Zettelkasten Smart Notes: Step by Step with Obsidian

Zettelkasten Smart Notes: Step by Step with Obsidian

Martin Adams

2 года назад

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reistonator - 18.09.2023 01:51

I was following it untill the MoC, let me rewatch couple times.

Roger Braithwaite
Roger Braithwaite - 17.09.2023 03:34

Martin, a brilliant and precise tutorial. I substituted my own area of study and followed your implementation protocol of Zettelkasten.
Thank You
Knowledge Management is inherently complicated, it all depends on what you want to do and what you are dealing with. This video is a great introduction to both Zettelkasten and Obsidian.

Jon Bon tabas
Jon Bon tabas - 04.09.2023 09:39

Do fleeting notes get cluttered overtime? Or it can act just an Inbox (temporary storage of info), and it can be archived after a Permanent Note is produced from it?

TeaSharc - 30.08.2023 02:59

This video is absolutely amazing.. never had a video explaining certain concepts so simple and to-the-point that im able to confidently apply it right after.

TeaSharc - 30.08.2023 02:30

Thanks so much for the video! On my end, the title is automatically created in Obsidian. How can I turn it off?

Jon Bon tabas
Jon Bon tabas - 26.08.2023 19:47

This is a great overview! Best crash course for Obsidian so far. Thank you so much.

José Ramos
José Ramos - 11.08.2023 18:22

The best video about the Zettelkasten method and Obsidia

Kain - 10.08.2023 22:02

Obsidian theme name please?

Kyla McCallum
Kyla McCallum - 28.07.2023 10:36

I loved your video! I'm so glad to have finally found a clear step by step example guide on implementing a topic into Zettelkasten notes.

Stugots - 16.07.2023 16:40

Hmmm... what confuses me with this is that your literature note on 'my product is my garden' doesn't seem to give you the content in your permanent notes you wrote out (what is bootstrapping, benefits of bootstrapping etc). Those permanent notes there seem like really basic descriptions you'd get from Google, but don't seem inspired by your literature note. Isn't the purpose of the Zettelkasten to generate your own original ideas from source content? i.e. you'd elaborate on 'my product is my garden' with your own original thinking and turn those ideas into permanent notes? With the notes you've used here for permanent notes, they strike me more as KB type reference notes, rather than writing and developing ideas... keen to hear your thoughts. This system is so overcomplicated lol

Can you add something? Does something contradict? Can you combine ideas to generate something new? What questions are triggered by them? — Sonke Ahrens

Abdulai Bah
Abdulai Bah - 04.06.2023 07:35

Incredible video and the best in using obsidian I’ve seen thus far. Well done.

Yuan Chiu
Yuan Chiu - 01.06.2023 19:47

Hey man, pretty useful video here! I've been trying to crack this zettlekasten case in my brain and this was finally a video which aligns with my own thinking the most so thank you for that. But if I can give a suggestion, I tried to do your process for zettlekasten for this video as I tried to take note how you do it and it's quite hard to grasp the part that your literature note encompasses 3 other permanent notes which are tangled with all the nested links. This can be quite hard to process for beginners and it might be more beginner friendly if your example was less complex, only creating maybe 1 "main permanent note" which has 1 nested permanent note which you dump all your relevant literature notes inside of. Just my 2 cents

Brandon Dye
Brandon Dye - 24.05.2023 20:00

Wow, I have watched at least seventeen videos regarding this system and none have come close to explaining it in such a clear and concise way! I think we take notes slightly differently but the system itself made sense given you actually showed it in practice!

Evânio S. Gomes
Evânio S. Gomes - 21.05.2023 17:18

Could you tell me the name of the theme that you're using? By the way, excellent video. Helped me a lot.

Yvannoss - 13.05.2023 01:57

How do I get my reference notes to show the file path in the note? Like how yours says [[Literature Notes/My product is my garden]]. Mine only says the note title.

