Top 10 BEST Fish For LAZY Fish Keepers!!

Top 10 BEST Fish For LAZY Fish Keepers!!


2 года назад

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FanGirl Alie
FanGirl Alie - 11.10.2023 20:39

I'm so busy with work and school so I need a low maintenance pet since the passing of my pup(14) in 2020. This helped so much thank you!

c p
c p - 10.09.2023 22:46

Not lazy but I’m a nurse with chronic illness myself

jorge chaves
jorge chaves - 20.06.2023 14:23

I have a question that is driving me crazy..
I have 3 different kinds of tetra , molly and albino cory.. but every time i try to add a few goppies they don't make it... water is check on a regular basis..

Hector Rolon
Hector Rolon - 14.06.2023 00:53

Lazy? How bout busy?

Robyn Cantwell
Robyn Cantwell - 12.06.2023 05:18

We’ve had beginner fish for forty years . They are so beautiful. I’d love to try corals one day, but for now our plecco and guppies are just perfect.

SmokeR - 10.06.2023 09:23

Its not about being lazy with Netflix. People have to spend time at fulltime jobs and also spend time with their family. The time they get for themselves and their hobbies is very limited. So for most adult fish keepers, the easier the fish, the better.

Veronica Felmey
Veronica Felmey - 09.06.2023 19:45

I have a tank, bought 4 black mollies ... in 48 hours 2 of them died out of nowhere. The other 2 are doing great. My 3bgoldfish and albino Cordy cat fish are also fine they've been in this tank for a while now. I've been doing water changes weekly and keeping an eye on ammonia levels. Also, have an air bubbler for adequate oxygen in the tank. Water heater has temp at around 76 degrees

Napoleon Hardin
Napoleon Hardin - 01.06.2023 19:54

The thumbnail is hilarious! 😂

Nell Bolden
Nell Bolden - 28.05.2023 03:13

Would you please edcute us on black ghost knives, i do love them.

Hanna Saxton
Hanna Saxton - 21.05.2023 21:46

Just rescued dying plants and trying to figure out what I'm doing next. Using your videos as a podcast lol

Glenn Gordon
Glenn Gordon - 25.03.2023 01:22

Love your videos! Very Informative! Thanks for what you do for the hobby

Kimberly Ballez
Kimberly Ballez - 21.03.2023 04:11

So ... As far as goldfish go... Would a 5 gallon tank be large enough if you only have 2 goldfish?

Apollo_Blaze - 16.03.2023 12:56

I have heard that with goldfish you should double the filter size for the if you have a 10 gallon tank get a filter for a 20 gallon tank, supposedly it helps keep the water cleaner between cleanings. Is this true??

Mittzie - 12.03.2023 20:32

Oscars will always be my favourite fish for all the reasons they are amazing “little” water babies ❤

Logan Ryan
Logan Ryan - 08.03.2023 05:38

Angelfish r on here yet my luck with em sucks 😅

Hope Blyton
Hope Blyton - 06.03.2023 19:00

Lol. My lazy fishkeeping tip: get the biggest tank you can afford and throw a small bioload in. Don't overfeed and ya won't have to do a whole lot. Especially with live plants. Lol.

Justin Lester
Justin Lester - 10.02.2023 08:46

Love it al bundy

dave carey
dave carey - 04.02.2023 05:03

I love my saltwater converted black Molly

Daphne - 30.01.2023 16:43

Lazy a.k.a. New to the hobby? Because if you have succes with a tank it brings joy to take care of your pets. Like play it on easy mode, and it’s still challenging enough but won’t demotivate!

Potato Lord
Potato Lord - 30.01.2023 08:07

GET A GRAVEL VACCUM THAT HOOKS UP TO YOUR SINK, it makes it really fast if you dont have a lot of time

J M - 25.01.2023 15:16

Love KGT's content, and don't get the hate.

Khulis are a waste of time IMO and you'll never see them.

Mollies are awesome, they can live in extremes from marine to toilet water - though most marine fish can and do pick on Mollies as if "what the hell you doing in here". Ditto for guppies though I hate them.

Snails, crabs and shrimps are great clean up crew but can get eaten.

Hardiest fish I've found are leopard bush fish (aka climbing perch) and kissing gouramis - like mollies, they can live pretty much in the toilet (joking). I've inadvertently not changed water for many weeks, and they're as lazy as me.

More Lisa please - I bet she has a fan club somewhere :)

Jeremy Pee
Jeremy Pee - 24.01.2023 11:54

some snails will eat the heck outta your aquarium vegetation.

If you wanna keep the population in check or eliminate them, get an assasin snail.

Greg Chambers
Greg Chambers - 22.01.2023 08:57

LOL, Oscars don't belong on a LAZY list! I had four large ones in a tank & was CONSTANTLY having to clean the tank. Not for the lazy fish keeper! LOL Very pretty fish with great personalities though!

J - 20.01.2023 04:02

Is that a snakehead behind you?

Rafael - 19.01.2023 21:58

I am not lazy but very lazy 🤣 Many 'tanks' for this list.

