barry looked at caitlin in e1 season 4 when they meet him when he was crazy was the same look he give irus in season 1 when he saw her after he wakeup from the koma he saw his future with her not iris but in the end of the day we will get to see snowbarry wedding

NeoSenju - 12.06.2018 22:00

Nora: I’m your daughter, from the future

Barry: Proof?

Nora: I’ve made a big... big mistake

Barry: guess it runs in the family... that’s my daughter alright.

Mali Asias
Mali Asias - 12.06.2018 21:20

Am sorry but I don't belive that west Allen meant to be together if u forget revers flash said that he came back because Barry escape and he couldn't finish his plan and win he need the future to happend that we saw from the artical and that means west Allen get married because if he end up with his real true love he will lose and I belive that future Barry find out that his real time line wasn't with iris so he use the speed Fors to go to his real life and it's with caitlin or maybe we will see Jessica cruze the message he send from the future he never talk about west family or iris so this was his real time line without iris this show will end with no Bart Allen we will see torn do twins but as wally kids or him and Jessica but in the end it will be snowbrry they love each other the way Barry look at caitlin in episode 1 season 4 was the same way he looked at iris in season 1 when he wakeup he saw his final future and his future wife and life in the speed force and it's with caitlin

amanda Lake
amanda Lake - 12.06.2018 01:24

Her name is Nora WEST ALLEN dumb ass

Ray Alkhalfani
Ray Alkhalfani - 11.06.2018 19:20

Well, no need for a dna test

Despicable Zento
Despicable Zento - 10.06.2018 11:50

Nora Allen was dead in S1

Ryan Khoo
Ryan Khoo - 08.06.2018 12:44

This house is bitchin was what barry said in the beginning of the season lol

Itsyaboi Soup
Itsyaboi Soup - 08.06.2018 09:08

The build up to this mystery girl was really shitty. P.S can we talk how iris has to one up everyone when she said that jacket is one of a kind? Idk it seems like she tried to be special by saying that

Sneha Lakhani
Sneha Lakhani - 03.06.2018 03:01

Barry's mom was dead too. So Barry created flashpoint where he saved him mom. Just like that Nora has created flashpoint 2 to save her dad. But after 3 months Barry again went back in time and let his mother die. So is Nora gonna do the same. Is Barry gonna be dead

Sneha Lakhani
Sneha Lakhani - 03.06.2018 03:00

All the snowbarry fans must be feeling disappointed knowing that Iris and Barry have a daughter. but the girl who says she is Nora Allen can be lying also.she can also be reverse flash as the last time Barry met reverse flash he said ' I wonder which face would I be wearing the next time we meet' .

Sneha Lakhani
Sneha Lakhani - 03.06.2018 02:56

Nora: I am your daughter from the future
Barry: what's the proof??
Nora : I made a big big mistake
Barry : yup u are my daughter

God - 02.06.2018 23:36

Is it just me that missed Julian far too much? I really hope he comes back for season 5

P.M E.V - 02.06.2018 05:06

I am really happy Barry did not make a mistale this time !

Fulvin - 31.05.2018 06:53

What if there is a Dawn Allen and a Nora Allen, because of the different hairstyles which means Barry and Iris had twins.

“We’re gonna need more diapers”-Barry
