What happens if you try KISS Japanese?

What happens if you try KISS Japanese?

Ask Japanese

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masa - 16.09.2023 05:09


Chrissy Idek
Chrissy Idek - 07.09.2023 05:34

Lived in the South here in America my whole life and people don't really hug each other unless they are close family or friends. My grandparents would give kisses on the cheek to me and other family members but I don't really see it as much in the younger generation, older generation yes kissing was a greeting. I don't really see men and women hugging much either its mainly same-sex unless they're already somewhat close.

Ray Price
Ray Price - 07.09.2023 03:32

In England we tend to do one kiss on the cheek followed by a hug. I remember instinctively doing it to my American girlfriend's mum the first time we met and she got all flustered. 😂

Robert Man
Robert Man - 03.09.2023 03:27

As a swede, I would say kissing on the cheek is more common in the south of Europe, either hugs, hand shack or fist bump is the normal way here, kissing might be more for the girls here, but more of the friends circle.

BlackTsukiProduction - 02.09.2023 15:26

In Argentina we touch cheek to cheek and kiss the air (on one side only). It's like a quick little cheek pat, and it can be done with strangers too (men do it with each other too). Sometimes a pat on the shoulder or a hand grab is added.

Мирия Мирай
Мирия Мирай - 02.09.2023 07:58

In Russia depending on the region and on the age people kiss directly or just the air around. As you said in your video, grandparents usually kiss directly the cheek. Young people prefer longer hugs rather than kiss but there are some exceptions. Some times when people don't do well with each other but in public they have to be friendly, they kiss the air quiet far from the face))) Depending on the face expression this greeting kiss may show disgust or love and happiness
It is common instead of kiss just put your faces very close so your cheek can touch the cheek of the person you are greeting.
Hugs are the most popular way to greet people. Hugs between to males and to females are a little bit different. But when a male and a female hugs, they use the "female tipe". It's very common to hug people at the end of your first meeting

Guilherme Dias
Guilherme Dias - 02.09.2023 03:42

In Brazil, kiss on the cheek is basically the norm for informal greetings: men greets women and women greets women like that (well, a lot of gay men I know also greets everyone like that). It happens most in situations with family and friends, but not exclusively — at parties, bars and social events when someone introduces you to other person, the kiss on the cheek is pretty normal as well. In some regions of Brazil, it's just one kiss; in others, a kiss on each cheek. For us, it's not a big deal at all.

Oh, and be careful: we hug too.

tangente00 - 01.09.2023 12:33

In Switzerland we do not kiss the air but actually the cheek. Either 3 or 4 times. Yabai. haha

Fragging Gear
Fragging Gear - 31.08.2023 18:43

I've french kissed my best friend for fun just to make people uncomfortable a few times in my life. That was always funny.

dem0n - 31.08.2023 18:38

You should have emphasized in your video that there are differences. A kiss on the cheek greeting is usually not with anyone's mouth involved, it's actually just both cheeks touching eachother.

In Belgium we mostly do that cheek vs cheek greeting once. My friends and family in France do it on both cheeks and some also do it 3 times.

I think it needed to be said that cheek vs cheek isn't the same as kissing on the cheek, obviously, lol.

luca menditto
luca menditto - 30.08.2023 18:56

in italy is totally normal greeting a friend, female or male, is the same, of course depend if is a close friend or not.

aikighost - 30.08.2023 14:32

Here in Ireland we lick the tip of each others noses and then punch each other in the genitals shouting "there can be only ONE!!!!!". It's considered the height of ignorance and an insult to not punch as hard as possible.

Music 003
Music 003 - 30.08.2023 07:16

I am Brazilian, last week my same genrer business partner from another company said hello to me with a kiss on cheek. Yeah i think is very common here, even for work sometimes. I already knew her is not a totally stranger.
Also this month i visited a customer that i already exchange email from long time and when i said goodbye i huged and kissed her in cheek and also her colleagues that i first met ahahaha very different culture indeed 😂😂😂

Rosie Blue
Rosie Blue - 30.08.2023 00:34

A light hug (touching arms and shoulders) and a double half-air half-cheek kiss is the acceptable greeting. A single kiss on the cheek with a hug, is reserved for close friends, family ana partners. In France, it can be up to three kisses on the cheek, which feels like forever to me. Fact: The air kiss is for not ruining makup/creating lipstick marks.

