Vocal Coach Reacts to Angelina Jordan “It’s a Man’s World” [Miki’s Singing Tips ]

Vocal Coach Reacts to Angelina Jordan “It’s a Man’s World” [Miki’s Singing Tips ]

Michal Towber Vocal Coaching

4 года назад

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@iangoodall7620 - 24.01.2021 04:22

Thank you.

@jeffstumpf9129 - 25.01.2021 15:24

Yes, we can feel alright as long as we can listen to Angelina. Her voice does comfort us, and that's her mission. And, she does it well.

@padrepio6620 - 12.02.2021 12:38

Great reaction and you sound like you've got a great voice yourself. Anjelina is like Eva Cassidy in a way too. There's a spiritual quality that gives emotion more context. Grace building on nature. Her Iranian lineage is strong and maybe a source of her mature presentation.

@daopeng5016 - 12.02.2021 12:43

please reaction to dimash love is like a dream

@bigredlancer - 16.02.2021 01:51

Louder narrative, please...

@EddieWalterblog - 18.02.2021 23:45

There were no armed people there except Antifa buttholes who planned this attack days before!

@robertbruce1533 - 24.02.2021 23:10

What is Angelina here, 11, 12? This should not be possible. It's a once-in-a-lifetime event that only can come together when a monumental native talent also puts in a huge amount of work to hone and perfect her gift, practically from birth. Angelina truly is a genius, a too-often-used word.

@estellemendoza7515 - 25.02.2021 02:30

Cant hear u talking

@waynedenni3187 - 25.02.2021 03:25

She was only 12 years old in this video also maybe even 11 not sure

@luzvimindaarce2394 - 26.02.2021 00:06

She is amazing

@andreletourneau - 27.02.2021 17:06

Her delivery, the cadence is so tasteful and spectacular. This is what amaze me the most. She has such a musical mind at such a young age. Her choices seems to always be right. Obviously they are not all improvised and it is surely a lot of hard work to get there but it seems so easy for her.

@richardlinn5512 - 28.02.2021 01:24

ARMED ? Not.

@osovagabundo1 - 01.03.2021 08:32

Hi , your intro and music were fine but i can hardly hear you.😊

@cassandra5984 - 03.03.2021 23:00

I'm having trouble with your videos. Your opening music is SUPER loud, especially compared to your soft voice. Then the song is SUPER loud and your commentary is inaudible. I love your reviews and hope you can balance the volume.

@destitute8493 - 05.03.2021 01:45

It's March 2021, and it turns out there were NO armed protesters at the event. Zero. Also the D.C. mayor refused an offer of 10 thousand national guard troops for security.

@ridgemanron - 10.03.2021 15:26

This is crazy ! We're talking about a classic by 'The Godfather Of Soul' and Angelina
'kills it' in a seemingly effortless way. She is the most versatile singer of different
genres that this planet has ever had........and she's accomplishing it while still being
a kid !

@anthonymcinnes4098 - 10.03.2021 21:36

Hi! I really appreciate your reactions to AJ. I LOVE THE OPENING GREETING, SHORT, TO THE POINT & A WHERE YOUR AT COMMENT. Then comes the ' cover' performance and the breaks that educate us to why we are captured by this performance. The closure summary gives me lots to millover and a little more knowledgeable about the complexity of singing & performance. P.S. I'm an Angelina fan.

@felixfu4211 - 14.03.2021 07:37

The few fierce bite externally attempt because receipt tribally film excluding a hard circulation. didactic, misty bus

@dannydoc1969 - 08.04.2021 02:41

Didn’t you once comment that Angelina doesn’t have the power of Adele? Check out her version of Whitney Houston’s I Have Nothing,and Queens The Show Must Go On. Angelina reinvents songs to suit HER artistic style, that’s why she is an artist. Most “stars” are just singers, or imitate when they attempt a cover, boring. In those instances one should go and listen to the original. I’ve heard her cover songs that I have heard or played myself hundreds of times, and when she sings them it is like I’m hearing it for the first time, a new song. That my friend is talent.

@joemoe1219 - 08.05.2021 01:31

Simply Devine. I live the happiness on your face. Your joy is indeed overflowing.

@thanarattakai2378 - 13.05.2021 15:19

no agony face when belting.

@Solitarius - 14.05.2021 11:45

Trump 24
but that said America needs a Female President Still

@arr64lima63 - 28.05.2021 19:31

Without art and artists we are nothing but animals. It defines us as humans. It is tempting to fall into despair because of how things are going in the US, but take it one day at a time. Take care of what you can take care of. Be mindful of your own health. I love your reactions.

