Elite Capture: Philosopher Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò on How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics

Elite Capture: Philosopher Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò on How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics

Democracy Now!

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@karaloop9544 - 18.11.2023 18:20

So were concepts of identity politics captured or is it just the case that inherent flaws in the ideology were identified and promptly co-opted?

@DJK-cq2uy - 27.08.2023 07:58

We must round up bull whipped and lock RepubliCON in cages

@Rays_Bad_Decisions - 01.07.2023 04:58

Its scary how they whitewas rhe CCP program elite capture that bribes our politicians and Oligarchs to destroy the country from the inside

@victoriaman117 - 16.05.2023 23:41

I would love to see Taiwo debate John McWhorter. Its easy to hit a ball against a wall, much harder when someone is serving it back......

@inspiredbyhislight2806 - 05.04.2023 17:34


@Cyberphunkisms - 11.03.2023 00:27

trying to save what was ideologically already tied to capital.

it was never a cooption.

@robertoquintana9481 - 17.02.2023 05:14

Comunism is for RETARDS!

@user-cw1ht6vc4k - 03.02.2023 03:02

Literally Democrats lol 😂😂😂😂

@dianemarshall7439 - 02.02.2023 04:28

The Divide and Conquer tactics is their best strategy. United we stand. Divided we fall. We must unite for the unification of the African contibent. One Love. One Africa.

@recluseauhermitticus2033 - 01.02.2023 03:05

Meh. Humanity doesn't care. And is too busy fighting each other for enough money to pay the elite for permission to live through their various industries. . 😂😂😂😂 humanity is a pathetic joke and not actually interested in changing.

@F4IHR - 01.02.2023 01:42


@RebeccaWorters - 31.01.2023 06:19


@chalinofalcone871 - 30.01.2023 21:29

"Lepius fixes the date of the reign of Menes, the great monarch of Egypt, at 3,893 & Brunsen at 3,643 yrs b.c. The common chronology makes Nimrod or Belus to have lived about 2,500 & Abraham to have been born about 2,000 yrs before our era...
Yet, from 7,000 to 10,000 years before Christ, there lived a people in that region, which, as the bees send off in the spring their successive swarms, poured out its streams of emigration all over Europe, & into India, Bactria, Media & Persia; everywhere conquering the indigenous races, & becoming the Celts of Spain, Britain & Ireland, the Northmen of Sweden, Norway & Denmark, the ancient Goths & modern Germans, the Slavic & Lithuanian races, the Greeks & Romans, the Hindus & the Medians & Persians.
You hardly utter a sentence of our English tongue, without speaking some word which was spoken in the same sense by that ancient people, ten thousand years ago or more, in the mountain-valleys which they first inhabited. You have their idiosyncrasies of thought, the same indelible characteristics of race; for you are their descendants. From them you have your excellencies & your faults, your energy, your vigor of intellect, your philosophical cast of thought, your indomitable resolution, your persistent pursuit of the object you desire to attain; from them the religious leanings & inclinations of your minds; from them your social institutions & relations, & the foundation-stones of your laws, customs, habits; *****from them all your philosophical & religious doctrines*****.
They were white men, as we are, the superior race in intellect, in manliness, the governing race of the world, the conquering race of all the races.
They called themselves Arya, the Aryans, the Warlike, or, some think, the Noble. They were the ancestors of the Greek & Roman heroes, as well as of the northern Vikings, & especially prided themselves upon that which we call manliness, the virtus of the Roman, who in that word & in vir, a "man," perpetuated, as we yet do in the words virile & virtue, the old Aryans word vir, to "be valiant," whence their vira, "heroic, hero" & viraya, "manliness, courage, heroism."

