Ike gives Patton a reprimand

Ike gives Patton a reprimand

Greg van Dyk

15 лет назад

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No One
No One - 08.10.2023 08:43

Great depiction of how aligned to Nazis that he was fighting, he had the same ideology and yet people praise him.

Dakota - 07.10.2023 05:42

ban all things russian! giggles at how foreign policy and domestic policy can intersect! WHYIOUGHTA!!!!!!!!

Brady 42
Brady 42 - 06.10.2023 15:31

Joe stalin killed a vast amount of his own men lmao

H.W. Barlow
H.W. Barlow - 03.10.2023 02:05

Anglo-Saxons are superior though.

JohnConnor1984 - 02.10.2023 08:08

General Eisenhower was an evil politician. The USSR should have been destroyed. The USSR raped and destroyed Europe. The US should have saved the world but we didn’t.

Gerald Wilson
Gerald Wilson - 01.10.2023 01:06

Patton was a soldier AND General... Eisenhower was a politician to be.. END OF STORY!!

Stephen Stumbke
Stephen Stumbke - 30.09.2023 03:42

The reprimand was well deserved

Jesse Andersen
Jesse Andersen - 27.09.2023 19:58

My guess with patton is being in ww1 and everything being permitted even slapping

Virgilius - 26.09.2023 17:59

Patton a smart general, Ike a bad.

ernie adams
ernie adams - 26.09.2023 07:52

General Ike was part of the sorry ass bunch of politicians. General patton was spot on.

Daryl LeBeau
Daryl LeBeau - 25.09.2023 00:37

The guy was a dickhead.

Brice Fuqua
Brice Fuqua - 15.09.2023 23:38

Patton and Admiral King were similar types. Aggressive, charismatic and great motivators. But they were also stubborn, arrogant and politically naive. As soon as the war was over, they were both relieved of command. It was the more politically sophisticated generals like Eisenhower and Marshal who would dominate the immediate post-war America.

Dave Booth
Dave Booth - 15.09.2023 10:42

Sometimes in war we have to employ the most dangerous in our arsenal to destroy the enemy, unfortunate but true....

ARTORICAL - 15.09.2023 08:12


Patrick William
Patrick William - 13.09.2023 15:56

When Patton isnt busy kicking Nazi butt you can find him in the Black Hills acquiring the "color"

tpsu129 - 12.09.2023 14:09

Tom Selleck without a mustache.

tmoney007 confederation
tmoney007 confederation - 07.09.2023 16:47

Patton was extremely disrespectful by not taking his helmet off INDOORS while speaking to Ike. He was a great General and Commander but very arrogant... General Patton's weaknesses were shown in his sloppy Campaigns of Lorraine and the battles to take the City of Metz. Patton was humiliated at the Battle of Fort Driant where he was forced to withdraw. This engagement needed a more cautious approach as opposed to charging in like Colonel Custer at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Siege Warfare was not a strong point for PATTON.

OutdoorTraveler - 02.09.2023 03:06

Screw Eisenhower

Illegal Aryan
Illegal Aryan - 01.09.2023 09:41

the strain of having to put up with people who refuse to see the obvious is so apparent on Pattons face. He could see reality and was constantly hindered by people who simply couldnt or outright refused to.

Big Ragu
Big Ragu - 01.09.2023 01:58

One of these days, someone will have a person that actually sounds like Patton play the role.

Al Bundy
Al Bundy - 31.08.2023 20:42

If that soldier that Patton slapped had been in the German or Russian army, he would have been shot for cowardice.

Batou3 - 31.08.2023 04:04

That is Frank Regan George. Nobody talks down Frank Reagan

MarckyMarck OIF Veteran
MarckyMarck OIF Veteran - 29.08.2023 10:00

Patton was right

Kasper Liepins
Kasper Liepins - 27.08.2023 09:41

Selleck and McRaney together again! A long way from Magnum and Simon crossovers.

ed federoff
ed federoff - 27.08.2023 08:45

While I salute the body of work and demonstrated values and ethics of screenwriter Lionel Chetwynd - I can't buy into this 2004 dramatization. Nor am I a Patton idolator - quite the contrary. This scene is like some premonition of creeping "wokeness" in Hollywood, with its pivot between the two characters being racial identity - Ike's not-so-veiled allusion that GSP is in some way comparable in his beliefs to Adolph Hitler and the Nazis. There was a pivot alright - but it was ideological, not racial. Patton was a true aristocrat - American royalty, such as it's fashioned - so it should not shock that he was a study in contradictions. He's accused of being a bigot - Anti-Semite and racist - but for those who rate actions above rhetoric, the record is replete with him praising and honoring Black troops, and his anguish and harsh treatment of Nazis over the death camps. That he was invariably correct in his assessment that both Stalin and Communism were monstrous, seems to cause apoplexy amongst some.