NeisanSmith - 29.08.2023 17:01

見知らぬ人とキスしないでください!I hope Nihonjin don't think we kiss as a greeting in America. Americans don't kiss each other as a greeting. We don't hug strangers as a greeting either, because we only hug to show that we feel emotionally close to each other. In America, if anyone tries to hug you as a first meeting then they are definitely trying to get romantic with you. Definitely run away from a stranger that tries to kiss you! edit: OMG Cathy don't be weird! Nobody does that kiss greeting with strangers, that is embarrassing just to watch! 😣🤢

kerberos2548 - 29.08.2023 08:56

In Japan, touching a stranger is one of the most repugnant acts. If you suddenly hug a stranger or someone with whom you do not have an intimate relationship, you may be accused of harassment or indecent exposure. Please be careful.

Ghl Scitel
Ghl Scitel - 29.08.2023 01:46

Nice - spoiling Kawaikochans

Shaimaa Gamal Eddin
Shaimaa Gamal Eddin - 29.08.2023 00:09

In Egypt, we all hug and kiss in all times even if we just met 😂
When I was in Japan I made a friend with a lady she was so nice and treated mevti lunch, i wanted to hug her to express my appreciation, but got so anxious cause I know Japanese don't likevto touch ... Egyptians, though... 🤭

sürünen adam
sürünen adam - 28.08.2023 17:44

robot hug

Donny Sarian
Donny Sarian - 28.08.2023 01:26

Japanese are so modest and have so much class, unlike Americans who won't just kiss, but twerk and make out in the middle of the street! 🤣

solidsn2011 - 27.08.2023 23:23

In Italy we kiss each other on both kiss, some areas in Italy they kiss 3 times like right cheek, left cheek and back to right cheek again. We do that even with people we meet for the first time (mostly after we meet them when we say goodbye). In fact, during my first trip to Japan I went out with locals and when we tried to kiss them before leaving they were shocked! When we told them that even boys kiss girls on the cheek they all screened: “wooooah lucky lucky!!!” 😅

Stelios Zagnaferis
Stelios Zagnaferis - 27.08.2023 19:55

It seems like we are all closer with eachother, but not all people are that relaxed on hugging, or other kind of greetings and feel uncomfortable most of the times, if not all, even with people that are close enough. ( I'm such a person, that's why I'm saying that). Also, many people, mostly girls, will do that even if they don't feel so comfortable with theother person, and that's something that shows. Something else that's usually happening, is when a group of friends is going out, but there is also someone who is not as close with everyone. When they are all going to hug each other, or in general greet each other (for example, two of my girlfriends use to hug their friends when they are meeting them, then being both girls and boys), they wont feel like hug the person who they are not close with, or even hug him, but in both situations that's going to be awkward. Furthermore, there are times when the "friends" will stop being that close, but still one of them will still keep trying to hug the other one (for example, my two girlfriends that I mentioned earlier. Even though we all know that out friendship almost doesn't exist anymore, they will keep hugging me. That ends up being hypocritical, and dumb). I personally prefer the greetings that Japanese people have, compared to those that westerners have, while I am also kind of a "westerner" (I'm from Greece). But, that's probably because also an introvert.

Really nice videos, and entertaining. They help a lot at understanding the Japanese culture, and how people are used to behave.

Gustavo Buquera
Gustavo Buquera - 27.08.2023 18:54

Here in Brazil one time i went to Obon with a friend who's a descendant, there we met some of her older relatives including some native japaneses, i just bowed from a distance but they came close to me and hugged and kissed me lol.

Muhammad-Amin Jacobs
Muhammad-Amin Jacobs - 27.08.2023 11:37

I thought you do the 'kissing of the cheek' by having both persons cheeks touch while kissing the air besides them. This has happened to me only once in my lifetime if I recall correctly and it caught me off guard. Since the most common greeting here is just hugging, whether it's a stranger/friends/family, etc.

Karmit Frog
Karmit Frog - 26.08.2023 18:41

she didn’t ask let’s try lips to lips kiss 🤣

DDHDTV - 26.08.2023 12:53

as an Austrian, we do all of the greetings mentioned here.
Handshake, hug for friends, air kisses for friends and even somewhat strangers (like friends of friends you don’t know), cheek kiss has been seen but never done myself as a 26 year old

Flávio - 26.08.2023 02:55

In Brazil, we touch cheeks, but not the lip, and also just one kiss, usually the right cheek (but that's not a rule). Girls only hug and kiss with everyone, guy or girl, while guys have the option of shaking hand among ourselves and maybe hugging if they're closer. Almost everytime I give my hand to shake a girl's hand, she's kinda weirded out and we just end up hugging.
Hugs don't need to come with kisses and kisses don't need to come with hugs. Kiss only, you can just touch the shoulders for support and touch cheeks with kiss noise.