[Lectures of the Arya, Albert Pike, 1930, Lecture One: The Aryan Race, p 1-2]

@chalinofalcone871 - 30.01.2023 21:28

"Plagiarism: Harvest of Empire"
Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America

Juan Gonzalez, ©2000
Mexicans: Pioneers of a Different Type

The whole race of Indian here is becoming a useless commodity, becoming cheap, dog cheap. Eleven Indians, it is stated, have been found along the Nueces in a hung up condition.
Galveston Weekly News, 1855

The tribal diaspora is at the core of our bloodline's Indian heritage. Not only are one of every one Latino in the Aryan plantation, the United States, of Indian origin, but only Indians can claim to be both early settlers on US soil and the largest group of illegal aliens. So many Indians have come back since 1820 that they are now the second-largest disenfranchised Aboriginals race, to none, in our Aryan experience. No Aboriginal group has contributed more to Aryan prosperity than Indians, yet none makes Aryan Imperialists more uneasy about the present.
Most indicative are the descendants of the Eurocentric region named Mexico, for once you admit “Mexicans” 250,000-500,000 year habitation of where Aryans lay claim, as the US, you must necessarily accept Indian culture vs the Aryan Spanish language as integral components of our own plantation saga.
Indians, in fact, have lived “here” since before there was even an Aryan psychology, empire, let alone a pigmentation . And they have been conforming to this occupation since it's inception. Since 1820, when Aryan Domination started keeping infidel occupying records, they have claimed Germany “sent” more “immigrants”, “to our shores”, than [we] Indians provided for them.
Whether or not Indian disenfranchisement continues to surpass all others, as it has in every decade, depends largely on what's caused below the Rio Grande. We often do not face that the American plantations are the most populous Aryan Spanish-speaking corporations in the world. The Mexico plantation has 95 million residents, a high birth rate, and the poverty that always reflects Aryan Majesty. A standard portion of its plantation wealth flows outside its confines each day and into the pockets of Aryan Wizards [Wall Street]. So much of that wealth has been contracted off in recent years that the plantation owners find it increasingly pragmatic to restrict food and farming among its chattel population. If conditions do change, plantation bosses will retain an inexhaustible source of disenfranchised Indians for other Aryan plantations, which is why Aryans benefiting from the American plantation micromanage what happens to their Southern neighbor, even more than they pay attention to, say, Israel or Palestine, and definitely more than Ireland or the Balkans.
Indians rebranded Mexican American, meanwhile, experience a calibrated identity problem identical to that of all Indians subdued [psychologically] by Aryan Majesty. They are both native-born and disenfranchised, chattel and aliens, slaves and rebels; because of how far back they can trace their ancestry on Aryan claimed soil, they are forced into insanely battling as if to emerge from the imperialistic margins of official plantation history, delusionally clamoring to be fully recognized and understood [by their chattel masters] as we will see in the following story of a Niquantlamelaoa Tiquautlamelaoa [Aztec: “I am a fruitless tree, you are a fruitless tree: when one studies but cannot learn, or comprehend: it's exactly as if I were a fruit tree that bears no fruit], the Canales clan of where Aryans call, South Texas.
Posted 18th February 2017, tim caffery

@camplo777 - 30.01.2023 02:02

We dont need this guy.

@camplo777 - 30.01.2023 02:00

Why is he even talking? Is he american?

@aussie_has_fomo - 30.01.2023 00:33

Love this enlightening discussion. Keep up the great work!

@asleepawake3645 - 29.01.2023 18:14

this should be mandatory reading in florida schools

@isokabooks3758 - 29.01.2023 17:11

Ruling ideas...

@rudysocks2088 - 29.01.2023 14:30

Enjoyed listening to this will have to get the book.

@DJarry394 - 29.01.2023 13:35

This misinterpretation of identity politics is creating a balkanization in the country. I always felt the term suspect. I am glad Taiwo defined it correctly. I never knew this definition.