@branscombeR - 08.07.2021 13:15

She gets a standing ovation after this from the audience AND the band! R (Australia)

@zeuso.1947 - 12.07.2021 06:37

There were no "armed" protesters,
and the protesters were invited in by capital police ON VIDEO when they are given instructions on how to behave.
Only an UN-armed protester was murdered by someone still in hiding.

@colinhuggins268 - 28.07.2021 06:22

Thank you for not placing blame on the responsible parties. The truth will be brought to light.

@wilfriedmatusch9293 - 16.08.2021 15:27

It’s been said she uses her voice like an instrument, in her case she’s an arsenal or orchestra she chooses which to deploy or showcase, simply astonishing

@wilfriedmatusch9293 - 16.08.2021 15:28

Oh as always great commentary’s don’t reaction

@itomendoza4315 - 20.08.2021 06:23

This girl is beyond compare she's incredible superstar in the future ty

@angelightification - 29.09.2021 23:35

✔️Check Out - Angelina🎶 MY FUNNY VALENTINE (aprox. 8 or 9) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌀

@sulatlalaki - 20.10.2021 08:43

I greatly appreciate your professional and intelligent comments about her singing dynamics.

@jorgepamanesporras810 - 24.10.2021 19:28

Es increíble, un alma vieja en un cuerpo joven, wouu!!

@Sofa-King-Chill - 27.02.2022 05:12

None of the protesters were armed. The only Gun violence was when a capital police officer shot an unarmed woman protester.
Not that facts really matter When they run counter to the hysteria narrative.

I do enjoy your reactions.

@carolynhess3812 - 28.02.2022 22:55

She's just amazing.

@planetag310 - 20.08.2022 05:29

She's got that creaky-hinged vocal fry going on just like Adele, Duffy and Amy Winehouse. In fact, I feel like she imitates them a lot. Yet, when she sings Whitney Houston songs, she tends to imitate Whitney more and doesn't use her vocal fry at all. She's kind of a vocal chameleon and I hope she settles into her own unique style soon.

@bounhomesirisavath3777 - 20.08.2022 12:58

Angelina Jordan She Is Goddess’s
Queen in Heavenly
Happy Happy Birthday Angelina 🎊🎉👑👑👑
Gifts giving subscribe thumbs Up 👍

@larrypifer1103 - 12.10.2022 00:40

Angelina’s voice and her total being is like an ocean wave or soft summer breeze that takes you in and rushes you to places you have rarely experienced. Your heart rate increases, you find it difficult to catch your breath, chills and shells engulf you. You are now addicted to Angelina Jordan the finest story telling vocalist I have ever experienced.

@bruceroane4491 - 12.10.2022 09:35

What protesters were armed?

@Cal99ers - 01.12.2022 10:46

I appreciate her talent 10x more on old songs that I love.

@fredneecher1746 - 10.04.2023 21:50

The Capitol building was NOT invaded by "armed protesters"! Who told you that nonsense? Armed police officers attacked UNarmed protesters outside the building and they tried to defend themselves. Some protesters were invited in to the building - see it on video - while Antifa (far Left activists) literally smashed windows and some got in that way but were all ushered out peacefully. What a way to ruin a decent Angelina reaction video! PLEASE try to keep music well away from politics.

@markwebb8013 - 11.04.2023 01:51

2 years later and we now Know this was prompted by the Biden camp under Pigloser's direction...just responding to your concerns.

@Sweetpea4575 - 08.05.2023 21:29

Just stumbled across this. You brought me right back to January 6 and the horror of that day. Thankfully we have Angelina, whom every time we hear her, makes us feel that everything is going to be OK.

@marvinboswell6889 - 26.10.2023 00:14

Where have you been I miss your reaction ,thank you for reposting this

@noitall5707 - 12.12.2023 20:04

Always a nice review. & reaction.

@shodanrich3317 - 20.01.2024 18:40

Darlin, watch more than CNN. There were no armed protestors. That was a lie. Curious, were you upset when BLM and Antifa were burning our cities down???

@marciosantos7895 - 21.01.2024 03:37

Incrivel o poder que essa garota tem de transformar qualquer música que canta em verdadeiras obras primas!!!Sem dúvida uma das melhores cantoras da atualidade..

@JoseDthoppil - 23.12.2024 11:07


@jeffjeff-j6t - 16.01.2025 16:02

Ummmm Michal , Please let Angelina perform will ya ? You trying to imitate her isn't why folk's are watching this ? We all came to watch Angelina perform Not listen You squeal ? Thank You Sista ?
