The Best Self Defense Weapon Against Multiple Attackers (Besides a Gun)

The Best Self Defense Weapon Against Multiple Attackers (Besides a Gun)


3 года назад

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@sonnygmony - 14.01.2024 06:26

Military saber. Best non-gun hand to hand combat weapon.

@mercedesplay_more_kof8488 - 11.01.2024 07:57

Personally I’m team pepper spray + some training in hand-to-hand. Know how to throw a punch, know how to break a throw, and know how to aim that spray. I would also personally say non gun-shaped because optics. Ppl will sit and dream up a billion self-defense scenarios in their head, but consider zero legal ramifications in the process. lol.

Also feel like traumatic ramifications are never thought of when these discussions happen; particularly with the more “enthusiastic” EDC-obsessed crowd. Like, if you choose a self-defense option that will likely lead to a fatal conclusion, not only do you have to deal with the trauma of being attacked, but also the trauma of taking a life. Even if you train on human shaped targets, do drills, etc, and then the worst case scenario occurs and you find you’ve had to kill someone in self-defense. You still killed someone and that’s not a light burden for the soul to carry. Too much ego is tied into the conversation because humans naturally don’t want to lose, ever, but use of deadly force comes with more consequences than court dates and I wish that side of the conversation came up as often as people dream up scenarios of taking six guys down with a baton like they’re Jackie Chan in Police Story.

@jesseviers487 - 26.12.2023 19:08

Hopped up on goof balls 😂😂

@LeaveChildrenAlone83 - 19.12.2023 22:03

lol cause guns are OP

@JV-ks3eb - 08.12.2023 16:24

Work on your sprinting abilities....

@warrengalliano6103 - 01.12.2023 20:17

Compared to a small man-pack flame weapon all these others are bullshit.

@billbbobby2889 - 30.11.2023 16:27

Bear Spray pulled out of a kangaroo front pouch. Has any human survived that ? Ain't No One Road Raging You.

@surfingonmars8979 - 27.11.2023 20:39

The common thread with ANY weapon, whether blunt, bladed or whipping, is TRAINING. If you think you cannot improve your abilities with a simple stick, you are wrong. The martial arts that have developed stick weapons range from kubotan, to escrima to jodo to quarterstaff — but any weapon must be trained on.

@TheSmitty420311 - 25.10.2023 11:56

I'm going old school Crocodile Dundee. Have a bigger knife. Lol

@KCFIT1 - 22.10.2023 08:39

I’ll give you a scenario tell me how you would act in that situation,
Imagine that you are in your house in the kibbutz and 1000 terrorist come with ak47,bazuka,grenades and 5 of them already inside your house.
We are not allowed to hold guns inside our country for self defence.
only in dangerous areas like that one, how do you protect yourself?
What weapons you’ll hold.
(Btw that scenario is real 1300 people died that day in Israel between them babies girls boys elderly people, even their dogs got shot ,houses and vehicles got burned with people inside of them while they are alive few of them were also americans, 200 got kidnapped to Gaza about 14 out of the 200 are americans).
Looking at your videos right now and thinking myself how would I protect myself in a situation like that, it’s just insane what world we live in😔
Hope you will not need to worry about such things and always be safe.
the scenario I gave you is only to raise the awareness of the situation we got in Israel you don’t need to really answer it.
Hope we see better days much love thanks for your videos.❤️🙏

@OgglyGoogly - 21.10.2023 19:45

2 knives

@Fred-rg5vw - 18.10.2023 12:49

What about pole arm weapons like a halberd ? Obv you need to be in an open area with enough room .
Or even a simple staff. .
Requires more skill than halberd to cause damage but still oretty effective v multiple opponents

@ianferguson4728 - 14.10.2023 21:51

Hand operated pressure sprayer with pool acid and ammonia.

@shanehard2169 - 14.10.2023 07:44

I've had to fight against multiple attackers a few times growing up once I was jumped by 4 guys at a party, and a few times as a bouncer. Usually it starts as a 1v1 fight then his friends join. Idk what advice I'd give. Physical and psychological toughness were the biggest factors to me being ok and keeping it purely hand to hand. If weapons had been Involved, I'd probably be dead.

@NMyCountry - 10.10.2023 18:21

Something you never touched on is your feet like Run away if possible I once had 5 guys chase me down at 2am in the morning I got away because I had about 30 feet head start still to this day no idea why they were chasing me but when I lost them in the alley I heard one of them say my name in the sentence as to where did ? he go. so they knew me but I did not know them. also if your skilled enough your Hands can be the perfect weapon all of the stuff that was showed can be taken away from your hands but your hands can't unless someone cuts them off...

@robertwong2412 - 23.09.2023 19:55

Best self defense weapon is live streaming phone. Get their face in the phone and they'll know they won't get away with what they're going to do so they won't do it.

@deafsmith1006 - 17.09.2023 00:19

Short sword. 30 inch blade Gladius that is razor sharp.

@markrusso9235 - 07.09.2023 02:11

It would be weird to just walk around carrying a shield, it would be a lot more carriable if it doubled as a Kung Lao hat.

@johncouch5648 - 27.08.2023 19:55


@AngelaSmith-gq8rs - 26.08.2023 01:52

And you can still use it like a nunchuck

@luchernou627 - 24.08.2023 16:13

ever tought about a swiss army knife.hold the corkscrew or reamer in a boxing position maybe in combo with a flashlight in your other hand.or your carkey between your fingers?

