Mindfulness is for Everyone: How To Be More Present In Your Life | Eric López Maya | TEDxMSU

Mindfulness is for Everyone: How To Be More Present In Your Life | Eric López Maya | TEDxMSU

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Bhai Sabh'S STuDiO
Bhai Sabh'S STuDiO - 11.07.2023 21:20

Yeh angrez ake hume meditation aur mind focus krne ki advise de rha h jo hazaro sal pehle se hamare cultute m h 😂

Teddy - 22.05.2023 13:54

The audio quality of this recording is almost unbearable 😢😮 please be more mindful of your audio signal output and it's accessibility thereof. Love the words hate the sound.

Emilie53 - 25.04.2023 20:01

Asking us to just put off your concerns about whatever is troubling you and focus more on other distractions such as cooking, exercising, music, etc...anything but the subject that is causing you stress or depression.

Liz S
Liz S - 16.03.2023 07:24

It was good but his mic kept rubbing against his coat

PuppetMaster - 25.02.2023 01:08

Power of stupidity

Sig Spear Thumb
Sig Spear Thumb - 27.01.2023 15:26

Did he say 45 minutes or 4 to 5

Matthew Sawyer
Matthew Sawyer - 07.01.2023 14:18

Mindfulness, an outmoded fad in pop science from the USA 20 years ago.

IRC BD - 28.12.2022 20:27


Maricruz Romero Fulgencio
Maricruz Romero Fulgencio - 09.12.2022 08:25

Gracias profesor por su enseñanza , aprendí a enfocar la atencion en el presente, a reducir el estress practicando la meditacion, la autocompasion, la gratitud y la empatia.

Eddie luisa Munguia Castillo
Eddie luisa Munguia Castillo - 09.12.2022 04:42

Lo felicito Dr .López , por darnos la oportunidad de recibir los beneficios de Mindfulness. ¡ Muchas gracias !

Angy Fuentes
Angy Fuentes - 09.12.2022 01:35

Wow super!!!!! De otro nivel me encanta y coincido

CAROLINA PINZON - 09.12.2022 00:20

Gracias por la experiencia. Mindfulness es increíble, nos permite lidiar con el día a día y enfocarnos acertadamente

Andy Varela
Andy Varela - 08.12.2022 22:00

Gracias por compartir su conocimiento en el programa mindfulness, es una herramienta muy útil para lograr enfoque y perspectiva.

Rafaella - 07.12.2022 22:41

Hola Estoy buscando la aplicación que menciono al principio

Rafaella - 07.12.2022 22:40

I’m looking for the app to that he mentioned

Emilio Gaviria
Emilio Gaviria - 28.11.2022 05:25

Dr. López como lo puedo contactar? Por casualidad escuché una corta meditación en la Aplicación Calm. Le escribo desde Alemania. Es increíble cómo en 4 minutos me ayudaron más que horas de meditación en esa aplicación. Calm es Excelente, me ayuda mucho !

Nunca dejaría esa aplicación pero me gustaría tener más meditaciones guiadas por usted en Calm.

Todos los matadores son fantásticos, pero como he comentado en solo una medición de 4 minutos usted me impresionó. Usted tiene un Don. Va más allá de la excelencia !

scott thomas
scott thomas - 26.10.2022 06:33


Canucks way - The healthy way 🍁
Canucks way - The healthy way 🍁 - 25.10.2022 04:14

How mindfulness and dance can stimulate a part of the brain that can improve mental health ----
Activating the somatosensory cortex may help us connect to our bodies, develop our sensitivity, sensuality and capacity to feel pleasure.
Like a thick velvety headband, the somatosensory cortex arcs across the top of brain from just above one ear to the other.

I fell in love with the brain as an undergraduate student and pursued a career in neuroscience, but for years I had largely ignored this structure, since it appeared to be involved “only” in processing of bodily sensations. In my mind, that meant it was not as fascinating as areas implicated in emotion or higher cognitive function.

However, over the past decade, during my training in mindfulness-based interventions and dance movement therapy, I’ve come to realize that a well-functioning and developed somatosensory cortex may help us experience the world and ourselves more deeply and completely. It may enrich our emotional experience and improve our mental health.

For decades, the somatosensory cortex was considered to only be responsible for processing sensory information from various body parts. However, recently it became apparent that this structure is also involved in various stages of emotion processing, including recognizing, generating and regulating emotions.

Moreover, structural and functional changes in the somatosensory cortex have been found in individuals diagnosed with depression, anxiety and psychotic disorders. These studies suggest that the somatosensory cortex may be a treatment target for certain mental health problems, as well as for preventive measures. Some researchers have even suggested neuromodulation of the somatosensory cortex with transcranial magnetic stimulation or deep brain stimulation.