Jerry Watt
Jerry Watt - 20.08.2023 19:49

Patton was right we should have reconstituted the defeated german army and pushed straight east and push stalin straight into the chinese and finished stalin and communism off then !

LastCommodore - 20.08.2023 04:34

lame acting

Frank B
Frank B - 18.08.2023 05:28

Ike resembles Magnum P.I.

American patriot777 777
American patriot777 777 - 17.08.2023 16:43

In my opinion, Patton was not a good general.

Rick Van Heerden
Rick Van Heerden - 17.08.2023 16:06

This was a brilliant, moving film. Selleck really showed what he is capable of.

Kevin Murphy
Kevin Murphy - 17.08.2023 07:46

I really wish conservatives understood the heart of this conversation.

Bob Vadney
Bob Vadney - 17.08.2023 06:40

This is b.s. & the Germans knew it better than our Political Generals ...like Eisenhower & that Bradley....Eisenhower Gen McArthur,s aide...as a Colonel go suddenly a 4 star General.....????? As Gen.Patton was a Combat General.....Eisenhower never fired a shot in combat....his reward for being a politician,s General?????? the white house.....known these days as the dirty....house....

Professor Parks PhD
Professor Parks PhD - 16.08.2023 06:50

There is only one Patton and this isn't him.

Dan Dragland
Dan Dragland - 16.08.2023 01:45

Modernist nonsense.

Alan - 14.08.2023 06:08

Wonder why Ike wasn't in the 60's movir"patton?politcs

Christopher Motyka
Christopher Motyka - 13.08.2023 19:17

Patton was absolutely correct about the Russians could have ended it right then and there.

Howard Wilder
Howard Wilder - 13.08.2023 05:14

Jesus, give me a break... Eisenhower was a putz... he was shopping with Kay in Paris during the Ardennes offensive... Anybody could have been put in that command position... Dwight was lucky... very lucky... never led any troops under fire, just a vice president of US Army, Inc under CEO George Marshall... he wound up smoking four to five packs of Chesterfields a day because he knew he was way over his depth... just a place marker... Patton wouldn't have let the Soviets take Berlin... if Patton hadn't died (Hmmm...) he would have been easily elected President... Patton saved the Battle of the Bulge for the Allies... 'Ike' should have been on his hands and knees thanking George for pulling his bacon out of the fire and making him look good... if Patton had been running the show, we wouldn't have had the Cold War and most of Eastern Europe would have been free... then they would have joined us and what was left of the Wehrmacht and destroyed the Soviet Union... Oh wait! but the Nazis killed Jews! Ooops, f*ck Eastern Europe... we need to destroy the Nazis and kiss Soviet A$$... I'm sorry, that was thanks to all the Communist sympathizers in the Roosevelt Administration like Harry Dexter White and Algier Hiss as well as the Jew York Times... FDR was like Joe Biden by then, a demented, feeble old sock puppet for the Lefty Socialists and outright Communists in that Administration as well as those in Britain, who had the most spies giving the Reds our taxpayer-funded, Billion dollar research and development for the Atomic Weapons... We should have nuked those bastards right then and there... Patton would have done it, and was ready to... too bad he ...er 'died'... by an unfortunate accident, right? So f*ck this nonsense... I wonder how much they had to pay Quigley to shave his head bald (or at least not wear his toupee) and to shave off that claim to fame signature moustache? But... but... what about McCarthy and HUAC? Mac was a drunken fool, but that doesn't mean he was wrong about the extent of the Communists in the State Department... Prove me wrong! Algier Hiss was a traitor and should have gotten the Rosenberg Treatment... What about Rosa's brother David Greenglass? He saved his own ass didn't he? And who were they all? Mostly Academic Urban Jews of the so-called 'intelligentsia,' you know, useful traitorous idiots.... But they loved Stalin, a crude, rude psychopathic murderer whom Saddam Hussien modeled himsef after... but hey, 'capitalism is bad' and all that rot... Lol... and we're supposed to take people like that seriously? Oh, but 'systemic racism'... yeah, okay.. sure, that's what it's all about... you fools... I think everyone understand that the day is coming when the sh*t is actually going to hit the fan and that all these 'Antifa' posers and other 'anti-fascists' and 'anti-capitalists' are going to provoke a terrible backlash that is going to see the United States fall under the sway of a truly totalitarian government that will brook no dissent whatsoever... I'm just glad that I'm old enough to where it will only be the last few years of my life... it all started in 1968/69 when our education system was hijacked by the Left...

