eBay just SCREWED me over as a seller!

eBay just SCREWED me over as a seller!

Back from Burnout

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Back from Burnout
Back from Burnout - 27.05.2023 00:00

I'm feeling so let down by eBay today. I try to stay positive and have good faith that eBay is doing the right thing by it's sellers but I just feel totally screwed over today. Do you think what eBay did here is okay?

Evan Mann
Evan Mann - 04.10.2023 00:59

Ebay sucks. i will never use them again they rip you off and most of the buyers want the goods for nothing and ask the most idiotic questions as well. i just wish they had decent competion amazon is amazing for customer service but you cant sell laptops etc .

ExitScreaming - 03.10.2023 07:43

I totally understand your frustration, Ebay is doing a terrible job

EastPaPicker - 22.09.2023 02:49

This happens more than we know.

Tom Miller
Tom Miller - 16.09.2023 18:40

All these come to mind.
eBay Now FAILS to promote sellers listings.
I search a word, "Makita". I only get 160 results. Within my search parameters, there are more than 3,748 items.

Why are you withholding all but a miniscule percent?

I get this with every search now, I am unable to find available items I may want to purchase because they are never offered to me.

How can I trust eBay any more?

I reserve this question for greater public discussion and publication, along with any reply you (eBay) care to provide.

Margaret H
Margaret H - 15.09.2023 13:21

Goodness, thats not you overreacting here at all. We can see you went beyond and way up the hill to sort that out. Thats such a grand effort on your part. Unbelievable!

mikeb270 - 15.09.2023 11:36

not right ebay is a platform and not the seller

Ronald Dinio
Ronald Dinio - 08.09.2023 04:23

As a seller myself, Ebay does suck!

Luke Knowles
Luke Knowles - 07.09.2023 16:41

If the worst thing you can vent about with eBay is a neutral feedback from a buyer and eBay refusing to reverse it, I'd say you're living a charmed life for sure. LOL. You're doing just fine. Wait until they advise you to do a thing then suspend your account because you did it. Or, commandeer your funds for 22 days, providing zero reason why.

Buzzsaw - 06.09.2023 12:09

eBay Only cares about buyers not sellers period.

Adrian Aycock
Adrian Aycock - 05.09.2023 07:07

Unethical by eBay

Bethrn97 - 03.09.2023 15:29

Mel, I'm angry for you! WOW! I don't even know what to say. You got screwed. I hope they send you a survey for your experience so you can give EBAY feedback (as they usually do when you contact EBAY) but after what happened, I doubt they will. In addition, you may have lost a "future sale" from this customer because of EBAY. NOT NICE!

Lori Dietrich
Lori Dietrich - 01.09.2023 22:51

I've had much worse. Buyer claimed not as explained on length of bracelet. In my pictures it clearly is 9" by multiple pictures. The pictures the buyer sent back the bracelet wasn't stretched out and they manipulated the pictures. Ebay froze my account until I PAID the buyer back needless ro say not only did I not get the bracelet back ebay paid her from my frozen funds and blocked me from communicating with buyer.

Silverback57 - 01.09.2023 06:24

Thanks for your video. I just signed up for a seller account with good intention to make a go of it. I’m retired looking for something extra but now I’m having second thoughts about it if they do this sort of thing.

luke simpson
luke simpson - 31.08.2023 15:40

Ebay treat sellers like garbage.

Foolmanjones - 25.08.2023 07:30

Shout me out my names Irich Koch

Allie L
Allie L - 22.08.2023 22:22

I'm an ebay seller with 2 accounts. I also shop on eBay quite frequently. I bought a book a few weeks ago and left + feedback a few days after the item arrived. I got 3 seperate messages regarding leaving feedback for said book AFTER I had already left feedback! The last message I receieved I clicked the link just to make absolutely sure I had left feedback. Sure enough, I had, so the link just brought me to my homepage. The messages stopped afterward but seriously eBay? Calm down with the feedback harassment.

frank lopez
frank lopez - 19.08.2023 09:30

Let them keep book and then block them if possible

Miss Eye Spy
Miss Eye Spy - 18.08.2023 10:17

This has totally happened to me I got a negative it was another seller trying to bully me out of category. EBay refuses to take it off said I must wait for buyer ! Buyer hasn’t responded so ihave to put up with the effect ot may have on my sales ! A great big joke! I though we were making them money ! I havt left reply yet ! Have chatted three times I refunded straight away ! It’s totally frustrating ! Yes sounds like I need to appeal ! I havnt had a message from my buyer either !you got lucky I will keep trying ! Thanks for sharing !

Sonic Duck
Sonic Duck - 16.08.2023 07:47

I sold a coin, the buyer sent a message saying item not received, I uploaded a video of me putting it in the post box and I uploaded it on You Tube for them to see, I didn't hear from them again. They can go and scam someone else, not this little Black Duck.

