Watch This Before Dating Older Men feat @AnnaAkana

Watch This Before Dating Older Men feat @AnnaAkana

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@captainsickooso7087 - 03.12.2023 02:22

34 year old dude here. Every human being matures at different levels. I've met 21 year olds who are more mature than women in their 30's and vica versa. It really comes down to each individual, cultural background, upbringing etc. Teens are almost never mature IMO.

@andresherrera4158 - 02.12.2023 22:32

What a refreshing conversation this was and even more so those who have written a reaction in the comment section; I read a few, and they all showcased a leveled streak of healthy minds. I always dated within a four-year gap of my own age up or down and finally married the largest dating gap I had ventured into which is 9 years younger. As an entrepreneur, I give those who work with me the freedom and power to pitch in and execute, sometimes even if it makes no sense because I can't possibly have all the answers. This transferred into my marriage and I think my soon to be ex-wife confused my willingness to delegate authority with weakness of character and as she gained more control she also became abusive. When I brought it up, she quadrupled her controlling efforts and the blame shifting and shaming became the center of our relationship. One daughter and two houses later, here we are, ending it. It breaks my heart because together we built so much, and when I look at my daughter, I want to yell out 1000 "I'm sorry's" for letting her safe place and love nest fall apart. But I rather do that now than regret forever letting her think that an abusive marriage is normal. Men, we are amazing human beings, but we are missing one of the elements that women have that could help us get along better: introspect. To look into your self and identify what's right and wrong in you, is perhaps the most difficult thing to do and I'm trying, I'm trying because I know my wife can't possibly be the only one to blame, and neither am I; YET WE BOTH ARE NOW DOING JUST THAT.

@soup-nazi6824 - 02.12.2023 12:47

The whole dating scene in the west is a disaster & many men are not bothering or going overseas to find a more traditional woman because feminism & social media has ruined western women...

@littleyellowtree - 02.12.2023 04:03

I love Anna and I loved this!

@metis2be - 02.12.2023 01:51

Please don't use metal tools on your nonstick pans! Pfas chemicals are super dangerous so you don't want to scrape them into your food.

@frefe5291 - 01.12.2023 15:08

women in 2023 dont date for love, they do it for money and status , older men date in 2023 younger women for beauty and sex , and he knows is getting a service not a relationship

@nakofan - 01.12.2023 03:08

Back when she was in her 20s she was okay with it. Now that she is in 30s its not okay. Shaming dudes, well stablished guys stop dating young women, go for women in their 30s or older. When she gets to 40 dont be surprised that she would shame for dating women in their 30s.

@Cantetinza17 - 30.11.2023 17:35

My father is older than my mother only by 3 years, so that was my example as well. For me in my 20's I dated older but I didn't go older than 10 years. Oh wait! I dated someone 25 years older once. Now that I'm over 40 I date 10 older and 10 younger. In my 20's I made sure to stay very aware with who he was and why he liked me just because there are those older men that want younger women to manipulate and control them, or just to be that overly sexualized eye candy for him and his friends. I was aware of their money and if they led with it because they use it to control, so if they wanted me to do the stay at home gf, I said no thank you. I didn't want to put my self in a position of where I felt trapped or desperate. Also I realized that if I was having fun with my friends or if I'm just going through my young adult and 20's life issues. I would get comments like, "GROW UP, or ACT YOUR AGE, or even YOUR SUCH DRAMA QUEEN HERE COMES THE WATER WORKS"! I realized that I was grown, I was acting my age, and my feelings were valid and he was not a person that I needed to be with. Agreed if you are in your 20's don't date older than 10 years and if they say you're so mature for your age or if they say you're better than women that are older than you, WALK AWAY! Run if you have to. The manipulation has started.
Right now I'm dating someone 10 years younger and in the bedroom I let him lead, but during the day to day it can flip flop. I'm open to older men, but the older men who seem to have it together well enough want the barely legal s or the 20's. So if someone older than me wants to date it's the ones who are struggling in life and they see me as someone to help pay their bills. Because I'm plus size and over 40 they think that I should be grateful for the attention. It's crazy. I still want kids but a lot of men don't want kids or anymore kids. That's on either side. Which I'm like well why did you match me? Dang dude you wasted our precious time!

@SodiumSyndicate - 30.11.2023 16:25

Women give bad advice to each other and sabotage themselves. That's what these two female clowns are doing.

@SodiumSyndicate - 30.11.2023 16:14

This clown does not want men to date younger girls, but she herself is dating older men. Basically she is misguiding other girls to avoid competition for more mature men.
Women are their own worst enemies.

@saashamoniquew1 - 30.11.2023 06:00

Being a caregiver is a lot of hard work.