Christopher Dunstan
Christopher Dunstan - 17.01.2023 09:03

I actually like taking care of my tank I don't think lazy people should have any fish haha that's just me but I have my Betta in a 22L tank and I have a filter heater and plenty of plants and one cave
You're supposed to be saving your Bettas from the cup put them in at least 3gal

blue collar worker
blue collar worker - 16.01.2023 04:04

I have Oscar 1 Dempsey 8in albino pleco in a seventy-five 50% water change once a week hang on the back filter matter fact two filters you recommended because I can attach my heater to it and I also have a canister filter he's like a puppy dog

blue collar worker
blue collar worker - 16.01.2023 03:58

My betta is in a 50 breeder with 5 gril friends heavy 🌿

blue collar worker
blue collar worker - 16.01.2023 03:50

Clean water a clean place for them to attach their eggs and bloodworms in they'll breed every time

Moshe Sabovich
Moshe Sabovich - 12.01.2023 17:50

Oscars are more beautiful than Angels! Oscars are the best Angels are second!

Jasaba senara
Jasaba senara - 10.01.2023 21:55

Love your channel. Subscribed.👍

Chris Wuehr
Chris Wuehr - 09.01.2023 03:31

Surplus fry go into the angel tank and they'll take them to heaven... Doing God's work n looking good!

LoganTries - 08.01.2023 20:47

I love your intro music its so nice and peaceful haha.

Steve Warren
Steve Warren - 07.01.2023 19:45

I have had Oscar's twice and both times they died within weeks of getting them. I am glad that other people have had success with them.

Austin Mcallister-Smith
Austin Mcallister-Smith - 06.01.2023 22:28

Hey can you do a video like this for plants?

jessiina - 04.01.2023 09:53

I love my angels! I have 4 in my 55 gallon tank and they are so much fun. They will follow you around the tank and sometimes I will go from one side to the other just to see them swim toward me. I think we have females as they never lay eggs. We did once take in a male from my father in law, because he was bullied. He got it on right away with one of them. Only to have the eggs eaten... Mother nature is mean like that. He had a wound that only got worse, so he didn't make it. But I still miss him. OH! One easy as heck fish is the Colombian tetra. These bad bois will survive the apocalypse.

Deedee Wass
Deedee Wass - 04.01.2023 01:38

When it comes to goldfish I have found the fancier the goldfish is the harder and "less lazy" you can be with it. Fancy goldfish are not an easy fish in my opinion. They have very sensitive swim bladders, they can get egg bound easily and if the water gets too cold they will sit on the bottom of the aquarium because they have sensitive digestive systems that slow down in cooler water. So aquarist that say they are cold water fish is not necessary true.

BBC PHONE - 31.12.2022 10:11

Thank YOu MR CLEAN!!!

Sophia Lucas
Sophia Lucas - 27.12.2022 16:02

Goldfish, I’m talking about the fancies you’re showing, are HARD to keep because they can’t have decorations (they’ll get stuck and hurt themselves) and they’re prone to disease

Mr. Degenarians
Mr. Degenarians - 27.12.2022 12:00

Just put the aquarium (<=3feet) with siphon near to the water hose &along the water dumping area so we could change the water (75%-80%)'s an enjoyable & fun to do a water change eventough frequently.
(Dont's Needs anti chlorine everytime changing water)

Oxylepy - 22.12.2022 11:18

Look, the less effort I need to put into my tank, the more extra I can give it. That's why I like the three S's: sumps, snails and shrimp.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. What's that swimming around behind you on camera left?

Moon - 21.12.2022 06:29

What is that zebra looking like Arowana fish in the background of your big tank? Is it a fish or a reptile like an Axolotl?

sunriseshell - 16.12.2022 01:24

Convicts have that name because a long time ago prisioner clothing used to have black and white stripes so a convict wore a striped outfit.

Anastasios Christoforatos
Anastasios Christoforatos - 11.12.2022 21:20

Definitely great video. Not necessarily lazy, just very busy. And I love my fish. Wish I had more time for them. But we have a great relationship. 20 gallon with kuhli tetras, and a female betta.

Matthew 72
Matthew 72 - 11.12.2022 18:34

No but you can definitely tell what a goldfish is sad though like in that video most of those goldfishes are fins are down they're pretty sad a treatment like a God

surfing2020 - 10.12.2022 18:12

What about the Bichir fish behind you!?

Trains with Shane
Trains with Shane - 01.12.2022 22:25

Having kept convicts before I can 100% confirm that they will breed if you have at least one male and one female. And unlike Oscars, which I also love, convicts don't get huge. I think around 5 inches or so is what I remember reading. Convicts are very active and fun fish to watch but they are jerks for sure. And they are some of the most hearty fish i've ever kept.

SARTHAK DEV - 30.11.2022 06:50

Ironically, I've never been successful in keeping these fishes (like goldfish and molly) even though i take a lot of care......

Meskarune - 22.11.2022 11:44

My grandmother kept a tank of goldfish. One year she got sick with a blood infection and was hospitalized for over a month, a lot of that unconscious. Eventually someone remembered she had fish and I went to go check on them. The tank was green, I thought maybe they all died and turned to goo. Nope, every surface had 3 inches of algea on it and all the fish were alive and well. I think they must have been eating the algea or something to survive. Those fish lived another 15 years!
