Reactionary Feminist Utopia - Kathleen Stock | Maiden Mother Matriarch 54

Reactionary Feminist Utopia - Kathleen Stock | Maiden Mother Matriarch 54

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@vivienneb6199 - 23.02.2024 13:51

Progressive culture didn't denigrate motherhood, men did. lol. There is a long history of motherhood, and it has never been valued (just like women have never been valued), unless you are the Virgin Mary. Your fantasy of this terrific past where motherhood was put on a pedestal is nonsense.

@robertmarshall2502 - 23.02.2024 17:31

Two of my favourite women in one discussion. What's not to love?

@jamesbuchan8086 - 23.02.2024 19:46

Sorry but is anyone actually able to follow what this discussion is about

@matthewapsey4869 - 23.02.2024 20:52

She needs to open an economics textbook. I wish these people would before voicing ignorant and dangerous views. And I know she hasn't ever read an economics textbook (other than probably Marx) otherwise she wouldn't have such views.

"It seems that whether or not minimum wage laws are good or not is an empirical question."

No, it really isn't, that's totally the reverse of how you ascertain the effect of a policy and will lead you to false conclusions. Only through deductive reasoning can we determine what effect minimum wage laws will have ; that is, they will make any worker not worth minimum wage unemployed. This is a logically incontestable truth.

@matthewapsey4869 - 23.02.2024 21:07

"It seems that whether or not minimum wage laws are good or not is an empirical question."
No, it really isn't, that's totally the reverse of how you ascertain the effect of a policy and will lead you to false conclusions. Only through deductive reasoning can we determine what effect minimum wage laws will have ; that is, they will make any worker not worth minimum wage unemployed. This is a logically incontestable truth.

@TheWhitehiker - 23.02.2024 22:55

Npbody wants to be in a 'tribe'!
Wanna try again?

@easter_sunday - 24.02.2024 02:58

Feminism is an extinction movement.

@Individual_Lives_Matter - 24.02.2024 06:10

The government can only “tackle austerity” via force/coercion and it does so with far less efficiency than a series of voluntary transactions ever could. I really like a lot of her thought but the welfare state is too big, too easily corrupted and too stupid and hamfisted to be of much good to anyone. It’s a bet drain on the world it’s supposed to serve.

@eddie-ni5ox - 25.02.2024 07:45

I find it fascinating that they want 100% of women to have a life goal and aim for top 1% or top 10% of all jobs, seems no one learns math these days.

@eddie-ni5ox - 25.02.2024 07:58

Nature holds a corrective instrument called Extinction to eliminate unfit species, open the old testament, many dead races exist as well, usually from losing civilizational conflicts or man vs nature, but this one will be new, affluence leads to self extinction, god and satan both will be laughing; Women needing just cause (compensation/status) for being mothers as if it were optional !

@Elvin_Prestley - 25.02.2024 11:08

Disgusted by political rhetoric? That's a choice of words that tend to point the finger back at the mental health of the disgusted, methinks. Disagreement is quite unemotional, whereas disgust is emotional. Best used for fiction methinks.

@Elvin_Prestley - 25.02.2024 11:18

BREAKING NEWS: Louise Perry claims that menstruation has no physical nor mental/emotional effect on the subject whatsoever.

@patdainel9037 - 25.02.2024 11:56

I would rather stay at home with kids than do 90% of the jobs I have done. Without question

@sarahgellner8876 - 27.02.2024 13:40

I’m an old leftie type in Kathleen Stock’s mould; I believe in public investment in the many essential services we all but especially the under resourced need and benefit from - and I am irritated by Louise’s breathless idealisation of Marriage as the solution to all feminine ills. As if enough of us haven’t been taken for a ride by fairytale ‘happy ever after’ gaslighting already.
But I am grateful to her for highlighting the point that Kathleen and many exceptionally gifted and dare I say privileged women overlook - that for the vast majority of us, raising our kids exhausting and yes often boring as it is, is the most important and ultimately rewarding job we’ll ever do, and it would be good to get it properly recognised/supported at last.
For most us, all our other jobs are just that, necessary paid jobs, even more ‘boring’, we do our best to tolerate with a smile.