NagaKomodo - 07.05.2023 15:16

Great ! This is very useful for me, but I have some question. So today is my first day to learn to note-taking, but I wonder is this method can be used to take note for lot of different topics with only 1 vault? Because I think It's really powerful if that possible :DD

Alexander Freeman
Alexander Freeman - 23.04.2023 08:25

So do you, Martin Adams, use Flowtelic in conjunction with Obsidian or in lieu of it? If it's the former, how do you use the two in tandem?

xasciid - 06.04.2023 15:45

I like this system, it is flexible and extensible - which aligns with the philosophy of the Zettelkasten.

Carlo - 31.03.2023 04:17


旋 董
旋 董 - 29.03.2023 09:51

Thank you for your detailed explanation, which has deepened my understanding of obsidian from the level of "note workflow".

Personally, I feel that Zettelkasten is very suitable for taking notes related to management research.
However, it is not suitable for something bigger (such as recording life, work items, etc.). And these things, it seems that P.A.R.A is more suitable ~

Harun Jonuzi
Harun Jonuzi - 26.03.2023 23:17

My only concern is that I want to have every type of note in a single folder, rather than 3 folders, and I don't want to have a Fleeting Note with the same name as a Literature Note, im just trying to figure out that workflow and I guess I am done xD

peter maier
peter maier - 11.03.2023 01:43

Very well explained, thank you!
Is there an easy way to convert a large number of docx-files (word documents) to markdown? - So I can start using my word-notes in Obsidian.
I heard "pandoc" is able to do this, however I'm not tech savvy and so far haven't succeeded.

pixiegirl9 - 05.03.2023 05:12

I know it's a year after you've posted this, but I just had to let you know that your video has really clearly shown me how Zettelkasten works, instead of just "explaining" how it works, and helped me make the first dip into setting up my own Zettelkasten! Thank you so much! It clicks so much more for me now!

Burre Ifort
Burre Ifort - 04.03.2023 12:34

OK, you created the permanent notes about bootstrapping a startup, what happens then when I start creating other notes related to other topics? Do I put those in the same folders, for example in Permanent notes, or to I have to categorize them per interest?

AntiJahl - 19.02.2023 23:25

Please Why Obsidian not Encryption file on local ????

Green Tea
Green Tea - 15.01.2023 07:11

Thank you for a demonstration that I can follow along while also using the same folders and templates with few tweaking or simple duplications. It's so helpful for a messy note-taker like me!

LaterNerd - 28.12.2022 08:39

Between this video and a few from Artem Kirsanov, this system is starting to make sense to me and seems relatively simple. A few articles I read on the Zettelkasten system was really confusing me. But these videos are explaining it a lot better, especially in a more visual way. I've always just taken notes with no thought to it. Just hear something interesting (especially pertaining to numbers) write it down because it's probably important. But this system feels a lot more thought provoking and I really like how it is based around the connections of specific topics. Which seems to lend itself really well with how Obsidian is designed. I'm new to Obsidian and this system, but it's starting to come together. I can see just how useful this will all be and no doubt it will be worth the added effort to learn this stuff before beginning to learn what I'm after (I work in IT, I know some basic programming, but I'm looking to automate a lot more of my workflow with Python.)

No idea why these methodologies weren't taught in school. I never heard a teacher once mention anything about how to take notes. The whole topic of learning how to learn never was brought up to my knowledge and it seems really important. Maybe this is the kind of thing that's implemented in private schools and the like. I could see it making all the difference in retaining the information instead of just trying to brute force memorize it all.

Ali AL-Ghanimi
Ali AL-Ghanimi - 15.12.2022 10:52

Just what I am surfing for !!!. Thanks a lot.

News Go
News Go - 10.12.2022 16:04

So the process is, Fleeting Notes -> Literature Notes -> Permanent Notes -> project notes. The literature notes is about thinking and the permanent notes is about storage. These are actually two orthogonal properties of notes. So can I combine them into one note which have the 2 properties at the same time? And after I deriving the permanent notes from the fleeting notes, shall I still keep the fleeing notes? I think removing them is no harm and it can cut the number of notes.

