Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Eric Weinstein, and Dave Rubin LIVE! | POLITICS | Rubin Report

Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Eric Weinstein, and Dave Rubin LIVE! | POLITICS | Rubin Report

The Rubin Report

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@lybnychavez6953 - 05.01.2024 08:32

This has aged well, shows you how the maga movement is just focused on making a gotcha moment then uniting on issues

@MarshAgobert - 21.12.2023 06:27

Great Forum, Dave!

@MarshAgobert - 21.12.2023 06:24

Lying about it results in More polarization…More polarization…means that the preparedness that you spoke of means more guns.

@MarshAgobert - 21.12.2023 04:40

AOC - A millennial who thinks/ feels like a Zoomer. Remember to rotate the dynamite sticks!
Last thing and I’ll quit barging in… I heard Robt Kennedy, jr the other day, for the first time. I had to wait until all the yap was bout how crazy he is. I really have no opinion on that…However, he sat with his interviewer and slipped into one of the deepest attacks of nostalgia that, largely revolved around, the era betwixt, Eisenhower and the eighties. He waxed eloquent…as I recall he spoke about the foolishness of the Cuban Missile Crisis while having this insider’s view of who we thought the Russians were (Sting was right) , how we ALMOST completely read their strategy Wrongly…But we are miraculously here today because when under that level of threat, with winner take all (of the remaining dust), etc we survived. He went on to talk about the moonshot…etc. I’d forgotten much of this and none of us had any idea of what that little boy heard and saw. If you point him in that direction (don’t bother keeping him to the presidential “race”) he might, again say some mighty inspiring thing.

Just a thought.

@MarshAgobert - 21.12.2023 04:21

From here it looks to me that the mantra: “Tear it All down!” Is, for us (Boomers), what the burn the flag anti-Vietnam protests of the mid to late 60s was for our Great Gen parents…And grandparents. This all went down in the midst of that era’s Apocalyptic threat. THAT (like this) Was a truly apocalyptic moment. However…there are differences (a b’zillion or so…😊…) but not enough to quibble over before we miss the critical points, as you’ve gentlemen have stated. My point is, that we have maps that we haven’t addressed, that are still extant. I drove across country, this past summer, and 1) maps that are not GPS driven ARE DIFFERENT than driving by tiny screen. Few Zoomers are doing this. And I can kinda see why. I didn’t have the balls to drive across Idaho (Klan Kapital in the USA.) I’m still wondering if that was my lack of faith, or rational sense. I’ve lived through many harrowing experiences. That’s why I wonder. Still, kindnesses followed me all the days of my drive.

I Love you wonderful gentlemen!
Has anyone considered Thomas Sowell, PhD?
He’s different. Wouldn’t it be great if Hans Rosling were still among us?

Sorry, I should have left it at Thomas Sowell.

@FabledKnell - 08.11.2023 02:57

Re-watching today, because I need to be reminded what a conversation looks and feels like. Thank you to all who participated in this historical effort.

@ChrisGroggyCreaser - 08.10.2023 19:47

It's SUCH A SHAME That the world is controlled by the Lying,Left wing,Anarchistic 'mainstream newsmedia'/George Soros,etc!!... :(

@cyanrazorCel - 27.09.2023 21:03

Eric Weinstein and Dave Rubin are not academics whatsoever.

@h4ppyn0m4d - 23.09.2023 05:46

I now understand the definition of the word “pretentious”

@tjtampa214 - 13.09.2023 23:01

Yeah . . . Great convo. I like this crowd.

@joshcohen777 - 09.09.2023 07:12

I think there needs to be another one of these... fantastic

@angbandart - 26.08.2023 07:24

Been listening to this conversation since it came out. Probably like 20 times.

@TheW3aponShooter - 08.08.2023 06:36

Daily Wire is a MOSSAD front lol

@sodacan1415 - 28.07.2023 00:42

would love to see thomas sowell on a panel like this

@johndcornell6341 - 02.07.2023 13:32

Someone direct my to a video of 4 women having a calm intelligent conversation like mention of the patriarchy or misogyny or mansplaneing...just intelligent conversation.....l would like to see it

@psychdlictrip - 27.05.2023 13:18

Why do people always draw attention to the fact they are not going to name drop?

@stevenhumphrey1838 - 26.05.2023 21:15

Wow ! What a lineup! Sheesh!

@christiansmith-of7dt - 21.05.2023 01:30

It would be safe to say the bible was written by millions of people

@christopherfranklin1881 - 09.05.2023 01:27

Looking for a common denominator among these guys? First off, they are all smart guys. Second, they know how to conduct themselves among prople who don't have the same views on a variety of subjects, and lastly, diid I mention they are all smart guys, oh yeah, I did.

@pvccannon1966 - 02.05.2023 20:43

This is like how our founding farthers must have talked. Think about it. 13 states after the british were betten. WHAT NOW? This round table maybe talking about different subjects. BUT there talking, not yelling, not cussing, Debate, hash threw the ideas. This our new founding fathers talking and trying to come to a consinsus, for the masses.

