12 Most Incredible Discovered Artifacts Scientists Still Can't Explain

12 Most Incredible Discovered Artifacts Scientists Still Can't Explain

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Brenda Henderson
Brenda Henderson - 19.08.2023 09:42

Perhaps the ax was ceremonial or some type of award bestowed upon an important person.

bigdipper620 - 20.06.2023 22:51

That schist disc looks like a speaker. Could that be what they used to Sorento rock?

S.J. Strongblood
S.J. Strongblood - 18.06.2023 17:18

The Egyptian steering wheel. It held all kinds of different drugs for use at a pharaoh's high society dope party. Everybody reached into the wheel to get dope and got high. It was like a lazy symbol. Let's see, hash, marijuana, opiates, ahh, cocaine. They clearly had a mold, they melted the rock at high temperature, and poured the slab in, like glass. Then, as it cooled, they bent the edges. It was not carved. It was heated rock, poured into a mold, bent while still glowing, and then used for treats at royal dope parties.

S.J. Strongblood
S.J. Strongblood - 18.06.2023 17:12

The syhooti monolith. Did anyone ever figure out it was a game board for rich kids to play? When you get to the winning spot, you pour a bucket of water on the monolith, and water runs in crazy flows all over it. It's the Inca version of the Milton Bradley Mousetrap game.

S.J. Strongblood
S.J. Strongblood - 18.06.2023 17:10

Flexible glass. All right, the Romans figured out how to make Tiffany's art objects and sell them for lots of money. Same as today. Nothing new.

S.J. Strongblood
S.J. Strongblood - 18.06.2023 17:08

The Glider bird, notice, it lacks the two tailplanes, and any elevators. Not very advanced. No better than Otto Lilienthal. When we finally figured out how to make an airplane, we went from toys to the man on the moon in seventy years. The Egyptians clearly saw it as a toy, and could not perceive a use for it. So, it died, technologically.

S.J. Strongblood
S.J. Strongblood - 18.06.2023 17:05

The glider bird. Remember, the Egyptians had paper, papyrus. Someone probably made paper airplanes. They were bored. Then, someone made one out of wood, after they got tired of paper.

S.J. Strongblood
S.J. Strongblood - 18.06.2023 17:03

This is actually just a Mayan laundry list of things. You assume it is important. It isn't. it's garbage. Just because it's ancient, doesn't mean it's not garbage.

S.J. Strongblood
S.J. Strongblood - 18.06.2023 17:01

The emerald tablet makes no sense, unless you hold it up to a mirror, or reverse the image with a paint program, at that point you can decipher it.

S.J. Strongblood
S.J. Strongblood - 18.06.2023 16:58

The sphere, it may also be a satellite, and early one, launched around the Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. The alloy heated up on atmospheric re-entry, but didn't melt, because that's a high temperature alloy. It' was kind of like the old Echo satellites in the early days of the space race.

S.J. Strongblood
S.J. Strongblood - 18.06.2023 16:56

The metal sphere was part of a mechanism that spun. It's an alloy. It is from an industrial culture that didn't make it. From one of the nine past advanced civilizations here that didn't make it. We're the tenth. Now and then we find bits and pieces of their civilizations, always buried.

S.J. Strongblood
S.J. Strongblood - 18.06.2023 16:49

Disco Colgante. This is odd. You're not going to like what it is. That's the screw to a nuclear powered submarine.

S.J. Strongblood
S.J. Strongblood - 18.06.2023 16:47

The Mexican skull god is the symbol of the Mexican mafia, the only one that was around back then. You lie to me, or cheat me, and you die. The tongue is a sign of contempt, which says, don't you dare show disrespect to me.

S.J. Strongblood
S.J. Strongblood - 18.06.2023 16:43

The Phaistos disk is a trade agreement. All the things someone paid for, and in what numbers, and for whom, as contracted and delivered. And, there is a new contract on the disk, all the things someone wants to buy, or wants produced, and in what numbers, and for whom, to be paid for when the next oar ship returns to fulfill the deal. It's a trade agreement.

S.J. Strongblood
S.J. Strongblood - 18.06.2023 16:39

The ax head is an inscription that this is a gift from a Princess to a King. It pays off a debt. It reads, from top left, The Princess owes the King 300 pieces of gold, for the acquisition of logs or lumber cut down from that King's forest. She lumbered 2 different types of trees from his island, getting her many logs, probably to build more than one oar ship. In addition, the Princess gives the King feathers for his headdress, a gift. She also gives the King's wife, the Queen, 300 pieces of silver, for helping broker the deal to the King. Big trees will be for the next deal they make. There are some big trees which they have agreed to sell the Princess. That's another deal. it's a contract. Also, the King will provide all the arrows the Princess needs to buy. Plus, they will also make and sell tridents for spear fishing, which the Princess will need for her fishermen. The Y type letter is the contracted agreement, the deal is sealed. The first Y symbol is the fulfillment of the previous contract, where the agreement has been kept. If the lower branch of the Y, points left, that means, fulfillment of our agreement. If the lower branch of the Y points right, that means this is the next contract, now to be fulfilled. It's a barter contract. It's put on an ax head because the agreement is about his lumber. The Princess symbol shows her crown, four spikes on it, she's important in both contracts or deals. The first deal, just for logs, the King has 6 points on his crown. that's a big deal. The second contract, the King has five points on his crown, which means it's a lesser deal. Also, the queen has a rounded set of four points on her crown, which is why she gets silver, and not gold, she's not very important. The Princess has lots of money, and is more important than the King's wife. Hope this helps.