However, before we decide to use an invasive technology, we may want to consider mindfulness-based interventions, dance movement therapy or other body-centred approaches to psychotherapy. These methods use the entire body to enhance sensory, breath and movement awareness. Those factors can enhance overall self-awareness, which contributes to improvement of mental health through potential reorganization of the somatosensory cortex.

Functional significance of the somatosensory cortex
One of the amazing qualities of the somatosensory cortex is its pronounced plasticity — the ability to reorganize and enlarge with practice (or atrophy without practice). This plasticity is critical when we consider mindfulness-based interventions and dance movement therapy because, as mentioned above, through working directly with the body sensations and movement, we can modify the somatosensory cortex.

Another important aspect is its numerous connections with other areas of the brain. In other words, the somatosensory cortex has a power to affect other brain regions, which in turn affect other regions, and so on. The brain is heavily interconnected and none of its parts acts in isolation.

The somatosensory cortex receives information from the entire body, such that the left part of the cortex processes information from the right side of the body and vice versa. However, the proportion of the cortex devoted to a particular part of the body depends on its functional importance rather than its physical size.

For example, a large proportion of the somatosensory cortex is devoted to our hands, and so just moving and feeling our hands might be an interesting option for dance therapy for those with restricted mobility.

The somatosensory cortex mediates exteroception (touch, pressure, temperature, pain, etc.), proprioception (postural and movement information) and interoception (sensations inside the body, often related to the physiological body states, such as hunger and thirst), although its role in the interoceptive awareness is only partial.

The somatosensory cortex and emotion
A scent, a song or an image can suddenly bring a deeply buried and forgotten event to mind. Similarly, feeling a texture — like cashmere — against our skin, or moving our body in a certain way (such as doing a backbend, or rocking back and forth) can do the same and more. It can bring repressed memories to the surface, provoke emotional reactions, and create state shifts. This is one of the superpowers of mindfulness-based interventions and dance movement therapy.

This response is mediated via the somatosensory cortex, just like emotional and cognitive reactions to a song are mediated via the auditory cortex, and reactions to scents are mediated via the olfactory cortex. Nevertheless, if the information stopped flowing at a purely sensory level (what we feel, hear, see, taste and smell), then a significant portion of the emotional and cognitive consequences would be lost.

brock oleveda
brock oleveda - 10.10.2022 19:13

Ive been depressed for a long time, I seem useless and bad

Daniel Soto
Daniel Soto - 09.09.2022 03:02

Excelente platica, es corta en tiempo pero muy rica en su contenido, he leído y practicado mindfulness en los últimos dos años y me ha permitido crecer como persona al estar más presente en mi vida. Muchas felicidades por compartir su presentación.

Armando Alonso López
Armando Alonso López - 06.09.2022 05:43

Un abrazo Eric, gracias por provocar volver a casa y sentarme a beber te y leer cartas: del Poema que nos leíste en el TAI, un abrazo

LETICIA FUERTES - 06.09.2022 03:01


CHAVEZ VARGAS MA. VERONICA 19 - 04.09.2022 23:40

Mil gracias, querido maestro Eric López.

Martha Camargo
Martha Camargo - 03.09.2022 03:48

Doctor Eric que orgullo sentí al escucharlo que extraordonaria conferencia y además poder decir él es mi Maestro el Director de mi querido Instituto de Mindfulness de México y gran responsable de las mejores cosas que me han sucedido desde que he estudiado y me he certificado en Mindfulness bajo su dirección. Gracias por seguir difundiendo esta forma de vida

Claudia Margarita Ramirez Tejada
Claudia Margarita Ramirez Tejada - 02.09.2022 00:30

Dr. Eric, Excellent conference, thank you for sharing your personal and professional experience. All my appreciation for your research, teaching and help humanity with this beautiful practice "Mindfulness".

Antonio Soto
Antonio Soto - 30.08.2022 22:09

Thank you so much Eric, Excellent talk. Really good introduction to mindfulness and its benefits. I appreciate you sharing your research, really encouraging results.

Lina Londoño
Lina Londoño - 30.08.2022 14:08

Felicitaciones!!! maravillosa presentación y el mensaje es claro y contundente. Gracias por tus enseñanzas. Mindfulness es un estilo de vida. Un fuerte abrazo Eric.

Moraima Nuñez
Moraima Nuñez - 30.08.2022 04:29

Excelente profesor, gracias por compartir tu conocimiento desde tu propia experiencia

Concepcion Enriquez-Martinez
Concepcion Enriquez-Martinez - 30.08.2022 00:09

Muchas felicidades maestro!! Como siempre, dando ponencias de gran ayuda!

