Teachers, What was the DUMBEST QUESTION a Student Ever Asked You? - Reddit Podcast

Teachers, What was the DUMBEST QUESTION a Student Ever Asked You? - Reddit Podcast

Am I the Genius?

1 год назад

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KermitTheFrogman - 01.11.2023 19:32

That Of Mice and Men question of what does George do on the farm had me laughing so hard lol

Pilot Fox
Pilot Fox - 01.11.2023 02:48

My older brother's friend asked a teacher if the American Revolution was in the 1920s. This was in 1990. I still wonder where that kid is.

Edit: I just called my brother to ask him who the kid was and if he still knows him. We lived in Oscoda, Michigan. That kid was Eric Harris, one of the Columbine shooters.

J V - 28.10.2023 16:59

Some of these make you ponder the future of our species.

Gerald Grenier
Gerald Grenier - 27.10.2023 09:29

Can you still get pregnant from anal sex is actually smarter than the teacher who posted it.

as the answer is "In practice yes"
There are record cases of it. It from some variation of after pull out the sperm leak out and due position and gravity, it dribbling into the virgina. The odds are much lower, bit not zero

D3364N - 19.10.2023 01:16

Freshman year world geography, my teacher said something about the USSR and a classmate said “What’s the USSR?” 😭😭😭

BeingGreenandUnseen - 14.10.2023 08:40

Story 47, I would have said “Do you want to explode?” with a large smile.

EllpaKat - 13.10.2023 21:32

“What does AD stand for”
“After dinosaurs”
I mean, she’s not wrong

mha=the best!!
mha=the best!! - 12.10.2023 19:00

a student told my teacher that the moon was invisible😂

king fourth
king fourth - 05.10.2023 02:41

Really they Africans

Colby Compton
Colby Compton - 03.10.2023 09:12

Story 44 the answer: sometimes

señor-achopijo - 29.09.2023 18:29

I guess the bright blue chemical was probably cyanide, so it probably wouldn't have gone well, no...

[★] TonalTales [★]
[★] TonalTales [★] - 26.09.2023 00:52

I'm a Student, but I remember a really dumb question in maths from someone in front of me
The conversation that student and the teacher had went somewhat like this:

"I Don't understand this Question"
"Question 5"
"The one where you times π by 10?"
"What don't you get?"
"How do I times a Pie when Pie is food and not a number?"

This happened last year.

Olimar92 - 24.09.2023 05:37

"Can I drink this?" If you want a trip to the hospital or die. They tell you the dangers at the start of class.

Tristram - 19.09.2023 03:52

A girl in my history class in high school thought the south won the revolutionary war.

John Rainsman
John Rainsman - 17.09.2023 22:40

The dumbest question I've ever been asked is "How are you?" Now that statement alone sounds odd, but contextually, it was by a high-ranking chef who was kind of hard on me the day before. She'd taken me to my boss's office--with the both of them--and told me that I've been touching my coworkers too much ( casually, on arms or shoulders). I was always very outgoing and tactile at work. She told me that we need the workers to be comfortable in a good work environment. That I shouldn't talk about anything other than work and school or tell my stories, because they may be inappropriate or upsetting (can't remember her exact words) to others. Now yeah, I pretty much didn't have a filter, but I don't think I said anything horrible. I only meant to have fun with my crew. I really didn't get specific information from the chef about subjects and references. She likes that I'm outgoing, but she made it sound risky and in need of limits. And again, that I shouldn't touch anyone without consent. And then the next day, she asked how I was. Like, WTF? What did she think? That I was doing well after she practically shamed me? If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was patronizing me--or just plain nuts. I should've said, "Uh....I'm sorry, I'm genuinely curious to ask, why would you ask me how I am after yesterday?" I'd kiII to know her point of view.

Also, for the record, I own my mistakes at work, so I don't want anyone twisting it around into I'm making the chef the only bad guy. I didn't mean any harm or discomfort. If I had known anyone would feel either, (though technically no one showed signs), I would not have touched them. I am not a creep. But the chef made me feel like one. See, she shouldn’t have been so firm and in my face. A gentle, respectful talk for a couple minutes was all I needed. She shouldn’t have restricted me to handshakes only. Casual taps or pats or whatever are actually ok, as long as you don’t overdo them and it’s to friendly people who clearly enjoy you. I always thought it was perfectly innocent and natural, and I still do, in certain ways. Happens a lot at the bar parties I go to—total strangers. Besides, two middle-aged workers from the dining department have done it to me; I don’t condemn it. Also, the chef did not have to ask my boss if there was anything she wanted to add. How did she think that would make me feel? Not disrespected and like a criminal? HeII, my boss shouldn’t have been in the room at all; I deserved some dignity and comfort. I felt horrible. But of course, whenever I expressed this side on other videos, people would continue faulting me or saying the chef was right. To them, it was this side over the other. I felt like no one understood me or the gray areas I still think exist.

ShinyDisc0Balls - 15.09.2023 19:17

Apar-theed? 😂

Henry Jordan
Henry Jordan - 14.09.2023 22:33

Please tell 43 was made up please i beg you

Tight Stream
Tight Stream - 14.09.2023 00:42

These posts would be perfect for r/face palm.

DellX17 - 06.09.2023 01:30

i have a cousin teaching in the states and hoo boy the stories, American kids are really fucking dumb but i think it's because of how innocent they are, as here in México kids grow very fast due to the shit happening every day.
