Healing America's Heroes: Helping Veterans Come Home Town Hall

Healing America's Heroes: Helping Veterans Come Home Town Hall


1 месяц назад

204 Просмотров

Many people may not be aware of the various challenges military personnel face when they transition from active service to civilian life. These challenges include reconnecting with family members, entering the workforce, and relating to those who may not understand the experiences veterans have endured during their active duty. Additionally, adjusting to a different pace of life and work can significantly take a toll. In this Town Hall, we will speak with military leaders and advocates to explore how we can support these heroes in transitioning back home as smoothly and supportively as possible.

•Olga Villaverde – Health Channel Host
•Dr. Michael Zinner, MD – CEO & Executive Medical Dir., Miami Cancer Institute
•Montel Williams – Television Personality and Advocate for Veterans
•Loree Sutton, MD - Psychiatrist
•Richard Peate, PSY.D – West Palm Beach VA Health System
•Myriam Glémaud, PSY.D – West Palm Beach VA Health System
•Bianca Oberhelman – West Palm Beach VA Health System Spouse of Retired Navy SEAL

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@MichaelVascellaro - 16.05.2024 14:05

Biggest challenge isn’t health and healing? But is finding a job? All your priorities are wrong and this contributes to suicides and early death duh.

@MichaelVascellaro - 16.05.2024 13:51

Job with disability? Don’t you think they should focus on healing coping and managing symptoms before going to work. Job job job. Serving and slaving and sacrificing one’s self to a company who doesn’t adjust or care about disability isn’t the fix or solution for someone struggling. Healing is number one not jobs. A lot of soldiers don’t have family or spouse and experience extreme neglect and abuse by family and spouses. Then suicide attempts happen because of all that is the truth. Suicide attempts can make medical symptoms worse and recovery nearly impossible. High level of command doesn’t mean he did a lot the true soldiers who struggle are low enlisted we get tasked with the most dangerous task and hardest things to deal with. Let’s talk about the abuse and how baffle buddies or command can be the abusers and be the ones who cause distrust and depression not all veterans where honorable soldiers some of those soldiers were horrible people and then we pretend all veterans deserve respect. I’ve withdrawn Pete because of how the veteran community has treated me. Why was I attacked by a veteran organization just for sharing my story of my past? Why did palm beach serve me with a rpo for a year when I don’t own weapons and didn’t have any plans of doing anything. So why was my freedom and character attacked only further my trauma? I’m an extreme abuse victim and not I was victimized by a veteran organization and local police why? I tried going to college with GI bill but GI bill forces you to attend college full time but with tbi and ptsd I couldn’t handle full time classes, I started my own freelance photography and design company and failed because when ever I shared my information with veteran organizations or va employees or anything no one took the time to promote my business or hire me and I failed within the first 3 years and closed doing business. There are functional medical practitioners who actually help with full panel blood testing and provide better services but when we go to the VA why do they have so much low quality highly processed inflammatory foods. So how can you claim to care about quality of care? Last summer 2023 I lost my god damn vehicle to a lightning strike that totaled my truck and now I been without a vehicle for a year and no veteran organization or social workers from the VA non or them stepped up to this day to help me. Bullshit. Paws program,😂 a dog is the best you have to offer. Veterans with extreme PTSD are on verge of homelessness and need water filters need air filters need a decent home not in the poor dangerous environment but in a nice secure community. Again you guys are top toeing around true facts. Let’s talk about numbers. Numbers of suicides numbers of cancer and illness among young veterans yet the focus on jobs? How can you work when u don’t feel good. If what you guys are doing is so good and helping then why numbers increasing? Inflamed grain Brian and epigenetic damage toxic heavy metals overload and more. Stop sending veteran to busy work and allow them to heal. Provide a lifestyle for them to focus on health and gaining a new purpose. The VFW and American legion on promoted alcohol abuse and cigarettes when that’s the first step to suicide because we all know cigarettes and alcohol kills. I didn’t like the veteran social. So many judgmental veterans who are not doing good for themselves. They resist help because you make us feel trapped targeted and ambushed. I used my voice and talked about it and I was ambushed and my family children suffered because of how I was treated. Because you people sit around talking and directing them to programs and doctors who don’t help so blaming the veteran for suicide is shameful. Many veterans scream and beg for help and constantly being ignored or judged. Why no talk about invisible wounds and suffering in pain especially from burnpits and the testing that’s needed to be done to even begin treatment. Program program organization organizations always everyone pointing people to other people and never just helping directly helping. Help pay their bills offer them free vehicles for transportation, offer them clean pleasant free housing. No one can heal or get stronger when constantly facing homelessness and no transportation and work isn’t going to give veterans the time to attend treatments and programs. Why no talk about medical cannabis? There is buds for vets and organizations that help with cannabis. Why no mention or promotion of the “Bravehearts program” or VA art therapy?

@TeddisYouTube - 16.05.2024 12:59

I first want to say, I LOVE THE AWARENESS!!!

This issue runs closely and DEEPLY to my heart.

Being a FORMER military, and INVOLVED in the home front wife; the strains we faced as a young married AND military family with small children at the time, the mental health conditions, for he AND myself, were too much for us and unfortunately, the structure of our family fell apart.

We married in 2003, and divorced in 2011. It was not an easy life.

I wish that I could say He got healthy (in all ways) and really took care of himself to offer his best self to our children to raise them, but that is not “our” story.

Solely, I raised two beautiful children, whom are now 22 and 17, and gave them the best life that I could. Unfortunately, for them, they have always had a part time Dad because of the effects of NOT getting the help he needed to be an active role in my children’s lives.

I do not regret my life or have any negative emotions in this anymore … but also, my wish and my hope is for families like ours was, that they not have to endure the hardships faced; and if they do; that they have ALL the help and support they need to lead successful lives!

Thank you to this panel for bringing the awareness, but more than that, bringing the help that is offered, to light!

Beautiful. Simply beautiful. 👏👏👏
