Going Home Recovery after Open Heart Surgery | Heart Care Video Series

Going Home Recovery after Open Heart Surgery | Heart Care Video Series

Intermountain Health

4 года назад

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@mrbillc2704 - 17.12.2023 05:27

Take heart - I had quintuple bypass surgery Jan 4, 1999 (24 years ago). I am now pushing 75 and am in fairly good health and have not had any stents. I did have my aortic valve replaced 3 years ago, The reasons I'm doing so well. are: 1) Major life style change. Stopped smoking and partying 2) I DO NOT TAKE THE DRUGS the doctors try to push on heart patients. I did a lot of research and now take my own group of Vitamins and minerals 3) I mix a morning arterial Rooto Rooter drink of 1 garlic clove chopped and allowed to sit for 15 min then add, 1/2 lemon ground skin and all ground to a pulp, 1/2 TSP Cayenne pepper, 1 TBS honey 1 TBS Olive oil., Just some advice from a healthy old man who has been there and done that.

@vegasdavetv - 01.12.2023 22:01

mine was mid April, 4 bypass, mine went bad, had multiple other surgeries as a result. spend 65 days in hospital and 4 surgery. icu with drug induced coma 18 days. then cicu 52 total days. lucky I'm home and alive. by the way have 2 anyerisum in belly to now

@danielporras8082 - 11.10.2023 04:55

Im hours away from my surgery, im terrified. Everyone tells me that ill be fine because of my age (34) but I don't want it....😪😪. I'll get through this but its bs...😭😭😭

@teanjitnijjer4157 - 08.10.2023 12:23

I am 60 yrs young. I had heart surgery 3 months back. I would like to know how do I minimize my scar.

@darylecannon1063 - 21.09.2023 04:49

My experience has been horrible. I have had one problem after another but my issues have been caused by our health system.

@curtisnapier - 10.09.2023 10:52

The Dr. Will tell me i need one some day it runs in the family but no im not going to do it no way no how if its my time its my time

@rosea2350 - 28.07.2023 09:28

After my open heart surgery I went into a deep depression and didn’t exercise or eat right. Why don’t they talk about the psychological implications of the surgery?

@davidstumer3360 - 27.03.2023 21:45

Thank You so much for the video. When I was discharged I received no help at all I went home alone and didn't receive any type of therapy.I wish I had found this in January when I got home.

@dustykatz2744 - 25.02.2023 23:29

I'm 74, six weeks post op, have no energy or ambition to do anything.

@haydnw869 - 23.11.2022 20:34

Jesus Christ I’m 20 and I’m having open heart surgery in a month

@cvan7681 - 14.11.2022 19:08

Largest problem I faced after surgery was getting back to sleep. A ticking clock in the room finally fixed that issue.

@sukupk336 - 04.10.2022 13:06

My dad had open heart sergery CABG yesterday now he is admitted in ICU He is a sugar patient can you plz suggest me how to take care after he came at home..

@ricardogarza3408 - 28.05.2022 01:27

Thanks for the Video. I came here because I’m honestly scared to have surgery. I’ve never had any type of surgery. I pray things go well, not just for me but anyone having to deal with major surgery. Lord give me the strength to overcome this, My kids need their Dad, And I’d do anything to watch them grow, Amen 🙏

@miadahhajbi6442 - 30.04.2022 02:42

Don’t worry Ellen Taylor vampire stern family well take you to the last level she taker of you they live there fooling governments taking their money too

@arbaretailsystems4722 - 29.04.2022 22:11

This really shows the efforts and hardships that come with post-surgery healing. It's amazing to see the advancements taking place in the industry to ensure that patients are being taken care of in a proper fashion.

@karinaport - 14.04.2022 20:17

Just spent my first night back home following three- bypass surgery April 5.... my main problem after surgery was that one of the graphs used for by- pass kept leaking... it seems to have stopped, as I write... also, my feet are heavily swollen from the knees down... it sort of raises an additional load on your emotions...I watched this video before going to the hospital and saved it to watch “AC”( after surgery)... it’s been a tremendous help to wash my fears away, as well as the praying sessions with my wife.. God bless you all, everywhere !!!- Carlos from San Juan, Puerto Rico.

@janaburritt6939 - 07.04.2022 21:39

I had a Left atrial myxloma. I was about released when my Dr recognized the spots in my brain. Praise God he found it. Rare and only happens in women over 40 years old. 24 days ago

@jefferyberg2850 - 02.04.2022 21:35

Thank you so much for this video I am having a triple heart by-pass April 26th am still nervous about it but you made me feel a little bit better, Thank you again.

@taraperry66 - 20.03.2022 09:20

Just had this done a bout a month ago. Pain wasn’t bad. Now I’m in a lot of pain in my shoulders, chest, neck, shoulder blades. I have RA, Diabetes, Systemic lupus. I wish this pain would go away and that I can find a better way to sleep and and sit to stand would be great. The lil pillow trick doesn’t work for me. I’m 44 years old. And Coronary Artery Disease runs in my family.

@joellevy2372 - 14.03.2022 15:09

My recovery has been a nightmare, but getting better now

@calvinellis1891 - 19.01.2022 07:24

I had quadruple bypass 3 yrs ago at 50 to young for heart Disease anytime i xExert

@MsPea - 17.01.2022 22:47

I'm 69 and had bypass surgery 4 months ago. It wasn't too painful afterward and I was just taking Tylenol for pain almost right away. I didn't want narcotics if I didn't have to. The biggest thing for me has been a complete loss of memory from the time I arrived in the ER to a couple of days post op. I was told I had a heart attack in the ER, that I spoke to doctors and gave my verbal consent for procedures and the surgery, but I have no memory of any of that. Also, my recovery for the first month or 6 weeks was slow. I was very fatigued, but I went to cardiac rehab, which helped rebuild my strength and I'm now feeling myself again. Give it time. There's no right or wrong way to recover. Listen to your body and work on building strength every day.

