Common Sense Skeptic

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@LifesLaboratory - 09.02.2024 11:51

Starlink was never meant for customers that have a fixed line available. I would gladly have fiber or cable if I could, but I'm in a rural area of central BC. I consistently get 90mb down and 8mb up on Starlink. It has never gone down for more than a minute in the nearly three years I've had it, and this is a very rare event. Other than Starlink, the only option for me was cellular, which I had for eight months. With cellular I got less than 5mb down and 0.5mb up. The cellular would often go out for an hour or more... sometimes a full day! Starlink has far surpassed expectations for me. For many people (like myself), Starlink is a necessity for working from home. There are enough people on the planet that will gladly pay for this service to make it profitable.

@orange_turtle3412 - 04.02.2024 22:30

Add satellite internet to the long list of technologies Elon has invented an objectively worse version of

@tr-labs8320 - 04.02.2024 07:09

These are nothing more then balloons attach together with string at a very low altitude!

@mdharmaraj1631 - 03.02.2024 13:07

even after watching all this who are the morons still ploughing money into this endless money pit .i mean seriously if you have money to spare throw it in the trashbin LOL

@mdharmaraj1631 - 03.02.2024 12:24

dont forget waether conditions will also affect the speed of the internet and QOS ping etc ...

@mdharmaraj1631 - 03.02.2024 12:10

another endless money pit .. Elon musk the techno king man genius

@yapdog - 31.01.2024 07:36

Elon Musk is a walking, talking, self-aggrandizing Ponzi scheme for investors. He thrives because the well-moneyed know this as well as knowing when to get in an out.

@tes-cl3ru - 30.01.2024 22:37

UPDATE!! In August 10, 2022 Wireline Competition Bureau (the people deciding who was going to receiving the subsidy) rejected Starlink. And in December 12, 2023 the FCC has officially reaffirmed the Wireline Bureau’s decision. Starlink is no longer receiving the RDOF subsidy.

@martonlerant5672 - 26.01.2024 03:38

As far as ping goes, there is one community that cares more about ping than gamers - who also have way more cash - people using stock exchange.

Frankly the most plausible upside of starlink is the fact that light travels faster in (near) vacuum, than in glass.
And thus even when accounting for rest of network equipment, they get significant better ping, than intercontinental intenret cables.

@G13RS - 25.01.2024 16:07

Starlink is now just 40euro per month in Europe if you purchase the dish in advance

@theseriousaccount - 18.01.2024 23:54

Well revisiting this video it’s hard to ignore that Starlink is both available and really works. Seen it several times in areas where there are no alternatives, actually pretty cool.

@manoz6194 - 16.01.2024 01:43

All that space junk just so people can use facebook, fml

@epluribusunum5318 - 13.01.2024 23:02

I've used Starlink, my family bought and lived in a cabin in Ferry Country WA for a couple years. The only option we had for internet was Starlink, and it worked well. In all honesty it was faster than normal wired and considering we were on top of a mountain it was pretty damn good. I just had a problem with the pricing and the lack of physical ports on the modem. No Ethernet or even USB C to Ethernet ports, its entirely wireless. And really expensive. In my personal experience with Musk products I think Starlink is the only that actually works as intended, without any real hardware or software issues on the user end. That being said, the fact that Starlink works doesn't excuse its predatory and idiotic business practices. A dish should be fixable from home, it shouldn't have to be sent off to be repaired. It should have the option to be wired into, and should definitely have fucking buttons on it to work it. Because the only issues my family and I had with the damn thing was the app. If the app crashed we had no way of working with the Starlink system.

@vttale - 11.01.2024 22:18

Would you please revisit this to see how it all stacked up? I've had Starlink for a couple of years now, and it worked well enough for both my gaming an my remote login sessions in rural Vermont in a way that Hughes never did. I'm no fan of Musk though so I'm curious how the economic criticism has proven to be accurate or not.

@Rodoet001 - 11.01.2024 09:00

Considering how many satelites Musk and his company want to put up there, I can't help but feel like he saw Cowboy Beebop and didn't realise that the space junk catastrophy that had ruined earth was ment to be a bad thing.

