At Home Soil Testing… Is It Worth It? How To Sample Correctly

At Home Soil Testing… Is It Worth It? How To Sample Correctly

Gardening In Canada

4 месяца назад

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@mr.hamilton5393 - 08.11.2024 22:55

Looking fabulous and fantastic

@coolhot8867 - 08.11.2024 22:56

I add coffee grounds to my garden to change the ph in my garden an add slow nitrogen to the garden.

@jamiehattingh7888 - 08.11.2024 22:58

Priscilla 😁 Nice

@stephown5374 - 08.11.2024 23:03

Soil scientists are really down to earth.

@jacksonnc8877 - 08.11.2024 23:04

Your vids are awesome 😎

@OakKnobFarm - 08.11.2024 23:08

I'd be interested in the at home calcium test you mentioned. Great video!

@LisaSchira - 08.11.2024 23:37

I would be interested in any at home soil testing.

@Hutzjohn - 09.11.2024 00:16

I have to disagree with you potash(potassium ion salt) is more accurate than potassium because potassium bursts into flames when mixed with water -- your bag of fertilizer does not burst into flames if it gets wet. Also phosphorus(same way) has a violent reaction when it mixes with air it bursts into flames.

@91210paige - 09.11.2024 01:00

Ok I totally forgot what we were talking about when you went off on the "BOTTOM" lol

@iantalmadge - 09.11.2024 01:19

Love the channel, thanks for another excellent video :).

@wildedibles819 - 09.11.2024 04:31

😂I remember that video 😂😂😂

@everydimecounts5619 - 09.11.2024 04:36

Her name is Becky @acrehomestead. I bet she would love to hear your explanation of topography it may help her out in 2025..I mean she does great and has really inspired me. I learned a lot just by watching this one video from you also..ty for sharing

@aliciafitzpatrick5397 - 09.11.2024 04:42

I've recently met your channel - and I am favorably impressed! Looks like I have homework to do catching up 😂😅 thank you!

@ryansalayer2538 - 09.11.2024 05:08

So does compost not count as soil? What defines soil then?

@melissalan8105 - 09.11.2024 05:15

Pretty and smart!! Love your video always so much info in them.

@wayneessar7489 - 09.11.2024 06:31

Summer cars are a very Sask thing!
Do Squirrels store cones under the hood?

@wayneessar7489 - 09.11.2024 06:35

If you send a sample for total organic material assay leave on everything.
Also cheaper to mail dry soil.

@leannep1912 - 09.11.2024 07:29

For the Testing of the Calcium, Magnesium & Iron in the Soil, I am in Gratitude for further shares. : Leanne.

@brianramsey3824 - 09.11.2024 07:59

Please show us your calcium test

@brianramsey3824 - 09.11.2024 08:04

Google obviously should know better on what I been searching

@aphillips5376 - 09.11.2024 12:21

Very interesting video! I grow in Mel's mix (soilless media) but lived all the science of the soil. Yes! Please do a video on how to check organic material and please do this type of video for soilless media i.e. compost, vermiculite, peet moss blends 🙏☺️

@spontaneousun - 09.11.2024 17:28

Yes to more at home test instructions please!! Also, I’m really looking forward to your holiday countdown content :)

@brianseybert192 - 09.11.2024 17:35

I would appreciate a video on how to interpret soil and compost test results. What do the numbers really mean, and how do we use them to improve our soils.
Enjoy your videos, Stay Well!!!

@theoldguy9329 - 09.11.2024 19:00

I would be interested in the calcium and organic testing and levels. You have been very informative so that paper was a god send.
Most of what I do is raised bed. I do have a couple that are more than 1 foot tall, which have either sod or brush at the bottom (so I add each year). I also have a less deep bed. So am I to sample at the bottom or 1 foot down (which ever is shorter) or is there a better way? My buckets and bags generally help fill the sinking tall beds so should I test before or after I combine?

@clintonsmith9931 - 09.11.2024 20:06

Suggest you read The Book before you repeat what some fool says.

@DavidMFChapman - 09.11.2024 20:21

I have paper pH test strips for testing pH of ferment brine. Is there a way of using these to test soil pH?

@leanneobrien7211 - 09.11.2024 21:30

Organic material video please

@Joes_Home_Garden - 10.11.2024 03:58

I love your dogs! that is all.

@kendravoracek3636 - 10.11.2024 04:05


@Sarinana36 - 10.11.2024 06:47

Becky she’s adorable @Acrehomestead

@vcpvcp2889 - 10.11.2024 18:54

Yes - please teach all you can on in home soil testing…. also on how to remedy aka: tons of xxx per acre for ph change etc. Please do it on tons per acre.

@asteria4279 - 10.11.2024 20:50

So many allusions in this one hehe.... Love it 😂

@JeffCaldwell-l3t - 11.11.2024 00:33

Blossom end rot got half of my beefsteak tomatoes a year ago. Please show us your calcium test. Throughout the 1960s my Dad and his brother drove Parisiennes. Good memories

@beckettrowan4149 - 11.11.2024 21:31

Organic material and calcium tests would be amazing! I love a good lab test, but I’d love to be able to monitor things more frequently so I don’t over correct. And extra points for using Pillow Princess in a soil video.

@markuswade2158 - 12.11.2024 13:09

"Its the technique that matters, not the size" Thats what she said 😅 Also, Yes! Please do a video on testing for calcium and magnesium etc at home!

@FloraM44 - 12.11.2024 18:21

Love your videos! Your hair and makeup on this one in particular are fab! I'm here for the science which I appreciate most, but wanted to give props to you for that too lol

@terryodriscoll4436 - 12.11.2024 18:59

I garden in raised beds on top of bedrock and gravel... very little native soil on my garden area...can you discuss best practices for bed sampling?

@tanyabrandt3222 - 13.11.2024 00:12

Yes, calcium test!!!
I read something about buttercup and clover, and how they can serve as indicators.

@peterbathum2775 - 17.11.2024 13:36

Boycott amazon. They are evil

@billw26 - 21.11.2024 00:41

For the Rapitest pH test what does a blue hue test result mean?

@stephaniez2 - 07.01.2025 00:39

😂 You're funny. Good info

@kerryschaan8447 - 08.01.2025 02:24

I love your car.

@byron7165 - 12.01.2025 22:20

That's Becky at Acre Homestead.