@spiveeforever7093 - 23.08.2023 05:14

London viewers should always carry a self defense spoon, in case a tub of yoghurt looks at them the wrong way.

@AndrewDouglas-jz5vb - 13.08.2023 05:49

I think if I have to fight multiple people, I'd want to start out looking unarmed but then instantly have the ability to take one or two people out, or at least badly hurt a few people, before anybody could really register what was happening. I'd probably go with a heavier sap.

@RideShareConfessions - 31.07.2023 17:32

What I have on me every night I drive in DC as a rideshare driver for pepper spray or OC, I would say the JPX4 or the pepper plaster 2. I also have a stinger around my waist on my belt. I also have a gun as a last resort if I am getting carjacked it's the first resort. Now that DC is in a crime wave, you just never know.

@Mediccine - 28.07.2023 10:22

plot twist answer: your own voice. verbal deescalation

@bonnyblue9399 - 16.07.2023 09:52

What’s the name and manufacturer of that cable whip?

@JeffThompsonAtlanta - 04.07.2023 19:34

Brass knuckle style trench knife in each hand

@ramoncotta1264 - 02.07.2023 21:17

Your whip won't work in a winter scenario with heavy clothing unless you hit someone in the face, which is a low percentage option. The most instinctive thing to do is to raise your arms when protecting the face which with winter clothing would probably distribute and lessen a whip's impact and substantially reduce it's effectiveness.

@aaronm134 - 29.06.2023 14:29

Security Cameras and good locks. Know they're getting in long before they get in.

@Nil.0 - 29.06.2023 09:57

You need to prepare your mindset. Normalcy bias hinders a lot of people from doing what they have to do in the moment.

@charleshill1376 - 26.06.2023 21:49

never underestimate the lethality of a ball point pen for self defence

@GuitarGuy057 - 24.06.2023 22:03

I go with flashlight in most scenarios and always EDC a folding knife I can bust out if shit gets super real.

@fetube7750 - 23.06.2023 16:53

a weapon in each hand will do the trick imo, like go for the whip but also carry a knife or brass knuckles

@Philmoscowitz - 21.06.2023 08:10

So what's the conclusion? Is it the pepper spray gun or the Stinger whip?

@reynold99991 - 20.06.2023 08:39

Man making dark Souls build in irl with bucler and hammer

@mentatmentatia9212 - 19.06.2023 17:37

Morning star weapon!

@robertmitchel2194 - 18.06.2023 08:22

Simple answer is to have the weapon you are trained with.
Gotta go with the machete tho. Full jasone voorhees on mofos

@jamessparks7331 - 18.06.2023 03:34

Black friday

@FellsApprentice - 17.06.2023 15:11

Something that doesn't usually get addressed with guns is over penetration. That bullet can still be lethal long after leaving your initial attacker so having a weapon that significantly reduces the chance of injuring an innocent person is not a bad idea.

@snuscaboose1942 - 13.06.2023 16:52

You made me sharpen my WWII bolo machete

@SpacemanXC - 27.05.2023 21:16

The key is DEFENSE right? People who invade homes are shitbags, but idk if that deserves the death penalty. I think the pepper gun in one hand, and a big knife in the other (even if you can't use it, it's still scary to hold a big knife), should be plenty to ward off people who just want to rob you.

People who are coming to kill you will have guns. So obviously the only answer here is to also have a gun. But also maybe try to be a person who no one wants to kill.

@dhhtbdl - 26.05.2023 23:38


@1234Daan4321 - 12.05.2023 15:30

Best weapon for self defense is a tactical nuke

@DBRGB - 11.05.2023 08:12

Knowledge is power. So the more training people have the better off they can be in that’s it. Keep up the great work.

@FARACI1 - 08.05.2023 17:29

Scenarios for multiple attackers home invasions street fights bar, fights apartment complexes arguments. Very few people today will stand just one on one side so pretty much any physical confrontation would be could be more than likely will be multiple attackers. Personally, I would probably use a Karambit or a six blade or multiple fixed blades perhaps pocket assist opening folders so many generations. I do like your whip so pretty cool.

@priority19 - 08.05.2023 07:57

from the ancients, the short sword or long bowies win most of the time

@Sanxioned1 - 07.05.2023 18:42

A reasonable scenario to be approached by multiple attackers would be a car-jacking. Typically a carjacking requires at least 1 person to drive and another person to intimidate the car's occupants. And in most cases, my automatic response is to just give up the car. Not worth getting beat down or killed for.

However, now I have a toddler and she comes with us for pretty much everything; we rarely just leave her at grandma's, you know?

As such, now the whole "comply" thing goes out the window. Carjackers are in a rush, and are unlikely to respond to, "can I take my baby out of the car first?" Then again.. I'd still try to ask. Maybe they want nothing to do being involved in a kidnapping. The police response goes way differently when a toddler is involved after all. If they're smart, they'll let me take her out and take my stuff. Whatever... but if not...

God knows they're not going anywhere near my child or taking my car with my kid inside.

With no guns allowed here.... my fixed blade knife is my go to. Keep the tip out in front, first guy knows he will be getting cut to shit. Though it's not the same, I butchered meat for 3 years, so I know the feeling of a knife into bone and flesh; a lot less effort is needed to get through human flesh than cow flesh.

@BigGringus - 04.05.2023 08:49

Pepper Spray + Machete is probably the best combo.

@brucemartini2288 - 02.05.2023 03:00

Double edge Katana and pepper spray