@elinicfurniture6860 - 10.01.2024 19:51

The greatest con artist in the history of mankind…

@tonyduncan9852 - 10.01.2024 04:15

Historically, ALL 25,000 kph orbits are in THE SAME DIRECTION - EASTWARD. The opposite direction would be wasting fuel by fighting earth's rotation eastward.
NOTHING hangs motionless in space five hundred kilometres up. The film GRAVITY pretended otherwise. The film's Art is one thing - your Science is another.

@jamestporter - 08.01.2024 10:52

Very intelligent and logical debunking. No possible way yiu could m t debunk those photos of the globe and flat earth. Can you please do the whole data analysis thing with that? I'll donate to help make the video.

@AlphaAurora - 07.01.2024 18:38

Should be revisited, since Musk got propped up by the DoD.

@pepguardiola2938 - 06.01.2024 23:44

How is Musk even funding this? The long term economics don’t make sense. Probably why he’s afraid of making Space X public.

@NickFallon88 - 06.01.2024 03:58

Starlink seems to be doing just fine without your opinion.

@marklefler4007 - 03.01.2024 00:32

well, that did not age well

@kevinb7551 - 02.01.2024 15:39

this is why sustainable tech is a joke. never has one man stunted the industries he's claimed to revolutionize.

@TerribleFire - 02.01.2024 12:59

Starlink has been a great stopgap until fibre was available in my area. As soon as it is i'm cancelling my subscription.

@SetTheCurve - 31.12.2023 20:36

This didn’t age well. lol.

@kirm8137 - 31.12.2023 19:38

"Rocket Jesus". Hhahahahahaha! That was hilarious. What a well researched, eye opening video. Thanks so much. I used to think the RJ (Rocket Jesus) was semi brilliant business man with some great "visions". I beginning to see the guy is either a grifter or an extremely deluded individual. People would be insane to invest in anything this guy is connected to.

@RAS-I-DOOR - 30.12.2023 11:15

Dosent people now how dandgerous solar panels are on your house ? you make your home a microoven 😂😂😂

@alexanderSydneyOz - 28.12.2023 14:19

"Common Sense Skeptic" - you utter half wit.
Exactly which other of his projects "doesn't live up to the promises"???
In fact what promises were made?
Would it be Paypal, the best payment app going?
Would it be Tesla, with which he revolutionised EVs, batteries, battery management, car construction, and its now worth near on every other manufacturer put together?
Would it be Starlink, which 2 years after this drivel, money grubbing video was made, is up and running and vastly superior to previous satellite communication? It is being used by police in my country. It is providing communication for Ukraine, which would be absolutely screwed without it. It can provide fast internet access at competitive prices ANYWHERE on the planet.
Would it be Spacex, which has cut the cost of launch to about 1/3 of what it was, through multiple innovations he thought of and which the large competition cannot even copy. In fact UAL cannot even get an effing crew capsule for the ISS approved, after years of delays. Spacex gave America the ability to not use Russia to crew and stock the ISS.

The only thing stopping Starlink wiping the floor with fixed line and 5G internet most places, is not being licenced by national governments to provide the service.

The channel owner is just another idiot Musk hater.

@polarper8165 - 26.12.2023 21:40

Musk seems more and more like a liability…

@user-eb9tn4hp1f - 24.12.2023 14:38

1 bilion tax payer dolar for what internet like you dont allready have internet XD

@thosoz3431 - 24.12.2023 04:55

How long would Ukraine have lasted without Starlink ?
Here in Australia we FINALLY have decent Internet, thank you Starlink.

@stickyfox - 23.12.2023 19:08

If you want to debunk Starlink, just go to the website and look at the cost. Verizon's coverage isn't as bad as you thought, is it?

@davidhauton7643 - 22.12.2023 12:45

Hold on, why are we even giving money to a man who has the power to turn off the internet to a segment of the population when he feels like it? Think he won't do it, just look at Ukraine when his fellow megalomaniac Putin asked him to do so....

@davidhauton7643 - 22.12.2023 12:11

One question I can't find an answer to, who gave him permission to fill space with all these damn satellites? Won't it impact on anyone else trying to launch anything into space? Seems quite short-sighted to me......

