How to Outsmart Your Own Unconscious Bias | Valerie Alexander | TEDxPasadena

How to Outsmart Your Own Unconscious Bias | Valerie Alexander | TEDxPasadena

TEDx Talks

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@johnleca792 - 21.04.2024 16:55

Visualize? Geez just your outfit and those boots have made me biased towards you. You talk poop AND women generally follow the white rabbit and their feelings. Typically they do NOT attempt to use their "brain" to change their impulses and feelings. Please seek a new wardrobe and therapy. Stop ALL medications.

@user-is8jw5lc6n - 14.04.2024 02:44

Bro-Haviour = 🤢🤮

@larranag - 13.03.2024 19:10

This is useful and helpful.

@lupundra2221 - 24.02.2024 01:29

The talk started promising, explaining the evolutionary roots of biased thinking, and how we, despite all its bad bad reputation, owe it our own survival as a species.
But then the speaker started indulging herself a little too much in sharing her misery about being the target of men`s irrational fear and sexism.

@jplj7013 - 18.02.2024 01:26

This is so outdated. She didn't realize the guy who asked about the ping comment was mocking standards he didn't want to comply with. She also didn't realize that the female assistant was attacking her as a woman for being successful which is a serious problem among women.

@olgavolkova5820 - 15.01.2024 15:34

Wonderful talk! Thank you 🙏

@JamieHumeCreative - 30.12.2023 18:07

I pictured the environment not the people. Thats my auto response. It has no bias in regards to the people.

@hagengilbert8102 - 15.11.2023 16:32

Wow an attorney and a tech ceo?!?! You’re so amazing! You should tell everyone how to think and live and be cheeky and funny about it too!

@LarryP248 - 01.11.2023 05:33

This is rich content. A similar book I read had an indelible influence on my life. "Game Theory and the Pursuit of Algorithmic Fairness" by Jack Frostwell

@St.Calamity - 28.10.2023 08:59

Thank you this is what i needed to process Palestine-Isreal. 🙏

@melissagorogo1008 - 19.10.2023 23:21

My people were faceless actually coz I was busy with what I was doing 😑

@jeanclaudejonya1216 - 08.10.2023 09:39

A well-structured and constructive speech that one of us can use to avoid falling into the errors of prejudice of any kind.

@martinbrousseau2560 - 12.09.2023 00:28

Your bias makes men guilty before you even said the first word…

@michellestarr3970 - 16.08.2023 15:58

Valerie, wow, thank you for that brain exercise. Now only, if we ALL can perform that every day unconsciously. Would be nice to have it shown regularly on all media to help engrain into our brains.

@lodzkapatologia - 16.08.2023 08:53

Insighful at parts, but again: no examples of interpersonal biases of women succumbing to men. I think it'd also be more inspiring if the presenter spoke somewhat about her biases instead of lecturing (it's always others that are biased - curious how that works).

I believe we've now grown enough to put all genders and their mental sins equally under a microscope :)

@joycemuriithi8351 - 11.07.2023 05:32

This is a great webinar about unconscious bias. I just recently learned the terminology. I am a victim of someone wanting to help me out and correcting me so many times unnecessarily until I started thinking something was not right-I and did not think about it as biased. I have learned about my own unconscious bias today, and I will make an effort to work on it. How little thing can make such a difference in one's life-The? Unconscious bias is uncalled for.

@abisnail. - 27.06.2023 00:33

"bro-haviour" is a GREAT word

@susanneyoung1153 - 08.06.2023 21:38

GREAT PRESETATION!!!!!! You could of been on my dais back in the day if you had been born then of speakers like Paul Harvey, Art Linkletter, Zig Ziglar, Earl Nightingale, etc ….Your presentation was spot on. I have always been a bull in a china shop when it comes to how I'm perceived and I have always said to my hubby that a man could of said the same thing and it would be accepted....and he always agrees with me and has tried to caution me about coming across that way...but I never listened. Instead I was summarily dismissed from the job that had my heart and soul. But that was a God thing that I won't get into here. Needless to say I really enjoyed your presentation!!!!!!

@janekisiangani9158 - 02.02.2023 23:43

Well presented

@flare5168 - 01.02.2023 14:55

she made a whole t edtalk/tiktok because she is still offended by him saying "is that one of those phrases I'm not supposed to use with you?"?

@spaceydayz2 - 07.01.2023 03:10

Utterly ridiculous. Lol

@buddhaneosiddhananda8499 - 26.12.2022 03:54

Let go... and let God... but you have to use discernment... peace be to you all...

@Chris-gm4hk - 16.12.2022 20:35

Things are not ever really going to change in America until we have a woman president.