@mattrobson2385 - 23.04.2023 04:37

I have loved Peterson for many years. But watching this I realise how much I affiliate with Weinstein. He cuts out the fluff, I was proud of him there. These guys man, all data no heart. A perfect merge of Peterson and Weinstein would do me nicely. Shapiro tho, he just comes across a child to me. Intelligent no doubt, but lacking where it matters. Well done all of them tho. Good convo

@mavirek - 10.04.2023 03:20

Rubin asks what their blind spot is. Of course, they don’t really answer as they ramble about how great they are with false humility. The answer is their conviction that their chosen status makes them infallible, and anyone without their education should be quiet. What they miss in their blind spot is all the other folk who can see through all the BS without the need for validation from the chattering class—individuals as diverse as Elon Musk, Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump.

@mavirek - 10.04.2023 00:55

It was great to listen to rich people of varying degrees tell us how our jobs weren't stolen (because they weren't stolen, they were given away by their rich friends) and Trump isn't going to get them back (because their rich friends are going to throw roadblock after hurdle in front of him). Elitists, all of them, who have not moved the needle; but Trump did. Shame on this panel of @$$es. Talk to smarter people, or get some balance on there.

@elementq - 05.04.2023 03:39

Eric seems uninpressed at the beggining

@junevandermark952 - 01.04.2023 22:30

Isn't it interesting, that a very short while back in history, Dave Rubin, a married homosexual, would have been perceived by those in this podcast as unfit to be in their company?

I hope there will come a day, when those in religion accept those who are transgender as also being worthy of their "company."

@kaiezon5655 - 29.03.2023 10:35

That entire room and the comments section is what a circle jerk is.

@Rob337_aka_CancelProof - 17.03.2023 20:12

Is this the beginning of the second incarnation of the Four Horsemen?
(4H 2.0) I would subscribe to that

@limerickman8512 - 09.01.2023 22:51

Love to have you all meet again and discuss the previous years and changes in your oppopions since after covid.

@azurenojito2251 - 19.10.2022 10:53

Wow, 4 years ago I would not be listening to such conversations. Thank covid and its creators for the awakening push.

@terrymcnally4066 - 13.10.2022 15:20

Very cool round table!

@mauricethorne5890 - 09.10.2022 22:59

I am convinced that anyone can make big changes in his/her life by changing the way he/she thinks. Many brave and brilliant minds have made statements that support this remedy. There are so many examples I could give of this, from my own life. I have heard Ben Shapiro say something to this effect more than once, and I would like to hear it more often, together with examples, other than the old tired, "power of positive thinking," which is terribly flawed and annoying.

@richardreese8038 - 25.09.2022 20:54

Be nice to hear some of these convocations again

@mattfox9063 - 15.08.2022 12:45

Peaceful National Divorce

These guys seems to scared of the "risks" of having dramatically more freedom.

They want to make incremental growth and love to fall back on accepting our current system cuz they think its the best system. That doesnt make sense. If the system is so great, than how did we end up where we are?

The Constitution should never have been created and we should have stuck with the Articles of Confederation IMO

And we need to work towards a volunraty society after learning government is always immoral and can only be immoral

@coyotesayswhat - 06.08.2022 23:55

We the audience are waiting for you to realize that you are the new founders.

@billbrasky1288 - 03.08.2022 02:36

This was great

@watchthe1369 - 17.06.2022 21:11

Yoiu guys need to bring Ziehan into the discussion, he makes the tree much bigger and helps people understand and accept what no one can change.

@watchthe1369 - 17.06.2022 21:05

The political up, in my opinioon of course, would be a diversification of parties. 2 parties cause a polarization and reduce multi facetted problems into 2 dimensional solutions.

@watchthe1369 - 17.06.2022 20:54

There is a difference between argueing just to win, and arguing to find perhaps something new. You guys are arguing to maybe find something new, perhaps that is the difference between an argument and a discussion?

@harryfromwork - 03.05.2022 01:41

Dig this music from an older broadcast

@kevinwilliams691 - 24.04.2022 16:06

Love the conversation

@bubbafatas2588 - 07.04.2022 16:34

Why would anyone go on Rubins show if they are a serious person?

@fredd5294 - 04.04.2022 22:33

What they call "left" in the States is a joke compare to the "left" in Europe. The latter are not even "left" but naïve people who live comfortably in a capitalist society while criticizing it. And then they mix the term "left" with liberal which has nothing to do with each other , making the whole thing really confusing.

@skeetermcswagger0U812 - 25.03.2022 08:22

I have a lot of respect for Bill Maher even if I don't respect his political citing but hes got amazingly great points and judgments.
But he is way too Democrap biased.
It could be worse,right?💁‍♂️

@leekitten - 21.03.2022 02:29

Great discussion with some amazing minds that all have something unique to contribute. Also grateful to be introduced to Eric Weinstein.

@pendragnx - 20.03.2022 03:08


@paulmanchip8116 - 12.03.2022 22:21

Could of listened for days.

@mezmerism107 - 10.03.2022 08:41

Okay, from the four of them probably JP is the only one I keep listening to until today. There's genuine intellectual curiosity about JP that I really like, and I like Jungian psychology too.

@manwith85iqattemptstounder97 - 05.03.2022 20:37

Not be racist or anything, but what's with all the

@nethanelmasters5170 - 24.02.2022 22:07

Not all conservitives agree on a issue.
