Cyber Punk 2077: Phantom Liberty - ALL ENDINGS (Good Ending, Bad Ending, Secret Ending, True Ending)

Cyber Punk 2077: Phantom Liberty - ALL ENDINGS (Good Ending, Bad Ending, Secret Ending, True Ending)


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@ernestjeong8339 - 01.12.2023 15:30

Hate Johnny, absolutely not a fan of him (neither a fan of Keanu Reeves), happy to see V move on and leave "major league" shit behind and learn how to grow up.

@duanerackham9567 - 01.12.2023 10:09

My first play through i sold SoMi out after she told me i wasn't going to be saved. I thought she was dying anyway so maybe fhe go. Could save her. I didn't know they were going to use her as a puppet. Feel horrible.

And after seeing the new ending, storming arasaka tower is WAY better than the new ending. In a weird way it was too close to life. Being a face in the crowd. Had a mini existential crisis

@whytho8501 - 29.11.2023 04:38

Can we get a happy ending for fucks sake. I wanna live with Judy til my im on my death bed

@chipsbag - 29.11.2023 03:42

In night city: You either die as a big shot, or live long enough and become nothing

@gamersjug3876 - 28.11.2023 21:32

Ngl who ever is the player is has no compassion especially in the last segment

@k417njbka7 - 28.11.2023 01:40

Main ending is MAIN. Main theme of core game was "SURVIVE AT ALL CAST", and you MAKE IT. This ending vs others is purly best, but with great cast. So what you waste your powers, 2years and friends? 2 years it nothing, friends? u still have few and still have time to make new. Powers? Dead people dont need powers.

And for me this is canon, even first time your character is show in cinematic. You survive, and lost all... so great beginig for CP2077-2 (project orion).

@niharshastri3519 - 27.11.2023 03:21

There is no good or bad ending

@13_jay - 26.11.2023 04:30

how do youget the main game new ending

@icata12345 - 25.11.2023 23:45

Still the most satisfying ending is going to arasaka tower with johny

@specialfire9638 - 24.11.2023 20:02

I couldn’t imagine being a npc

@tomasbromas6815 - 24.11.2023 02:46

At first I couldn't choose and handed over Somi to Reed. Wasn't sure about it, truly a tough decision, but when Johnny literally called me a Judas, I realized what I did. Loaded a save and got Somi to the Moon. Really didn't want to kill Reed but there was no other way. Damn, that story was so amazing, and the James Bond inspired ending credits, just perfect. What a ride it's been.

@5tarSailor - 22.11.2023 10:47

this fucking game man. I swear. I have like one close friend and this ending made me reach out to them at like 2am to tell them i care about them. V losing all their friends, in different ways, made me appreciate the one i have. I hate this ending, but in a way i love it at the same time. The writing is incredible, but that Nomad ending with Panam and taking Judy with, that's my true ending.

@rayvin1779 - 22.11.2023 03:18

i couldn't bring myself to do the last ending. had to look it up on the internet.

@BattlestarDamocles - 22.11.2023 00:13

I'd have taken the job at Langley, at least I'd be safe. And they could have given V some hair in the end scenes ffs.

@TimesFM4532 - 21.11.2023 03:19

Its bad I assumed the President in one ending would kill you and Reed, take Songbird the moment she steped over the boarder

@Aux114 - 20.11.2023 19:03

Songbird was so damn fine in this game man. We needed a romance option. Would've loved to clap her cheeks in that van or at that party in dogtown. Lizzy Wizzy too

@brandonwilliams6221 - 19.11.2023 12:19

Imagine being sad that you can’t keep engaging in the life that LITERALLY NEARLY KILLED YOU. Most people don’t even get the option to reflect on that, they just get killed and that’s it. It’s also shows that they really think Streetkid is the canon life path.

V decided to do a risky heist, in which everyone involved got killed. Survive out of sheer luck. Went through everything in Phantom Liberty….and is ungrateful. Got offered a decent cushy job, has a medal, and oh yeah, IS ALIVE! And what do they do? Go back to the city that put them in that mess in the first place!

It is especially jarring if your V had the corpo lifepath. Since that occupation certainly had a decent amount of sitting behind a desk and paper pushing.

It’s written like there’s some subtle tragedy but that’s just not true! No matter how much melancholic music you play or how much the director tells the voice actor to sound downtrodden.

