Stellaris - Scion Origin Mechanics (Forget about the other ones, this is the most overpowered start)

Stellaris - Scion Origin Mechanics (Forget about the other ones, this is the most overpowered start)


4 года назад

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@A_Spec - 22.03.2020 02:18

Correction; no feds for Scions. :(

@luh.garcia6413 - 16.10.2023 08:17

Dad doesn’t own the police he owns the military XD

@nilesta - 04.10.2023 04:52

I don't know if the FEs are different, I don't really remember what they said my first time, only that they gave me ships, and I was a pacifist, so that was hilarious. But recently, I did it again, and not only did they NOT hand over a fleet, they dumped bucketloads of minerals I didn't need on me, and spent the whole time talking to me like the youngest child who is just never good enough. Wow, dad, thanks for all that dirt on the front yard, please stop calling me.

@kamarreingram5045 - 31.07.2023 05:51

I can never bring myself to betray them to many goodies they give for free this orgins helped me later in one of my games the khan appeared next to my empire and i absolutely bodied him with the fleets they gave me 😂

@redtsun67 - 16.02.2023 17:37

Reminds me of my second playthrough of Stellaris. I had just completed my first playthrough and wanted to do something more creative, so I created a fanatic spiritualist empire and periodically gave them "gifts" with console commands as if I were their god granting them blessings. Pretty decent roleplay but got old fast. Never finished that one.

@Dante.- - 29.11.2022 07:04

It’s a worthless origin beyond the first fleet they give you.

The game is too reliant on defensive packs and federations to be completely barred from it now, the origin and fallen empires need a complete rework

@SnowTheWickerbeast - 11.09.2022 21:01

You need to to an update on this

@meatshtick8268 - 12.08.2022 03:34

Israel simulator

@xavierlucky397 - 27.07.2022 00:19

I wanted to overthrow them but its hard to actually do, they have done nothing but help me…so i won’t.

@sfvmexe - 25.07.2022 18:56

I wonder, what happens when the sugar daddy Fallen Empire awakens?

@muzanjackson8827 - 11.07.2022 19:04

Glad to know that I picked the right choice for my first stellaris empire

@guardianofthetoasters2323 - 06.07.2022 07:14

Fe overlord in early game: what did you say to my child you lil shit?

End game scion to crisis: what did you say to my child you lil shit?

@sarvashaktimaan7106 - 06.07.2022 03:31

Take scion + barbaric despoilers -> immediately sell your starting curvets -> wait for the FE fleet donation -> use their endgame sensors to get scout for points of interest around you -> declare a 'bring into fold' war on the first empire you find and literally steal all their pops with kidnapping bombardment while you science rush.

@codyellsworth7927 - 19.06.2022 05:13

Playing grand admiral (no scaling). 60 years in and only received a level 7 admiral lol... not the most OP origin that's for sure.

@tonisarkisian3561 - 24.05.2022 12:38

thanks very much!!!

@michaeledmunds7056 - 22.05.2022 12:30

Me: "Who would want someone else to rule over them?"
FE: "Here's 5000 alloys and a fleet 3 times more powerful than anything anyone else has right now. Let me know if you need anything else."
Me "I for one welcome our alien overlords."

@roguegamer8605 - 20.05.2022 12:13

I wonder how this works with new overlord dlc

@jackwillhelm7622 - 06.05.2022 20:16

mommy and daddys payroll lmao im dying

@helcarloki1887 - 25.04.2022 01:06

Ultimate kick in the gut!
Start as materialist scion (FE includes font of knowledge and lazy hedonist).
Say yes yes yes until strong enough to take over.
then nerve staple the fallen empire population and put them in their rightful place
To add more salt to the wound I remodeled their own robots and made them the rulers of the fallen empire world's

@TheMem513185 - 23.04.2022 15:03

When you a fanatic materialic and your Fallen Empire is spirituel, it isnt a good origin for roleplaying

@LezbionestHere - 05.04.2022 11:45

Christ I can't believe that origins are 2 years old already. I felt like they were introduced last year!

