Lake Mead Update....The Abandoned Resort.....What Happened?

Lake Mead Update....The Abandoned Resort.....What Happened?

Jessie's Drone Adventures

1 год назад

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iboardnut - 05.10.2023 04:36

Demolition started today......we'll be done with the demo in 10 days, I think.

watchthe1369 - 24.09.2023 12:19

It has the same general looks of a regular hotel along the strip for that era.

Kyle Sweet
Kyle Sweet - 21.08.2023 15:35

Epstein definitely did not kill himself!

Duznt Matter
Duznt Matter - 01.08.2023 02:55

LOL you sound like some fucking goody goody

K K - 05.07.2023 09:05

I just went out there last weekend and they’re tearing it down. I’ve explored it a couple of times but it made my heart sad to know they’re tearing it down. 😞

Jeffrey Salomone
Jeffrey Salomone - 29.06.2023 10:32

Learning that EBay came from Echo Bay alons was worth the price of admission. . .. ! Cool vid.

Toni Perry
Toni Perry - 15.02.2023 23:00

popcorn fart.

David Pahlka
David Pahlka - 14.02.2023 09:35

This picture of the beavertail cactus first blossoming on April 1st 2013 was taken at
my cabin at Stewart's Point, 14.5 miles by road, 7 miles by water and 5.5 miles by foot
North of Echo Bay. Like the fruit of the more famous Prickly Pear, the fruit is
delicious and the leaves are nutritious. The fruit is tart like a raspberry. Better use
gloves or prongs to pick, mini thorns will get you. Indians burnt them off and the
leaves taste similar to celery but twice as good.
Why did you take videos in August? Do you have a death wish? I had two very
close calls with death with my hikes, being too familiar with the area. In February
one year a lab of mine was bit by a rattler on a six mile hike. I read it was too cold
for snakes but no one told the rattler. Had to sleep all night with him at 32-33 degrees
to protect him from the coyotes only wearing a shirt. I did visit old mines with some
very colorful rock formations. Sadly, the film was destroyed in a fire and I never
went back. Try packing an 85-90 lb dog for three miles. Bones was sick for 3 days
wouldn't eat and drank a little water but was O.K. He didn't panic like a human,
just laid down, accepting his fate. He returned the favor by warning me of a
rattler on another hike. It was a mile from the cabin to the lake and Labs
require their morning hunt and swim to be quiet, happy and peaceful. Dogs and
cats are like people, we need physical exercise outdoors to be sane. Humans
are hunter and gatherers and need little adventures now and then.

merak0044 - 04.02.2023 00:16

There a new law that you can’t film lake mead. You need permission witch costs 200$ for making this type of video! Look it up!

Mike Copley
Mike Copley - 11.01.2023 10:16

I worked there in 2003 was a great place 60 house boats marina store on the dock and the hotel and restaurant were great the big building on the hill was admin boat shop and fuel station they had employee housing

Ryan H
Ryan H - 27.11.2022 17:47

I stayed there several times. Being from St. George Utah it was close. So I’ve got a lot of good memories of my dad there from back in 2000, hotel and restaurant. (RIP Pa)
One night we stayed on our boat at the dock, by the Marina and ended up talking to some crazy ass locals who hung out there all the time. A party ensued, It was a blast, they were awesome. But In the morning it was 110 degrees and I had THE WORST hangover I’ve ever experienced in my life. My god that was bad.. but i survived. Barely.
I appreciate these videos. Thanks!

erich - 04.10.2022 22:12

Turn them into cheap condos

William Victor
William Victor - 02.10.2022 04:18

Hmmm. Something inconsistent. Looks like new asphalt and freshly painted handicap parking places. True/False?

Seaside Drift - Grill
Seaside Drift - Grill - 28.09.2022 12:39

very cool spot in the hey days

A Countryboy and his Paint Buffer.
A Countryboy and his Paint Buffer. - 17.09.2022 06:46

Yeahhhhh!! 😂😂😂😂😂

Epstein didn't kill himself!!

Bong Fartz
Bong Fartz - 12.09.2022 06:47

Damn now I really want to hear the joke.

4 Seasons Homestead
4 Seasons Homestead - 01.09.2022 17:01

They should make homeless apartments out of old places like this. Have construction and electrician students refurbish them.

cora bunselmeyer
cora bunselmeyer - 24.08.2022 04:51

did a b-17 crash land in lake mead also? cause the one picture is a 3 bladed b-17. b-29s had 4 bladed engines, and the plane in the lake last 3 of the 4 engines when it crashed.

Robert Andrade
Robert Andrade - 19.08.2022 17:25

Don't believe the hype... It's being drained cuz of all the dead bodies being found... Although drought has affected it, but the heavy monsoon rains the past 5 weeks has sustained a lot of lakes...

Bill - 18.08.2022 16:17

Just like 👍 the Boarder Mismanagement how long can we endure??? WAKE ⏰️ up ⏰️ PEOPLE

Mark B
Mark B - 17.08.2022 03:10

Epstein suffered the fate of many a child molester in jail. Whether he killed himself or not is of little concern to me.

Frank Vapor
Frank Vapor - 16.08.2022 22:40

I am the owner. We are using this as evidence.

sin nombre
sin nombre - 15.08.2022 18:34

Parking lot markers look fresh. Odd. Thanks for posting!

Paranormal state of nevada
Paranormal state of nevada - 12.08.2022 15:06

I will be exploring here this weekend! I will be going inside to explore respectfully! Love the video!

Julie Griffith
Julie Griffith - 11.08.2022 10:36

My family and I lived and worked there until they closed! My husband was the maintenance manager, my daughter worked in several different departments and I worked in the hotel housekeeping and yes it was haunted! My heart is breaking to see it in this condition! I hope somebody can bring it back to life!