@djstroy1 - 21.12.2023 17:58

To anyone watching, this info is outdated. Sitting currently in the mountains of south america with 20 - 40 ms ping 250mbps down and 40 mbps up

@jx8210 - 21.12.2023 11:24

Obviously we’ll known that solar city were musks cousins and then he was on the board and a bunch of shenanigans occurred ... selling it back to himself at a lose or a profit or both? Somebody should step in n this guy .. he’s not well

@xiro6 - 20.12.2023 06:24

And remember, the constellation will mostly cover water, so most of them cant share the load, and the available ones will not be able to handle so much data even if they have the customers. They are strugglin right now with nothing, so...
The multiply the capability by 42k, but , i quote myself.

"And pray for it being such a failure and still run long, because if it catch on on clients you will have a shitty dial-up like speed and still will bankrupt. It has not even far enough bandwith as a whole for the needed amount of customer monthly fees needed, and at any moment three quarters of the satellites are over the oceans, doing nothing, not supporting customers, so the remaining ones, one quarter, has to support the claimed total bandwith, wich can not, by any means.
So enjoy it while it last.
Oh, i said three quarters because water versus land and poles, but the himalaya sure has no customers, the sahara neither, russian cold deserts, grand canyon, south america jungles, all of that and more has cover without use. The actual satellites available at an especific moment is a cery low amount.
Of 42000 satellites, actually having to share the real work, will be ....6000? Multiply 6K by the bandwith each one can handle, and divide by the customers number. Thats the real load.
Dont do tricks with laser intercomm. They need to connect to the ground base. There is no ground bases in the places i already eliminated"

@ComradeRachel - 19.12.2023 06:24

Satellite internet has existed for awhile and star link isn't even cheaper or exactly better than something like Hughes net. It's so confusing why Elon thinks he's some genius.

@stubb1qaz - 19.12.2023 03:46

The only correction to the video is that Starlink can deliver vastly superior latency. Your ping is pretty much fixed and theoretically as low as 20 ms between any two points on earth. Current ping between Brazil and Peru is about 200 ms since it needs to travel all the way to the US and then back.

@tranquilthoughts7233 - 19.12.2023 00:27

As long as we are talking about movies, there's actually an anime series that's exactly about the kessler syndrome. It's called "Planetes". This is the official description:
The year is 2075 AD. The dream of working and living in the vast openness of space is now a reality. However, a new threat has arisen and if left unchecked can prove fatal: Space Debris. An undetectable screw struck and disabled a passenger space flight causing disaster and death to the ones on board. A space debris collection agency is formed but it’s a money losing venture for the corporations. Follow the men and women of the "Half-Section" and witness the harrowing experience that is involved with such dangers.

@mikemotorbike4283 - 18.12.2023 16:15

Wait a millisecond! comes into play hugely with Trading. Computers control transactions based on algorithms. Connecting quickly to the market can determine profit or loss, as thousands of COMPUTER transactions can be made a second, and the increase of a few milliseconds can mean the difference between remaining competitive with other firms or going bust. Firms invest heavily every two years in the latest American reverse-engineered abductee-extracted tech just for vanishingly small crumbs of ping. Microwave, pigeons on crack, data encoded in a carrier wave of office gossip, and good deeds to be punished.

@gert_kruger - 18.12.2023 13:17

There is no way the dish costs $1500, they just want you to think you are getting it at a bargain price.

@Johnnybananass-_ - 16.12.2023 00:19

Too many people are Elons cult . People need a wake up

@richardkranium2944 - 13.12.2023 21:23

I wish I had Elons cash. It amazes me how complete bullshitters can be rich. Along with how many people think he is a genius. My how far the qualifications of being a genius has changed.

@AGRACUTA - 13.12.2023 07:40

I loathe musk and his dipshit fans.

@ausnorman8050 - 13.12.2023 03:20

How's this misinformation panning out for you 2yrs later?

@kovdan88 - 13.12.2023 01:28

starlink have around 20-40 ms latency that means you can use it like cable internet, the other satellite internet providers have around 600 meaning its useless unless you use it for streaming a movie or move large amount of data, so your comparison is flawed, also many of the costs you list can be reduced as technology improves, also satellite durability can be increased from 5year for sure, and after they are done they dont float around they crash into the atmosphere and burn up, still seems like a hard problem to fix but it can be done

@animetodamaximum - 12.12.2023 23:17

Now that 5G internet is a thing, I have a feeling that non-terrestrial services will see much if any growth. Much easier to build a 5G tower than launching something into space.