Agnes McLean
Agnes McLean - 07.05.2023 14:47

Amazing❤️🙌Being able to provide all my needs without the help of the Government is really a dream come through and I’m getting $43,050 returns from my $7k investment, glory to the everlasting God almighty.

A Beautiful Mind is Poetry Defined
A Beautiful Mind is Poetry Defined - 30.04.2023 21:56

12 is such an interesting number, but let's tackle the question at hand.

If, we look at it logically. It's not surprising at all it's simply nothing more than a brain teaser on a level, you were never going to work out. The explanation is easy, and yet so obvious. To get you to see behind the veil you have to take a leap of faith, a faith that requires you to put aside all your prejudices and bias on what you know.

As human we have very limited, knowledge which has been restricted because if the truth beknown, we would question more than we ever have. So how to burst the bubble. The first thing you have to do is understand that our planet has been home to more than just "US" this will disturb many because we have this limited knowledge and belief that we are alone.

Our history has been proliferated with both physical and recorded evidence that Earth has been home to advanced civilizations on more than one occasion. One of the biggest questions is why has that evidence been removed and hidden from mainstream.

If I space travelled to planets across the cosmos, what then are the chances that I may leave an item behind which you will never be able to explain. There is the first problem which does not become the last to be asked.

If I went to 12 different planets brough back 12 different items which you will never be able to work out what purpose they serve, do you now begin to see the problem. We have that problem but if I added tens of thousands to that list of 12 to it... You would be dumbfounded.

The other problem we face as a specie, is our basic development is not imagination rich as other entities across the Cosmos. Nor are we advanced as we like to think we are. We are limited by the fact that we don't have access to "Hidden Knowledge" or the true knowledge of our own identity.

What we do know is we are connected to the Cosmos, and that link is beyond human comprehension of a scale that we would find difficult to actually take onboard. The down side is the powers at be, never expected the "Age of Awakening" to be exactly that. How could a deep set almost intuitive programming could wake up some and not everyone. There lies the mystery.

We are still scratching the surface, and those that are awakening are dipping their toes in an "Ocean of Knowledge" that resonates between the person and a force that is nothing short of inexplicable. Can I see the future? Can I know what is coming in real time? Can I predict what comes next.

The short answer is yes, but only you will know, and no one else will. Why am I revealing this now, because my time has always been coming, and I am only here to observe, but on here, I am to let the powers at be, know that they do not hold all the cards, they never did. Perhaps this is that time, when one has to stand up and be counted. I have no problem with that, despite being one person in around 8 Billion people on this planet.

It might sound like David and Goliath but do I care... No.

Humble Servant
Humble Servant - 29.12.2022 19:29

You lost me at 20 million years old.

Steven Redcay
Steven Redcay - 25.12.2022 03:47

The saqqraca disk is one of the wheels for a two wheel ban saw to cut stone with crystal's as hard as diamond imbedded in copper wire to cut granite

Yesha Zion
Yesha Zion - 21.12.2022 07:11

That DISC looks more like a piece of Machinery.

Run dem cheeks
Run dem cheeks - 13.10.2022 09:23

Disco colgante means hanging disc

Alexander Wanske
Alexander Wanske - 06.09.2022 18:51

Why do scientists say that only because an object is made from materials found on Earth is can't be from space? Who says that iron, for example, is an Earth only material?

Bublito - 22.08.2022 10:42

Last one immediately made me think of a ship's propeller. Weird shape for sure.

Korunosaru99 - 04.08.2022 19:33

useless but in 2012 there was supposed to be an XK level event with cosmic storms passing over our solar system that couldve zapped us out reality .whats funny is that the foundation oops i mean Nasa didnt release this info until like a year or two later

Tibi S
Tibi S - 15.07.2022 23:31

pharos had chariots with wheels of course... how else they got in the battle.... and composite bow... the most sophisticate than the carbon used today....and cubit (or royal cubit) more precise than the meter they used today... ȁ̶̢̳̪̥͎̩̦̫͓͓̏͋͌̀̑̔̑̆̄͌̽̄̂̄͜ͅnd for sure not only for measure stones... 🌏 📡🌏 👣🕘 💎👽☠☼☾☄ゞど・ㇺㇾㇽ₪𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖇𝖎𝖗𝖆₪なめㇺㇾㇽ✶☥✨🌛🌄⊀✶⋊🐺🐾♓️☆🐜🐜🐫▲▴◭