@djfeelings - 30.11.2023 01:14

This is tough to watch as a man who never wanted to date women younger than him, but had seen all the women, his age(back in high school) date, older dudes. But it’s also super enlightening. For instance, notice how she blames one guy for having a sex addiction. Doesn’t say a single thing about her own sex life or how much she likes or doesn’t like sex. He had a sex addiction so it’s his problem. But did she like having sex with him? How much sex does she like to half? She does a lot of blaming of other people and Shan does a great job of redirecting that a few times during this interview and getting Anna to open up and reveal her own desires. Nice work.

@wisdomandy9361 - 29.11.2023 23:51

Age gap isn't the issue. Maturity is. The only reason culture ties disgust to this topic is because of moral projection. Will age gaps always be ideal because of maturity differences? No. But sometimes it's great, even large gaps.

@alst4817 - 29.11.2023 23:35

What is with all the pop psychology? Can't Americans talk about their feelings without pretending to be psychiatrists?

@thermologo3451 - 29.11.2023 20:39

Just another video of women giving each other terrible advice. Ladies, when did a woman EVER give you advice that was the best for YOU and not based on something from HER life that ACTUALLY benefited you.

@thermologo3451 - 29.11.2023 20:34

So she is deciding what men should be attracted to ?

@rayven1178 - 29.11.2023 20:34

It's crazy because most relationships in their 20s don't go anywhere and end up in divorce and cheating because they're, 'not mature enough yet.' Seems no matter what there are different sets of issues to deal with. You just get to pick your problems pretty much.

@nikitesoro7387 - 28.11.2023 18:39

Can we know where that cute ass sweater is from or is it just me

@jazlaflor - 28.11.2023 17:50

Oooooh, I gotta listen to this one... I'm in an age gap relationship myself. Biggest gap I've ever had before this one is about 3 years. Same for my parents.

@GK-op4oc - 28.11.2023 01:00

Like females, males also ask : what do I receive for what I put in. For wealthier males, females rarely if ever approach his contribution to the relationship

@jamesbond-yx9hi - 28.11.2023 00:29

Love it

@genovasquez8361 - 28.11.2023 00:20

To be honest I prefer women 18 and 19 years old.

They are more attractive physically and facially.

I'm 47. Nothing better than younger women.

@peilin6212 - 27.11.2023 23:58

So she wants a dad to take of her! I like tht.

@DJ_BROBOT - 27.11.2023 12:42

this goofy Anna used to date older men (in her 20s) before her switching to women, and now she calls older men immature because she 'crapped out' the game. And if older men can pull em, then Anna is jealous because she got discarded by said men she was (A). Attracted to, and (B) got dumped by...and now she mad. Typical Anna.Its her damn fault...dont taint other people's game because it didnt serve you.

@MyNick4life - 27.11.2023 10:03

LoL all these old ladies online shaming men There age for dating woman ten plus years younger. Woman do this all the time with younger men and no one complains.

@kidist5104 - 27.11.2023 09:35

everything she said about Ray being abusive and trying to manage all her actions happened to me with a man who was 1 year older than me so sometimes it's not the age gap.

@Arational - 27.11.2023 02:28

I have foolishly been under the impression that I was too old for Anna. I stand corrected.

@Arational - 27.11.2023 01:57

Anna is accustomed to the heat because she is naturally so hot.

@seanmachlan3282 - 26.11.2023 07:40

How toxic is it to never call or text first???
And when they disengage because they think you're not interested? What then?

@user-no5vv4bb6e - 26.11.2023 01:54

Women coming to this woman for advice are part of what's wrong with the state of dating. The host literally has an open cuckish relationship with her man.
Also, a lot of women including this guest, have dated men for financial reasons, lie to the men about their intentions, and then when they start to make money (as a result of that setup) they start to complain. It's wildly disingenuous, hypocritical, and flat-out devoid of accountability. It's also a bit sinister, to be honest.
There's also this weird infantilization of adult women, it's weird. If you're 25 dating whatever age, that is your prerogative to do so (or not). You're not a perpetual infant because you are a woman. You're an adult and you have agency.

Additionally, the guest tries to equate going to WAR as being as hard as raising your OWN children.
Listen, if people could be with their OWN kids (you're not a nanny, that's your inherent responsibility as a parent, not a paid gig) while their bills are being paid for, and money is continously ending up in their accounts, guess what, people would do that, but traditional men take it upon themselves to provide because it is their duty.

Also, let's be all the way honest, most women, regardless of how much they're making would never accept a stay-at-home dad.

If you don't believe in traditional gender roles, cool, pay half and the man should do half of the household duties (but a lot of ppl are full of crap).

Ppl like them epitomize a lot of what is corrupt with today's disastrous state of dating and relationships, whether they're cognizant of it or not.

Insincere ppl giving advice to insincere ppl facilitating and propagating a continous cycle of nonesense.