Tim Taylor
Tim Taylor - 12.08.2023 09:46

Any laying of hands in anger, on an enlisted man, is disgracing your commission, as an officer. Battle fatigue, shell shock is very real. Today, we call it PTSD. By his actions, Patton also won the disdain of his superior, in the First World War, Pershing. Anyone who might think Eisenhower was willy-nilly, is dead wrong. Eisenhower upheld the execution order of Edward Slovik. In the end of this scene, General Patton was begging for his job. The proverbial saying "pride comes before a fall," comes to mind.

Cris Radu
Cris Radu - 12.08.2023 02:23

Patton was diminutive and gaunt, with a high pitched voice. Ike was one of the greats. Patton had sheer aggression and tenacity but MacArthur tho he was arrogant, rightly so, had led from the front in WWI without protection, was better. Mac attacked enemies weak spots not head on at the expense of troops, believing that his Soldiers were better fighting men hand to hand, man to man, as Patton did. Marshall was the architect however that in no time turned out a modernized military from an interwar depression one.

Al Triego
Al Triego - 11.08.2023 03:22

Eisenhower is an odd character. The 1st 25 years of his career, he never held rank higher than Lieutenant Colonel(O-5). Finally made full bird in 1941. Half a year later (and 10 weeks before Pearl Harbor), he pinned on his 1st star. In the next ten months, he added a 2nd and 3rd. Along with Marshall and MacArthur, he made 5 star at the end of 1944, a rank held by only 2 other American generals.

Branford Monticello
Branford Monticello - 10.08.2023 04:27

Stalin asked Hitler if he could join the Axis Powers right before Hitler invaded. Stalin sided with evil to increase Soviet territory gains and wined about the Allies being slow to invade when it backfired on him - eventhough they were being supplied with Lend-Lease supplies.

THEN - Ike was hard on Patton for slapping a soldier, but the Navy buried the fact that Adm Bull Halsey had a temper tantrum about enemy threat assignments. Spitefully held out and got 1,700 sailors killed. No loss of command.

SpottedSharks - 09.08.2023 03:12

McRaney had an impossible job in this film, with George C. Scott's shadow hanging over his every scene.

Christian - 06.08.2023 01:50

Anglo-Saxons 😂😂 what are the Germans black ?

Brad Haines
Brad Haines - 04.08.2023 13:54

Eisenhower was right about slapping the soldier, but history has proven Patton right about the communists.

Wess Frentz
Wess Frentz - 03.08.2023 16:27

Highly doubt Parton was that passive and begging

Casanova - 02.08.2023 15:44

If the right message was coupled with the worst messenger, taken out of context, and said at the most inappropriate time was a person......

Randy Smith
Randy Smith - 02.08.2023 05:07

Patton begging like a bitch to be allowed to stay in the war! LMFAO !

tommi atkins
tommi atkins - 01.08.2023 22:00

Ike is Right! Patton wasn't even a good general. He was one with supplies coming from a land capable of supplying without limitation. His tactics were terrible. Killing tens of thousands. And he was exactly that kind of primped up mindless "patriot" that Millions mistake today as "wholesome" when it's simply fascism. The MAGAS the religious the gun nuts who support the daily slaughter of citizens by their tens of thousands. That's Patton. The prima Donna snowflake brigade.

Joshua - 01.08.2023 21:19

In reality, Eisenhower would never yell at Patton and Patton would likely never stand before Ike at attention.

If this were to happen, it would be done calmly over lunch with a few jokes.

J Shepard
J Shepard - 01.08.2023 20:09

Patton was 4 inches taller than Eisenhower. This flips it around. Selleck is simply miscast here.
