King Arthur: Is There Any Truth Behind Britain's Legendary King? | Britain AD | All Out History

King Arthur: Is There Any Truth Behind Britain's Legendary King? | Britain AD | All Out History

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@PresterMike - 29.01.2024 09:02

Amazing I love it! I’m a huge lover of history and I love love that you’ve kept it beautiful

@juliacastellanos7764 - 26.01.2024 18:08

Wow, the story of King Arthur sounds like Jesus and His disciples! From the way it's described in the beginning of the video. If this is a really made up story, maybe someone back then heard of Jesus and got inspired

@treesapa - 18.01.2024 23:57

In mists of time, a whisper floats,
Of Camelot and knights in boats.
King Arthur's reign, a legend grand,
But did he walk upon this land?

Historians sift, through dusty scroll,
For traces of a warrior's soul.
Battles fought, a misty scene,
Was Arthur myth, or king unseen?

Welsh bards sing, of valor's flame,
A hero forged, on Britain's name.
Excalibur, in jeweled hand,
Defending realms, across the land.

Roman echoes, faintly call,
Of leaders lost, and empires' fall.
Did Arthur rise, from shadows deep,
To guard the Britons, in their sleep?

Round Table dreams, and Lancelot's vow,
Guinevere's tear, on Merlin's brow.
Are these but tales, by firelight spun,
Or whispers true, of battles won?

The quest for truth, a winding path,
Across the moor, where legends hath
Built castles strong, in minds of men,
Of Arthur's deeds, and where they've been.

So let us search, with heart and eye,
In whispers old, and starlit sky.
For perhaps within the realm of lore,
King Arthur lives, forevermore.

@user-ht9wx8tn8v - 01.01.2024 04:31

I feel this kind of went off kilter... was really looking forward to more along the line of Arthur...

@garyparker1628 - 28.12.2023 05:24

It is reasonable to assume that King Arthur is a mythicized and romanticized version of the battle leader of the British at the Battle of Badon, the historicity of which is not in doubt.

@MysticChronicles. - 27.12.2023 12:22

Excellent! A big, "Thank you!", to all concerned.

@BETNGU - 27.12.2023 03:36

Why do so many think they can rewrite history with nothing but a guess?

@GrantFricks - 23.12.2023 04:25

I wonder how the disaster of 536 AD affected human migration to Britain. No sun for 2 years, raining red, famine, etc.

@jeannienash5249 - 13.12.2023 03:32

772,233 watching now - Please hit that LIKE button!

@ensilguz - 12.12.2023 09:18

That wall was constructed by Hadrian!

@tiosalado8974 - 15.11.2023 08:43

.. You should watch it.

@amyrat151 - 13.11.2023 03:20

I find this idea that English people have about their history to be so strange where every time an invasion happened the people who were on the island vanished into the ether and their culture just disappeared like none of it ever existed. England's history before 1066 is only knowable by digging up ground and reading books in dead languages, as if thousands of people didn't survive every battle and/or invasion of outsiders.

@DavidWilliams-cm4ow - 11.11.2023 16:47

There was Christianity in Britain long before Constantine. I’m thinking this man is anti-Christian and most of his theories about The Roman presence in Britain are hogwash. St. Alba the first British Christian martyr was executed in the town of Verulamium in 304 AD. There is evidence of Christianity in the late 2nd century. Previously Christians fled Roman lands because of persecution. They did not arrive as conquerors, but as fugitives. Constantine gave them validity and peace.

@duanealbers4985 - 19.10.2023 01:25

Longest add I’ve ever heard for open borders

@shanetrout8103 - 17.10.2023 18:27

Is this a parody? It's obviously joke.. I cant tell how much he's trolling

@williamgorden6390 - 16.10.2023 01:40

Can anyone tell me the name of the gentleman, speaking in Oxford about the survival of Latin? Thank you!