@kvstar100 - 26.11.2023 00:50

This is the best crossover ever ❤

@edgargabriel6640 - 26.11.2023 00:25

Greetings from Germany 👋 I like and follow Anna since years. She is almost perfect. I'll be 60 next year.
In my "learning phase" my GFs were often quite older than me. Up to 20 years. Now I'm "giving back" 😊
Best wishes 😁

@hectoracevedo4545 - 25.11.2023 22:18

When I was young, I was too young. Now that I am.old, I am too old. .Some people are not meant to date-they are built to be alone and miserable at all ages.

@fallen546 - 25.11.2023 18:11

I just want to point out that dating multiple people at the same time is not a great strategy. A lot of men, myself included, if we're aware you're dating other men will put you in the play-thing category. You won't know that obviously, but we will emotionally disengage from you as a serious option. Anna does a lot of therapy, but she gives a lot of really bad advice. Anna: "Don't date older men." Also Anna: "I'm dating 2 men 20 years older than me."

@elianiem1691 - 25.11.2023 01:20

If Anna Akana and Shan Boodram/Brady had a podcast together I would be on their marketing team hardddd 💖💖💖💖I loved thisss

@chinacetacean - 24.11.2023 18:06

I loooved CommunityChannel. OG all the way

@carinaharper2006 - 24.11.2023 07:45

I met my husband when I was 28 and he was 58. Ijust turned 40 in October and he is now 68 and will be 70 in April.

@kolikole - 24.11.2023 02:43

Oh my god women are so clueless why men date younger women is crazy to me. Its not control or molding its all about less trauma and children and less bodies get a clue. Then when older women age out or it didnt work for them do to upbringing or femenist brainwash they always give younger women bad advice on purpose cause they competing for the same men. Older women always give younger women bad advice on purpose get a clue. So tired of women telling men why they do something instead of just genuinely asking and understanding they point of views.

@CW91 - 23.11.2023 22:44

I don't intend to knock Anna down her pedestal but I really have a burning curiosity on how her relationship dynamics work. For a guy, we want to climb up the financial ladder so that we can be the supporter of a partner who are below us. But for women it doesn't work that way, you want to climb up the ladder and still find someone higher than your heights? How does that work? Again I am coming from a point of curiosity and not intending to oppress anyone. Thoughts?

@miuyiyuyo - 23.11.2023 20:24

Men biologically are looking For Beauty and fertility, it's nothing wrong with men wanting younger women, as women looking For security and status, witch You can only get as an older man sooo ppl in reallity don't understand Biology, but it's the norm according to Biology...oh he wont respect me because he is taking care of me.....BTCH he is just asking you to respect his boundries, and trying to protect the relationship witch YOU lead to a break up because you wanted to be a 304......

@angelicaamplified - 23.11.2023 14:05

Great video topic! At 21 and 25 ive dated 3 men who were 5-8 yrs older. Based on those experiences this is what I’ve learned to be cautious of when dealing with older men:

1.If they think they’re experts because of their age/ experience, there’s often a lack of curiosity about MY desires, thoughts, or need for adventure.
2. Often stuck in their way and want someone who is younger to work through THEIR rigidity yet are hesitant to compromise with my requests that require a mindset shift.

3. Passive aggressive attempts to mold me/ my personality into their ideal partner instead of accepting me as I am.

At this point in my life dating older is unimportant to me. I’ve grown to the point where I’m open to dating someone my age and I’ve almost developed a preference for no more than a 4 year age gap.
I’ve learned that age does not equate to emotional maturity and wisdom. It’s someone’s character, values, emotional intelligence and open mindedness that I now consider to be the biggest signs of maturity. I also want a partner who I can experience things with for the first time and we can learn from them together which might be more likely with someone closer to my age.

@ieatcrayons3322 - 23.11.2023 13:31

wait what so she date two people at once?
she's polygamy?

@alequintana1208 - 22.11.2023 22:46

I’m really enjoying this. I have been there… dated a 36 year old when I was 25 and I was breadcrumbed in the end. Left him within 3 months. Could see him feeling emasculated in my presence having a better job. I felt like they were a sex addict as well. I later moved on to someone who wasn’t a fit for me either who was 32 and even more emotionally unstable and immature. Had a child with that one. I love my daughter, I just don’t love being involved with this person due to potential safety concerns.
My one question is why more people don’t become aware and actually work to heal themselves to become the best version of themselves and truly aligned with what they desire? I’m working towards it and I really want to do this for my daughter.

@sheridanm.1395 - 22.11.2023 20:30

Commenting immediately into the video to say that I appreciate her shoutout to communitychannel 🥲.

@dolphinated - 22.11.2023 19:34

Dated a woman 20 years my junior, and it never came up and was never an issue. At any point if she had decided to date someone in her age range I wouldn't have opposed. We enjoyed the time we had together and that was more important.

@SPQRxUSAxNUSA - 21.11.2023 21:01

Ana Akana: Men shouldn't date younger women.
Also Ana Akana: I'm dating 2 men, one 51, one 60.