With hugs, what changes is the intensity according to how much you like the person and are intimate. I usually hug tight, when I want to show warmth and come off as friendly, even when I don't quite know the person, and it's always welcommed (I wouldn't do that with a random, complete stranger out of nothing haha. Context matters a little bit). Though, the longer the hug, the more intimacy you have. Long hugs would be awkward if you are not intimate and friendly.

Oscar E. Quirós
Oscar E. Quirós - 25.08.2023 23:41

Kathy, here in Costa Rica we actually kiss directly on the cheek. At least, we touch cheeks.

Rob Xsiq
Rob Xsiq - 25.08.2023 23:38

cheek kissing from my family is what men do to women that are typically related, just a small sign of affection, and it is contact. This can expand out to dear friends that you aren't really romantically interested in. girls can (and usually do) kiss other girls on the cheek, and guys will only kiss girls on the cheek...typically.
This is the way.

Marco T.
Marco T. - 25.08.2023 23:17

In Latin America you kiss on the cheek even if it's the first time meeting someone, and you hug and kiss if it's someone you are familiar with.

Elma Lee
Elma Lee - 25.08.2023 21:50

I'm German, and I greet family and friends with a friendly, not too tight hug, and strangers with a handshake. But when I feel cool and confident enough, I do a fist-bump, lol.

Wolfgang Haiden
Wolfgang Haiden - 25.08.2023 11:34

I would say in Europe it depends on the kisses. In Austria, we would do that within friends and family, but also not directly on the cheek. In the Netherlands you have three kisses instead of two. I have the feeling that in France they are more likely to use that with people they do to know too well. Me, as an Austrian, I would say that hugging and kissing is something that you do with people you know and like. I do not like to hug my co-workers for example, but in Germany this is normal.

ANRO Gaming
ANRO Gaming - 25.08.2023 10:13

Kissing on the cheek as a greeting we called it cipika cipiki in indonesia 😅
definitely only to the people you are close to

Bena - 25.08.2023 09:37

I'm from Chile, South America. We literally do a kiss on the cheek when we meet anyone from the opposite sex for the first time, at least where I live in the south of the country. Girls normally do it to each other too, and as a guy I also do it with my closest male friends as well.

Solarguy - 25.08.2023 08:02

After being in Japan around one week, I went out one night and had such a great time I tried to give a goodnight peck on the cheek to one of the girls. She totally freaked out. Never tried that ever again.

Summersnow Flake
Summersnow Flake - 25.08.2023 05:44

In Chile I had different experiences normally people don't blow kisses in the air but put their cheeks together (while keep talking). But some people really do give big, wet kisses on the cheek (that's what traumatises me everytime 😂). (I'm half chilean - half german. So I only experience this during visits.)

aris sigue
aris sigue - 25.08.2023 00:51

In the middle east, the males shake hands, hug and kiss the air near the cheeks.

Ha_Seldon - 24.08.2023 13:30

I didn't see a comment from Poland so I'll add mine :). In Poland it's very common for people to hug and kiss each other as a greeting, but it's more between family members or good friends. Also, there is shaking hands, "high-five" or "turtle". Shaking hands is both a formal greeting, both with strangers and acquaintances, the others with friends.

C e s a R
C e s a R - 24.08.2023 00:27

A bit awkward 😅

airgabor para
airgabor para - 23.08.2023 21:19

Cathy brought up another super topics.

airgabor para
airgabor para - 23.08.2023 21:18

Kiss in the air is patetic. Only weirdos and communist party members do that!!!😂

airgabor para
airgabor para - 23.08.2023 21:16

I prefer to hug girls from the back side. 😅

Rafaelle Cavalcanti
Rafaelle Cavalcanti - 23.08.2023 15:25

In Brazil hugs and kisses on the cheeks are normal between strangers.

El técnico
El técnico - 23.08.2023 01:18

Here in Latin America we can kiss each other on the cheek both to the right and to the left in my country it is common, in my country unknown men and women can kiss each other, in the case of women they also kiss each other, In Argentina men also kiss each other but in my country they don't

Seijin - 22.08.2023 21:27

In Argentina at least, we greet strangers with a kiss if a woman, friends with hugs, girlfriends with a kiss, sometimes a hug. But the truth is that the most common is to give a kiss directly on the cheek, or sometimes I directly rest my cheek on the other. In formal situations, shaking hands is the most common. But the truth is that we have so many ways of greetings in Argentina, that you can use whichever one you want.

Mobik - 22.08.2023 18:40

In Argentina you can kiss directly in the cheek for both, women and men. But only one kiss, both will turn their head towards their right. It could be with strangers if they're women but for men, most likely needs to be from a known group of friends, coworkers, etc and is ok.