News Go
News Go - 09.12.2022 08:00

Question 1: Since the MOC note is placed in the same folder as the other permanent notes, how could you identify the MOC note when there are many permanent notes. Shall we create another MOC folder? And one ore more non-MOC folders? And even more, shall I further create topic folders under the MOC folder?... Am I falling into the hell of classification again as the notes accumulate?

Question 2: The template notes are polluting the graph view. Is there a way to filter them out?

Thilo Corvinus
Thilo Corvinus - 28.11.2022 21:43

Good Video!! But what is that "music" in the background for?? For me it's hard to concentrate.

Alex Matthews
Alex Matthews - 24.11.2022 06:18

they said it couldnt be done. an honest to goodness, step, by step for the zettelkasten method! bless you and your family!

Thomas Uchiha
Thomas Uchiha - 21.11.2022 21:53

After watching many videos on Zettel, this one is the only that I helped me understand this concept. Massive thanks !

Fryman 3000
Fryman 3000 - 14.11.2022 00:23

I noticed in the MOC you linked all permanent notes back to the literature note except for the first note in the MOC which is linked to the second note in the MOC. Is there a particular reason for this?

MH - 03.11.2022 17:39

thank you

Mido vinci
Mido vinci - 18.10.2022 08:07

I wactched the video until the end, sorry too complicated for me.
I use notion and I feel its easier.. also didn't get the concept of the Zettelkasten book. and how it's practically useful . but thanks for the video

Fernando Cesar Ferreira
Fernando Cesar Ferreira - 16.10.2022 05:59

Very useful. Thanks

vincent frankovsky
vincent frankovsky - 04.10.2022 00:48

im confused as to why you put the file "benefits of bootstrapping" as a reference for the file "what is bootstrapping". Is the reference for "what is bootstrapping" not the MOC?

Mark Young
Mark Young - 24.09.2022 03:26

Brilliant video and the clearest rundown of using obsidian I’ve seen thus far. Well done.

j Sxh
j Sxh - 08.09.2022 12:13

I really miss some more explanation for the fleeting notes. Like that they are intended to be thrown away, after your decided to make a permanent note out of them or not. And that that fleeting notes don't follow any structure or method, programm , ... to be written down. Even underlining or markings in a book could be considered to be fleeting notes. Would be nice if you pointed out, that it's the basic idea of fleeting notes, to write them down anywhere, anytime, and in any form you would like as long as they contain some form of reference.
If you only use Obsidian to take fleeting notes it will hinder you to use the full potential of the Zettelkasten, cause you may not have obsidian available anytime you find a intressting passage or idea in a book or something else and the second more severe Problem is, that it's more likely that you will not delete your fleeting notes after you made them to permanent notes, because the little bit of space the fleeting notes will take on your device will not bother you at all and maybe you will just keep them because you think you may can use them again. If you do so, the Zettelkasten-Method will get more and more complicated and overwhelming and some people will stop to use it anymore at this point.
If you took your fleeting notes on paper (in my opinion the best thing is to use sticky note wich you put in your book ) it's far more likely to throw them away -like they intended to be .

Bartolomeo D'Alia
Bartolomeo D'Alia - 06.09.2022 11:43

This is a very pratical ZK tutorial. Finally i understand how to setup Zettelkasten on Obsidian in a decent way. I made light modification to your setup, but i think is normal for each one of us. I'm noticing also that you have an unbelievable engadgement rate on this video 😄 (more than half your followers liked it). Thank very much Martin!

DoubleSupercool - 27.08.2022 03:43

How does this work with your Fleeting Notes, Literature Notes, Projects etc having the same titles?

Kitty Slayer
Kitty Slayer - 21.08.2022 18:22

Do you use multiple vaults for Zettlekasten or have it all under the same roof?