@Mexicotravelltd. - 11.12.2022 20:30

She's not talking about cognitive biases, she's pushing an agenda to degeneracy and hom*

@serenarobak3640 - 11.11.2022 16:04

Isn't the ability to include humor in a serious subject just wonderful?!

@serenarobak3640 - 11.11.2022 16:04

Isn't the ability to include humor in a serious subject just wonderful?!

@greeneye5977 - 29.10.2022 15:37

Already had to do this “training” for work last year. It was a complete waste of time. No one gained anything from it, no one understood any of it, nothing really changed. I’ve been in some pointless trainings in my life but this one takes the crown. Far too many ridiculous scenarios and whole lot of “you really have to squint really hard to see it”. Anytime you tell people something is there but you can’t see it you know it’s a total scam.

@therealryan1329 - 27.10.2022 17:38

Can we just go back to not being obsessed with race and gender please

It was so much more fun then

@jazzminb - 27.10.2022 05:15

As an executive assistant I can say for sure that woman bosses often will take on the task I could be doing because they can do it just as easily. So if the assistant asked the female attorney to do something she wouldn't ask the male boss - it could be because she's worked for female bosses who wanted to take on that responsibility because some woman feel bad about asking their assistants to do something they could easily do themselves. I made an effort to make sure my female bosses didn't take on my tasks unnecessarily. On the other hand male bosses are happy to have their EA do whatever they can PLUS personal assistant work like picking up dry cleaning etc. I've never seen a female boss ask their EA to pick up their laundry - men don't think twice about it.

@jessicamaker8103 - 16.10.2022 20:58

Well done! Thoughtful, engaging, and honest.

@jakeglumm8225 - 22.09.2022 10:35

Every example she gave made the most sense to visualize as straight, white and male just simply from a statistical stance. The reason we typically envision majorities over minorities is because it's logical.

@rossimessi1 - 30.07.2022 11:44

When you realise the only sexism in her examples are from women to women!
And the only thing making men think twice about working with a women is the false sexism accusations that are being promoted.
Equality means equality.
Equality means equality not reverse racism or reverse sexism.
Stop and think!
isms exhist. But looking for them everywhere and finding them where there is non is spreading division and hate.

@feliciajohnson3783 - 16.06.2022 00:15

Very well done...loved the opening exercise :)

@Denali_Rebel - 02.06.2022 07:11

This woman sounds like she has a lot of negative unconscious biases against men.

@Tall-Cool-Drink - 27.05.2022 18:16

If I have "Unconscious Bias" that I can't control, I won't worry about it.
Besides, it doesn't really matter what you're thinking. What matter most to other people is how you behave.
Your actions matter. What you think privately in your mind doesn't matter.

@theetamtamadun - 09.05.2022 05:51

loved this

@sherallewis8122 - 28.04.2022 08:42

I think to overcome biasness one need to be more open to people and limit my mind in order to get clues about stereotypes, race, religion, and media. I should give people enough time to speak so I can figure out what my mind is missing about a particular group of people. By being open, I mean having healthy conversations with people, which should begin gradually depending on the situation and people involved. Allowing myself some time to reflect on these elements, where I am going wrong, and where I need to improve. Meanwhile, I'm updating my mental knowledge based on the authentic information I'm gaining through experiential learning.

@chrissuk1684 - 17.04.2022 05:11

The Chinese blessing on a fortune cookie during a presentation about implicit biases... case in point LOL!

@charlottieeoppolo3232 - 31.03.2022 18:54

What a great presentation.I love how she quickly has the audience think about the images we perceive. Great job!

@yoislam2 - 27.02.2022 19:53

We haven’t been around for millions of years .

@NuclearSmoores - 29.01.2022 07:13

This feels like propaganda

@NuclearSmoores - 29.01.2022 07:07

She reminds me of joe Biden she talks about gender and color we primitively don’t like the unknown and want easier and less uncertain perspective but emotions don’t have much say in critical thinking 😂 and this is a bias conformation bias from my part and primitive.

@thespiritscribe9360 - 12.01.2022 18:39

What a wonderful, smart, wise and talented woman. Kudos!

@missodegard771 - 09.12.2021 22:29

Loved this so much! Great tools to help us truly examine our behaviors and unconscious biases. Great pre-/post- visualization exercises that reinforced we can change.

@0nly1truth - 30.11.2021 14:59

Would there ever be a female president of the United States wearing a Niqāb?

@0nly1truth - 30.11.2021 14:45

Is she not forcing her evolutionary beliefs down peoples throats?

@mrbard1 - 16.11.2021 08:42

I feel like i should have watched this when i was a tween so i can start using this information eariler.

@Godwinsson77 - 10.11.2021 00:45

This stuff isn't new. There's an old book people may be familiar with and the author writes about this ... yes it's called 'Thoughtcrime' and the book is Nineteen Eighty-Four ... Welcome to 1984 sheeple.