JohnyONtheSpot🏁 - 10.08.2022 13:10

nice adVent' 🚁🛶🛵
🤿 🎣 🪂 🚴🏽‍♂️💨 🛸

The Peasant's Manor Farm
The Peasant's Manor Farm - 10.08.2022 03:17

I worked in houseboats in the summer of 2002. I did the safety instructions with the renters before they went out and tried to sink the boats. Would be doing this as early as 8AM with dudes who were drinking a beer to start the day. The whole marina was pretty nice. But the water level was like 64 feet down from the high mark even back then. Anyway, nicer than the marina was all the people who worked there. After I left it, my two younger brothers came and worked in houseboat maintenance the following summer. It is sad to see it in such a state.

Erin Scales
Erin Scales - 09.08.2022 19:07

I actually used to be the bartender at Echo Bay back in 2004 to 2005. The hotel actually used to be owned by the mob and it is definitely haunted being that I was the last one in the building at night to close down and lock up. One of the marina workers used to live in the hotel and a little girl used to always wake him up during the night . One of my best friends worked the reception desk for quite some time on the night shift . Had the best times of my life out there and it breaks my heart to see it abandoned and looking so torn up.

Tom Herndon
Tom Herndon - 09.08.2022 02:26

This hotels closing had nothing to do with water levels. It’s been closed for a long time!

Krista SkyAngel
Krista SkyAngel - 08.08.2022 20:55

Epstein didn't kill himself

georgiahomeboyy - 08.08.2022 15:35

Epstein didn't kill himself!

Ben Ragland
Ben Ragland - 08.08.2022 08:13

I was there in the late 70's. I worked at Lake Mead Marina and was sent up from Boulder Beach to help with house boat maintenance. We had 5 boats drug up on the beach backwards to allow us to service the drives. I was told the gust that came down the canyon was 107 mph and it blew the boats off the beach along with the entire Marina! People on the dock were waving and yelling but we weren't sure what to do. Then the wind reversed and blew everything back, except not in the correct order! I don't remember the extent of the damage but know it was considerable. Good times.

Randy J
Randy J - 08.08.2022 05:30

I remember the entire first floor of the motel under water back in '83! It was insane!

Dave Martin
Dave Martin - 08.08.2022 03:38

Thanks for the video Jessie! I spent my childhood at Echo Bay. My parents owned a boat shop on Las Vegas Blvd called "Bobby Martin's Las Vegas Boat Center". From 1978 - 1982, we spent every weekend in a trailer at Echo Bay. Fishing in the winter and skiing in the summer. We had many meals in the restaurant. In 1982, my parents closed the boat shop in Las Vegas and we moved to the trailer at Echo Bay. My father ran houseboat repairs while my mother ran the store. I worked in the store from 1983-1985 bagging ice and stocking the shelves. The summers were always packed with people. It was a fantastic time to be out there. It was truly happening!

Mike B
Mike B - 08.08.2022 01:47

Everyone knows Epstein didn't kill himself. The thing is, who killed Epstein? Well, who contracted his killing is the question, because whoever actually killed him I'm sure wasn't worried about what he knew. The person who contracted the killing had skeletons in Jeffrey Epstein's jizz rag. For sure. It could've been a group. My best guess is Clinton. Either one.

Mike B
Mike B - 08.08.2022 01:39

It's so funny to see that spray paint penis on the wall. People might think that's a new phenomenon, to create an image of a penis, but no. Ancient cities found by British archeologists had penises etched into stone. People don't really change.

Baneanator 2023
Baneanator 2023 - 07.08.2022 15:49

Looks like the age of apocalypse is on its way this will be the future thats awaiting

Ronald - 07.08.2022 15:34

I'm at my second wife there while I was having a hamburger

Miss Equinox
Miss Equinox - 07.08.2022 14:55


Stang Mike
Stang Mike - 07.08.2022 09:09

So every year for usually a week or so at a time every month during the summer months I spent at Echo Bay. i literally grew up there from just a baby till i was in my early teens. so late 70s till late 80s my whole family would go boating on Mead, we literally lived there several weeks out of the summer there until we started to go to Havasu regularly.. so the concrete stair case ended in the water so they had the floating dock and marina store that floated about 100ft down from the hotel back when i was there. I remember seeing the water flowing over the flood control spillway at hoover dam. The hotel had a very homie feel to it back in the day and the restaurant was very cool. it was decorated like a old school luxury cruise ship with tons items from a real ship. I truly miss going there and being out on the lake back when it was full!

wje2 - 07.08.2022 07:37

Great video as usual.

Oh yeah Epstein did not kill himself.

Pete Johnson
Pete Johnson - 07.08.2022 07:25

epstein didnt kill himself. And Biden didnt get 12 million more black votes than obama

Vipey1 - 07.08.2022 05:27

Lmaoo Epstein

Rock and Rollski
Rock and Rollski - 07.08.2022 03:11

Lol, Epstein did not kill himself.

ChrisEsposito - 07.08.2022 01:17

hey go find the b29

James Telfer
James Telfer - 07.08.2022 01:01

Epstein didn't kill himself and hopefully neither will Miss Maxwell

kickfroggy - 06.08.2022 23:44

It's messed up that the place that was built around the actual lake couldn't be preserved and remain profitable while the artificial Lake Las Vegas continues to consume water it doesn't deserve the right to buy while other local residents are restricted or fined for using much less water. Seems the wealthy lake community should be shamed into doing some actual conservation efforts.

Dale Burrell
Dale Burrell - 06.08.2022 22:58