@mrhassell - 13.10.2023 15:46

What surprise. History is nothing but the tale, told by the side of the winner, or in case of Rome, the empire against an essentially agricultural society. Rome however never fully retreated, neither did the ensuing Saxons (Germans), Normans (French) or even the earliest conquering inhabitants, Visigoths and Vikings. Sir Thomas Malory, was mostly responsible for the tale of Arthur. Born from the age of Romance, it's an embellishment of an already 500+ year old tale, before Malory got to penning his romantic novel. This unfortunately fails to investigate the true origins and completely omits the connection to the real origin of the tale, being based on Arturious Rex.

@geeemqu - 11.10.2023 20:15

How do people listen to these horsecrap channels?

@paperfinger9265 - 08.10.2023 09:18

Clever way to say theft and intimidation in the name of cultural diversity

@shalaconballard9912 - 04.10.2023 19:46

Oh come on get over it all you proven is that the Brits was concord buy the Romans and than by the Normans they brought Civilization to Britten . I mean look at the Brits today we are waiting for the British to lean there own language for crying out loud . ROFL !

@erineileenkennedy-andress1684 - 04.10.2023 09:08

What a great theory! Connects all the dots into a sensible Constellation...Splendid work, Dr Pryor...brave of you to be such an iconoclast

@yehuditcollins6783 - 03.10.2023 01:45

Irritating musical background. It's distracting.😅

@gerharddeusser9103 - 29.09.2023 05:35

So the britons started speaking a germanic language, changed their burial rites and dress code purely voluntarily..... And all the weapons were only made to be dumped in the water....?
So the interpretation of history has gone from one extrem to the other. From fighting over land to hippie trippy multiculturalism...? ? ?
There is a german saying : "Man kann's auch übertreiben"...!

@josephkavanagh7055 - 21.09.2023 21:02

All governments are at their basis, Protection Rackets. They start off as warriors/soldiers being formed to protect the community. After awhile, a leader will arise to become the boss or a larger area demanding money/supplies to protect the defenceless farmers and city dwellers. That's how Rome became powerful but faded when there were no other wealthy lands to conquer and tax the daylights out of while over-taxing their own citizens.

@JennySimon206 - 21.09.2023 09:44

If u want Matrix, here it is. This is what is really going on. It's much much worse than you even think.
If we are self censoring to this point, how much worse can it get, we might as well be a program in the Matrix.
As for Russell Brand. Play chess, not checkers. The people in charge have spent decades honing their mind control techniques.
They are Manufacturing consent. There seems to be a theme of redeeming villians. They want you to defend Steven Crowder, Andrew Tate, Russell Brand, Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kuniz, Anakin Skywalker, the Joker and on and on.
They wouldn't be telling us if they didn't want us to know. The media doesn't go rogue anymore. Those days of investigative journalism in MSM are long over. Isn't it strange then?
Hollywood is putting messaging into our movies. They redeemed the child trafficker in Guardians of the Galaxy, the director Brian Singer also of XMen is a well known but never taken to trial predator chomo of Hollywood.
There is a two tier justice system. You can't even trust that the elite are getting the punishments they claim they are receiving. Take another look at the In N Out Burger photoshoot Gislane Maxwell released before 'her' arrest. Which, might I add, she waited at home for. Strange. I'd be at my Terra Mar ocean city in international waters.
Anyways, seems that's what she did. That photoshoot is clearly two women wearing the same outfit. The double is wearing glasses. Gislane is covering her well defined jawline because the prisoner they paid off to play dress up has jowels. Couldn't even be bothered to give her a facelift. Not even trying. Epstien's DNA was matched to his jail toothbrush. Great detective work. Not. Obvious cover up. It's like when scientists adjust one little thing, they can throw the study. If they had just taken DNA from his house, history would be a whole lot different. Why would they? They all arranged it. They're all in on it obviously.
These people are globalists. They don't care about democrats and Republicans. That's just to keep us divided and distracted. To give our sham elections some semblance of reality. There's no real left or right. There's rich and poor. A uniparty.
Democracy, communism, fascism, it's all the same. Just means, we overthrew the Monarchy in a long game spanning centuries and now it's bankers in charge. When the Cat is away the Mice play. Democracy never works and they knew it. They knew it's always a huge corruption free for all cash grab but can't last forever. We have reached the point where we have no more for them to leech out of us. Consumerism doesn't work anymore. People don't want fast fashion, fast food, fast life, rat races anymore. People want to go back to the old ways. Plant a garden and sew heirloom quality couture clothing to pass down thru the generations. We want to build our own homesteads, grow our own soil & plant trees to mature when our children are grown. Not working in a meaningless job after having to pee in traffic commutinf for 3 hours because u had to drink coffee to keep your eyelids open. All this and u can't pay your bills because your sweat & blood is going to enrich greedy parasites who just decided they own the planet and can tell us what to do.
I'm a bit of an expert in mind control. Age 12 I was suddenly for no reason taken to trauma based mind control programs disguised as religious cults disguised as troubled teen re-education camps disguised as boarding schools with no teachers or adult staff. Recent graduates. No books either. Bible only. No contact outside world. Physical mental abuse. Sleep deprivation. Drugged food with Thorazine and made us excersize. Could eat as much delicious southern cooking as u wanted. ect ect ect.. There was more. Not for a few months. A year minimum. Heightened psychic abilities I think. The isolation and trauma. I'm a Seer. I'm also smart. Street smart as well. Life wasn't easy after that.