@bankbo123 - 19.01.2022 06:56

AI empire crime mega company created they brand in 25 (all) of you world. he is scion . his fallen in center of your domain. Great khan open wormhole to you doamain = crisis mid game (have 2 L-gate near me and it gonig to open soon)

@MrGemHunter - 06.01.2022 05:19

The ultimate power: A sugar daddy

@3liony - 05.01.2022 06:43

Unpopular hot take: I find scion really unfun to play, not because it's overpowered, but because it completely hamstrings my playstyle. I like to do tech rush pacifist high diplomacy (not the pacifist ethic I just never declare war) and like, yeah it helps with the tech part but I can't do like half the diplomatic stuff with federations I want to unless I rebel but then I have to focus more on military than I really want to (like, of course you gotta some to be able to keep the ai from being opportunistic and to beat up the crisis but I like to always start with the nonmilitary stuff)

@onlyherebecausewhynot321 - 31.12.2021 03:18

Quick Question: Does anyone know what happens when someone destroys your overlord as a Scion? I'm hoping nothing happens

Answer needed soon

@novagalaxy420 - 30.12.2021 06:58

As Project X our goal is to help our Overload by any means necessary.

@Alex_FRD - 25.12.2021 23:25

There is absolutely no reason to break free from your Fallen Empire sugar daddy.

@graham1230 - 24.12.2021 21:39

When your empire is granted those extra ships it feels like that one scene from halo wars 1 where the arbiter is like “The ancients have granted us the power to doom your race!”

@terraopg8259 - 15.12.2021 00:07

and i still manage to die as a scion start withing 30-40 years

@dronewars7186 - 06.12.2021 23:10

"He will feed you"
Me with having a 30 year defensive war against early fanatical purifiers as soon as i discovered them, being beaten back to my original 1 system state: :[

@voidwalker9746 - 21.11.2021 22:19

I'm a fanatic materialist scion, my overlord is a fanatic spritualist fallen empire, and somehow things are working out fine.

@Hollow-Eyes - 28.10.2021 07:54

Me running a fanatic pacifist trade empire as Scion is basically be becoming a baby elephant. I'm harmless,but if you threaten me, momma's gonna come running.

@ag3nt_green - 21.10.2021 05:26

I got the ships right as I discovered my local determined exterminators…we played a little role reversal game and now I own the entire southern region of the galaxy at year 2226. Lol

@lorenzofalorni3961 - 25.09.2021 15:06

The others are forbidden, but this one gets you banned from MP

@hunterwotruba774 - 21.09.2021 12:50

Does anyone else not care if something is op? I play Stellaris as a sandbox RP, not a 4x

@henryhipschen9764 - 20.09.2021 05:42

FE: here, have a 5k fleet
Me, now in debt from the fleet upkeep: uhhh, thanks I guess

@RhelrahneTheIdiot - 17.09.2021 14:51

A double edged sword, you will be stuck as a vassal for a while but otherwise you'll be completely and utterly safe if you simply sit back and enjoy the gifts.

@pandatru3n076 - 15.09.2021 09:03

I was playing as a Scion empire, and the great kahn came around and destroyed me and in turn i became its vassal. But when the kahn split and died i was released as a free empire under no vassal. Very interesting.

@anongraham3590 - 10.09.2021 23:18

I’m sort of new to the game so I chose this option and the FE gave me a fleet to start the game, but I got it killed because I sent it after one of those star-eating jellyfish things… RIP.

@bolothegiantfriendlypillbu4075 - 07.09.2021 05:34

So that's why everyone homed in on me so quickly.

@artytester129 - 30.08.2021 13:35

My empire: “If it wasn’t for Suger Daddy; it would be the space box for us.”

@QuantumRipple - 29.08.2021 06:24

I jokingly was RPing as an anime waifu scion, until I realised my fallen empire was a gaming group on a matrishka brain, it was perfection

@LordZonar - 18.08.2021 01:53

I recently had to kill a scion who had a wormhole directly from their capital to their master's capital.

Let's just say that my star-eaters made short work of them both

@Neumonics429 - 13.08.2021 04:13

Space Daddy: Are you winning son?
Me: Yes.

@hulmhochberg8129 - 12.08.2021 18:37

mhhm turning the entire galaxy into scions one by one, then fight your masters and the other scions seems like the way to ultimate dominance.

@dontworry1119 - 11.08.2021 07:11

I remember getting those ships and I remember bullying everyone into being a scion. I was like a spoiled rich kid till I decided to fight the artists.

@kyodairiker - 21.07.2021 09:07

How many ships can you get from the fallen empire?

@frankieherr2886 - 18.07.2021 04:16

Yes suga dadaa

@billyhaigh9274 - 29.06.2021 21:07

I had a scion once without this start I think they were machine an I was a fanatic materialist