@charlesbrown1365 - 01.03.2024 22:29

Denial that a man who thinks he is a woman is a woman is not hate speech . It’s slander , a lie , to call it hate speech or bigotry . It is a statement of social scientific fact. Society defines what it is to be a woman or a man . Individuals do not have the authority to make up their own definitions and demand that other people use their definition . ( except in Britain where evidently the state power, on this issue , has been seized by the insane ; looks like advanced decay of bourgeois society) I repeat : society has named one hand a left hand and the other hand a right hand . An individual does not have the authority to demand that other people call that individual’s left hand their right hand and vice versa even though it is that individual’s hand. They may “ feel” that their left hand is their right hand ; they can call it that themselves, but cannot require it of others ; and it would be slander to call someone who adheres to society’s rules on words for hands a hater or invidious discriminator . Similarly an ( insane ) individual might decide that they are a cat or a cockroach or Napoleon. But it would be absurd to require other people to treat them as one of those . Also it’s racist to compare denial of t- ideology to racist discrimination. T’s are unilaterally trying to change and violating fundamental rules of human society by claiming they are the gender that doesn’t correspond to their sex. They are sociopaths and legitimately criticized and corrected. Black people are not changing or violating any human social rules by existing ; so they are not legitimately discriminated against , oppressed. Nor is it dehumanizing to call a male a man . Men are humans . Another symptom of insanity is to think one can declare no debate or criticism of these claims on a charge of “ hate “ speech or invidious discrimination. It’s not hate speech to follow conventional semantic nprinciples of what defines gender. It’s truly astonishing arrogance and ignorance to think an individual can redefine the meaning of such socially fundamental and ancient words .

@jonahtwhale1779 - 02.03.2024 04:08

How do women use their power advantage over children? Are women any better than men?
Women abuse children more than men abuse women! women's abuse of children is more socially accepted than any abuse of women by men.
A study was performed where toddlers & young children wore audio recording devices 24/7. The researchers claimed it was to assess how the children's language developed with time etc. The real reason was to assess how parental language and interaction impacted the child.
The findings? There was significant daily verbal and physical abuse of the children, predom8nantly by the mothers!
If the women did not get their way by manipulation then -shouting, screaming, physical intimidation and blows soon followed! On average at least 3 times a day! Compared to less than one such interaction with fathers.
Also we know that children are socialised out of physical aggression by the time they are 4, otherwise they will bewilling to resort to violence for the remainder of their formative years. Who has the vast majority of care for young children, no at home, at school etc? Who is teaching young children to use violence? The women abusingbthem daily or the men the children hardly see?

@jonahtwhale1779 - 02.03.2024 06:34

She does not see men advocating for her?
Has she turned on a tap or flushed a toilet or switched on an electric device or closed a door on her home or driven a car or the taken medication or turned on a computer or walked down a lighted street at night or eaten farmed food or read a book or attended a University or used a mobile phone or worn clothes spun a loom or taken a pay cheque, or any of an almost infinite number of things not available to women before men invented these technologies and devices? Would be interesting to hear how she protects herself from the wolves, bears and other naturalm predators in her home country?
What have men ever done for women? Almost everything - even given too much patience for their endless complaints!

@jonahtwhale1779 - 02.03.2024 06:48

Does she really want to lock up the rapists?
How about those guilty of 'rape by deception,'?.
You know those people using 'Concealment, Artifice or Deception' to obtain sexual consent.
Can we characterise using make up, like concealer, as Concealment?
Is using breast implants or a push up bra or anyother artificial beauty aid - Artifice?
Is using botox or hair dye or otherwise disguising your true age Deception?
What proportion of women using one or more of these techniques to obtain sexual consent from their male partner? Almost all of them?
Would she be happy for these rapists to be jailed, I wonder?
Or is it only rape when women are tricked into sex or the otherwise regret the encounter?

@Cabsnkings - 03.03.2024 15:36

It would be so mych easier to watch if the op didn't wear so much absurd makeup

@cochise264 - 05.03.2024 05:46

Know your enemy.

@vanessanesener4028 - 05.03.2024 16:26

"Teach men not to grape" -> "Teach girls to set boundaries"
"Smash the patriarchy" -> "Build the matriarchy"
"MGTOW" -> "Women inviting men to build together"

@hallowakers3d2y - 10.03.2024 21:09

She is a friend of julie bindel. All you need to know, purely a misandrist

@gerarddearie-zd2gb - 15.03.2024 19:56

Only a privately educated Oxbridge graduate could conceivably think the minimum wage could be bad for the poor. I would suggest non minimum wage and large scale immigration would be worse. Louise. Saying that, we working class would only spend it on fags and booze.

@alongsleep - 16.03.2024 14:04

The pure reactionary is not a dreamer of abolished pasts, but a hunter of sacred shades on the eternal hills.