Tibi S
Tibi S - 15.07.2022 23:20

the matrix its man use and not man creating.... . not the movie... but they mention there also... the one hidden in temple of osiris...or the one encoding in to abracadabra or in the famous story of adam & eve ..or in many others stories on this planet....
but .. y̶̡̢̙̘̗̼̯̰̅͂̍̽̆́͒̆̈́̀̉̕͠a̵̯̟͇͉͋̚͜ȁ̶̢̳̪̥͎̩̦̫͓͓̏͋͌̀̑̔̑̆̄͌̽̄̂̄͜ͅa̸̟̰̟̱̫͔̿̈́͋̿̒̍͊̂̋̆͜͝ͅ ̶͛̿.....knowing & believing are also different things.....
🌏 📡🌏 👣🕘 💎👽☠☼☾☄ゞど・ㇺㇾㇽ₪𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖇𝖎𝖗𝖆₪なめㇺㇾㇽ✶☥✨🌛🌄⊀✶⋊🐺🐾♓️☆🐜🐜🐫▲▴◭

lexdad1193 - 04.07.2022 18:26

The Sumerians invented the wheel.

Garry Smith
Garry Smith - 30.06.2022 22:25

This has gotten boring quick. A video about artefacts should be filled with cool stuff. Way to blow it.

Winter Wood
Winter Wood - 20.06.2022 22:24

To me the shist disk looks like a propeller not a steering wheel

Hue Mann
Hue Mann - 13.05.2022 10:06

It was just a matter of time.
Where is it?

Hue Mann
Hue Mann - 13.05.2022 10:05

Thank you.

Hue Mann
Hue Mann - 13.05.2022 10:05

You found it.

Drake Miser
Drake Miser - 30.04.2022 00:24

The ball in Namibia is space junk. It is used to keep fuel under pressure.

Sigma man 🦂
Sigma man 🦂 - 28.04.2022 14:48

Maybe they are just pieces of art, for arts sake. The human mind is always looking for ulterior motives for everything. We are inquisitive being's. Look at the human imagination, there is nothing we can't conjure up. Mixed with that ability is our dark side, that list is Infinite in it's application. 🕵️‍♀️🤓

UN -_- KNOWN - 22.04.2022 12:39

Looks like a clutch

MyraXmars - 22.04.2022 10:38


Not of this world
Not of this world - 22.04.2022 04:10

Millions of years old…
Let’s get realistic already, it isn’t millions of years old, nor do I buy the earth is only 6,000 years old.

Dewey aka Kerx
Dewey aka Kerx - 19.04.2022 22:58

Everytime I hear "they couldn't of made this" I'm just like.....we don't know what they could do, we just know what was left behind.

Miguel Angel El Buho
Miguel Angel El Buho - 19.04.2022 03:07

This disk could be the key to the Aramu Muru Portal also located in Peru. Looks like it fits the keyhole.

the bcl poonilli
the bcl poonilli - 01.04.2022 01:09

the saqqara disk is for making sound waves. if spun on its axis it will form unique waves of sound through the air

Lim Kip
Lim Kip - 30.03.2022 11:31

You also forgot to mention that those axes are HUGEEE!! Like 6 feet tall, supposedly thought to be for giant humans..

MR Stoner 2udude
MR Stoner 2udude - 25.03.2022 01:47

Why do we underestimate our ancestors??

Irish - 15.03.2022 07:40

All these ancient historian channels need to get together an correlate there story so the lies at least SOUND believable

whit3 rabb3t
whit3 rabb3t - 24.01.2022 21:43

The saqquara bird is an ancient equivalent of a paper airplane. It was a toy and was thrown

whit3 rabb3t
whit3 rabb3t - 24.01.2022 18:49

The double axe is/was an ancient religious symbol

C G - 23.01.2022 07:03

Ain't no BODY looking @ that "disk" and going "hey look its my steering wheel! What's it doing in this museum!?!?"

Christopher Carlson
Christopher Carlson - 19.01.2022 09:34

There is no information in or about these objects that would solve any mysterys or answer questions. These are largely human creations, and 100% solved mysteries, but anything less than 100% certainty gets people excited. This video made you dumber

Christopher Carlson
Christopher Carlson - 19.01.2022 09:30

The wolf's egg iron is clearly a meteorite. Having held these before the golf ball type divits is from it being heating to melting as it's entering the atmosphere. Meteorite. But people manufacture mysteries if nothing else. "Terrestrial" means what? Iron? Metals? Yes.

Marta Negron
Marta Negron - 31.12.2021 10:40

Stop cutting the tree is for the birds to rest,the branches cover us from the sun shade,and are also fruit trees for who ever is hungry,thank u