@JennySimon206 - 21.09.2023 09:09

Rainier and Henderson! Omg they closed the Jack in the Box? What? Why? Been there since I was a kid and they just built the new community center across the street. Is the Mc Donald's still there? There's not much to eat over in that area. The Pho place. That was my favorite Pho spot in the south end.
I moved to the Oregon Coast after Ocean Shores WA. Makes me so nostalgic tho for the city. I had my fill though ha ha.
Lol, I got arrested once at the Red Apple at 12th and Jackson. I used to live off Rainier and Othello. Graham I think. There's a gas station with a taco truck right there. Circle K I think. Can't remember now. I lived all over the place. Also lived on Renton Ave off skyway. Also lived in another spot in the Rainier district. Burien, North Seattle too. Lake city,. I lived on the streets as a teenager for years on the lam so I was everywhere. Lived on a boat in a marina twice.
The Asians cook the bomb food. I learned from them actually. I cook really really good. Became my hobby.
I would get food at the Shell station in beacon hill on 15th at the 5 way 24 hrs too.
PS. No one is out on the streets anymore. It sucks. Everyone is home online. I guess now they closed backpage , I heard the girls are walking again. Are people more out and about again? People used to be everywhere outside kickin it. Maybe u guys are too young. Yeah Prob. I lived right by the Toyota dealership on Lake City way right where u were. That was last place in Seattle I lived before moving to the coast. The real beach is a totally different thing. The beaches in Seattle aren't the same. I do miss it tho.
You should show more images of the streets themselves. I can't see what store that is that even closed. People aren't getting an idea of the city but your friends faces very close to the camera. Have them back up so we can see the landscape

@sgashner397 - 14.09.2023 20:14

Iron water is needed for dyeing wool 🧏🏽‍♀️🔗

@stevenroetzel4470 - 13.09.2023 17:05

Coulda, shoulda, woulda. Don't miss understand me, the things found and speculated about in this episode are great, fascinating, even profound. That life continued after the Romans left Britain is obvious. As it seems to me is the Romanization of the native Britains, after all they lived together for hundreds of years, no? That leaders rose or continued to rule in various places in post-Roman Britain and the search for specific places where this happened (or continued) is worthy of continuing study. But explain to me in what way is this a search for King Arthur?

What? Oh, it's just Clickbait to get us to watch? ... OK, but personally I would have watched anyway if you had just said the search for Dark Age Britains. Guess I am just interested in Archeology.