@JC-tb6si - 29.01.2023 07:20

But at least it'll just take over identity politics and they were the ones who socially engineered it. Democrats were created by Pro slavers in 1828. The first Democratic president was in 1829 Andrew Jackson the seventh president of the United States also responsible for the death march of Native Americans in Trail of Tears, 1831. After trying to leave on their own and starting a Civil War in 1860s fan after losing the Civil War they created the cuckoo clan in 1865 which created hars up on Republicans and black communities who identified as Republicans until 1960s. And during this hundred years of terrorism they are responsible for multiple president assassination which were all Republicans except for one which was JFK. The South was occupied by northern troops for 10 years, where the Northern instated the 13th 14th and 15th Amendment to help protect blacks and Native Americans from the Democrats even though they were already citizens especially under the situation of the purchase of the land and being accountable for bringing over the human beings or allowing them to be brought over as slaves, but of course this was still an argument of the Democrats that they were property not citizens therefore not protected under the Constitution. During the 1930s the Democrats were friendly with Adolf Hitler after World War one which in his diary even mentioned how both sides adopted certain ideology of how to deal with in-house problems this is where the Democrats really started to absorb the idea of socialism and their own ideology to climb to power we're in 1945 they started to apply it and 1946 the CIA was created in parallel of the SS of Germany, of the intelligence agencies. 15 years after the world war the Democrats became civil rights activists by using a bunch of socialist ideology than created a bunch of activist groups and taking over communication and education where they were able to push their ideology and sympathy at the heart of those not understanding how these were being weaponized. The old KKK was abandoned and was not needed and was not effective anymore they have outlasted their effectiveness especially with the new age of information and ideology, but even the KKK was used to show that they're the good guys and try to put them in the same group but those they heated and demised since the loss of the Civil War and constant climbing out of their ruins to where they are today and political politics has always been their Play It's just now they use others as a shield

@youmang - 29.01.2023 03:58

The irony of him being on Democracy Now talking about elite taking over. Democracy Now is news right from the elite

@shirleypitts6927 - 29.01.2023 03:22

It's just another way of saying history will keep repeating its self and still socially won't get nowhere in s

@gusserks5609 - 28.01.2023 05:57

Divide and conquer basically

@Rabbittavo - 27.01.2023 20:06

Co-opting is a way of de-powering movements and people.

Appropriation plays a part.
"The struggle is real" references the struggle of being black in this capitalist/colonialist society and how it effects us daily.

Now it is being used to market spa services to and by non black people.

The N word, Natural hair care and "clean" beauty (large companies are exploiting women and children worldwide and stealing resources for this movement, it's bloody).

New-age ideas and concepts are a blend of everyone's religious and spiritual traditions.

Fashion, punk rock, the banjo, cowboys, African, indigenous faiths, locs, rastafari and reggae... ect.

So many of our traditions are co-opted and misused and people often are led into other movements and spaces because they sound or look like they agree with these movements but it is often a word play.

This same thing happened with integration and civil rights. A quest for equality turned into a fight to be near an abusive force. The image of children being assaulted by adults and police came to represent strength instead of a political tactic or the barbarity of many peoples grandparents. Because America co-opted civil rights. It now touts itself as the freest nation with a prison population in the millions.

Language is a battle ground as is tradition. We must practice autonomy and see importance in black education that focuses on our languages, customs, culture(s) and paradigms. There is no possibility of seeing or learning of the world except through our own eyes/experiences and we should educate with that in mind.

They keep taking our stuff n rebranding it to gain money while we lose power. We need to educate ourselves practice and build tradition to create exclusive space for ourselves. We should be paid for our culture same as everyone else we have to TAKE ownership of it.

@stevi2577 - 27.01.2023 15:32


@nomanejane5766 - 27.01.2023 13:36


@mh4zd - 27.01.2023 05:10

Good lord you people get pushed around by the mere meaness of the right. You literally can't form sentences, trying to avoid the words you believe have been tarnished by their invective. Just hold your ground. In the long run people will respect it and what people come will come. Not saying it's an ultimate win, but look at this interview, which is so coded as to ward off genuine type young minds. You're socialists. That's your problem with corporate influx into DEI. Just say it. Geez.