@alexandergaddi5962 - 04.01.2022 01:05

Thank you so much for this video. It helped me understand all my questions regarding my surgery some ideas I did not get from my care team in the hospital. Great video.

@garycarrjr2884 - 02.01.2022 21:55

I'm scared to death need 2 values replaced any information would b nice if you've had this I'm flipping out

@jessi_on_VanIsle - 09.12.2021 10:43

I’m 38 and I had emergency open heart surgery about 2 weeks ago to remove a rare, benign tumor the size of a golf ball from my left atrium called a myxoma. It was by far the scariest and most painful experience of my life. I get emotional daily, as I realize how close I came to leaving my two children. The healing process has been painful and I know it will take time.

@riddicktrigger3480 - 30.10.2021 19:32

Just had mine Speedy recovery to all bless

@wschield608 - 23.09.2021 15:00

I’m 69 and had a six way bypass last year. This would have been a wonderful video to have been able to watch back then. To everyone watching, remember to not get in a hurry but always move forward. Challenge yourself within limits. Don’t tread water., you need to keep moving forward. Be the turtle not the hare. Slow and steady will win this race.
A very nice job on the video, thank you.

@desaraeshrum6884 - 23.09.2021 01:04

Thank you for helping me understand what my dad is possibly going through. This video helped me a lot.

@juliedefee598 - 06.09.2021 00:55

I had a triple bypass procedure almost two years ago. In recovery, there was one nurse specifically for my care. When I woke up, she was at the computer standing up with her back to me. Although it was painful to speak, I asked her if my daughter was nearby. She said to me your daughter is out having a good time. It is very hard to speak following this procedure. I was able to say to her I need to speak to you. She came over to me and leaned her face down close to me and I said to her my daughter will want to talk with me. She said okay and went back to her documenting. I doze back off and the next thing I remember, the nurse was on her cell phone with my daughter. She and I made eye contact and she was being extra nice and accommodating. I did not have the strength to deal with her previous ill-treatment of me. I have never shared this experience with anyone. Certainly, I did not want my daughter to worry about me anymore than she already was. I mean, perhaps the average patient has no recall of events that take place immediately upon Awakening. But, I promise you I remember this very vividly. Also, I remember being treated with what I consider abuse and neglect of two CNAs. I have had Education and Training in the nursing field. I had not had a shower or any kind of hygiene care for7 days when those two ladies came in to my room and aggressively washed my arms and legs. That's right, that's all. I understand trying to cut corners to be able to meet the demands of patient care for all patients assigned to this or that nurse or nursing assistant. However, I was younger than most post cardiac surgical patients on that Hall. Yes, I was too exhausted to confront them about not offering to assist me in the shower. I remember another CNA who answered the call alarm when I needed to sit up in order to stand and walk to the bathroom. She helped me by aggressively raising my upper body and shoving me toward the bedside. Following the procedure that I had, I could not use my arms to push myself to a sitting position as my sternum had been wired back together and could easily be separated again by putting weight on hands and arms. Still not sure what was going on with that one. However, I do want to make it clear that I am not one to complain as a rule. And I would have to say that my recollection is, at least 90% of those who took care of me, did a good job. I have had RN nurse training and more related to Patient Care. Maybe I am a dreamer, but I believe in the quality of care I was trained to provide. I have also worked on shifts and had 10 patients to provide care for within seven and a half hours. I assure you I have never seen even the best nurses and CNAs be able to meet such standards. The goal of the facility is to be able to meet the requirements imposed by the state department of health and environmental control. And the last thing a care provider needs to worry about is chit-chatting with a patient and offering emotional support. Today I work for myself and provide care for older adults who want to stay at home for as long as possible. It is rewarding and I feel that iOffer Superior care and I am free to assess the needs of that client for his or her overall well-being. Holistic care. I enjoy seeing a client Happy from day today because their emotional needs are met as well as physical.

@louparrett6046 - 22.08.2021 07:55

I had open heart surgery 4 weeks ago. Recovery has been great. I am walking 5 miles a day and will be visiting my cardiologist in two weeks. I am on lift restrictions for another month. This post may seem like an ego trip but my reason for doing so is to help lessen anxiety for upcoming open heart surgery. I am 73 years old and look forward to resuming full activity.

@garyjene9146 - 13.07.2021 10:27

That is going to be difficult for me. I do not and have not been able to sleep on my back for more than 47 years. Always slept on my side or stomach. Also, luckily for me, I have a small dog that is elderly, that wants to go for walks

@barbarabain4303 - 30.06.2021 09:22

most painful thing i ever went thru. very tuff...

@balancedactguy - 27.06.2021 04:15

Man!...all of these precautions make getting your chest Sawed Open seem like a Walk in the Park!!

@SensieRodriguez - 21.06.2021 11:41

This was a great video that was very well made .. thank you for posting this !! This was my fist day home and the content helped a great deal . 👍

@damodarreddy313 - 16.04.2021 09:20


@graceadegoke7339 - 22.11.2020 20:45

Is heartburn common after heart by pass