@AliTheIrfan - 01.09.2023 16:43

As a easterner, The need to glorify Rome always baffled me. after all we had studied them to the minute details. Still the tendency to self censorship is the result of colonization of subconscious by the modern-day education system. 💚🙏

@jasontanner3713 - 31.08.2023 13:28

assume a word created by an idiot HELLO 👋

@jasontanner3713 - 31.08.2023 13:17

assume. makes an ass out of you and me. ASS U ME

@muddgeeser - 30.08.2023 00:37

There was no Dark Ages because the Welsh did not listen to the POPE

@aaronw.markel9319 - 26.08.2023 10:25

How does the Roman era get so deep in the ground?

@robertgreen9150 - 23.08.2023 09:51

Approx. 1300, reminds me of walking south Florida after a rain looking for "turtle backs"!!

@diegobroche3254 - 22.08.2023 08:11

excuse me I can not hear myself thinghking , to much noise , Whilst yr wanna speak... !!!!! Arnt y r aware of this classical endeavour??? Yes Yes you are still there and no one want to pay them... ----- Piracyyyyyyyyyyyyy ... dOOOM the Ants.... Heil the World Champions of Everything - and there offsprings..... yeahhhhhhhh

@matthewring8301 - 21.08.2023 23:22

So, what I’m taking away from this is that the old rhetoric about the “dark ages” is just as racist as ideas like the ancient aliens concept. God forbid that the local people could survive and develop their own culture without the “help” of invaders coming to give it to them. Yes, there were invasions, but the locals never went away. They just integrated into the new norm. Not always peacefully, but in the long term they survived.

@albert-georgspierer1844 - 21.08.2023 17:14

Arthur the Blacksmith

@JB-lovin - 21.08.2023 02:47

This program itself is more proof that history is contorted to serve present day political ends.

@annehat4833 - 16.08.2023 13:21

What makes it "real" ?.....all stories are bs !

@patriciafoley1494 - 16.08.2023 05:53


@danhanqvist4237 - 13.08.2023 21:37

On the Soviet point: there never was a very great change of culture. We now know that the old Muscovite culture is still marauding its way across neighbours. Cultural change may happen without great migrations. But sometimes it perhaps requires precisely that.

@danhanqvist4237 - 13.08.2023 11:40

Pryor's basic idea seems to be that there is a specifically "British" "national" identity that has remained essentially the same from at least Roman rule until now ("our national identity"). How credible is that really? It is very dubious that there's a unified "British" national identity today. The many wars of England against Wales and Scotland throughout history seem to falsify that idea. And what of the Irish colonisation of Scotland? Or perhaps Ireland is also an integral part of "Britain"? Many -- not only in Ireland -- would take a very different view.

@glenclarkchidley3637 - 12.08.2023 19:06

The voluntary mental illness of religion makes you do odd things!

@user-jt9kv9yw6z - 02.08.2023 23:58


@morvanhall2010 - 02.08.2023 06:00

The Billy Meier contact notes has quite interesting things to say about Merlin and King Arthur.

@ama230 - 02.08.2023 02:39

White people need to give up their dream of being here first.

We were all dark before light.

It is why the fleamasons are preaching light as they are white males. = Eugenics

Do not share information with all white people as they have been genetically modified to keep their race.

It has been this way since the 1800s.

@noelhall945 - 30.07.2023 02:21

Has the connection of Joseph of Arimathea, the metals Merchant, and Uncle to Christ
been made with Tintgel mines?

@wewenang5167 - 27.07.2023 15:51

The Native Britons should take back the UK from these Anglo-Saxon barbarian and send them back to Germany, Holland, Sweden and Denmark. Clearly All these Dark Ages myth were created by these Anglo-Saxon people because it was them who brought back the backward style of living to the UK. Because of their attack and conquest of native Britons land and Kingdom all these history of real native Britons were sweep of the pages of history. The Native of Wales, Scotland and Cornwall are what left of these Native Romano-Britannic people.