Mariana Villaverde Mecalco
Mariana Villaverde Mecalco - 29.08.2022 22:32

WOW TED! Muchas gracias por tu paciencia, porque sin ella no serías nuestro maestro. A seguir practicando y compartiendo este enorme potencial para estar en el aquí y en el ahora, un gran regalo que es Mindfulness!

Josefina Rodríguez
Josefina Rodríguez - 29.08.2022 21:28

Excelente, felicidades lo he integrado a mi vida y los resultados son sorprendentes.
Muchas gracias por tu encomiable labor.

LORENA AVALOS - 29.08.2022 21:09

Excelente conferencia, beneficios invaluables. Gracias Eric 🙌

Rocio Velasco Chilpa
Rocio Velasco Chilpa - 27.08.2022 19:33

Excelente conferencia que explica y ubica que beneficios tiene el mindfulness, es un orgullo para mi que un mexicana este en TEDx. felicidades.

MANUEL - 27.08.2022 03:37

Excelente charla. Interesante ver como iniciaste tu práctica y coómo has logrado compartir tus experiencias. ¡Felicidades! Gracias

Contacto Vitazoe
Contacto Vitazoe - 26.08.2022 23:47

Exelentemente expresado y si , hay un antes de la practica y un despues , comenzar este camino con uds , ha sido fundamental para todos los eventos que se han sucedido desde le año 2019, no solo para migo misma , si no para toda mi familia , y en el presente continuo esta el entrenamiento mindfulness, gracias gracias gracias
centrovitazoe /fundadora y directora ps.mg.main valenzuela prieto

Robert McClure
Robert McClure - 26.08.2022 23:31

Dr. Lopez: Excellent and well-presented explanation of the benefits of mindfulness. Thank you for your personal examples that illustrate how everyone has the natural capacity for mindfulness and the hope described by Mary Oliver for a wild and precious life!

Jaime Velasquez
Jaime Velasquez - 26.08.2022 23:19

Me interesa voy a buscar información más detallada

Virginia Albino Javier
Virginia Albino Javier - 26.08.2022 21:58

Excelente presentación. Muy interesante y cálida 👍🤗

fernanda terrein
fernanda terrein - 26.08.2022 21:43

Me parece una explicación clara y consisa de lo q significa practicar Mindfulness para obtener resultados positivos y mejorar tu vida en todos los ámbitos

Carola Peña Toledo
Carola Peña Toledo - 26.08.2022 03:29

Hermoso contenido ❤

Martha Ramos Jaquez
Martha Ramos Jaquez - 25.08.2022 23:52

Felicidades por su conferencia TED inspiradora. Necesitamos divulgar su conferencia para que todas las personas se atrevan a tomar el reto de vivir el mindfuliving. El mindfulness nos da calidad de vida y es gratuito :) ¡A disfrutar la vida en el aquí y el ahora! Un e-abrazo desde Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua. México.

Manuel Infante Arata - Consultor y Coach
Manuel Infante Arata - Consultor y Coach - 25.08.2022 23:39

Excellent personal testimony of the benefits of the practice of Mindfulness. Dr. Eric López is a dynamic and committed director of a leading institute in Latin America. Congratulations for such an illustrative conference. I hope it spreads more.

Vegonia Hernandez
Vegonia Hernandez - 25.08.2022 23:37

Wonderful speech. You are an inspiration.

Sara Flores
Sara Flores - 25.08.2022 22:12

Thank you Professor Eric for your hard work in bringing mindfulness and meditation to the Latin community. My whole family lives in Mexico and I wish they would give mindfulness a chance. In our largely catholic culture, usually, mindfulness is seen as something that a christian is not allowed to do, that is completely wrong. I have been practicing mindfulness and meditation for a short time, and I can say that my life has changed for the better as well since I took the MBSR class at UCSD. My aspiration is to become a mindfulness teacher in the future and bring mindfulness meditation to our community. Congratulation in you beautiful TED Talk, I can see in your eyes the equanimity that you have cultivated thought your practice. I admire your career, with metta, Sara

Consuelo Gomez
Consuelo Gomez - 25.08.2022 22:02

Congrats for your video! Very interesting, illustrative, motivating,

AromAcademia - 25.08.2022 21:46

Wonderful talk!

Fernando Gustavo Lozano
Fernando Gustavo Lozano - 25.08.2022 20:27

Interesting talk. Congrats!

Elizabeth van Os
Elizabeth van Os - 22.08.2022 23:54

I really loved the perspective on mindfulness that crosses language and culture, and it was interesting to think about how techniques might affect people who speak different languages in unexpected ways!

Incontrera Consulting
Incontrera Consulting - 22.08.2022 22:48

Fantastic talk!

Ariana Wehr
Ariana Wehr - 22.08.2022 21:04

Great video! 🎉