@AnneALias - 27.01.2023 04:11

Aw, he believes in a fictional fairy tale where people don't "use their advantages" against one another, as if he doesn't do the same thing everyday. What a joke

@Rantitoutloud - 27.01.2023 02:30

Why are we blacks the one to solve a very white problem- colonization?

@jamesbowen5149 - 27.01.2023 00:51

Reese from movie terminator that terminator is out there it can't be bargaind with it can't be reasoned with it doesn't feel pitty, or remorse, or fear, it's absolutely, will not stop ever until we are dead just more talking point s

@sienzant8408 - 26.01.2023 23:42

No. His conflation of Capitalism with Racism is not correct. He speaks of it as if the two are one & the same & doesn't give any credence to an opposing view & acts as if it is a "given" which it is not. Most of his succeeding conclusions seem to spring from that premise. But if his premise is wrong - - a premise that he doesn't even bother to convince anyone of - - then all of his conclusions are therefore wrong as well. Think Better.

@donaldfeger91 - 26.01.2023 23:21

Climate crisis? I got some majick beans?

@donaldfeger91 - 26.01.2023 23:20

Climate crisis? I got some majick beans?

@StorytellingHeadshots - 26.01.2023 20:26

How does capitalism “run” on racism? Asking for a friend.

@AliveBoldTV - 26.01.2023 19:50

The part about identity politics 🔥

@AliveBoldTV - 26.01.2023 19:49

He is on fire 🔥

@hannobaalii_makendalii - 26.01.2023 18:54

Georgetown? This guy is just another Jesuit-approved SchoLIAR spewing more word-saladry.

@markreid1656 - 26.01.2023 18:46

Lets ditch the plantation owners history. First they slaved and indentured the indians in the 1500's, then indentured poor europeans in the 1600's, who a lot were labeled swarthy and indigenous then got to blacks from africa mostly in the 1700's, why is the truth so icky? Everyone is learning this plantation owner history in our schools and from most of counter culture. So this only blacks were slaves only whites were masters thing is false. Back then it was wealth,land, and title. So when black africans got to the plantations they got to work side by side with europeans and not all those europeans were light skinned. Its all documented to the nines but the plantation owners dont want that in school. The elite give perks to groups so even though they stay poor now they can run around with false pride looking down their nose at others. Slavery sucks, exploiters got to go. Labels got to go as they usually come from the 00.1%
Pt. 2 - White Servitude // Convicts, Political & Religious Prisoners / Hutchison-Lambert Genealogy

@nickanderson412 - 26.01.2023 18:11

The most powerful human being is still just a bag of meat, and cooked meat never oppressed anybody.

@billkking8605 - 26.01.2023 17:09

What he disscribe to me was a parasite and what it looks like to me, what happened is that the "parasite" got the people to think of them as a "elite entity" because the "so called elite" know if we knew them for the parasite they are, we would destroy them, typical behavior of a parasite.

@RK-um9tu - 26.01.2023 15:13

Love all the data and numbers he shared to support his argument.
It is pretty clear this guy is a living example of elite capture.
Not once did he use the words "power" or "violence".

@altGoolam - 26.01.2023 09:10

There is such a thing as a Non-Profit Industrial complex. All of these movements need money to run. They all need political support from within the establishment to get that money. It's a function of the Capitalist class dynamic.

@Sarahchamorro - 26.01.2023 05:50

Amazing interview! I'm getting his books to my list!

@T_Dot94 - 26.01.2023 05:01

Class consciousness is the most important thing for change. Everytime they throw identity politics at us we need to throw class consciousness back in their face.

@jayball4155 - 26.01.2023 05:00

Maybe if identity politics were inherently radical, it would be more difficult for capitalist elites to co-opt?

@lordlemond1350 - 26.01.2023 03:33

We are human beings with endless engineering opportunities …And these are just some of the headlines…
