Alex Hormozi's Advice On Lead Generation Agencies

Alex Hormozi's Advice On Lead Generation Agencies

Leevi Eerola

7 месяцев назад

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@FlywheelAcademy - 09.12.2023 21:07

wow! thanks for sharing brother! What about client onboarding? Would love to see a video on that or if you can share any resources on that process, that would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

@mattcalhoun2971 - 19.11.2023 22:34

As a consultant and Demand Gen exec and expert, I can confidently say that right now, people should be figuring out how to become better at sales and looking at your target market to determine whether AI will be able to sell your solution to them or its a complex sale and requires the human to human relationship (EXECUTIVE relationship building is a whole other topic, or book, as it’s the most underrated skill I never hear people talking about).

Yes, there is more advertising/marketing noise, most is just a distraction, than ever and if you don’t get the lead gen function to a sufficient place for your growth goals, you won’t hit them. Most companies don’t ever get it right, so we have to learn to sell better, and sell smarter, and use AI. Out of 100+ clients I’ve worked with over the last couple years, SMB to fortune 1000, most had no clue how to handle the first call with cold generated leads nor nurture the leads if they were put into a “long term” pipeline for drip and periodic outreach.

If ever in doubt about re: how to handle the first call, look up a news article or recent publication, try and relate to them personally, ask the prospect how the news or whatever you found, affects their business and if C-level or executive, don’t leave the call without understanding their top priorities for the year. If you know their priorities, you have the ability to tailor your approach to speak to the priority in which you can add value. If you can help, set up another call, if not, nurture or figure out how to make your solution a priority, I.e sell them on changing their priorities.

Also, ASK implication or consequence questions about the effects on their personal life. If they say “Promotion,” or something professional in nature, stop them and tell them “NO, I meant personally, not professionally.” Think about it, When’s the last time a vendor or sales person asked about potential positive personal implications? You probably can’t, and that’s the point, do it more!

(Disclaimer: If you don’t have the gift of gab or sales, don’t waste time trying to learn how to become just OK - spend your time on what you are GREAT at and become exceptional)

@mattcalhoun2971 - 19.11.2023 21:19

Great video. All of this is great info. 60k emails per month is not cheap nor is it easy. I’m a consultant and exec for a Demand Generation agency so I’m somewhat qualified to post this message 😉.

Cold email is literally a science. I’ve used and have relationships with many of the mass email, email/domain warming companies and the open - conversion rates are getting lower by the day. Learning the science is time consuming and will be discouraging, but if you have the spend and time available, it’s worth it. The ROI is still greater than the other marketing channel, but people should not have false and unmanageable expectations as It will require constant monitoring, adjusting, testing, etc. It’s also important to use an AI email assistant like Lavender that shows you whether or not your email is mobile friendly (80%+ emails are read via mobile device); among many other necessary functions you need for 1 to 1 and mass emails you write.

@ivanmiraglia9749 - 19.11.2023 20:59

Top video, quick question: How do u guys get around lead gen for german clients due to the UGW (unfair competition act) section 7 (2),2? (No prior express consent to receive email)

@AnnraideBazelaire - 19.11.2023 13:38

Great vid. Although, 10% of interested leads is very high haha. In my opinion..

@ghazixdii - 17.11.2023 14:40

Google and yahoo is changing their requirements for sending 5,000 or more messages per day by feb 2024. Can you make a video on how we can get our emails saved from this shitty guideline? Don't you think now we will have to make our emails more personalized and we will have to use more emails for cold emails. Kindly make a video on that topic

@manaskanna - 17.11.2023 11:14

You aware of the new Google mail spam rules bro?

@AlviPK - 17.11.2023 09:10

Keep up the videos Leevi, this one felt more informative than the videos in the past, loved it!