OH NO! You can’t use any combat mods. Woe is me! Woe is V! They have to be normal after nearly dying. Why is the world so cruel!

OH NO! You saved the person you wanted to save from literally game ending themselves. What a world!

OH NO! You are in good standing with the NUSA! A nation that has proven themselves to honor their agreements and to be competent enough that they could save you when literally nobody else could. What a poor roll of the dice!

I get that it’s cyberpunk, so the punk is supposed to be sad they can’t punk anymore. But they literally just got a second chance at life, after doing a bunch of stuff to get said second chance, and are sad about it.

There’s a point where it stops being punk and starts being naively oblivious. It makes V look like an immature kid that didn’t really learn anything.

They tried to make it seem bad but this is objectively the happiest ending possible. Even more so when context is taken into consideration.

@kbubuntu6048 - 18.11.2023 21:20

V was a shitty character

@raptorjesus3894 - 18.11.2023 18:44

IMO The "Best" outcome is sending Song to Space, with V storming Arasaka on their own. The "little guys" win, they go out on their own terms. Everyone gets what they wanted, Song is finally free of Myers (Reed and Song both wanted this), Johnny gets to see Arasaka crumble, and V gets to go out as THE major league. Blue Eyes said it himself, assuming the casino heist is successful, V will have done something no one has ever even dared to try. Vik and Misty also likely get better endings too, even if we assume Blue Eyes didn't have a fix for V, , in those 6 months V has continued to do work for fixers, and continued to do NCPD scanner hustles. This plus River distributing equipment to vigilantes in NC, Misty's favorite herb shop likely never gets firebombed, she and Vik get to keep living how they want.

@rh906 - 17.11.2023 18:28

The true story of cyberpunk, die in a blaze of glory or you never you were never alive in the first place since you are a cell of a beast thinking you are an individual.

@strwbcheesecke - 17.11.2023 13:43

if you had a really good relationship with Johnny, the conversation you have with him in the AV is much different, it’s really sweet, and so is the conclusion to it. It makes the whole ending much more satisfying. I definitely encourage you to try it :)

@johannieves99 - 17.11.2023 08:38

ese nuevo final me destruyo el alma, ver a v acabada, sin poder vivir la vida de la forma en que ella quería, V jamás tendrá un final feliz en night city, prefiero mil veces morir en la torre arasaka destruyendo mikoshi y ser parte de Alt, o escapar de NC con Panam y Judy

@LOL_lol_RT - 17.11.2023 02:10

how to get the DLC

@BetterDeimos - 16.11.2023 19:16

I’m happy with the ending I ended up with, the one where V is cured. As much as I liked Song she stabbed everyone in the back. Reed has his issues but I liked him and felt like I could actually trust him. Tough trade off for V though, I’m sure he could retire nicely with all the Eddie’s he made before though 😂

@r2artCH - 15.11.2023 21:50

Misty looks better 😅 although she remind me of Mama Welles, but atleeast she doesn't look like a tiny hairy mushroom anymore.

@ValouroverFear - 15.11.2023 11:19

This game plays like a Shakespearean tragedy. Utterly unsatisfying

@ralph1125 - 14.11.2023 14:44

Well, that sure feels worse than the Arasaka ending.

@ibrewalot - 14.11.2023 02:47

Thanx for pulling this together...I was disappointed in my ending, but it looks like V basically gets a lame ending no matter which way she plays it.

@MRazorK10 - 14.11.2023 01:53

In my headcannon, NPC V calls Saul/Mitch/Panam and becomes a NPC Nomad. Can't use chrome, can still use guns and a bike.

@novemberdawn8145 - 13.11.2023 12:18

Damn, Johnny calling you Judas, that hit hard.

@Adam-Smasher - 13.11.2023 10:31

"Spare me the quotes ripped straight out of bushido 10" Don't know why but that makes me laugh. What a piece of fuckable meat :)

@junkka83 - 13.11.2023 04:26

Tower ending hit me so hard. Reminded me of the time I went back to my town after army. I was expecting everyone would be excited to see me after long time, but they all had their life going on.Some acted like Judy, some like Kerry. When we got together, half the time I couldn't keep up with conversation and felt out of place. I expected party every day, but it was just one night. I was sort of a fling for a night of their daily life and they had to return to it. I felt like a complete tourist and the town didn't feel like 'my' town any more. I was walking the street, and felt so out of place among all the strangers, and just walked aimlessly feeling hollow.