-- Nicolás Gómez Dávila

@timkunkel5431 - 18.03.2024 21:18

"I still believe in the welfare state."

@libertas5552 - 02.04.2024 04:46

There is no such thing as "Toxic Masculinity". There is only Masculinity. Just like there is no such thing as "Toxic Femininity". There are "Toxic People", which have nothing to do with Masculinity or Femininity. Making men embrace Femininity and reject their Masculinity is wrong and toxic. The way to save society is to raise boys to become masculine men with honor and integrity.

@zacharyholley9520 - 03.04.2024 16:11

Good job pedaling Christianity, a religion that has done so much for women, so much in fact that it contains instructions on how to sell them… And Denies them equal footing, what a boot licker

@Karsonn3333-ef1cc - 08.04.2024 03:37

Oh no, Louise Perry's brave ideas are just a stealth way to promote Christianity to women?

@k.k.shertzer9502 - 08.04.2024 05:45

There might be certain women who don't leave abusive relationships for "psychological" reasons , but both these women seem too financially comfortable to be in-touch with the cost of moving & leasing housing these days. People can't move or leave due to affordability.

@greyfells2829 - 19.04.2024 20:27

Kathleen IS the bourgois left. She has this contempt for labor that only the bourgois hold.

@thomasjpuleo8112 - 20.04.2024 15:21

There is a term used among homosexual women, lesbian bed death, a condition in which there is apparently not enough testosterone in either partner to get things going. I think I just saw the intellectual equivalent of this.

@frusia123 - 02.05.2024 18:02

But the ruling conservatives in Britain are not particularly against the trans ideology, are they? They've been in power for how many years now, and it's their government who voted in all the outrageous policies, no?

It's flawed reasoning to believe that if someone is wrong (even very wrong) about one thing, therefore they must be wrong in everything else. No one, in the whole history of humankind, was always right about everything. Those who believed that was possible, ended up as failed ideologists.

@frusia123 - 02.05.2024 18:15

Louise has no idea if the minimum wage is good or bad for the poor? What's the alternative Louise? Your boss himself deciding how much of his profit, that you earned for him, he wants to share with you? Seriously, I'm worried that you are in fact becoming a blinded ideologist... And best of luck keeping your aspirations for marriage when you're menopausal.

@nickbarber2080 - 03.05.2024 15:26

Modern thinking attempts to colonise our grandparents' lives...

@Sarah-lv6ms - 07.05.2024 07:58

The thing for me is I don't understand what people like Louise Perry want to do about overpopulation and humanity's unsustainable resource usage. They want constant growth on a finite planet. The population growth of the last century is what is unsustainable. A rate below replacement is a great thing if we can adjust our economic model to prepare for it.

@evolutionisus4879 - 07.05.2024 21:28

I would like to see the data that women are more abused if they are not married to a man rather than in a marriage I do not believe that for a minute, so please provide statistical data on that

@Olyrous - 11.05.2024 19:06

The fact that these two somehow make a living talking about their theories and feelings about being a woman should help them realise how easy women have it these days.

@brynagallagher2304 - 05.07.2024 06:55

Haven’t finished listening yet, but, I’m not sure I understand the need to pit one kind of work against another, for women. The point is for women to have choice. Occupationally, socially, economically, reproductively. Choice, autonomy, and freedom. If the fear is that without cultural incentives and strictures to marry and reproduce we won’t survive as a species or flourish culturally, one need only consider that this is precisely how humans—our forebears—lived for hundreds of thousands of years… and made recorded history, the present era, our lives, and this conversation possible.

@brynagallagher2304 - 05.07.2024 07:11

I would add that marriage is a strategy, it is not a need. It is one possible way of meeting individual needs for connection, intimacy, partnership, love, etc. It is also a strategy for meeting social needs, such as for harmony, order, and security. It is , however, by no means the only strategy for meeting those needs. Similarly, reproduction is a strategy for meeting individual-level needs, such as those for care, love, connection, contribution, and growth. It is only at the species level that reproduction is a need.

@brynagallagher2304 - 05.07.2024 08:48

It’s disquieting to listen to a discussion of violence against women and what to do about it with the origins of that violence only obliquely referenced, and with only slight reference made to human nature and social forces, but none at all made to the notion of overarching paradigms of disconnection and domination that perpetuate and encode the cultural conditioning of male violence.

@clairelariviere3122 - 14.07.2024 09:54

How refreshing to see two smart people disagreeing and smiling and being pleasant to each other. Thank you both
