BPH vs Prostatitis - What's The Difference?

BPH vs Prostatitis - What's The Difference?

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@JD-uo2oj - 26.10.2022 15:48

Can you develop a nodule from prostitis??

@SUPER_JAVI - 29.04.2021 10:29

So basically you left us men that are suffering with the symptoms no hope, thanks..

@bob14219 - 12.03.2021 23:02

the urologists Ive seen in Buffalo Ny dont seem to want to explore BPH or Prostatitis and its resulting PSA rise....I cant even get my urologist or the comprehensive cancer hospital urologist to express prostatic fluid to culture and match to the best appropriate antibiotic........they all want write a script for doxycycline for 3 weeks get another PSA and if not in range - go right to biopsy without expending any energy to exhaust non cancer causes and spare the patient the biopsy ordeal ......big business in biopsies

@pedrojovellano4986 - 15.02.2021 15:26

This two bph and prostatitis causes prostate cancer? Please answer Dr. Thanks.

@fuyou1999 - 09.02.2021 01:01

Turmeric curcumin !!!!! Shrank my prostate and took all the pain away! Take 500 mg in the am and 500mg in the evening!!!!! You Won’t regret it! Walmart sells it it’s sold on the internet!!!!!

@enufots4621 - 08.01.2021 09:44

So, how do you diagnose symptomatic prostatitis (bacteria) from symptomatic BPH?

@opencurtin - 30.12.2020 22:20

I've been on antibiotics for a month for prostatitis but I'm still not over it, Im still not 100% sure what it is as I have to wait for my blood test to come back :(

@BruceLeeFannl - 09.11.2020 00:26

I have a none bacterial prostititus/pelvic syndrome.
All was good by the urologistic, blood, urine, prostate.
But my idea is:
Somewhere the way: the muscles and vessels and nerves, from the testikel to the prostate, they are in there route disturbed, maybe by the pelvic area or prostate.
And that gives problem in the testikel or groin or both.
What to do?
It looks like that in 30 years there is no progress in this problem for the male and his ejaculation problem.

@jkrlozjherdez2924 - 20.10.2020 09:59

Hello Dr. I have suffered from prostatitis for more than 10 years, and after many treatments with various medications without any results, 2 weeks ago my urologist recommended me to do the procedure called urolift to which my question was if this procedure would help me solve my problem and he told me that yes, yesterday that horrible pain returned in my prostate which leaves me no doubt that it was in vain that I had the urolift done, watching his video my question is, Which is the best method recommended to eliminate any discomfort in my prostate? Enucleation would be a good option ? I am 51 years old and after almost 10 years of suffering from those pains that in addition to being something super annoying, my quality of life has been greatly affected. I'm waiting for your answer, thanks you.

@oskyperez4989 - 30.08.2020 21:03

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED - In 2012, I learned about the existence of three unique substances, for their benefits for human health, Antiviral / antibacterial / fungicide, etc., etc. I refer to MMS, CDS and DMSO, I started taking for acute prostatitis (resolved in 7 days) on another occasion an infection appeared in a tooth (with abscess and tremendous pain) and I cured it in 2 days (in these cases it was reinforced with DMSO) since 2012 my family and I, take once every 10 days, for prevention and maintenance AND WE ARE ALWAYS IN VERY GOOD HEALTH (I AM 75 YEARS OLD) - IT IS THE BEST OF THE BEST - TO GET INFORMED AND INVESTIGATE THESE SUBSTANCES.

@rahulkumar8421 - 02.05.2020 07:17

My age is 25 years

@rahulkumar8421 - 02.05.2020 07:16

Sir, I am having prostatitis for 3 years. Is there any medicine for it?

@anasqureshi2479 - 08.04.2020 19:50

I am a young man ,26 ,i have had TOO much trouble since years,i have taken medicine for UTI for years .like 5-7 years ,but havent helped at all ,i keep going to the doctors ,ultrasound shows nothing at all .urine test shows a few ,sometimes more Red blood cells ,25-30 ,and a very few puss cells .im sure its some kind of prostate problem .symptoms are frequent urination ,my bladder are is always burning ,sensitive pain in pelvic region ,continues mild fever .

@jack_knife-1478 - 22.12.2019 15:58

I had a ureteroscopy to remove a kidney stone and ended up with none bacterial prostatitis chronic pelvic pain syndrome. I never had prostatitis before the operation! They did a cystoscopy everything was fine they gave me antibiotics but they didn't work. Urologist checked my prostate and said it was fine but the muscles around it were really really tight! Another urologist just said it's unfortunate but you seem to have developed none bacterial prostatitis chronic pelvic pain syndrome and there's nothing we can do it's poorly understood. He said my prostate was inflamed. I have pain in my scrotum my bladder my anus my perineum my abdomen my lower back and even pain down my inner thighs. I feel so alone with this condition it has ruined my quality of life! Ejaculation is painful too. How can my prostate causes pain in all these areas😞

@macster1457 - 05.10.2019 22:10

thank you for the video..but I am still confused...so, are you saying that with Prostatitis, the prostate can go back to normal size with medication, whereas with bph, no medication can shrink it?
I am confused because to me, inflammation and enlargement is the same thing.

@alexjavierpintomaldonado7475 - 26.05.2019 02:45

Opportunity please p pi on PO and then you are opening PO PO on PO LL ok ok oi PK LJ p PP PO PP PPc chopper PO and IP a looppppp lpp

@alexjavierpintomaldonado7475 - 26.05.2019 02:43

Videos pñy4 Uz CCleaner do you like

@alexjavierpintomaldonado7475 - 26.05.2019 02:40


@TascamTascam - 16.05.2019 06:10

another moron urologist who doesn't know what he's talking about