@166plastik - 13.11.2023 02:46

V becomes an NPC in the end, and I love it.

@LotharXjorn - 13.11.2023 01:47

Just an inquirery , Why is it that V could not just take the cure out of SoMi , just click her side open her up , pull it out and keep it ? send her to the moon empty handed . << this couldnt have been an option or ending ?

@kunstblumen8218 - 12.11.2023 11:18

Saving So Mi is more like a good dream for V, letting the city knows salvation is still out there somewhere.
That there's actually happier endings in the wrong city with right people.
Just let go and begin again.
But that's for Judy, So Mi, Lucy and whoever blew the Sierra Madre Casino, not V.
To V and Johnny, the wrong people, it's an appetiser before facing own path, own ending.

@Serpent15 - 12.11.2023 01:16

Kill songbird ending, how did ya killed her, its same like when you give somi to reed and she fly away on helicopter

@Bozzyman2 - 11.11.2023 18:28

I feel like my V's soul died with crowd ending. I Don't wanna reload that save anymore.

@morganwebb5244 - 11.11.2023 11:12

Hearing Misty say 'Don't go looking for it. Doesn't matter anymore' broke me :(

@CounterStriker013009 - 11.11.2023 01:48

If I write the ending, it will let V to public the Arasaka plant and Silver Hand will continued his live with the new body. V with nomad gang and Panam to move a new place to enjoy the live, of course , V was remove the chip.

@alexandersoria8615 - 10.11.2023 05:01

Its insane how johnny expects v do care about him when he doesn't even try to understand v because he's stuck in his ways. He's one of the most annoying characters in the game, the hypocrisy alone is crazy. Talking about how he should care about how he feels when he doesn't care about how v feels

@eternallight523 - 09.11.2023 15:29

A happy ending exists imo.

King of Cups is the happy ending:
-You end up ending So Mi's life (She was a lying and manipulating bitch to everyone)
-NUSA doesn't get her back into their hands. (Sure, they get her corpse and who knows what they can do with it, but I think not as much as you might think.)
-Reed is alive and this is the only ending where he can finally break free of the FIA, the NUSA, and start to live and take his future into his own hands.

@swordsmanfabian18 - 08.11.2023 01:58

The King of Wands (Phantom Liberty), and The Star (Main game) endings are the best possible endings in my opinion.

@HAVOKMACHINE - 08.11.2023 01:39

The best ending is still to become an a.i. and to go behind the black wall, leaving your body to Johnny.

@kanel-2555 - 07.11.2023 23:28

the new main game ending is depressing, i like it a lot, it fits so well, V doesn't die but she became a nobody, alone and that is like dying in NC

@BloodScorchedSun - 07.11.2023 05:25

I fully expected an ending where you choose yourself over So Mi or that she would give it to you since she was almost dead. Kind of annoyed that the dlc’s cure is basically a lie. Why does every ending have to be so fucking bleak? Like we live in a world that is already depressing and hopeless and then we play a game, fall in love with the characters and find out we haven’t strayed too far from reality.

@yoshiboy777 - 07.11.2023 03:29

Anyone know if Panam has any dialogue with the coma ending?
Such an amazing game and story

@Firrboxfryup - 06.11.2023 09:46

It can't be ignored how much 2077 would've benefitted from actual Third person cut scenes throughout the game!
Man the Tower ending is dark AF! Doesn't even feel like the same game. Like, WTF, how's shit changed THAT much in two years?

@TheWtfanime - 06.11.2023 08:10

The main game new ending sucks, I don't mean it in a bad way, it's just a punch in gut. Yeah ok V lives and gets to keep living... but what's the point? Panam isn't there anymore (that hurt), River's life is fucked up, Judy left, Victor is getting his freedom taken away, Misty's gone, V lost his apartment and his chrome, and he doesn't even have Johnny to talk to anymore. It really makes you question the value to life itself, what good is just living if you can't spend your life with people you love? Damn this is how a video game should be written, instead we get boring FPS recycled bullshit every year. This ending is gonna stick with me for a long time.
And also just have to say Idris Elba did a phenomenal job playing Reed. You could clearly see the sadness and regret on his face as the story went on, well at least V could always go back and hang with him.

@AZKJunaid - 06.11.2023 08:08

Why was job at Langley overlooked? Could be a decent retirement plan