BobRooney - 06.08.2023 17:43

there's gotta be better platforms out there. ebay is trash, and has been for a long long while now.

Devo Latif
Devo Latif - 05.08.2023 18:30

Took me 3weeks with same experience. My buyer left 3 positive revisions!!!!!!!

Sandra Picard
Sandra Picard - 04.08.2023 08:03

I totally agree with you and I would be pissed too. Blocking you from a buyer…..what are they thinking?? Keep us posted. I just came across your channel.

ezyreap - 24.07.2023 03:56

I checked your ebay shop and there is no items

777dingo - 22.07.2023 01:21

Once the buyer left neutral feedback there was no need for you to respond, by responding the way you did and contacting Ebay you caused Ebay to refund the customer, they were probably going to keep the book and move on.

fig flipper
fig flipper - 21.07.2023 14:10

I stand with you on this!! It made me sick hearing your story. Good for you in resolving it even if it took calling eBay out for their bad!! They deserve it!! 🤬

Anthony - 17.07.2023 16:19

Welcome to "honest" reviews.

Rod Casley
Rod Casley - 17.07.2023 16:00

I feel your pain been selling on ebay for 20 years was great in the beginning but now mmmm not good . Its a lot worse than your your recent unfair experience

Luis’s Channel
Luis’s Channel - 17.07.2023 04:50

I understand the feeling. I got screwed a few time selling electronics and customs returns them for a refund and never sending the item back to me , so I stopped selling electronics on eBay altogether. In my opinion being a small business owner and trying to make ends meet its not worth the time and effort. In fact, you lose money even if you don’t except returns. Seems to me ebay agrees with the buyer than the seller.. Thanks for sharing

Toni De Wonderful
Toni De Wonderful - 17.07.2023 01:20

Lucky ebay..........

Chip butty time
Chip butty time - 17.07.2023 00:39

I'm not having a dig because believe me I can see it is a frustrating episode and you seem like a moral person but you will end up dead with stress if this is your reaction to such incidents. Bear in mind this is typical of the haphazard, nonsensical way ebay runs its business so you'll be up against it time and again. I used to overreact like you to injustices and decided it wasn't worth the hassle which is one of my best decisions. On a different note your accent and 'rant; reminded me of Doreen from the original Prisoner cell block H show, I mean that in the nicest possible way. All the best

GhoulishGats30Stix - 14.07.2023 15:39

That ebay chat bot never helps,theyve taken down listings of mine saying i violated things and i never did,i showed them proof and everything and they still ruled against me,very unfair and unjust

Jimbo - 13.07.2023 23:28

Avoid eBay like the plague,struggling narcissists will fail in years to come lol

Ann Renfroe
Ann Renfroe - 03.07.2023 03:05

ebay was wrong.

Just_cath _
Just_cath _ - 02.07.2023 08:30

If ebays interest was a genuine and fair experience in the feedback system they never would’ve removed the ability for the seller to leave negative feedback in a transaction. One way street lol

HouseToHomeResell - 25.06.2023 08:17

That is soooo frustrating!! Ebay is such a bully! It's crazy how controlling they are. It's like being in an abusive relationship with a narcissist.

Angels Areout
Angels Areout - 16.06.2023 01:20

Because getting a book is always about waterdamage in the corner, yeah right. Leave it to Ebay to screw the seller. I think the company is run by foreign entities with an attitude, my feelings. They are so full of totally meaningless autopilot rhetoric. I disagree with your refunding though, it just is too much and sends the message that you are working for absolutely nothing, not good for any seller and should not happen.

bill jones
bill jones - 14.06.2023 05:53

I feel your anger and rage because it is terrible against sellers. I sell sports cards. I received a complaint from a buyer who said the shipping was great but the card was damaged. I know at this point document everything. I sent pics of the card he purchased and the card was flawless. The customer and i went back and forth all day as i called him a scammer because i know he switched the card. Ebay support lies and pretends they are looking into the matter when they froze my money. I will not give this scamming animal a refund when he admitted shipping was perfect and i showed him the pic of a pristine card next to his shipping label. I am so angry that just seeing your pain makes me want to tell ebay to go F themselves. As sellers we are automatically wrong because ebay needs to keep the profit margins high. They dont give a shit about us as sellers. EBAY SUCKS and the customer service in India is BS. They lie to you and you will always lose as a seller. End of rant. LOL Now i feel better that i got that off my chest.

Davies Iyiegbu
Davies Iyiegbu - 13.06.2023 13:55

I used to have a lot of fun selling on ebay, and I'm currently a top rated seller with almost 1000 positive feedbacks, but I'm absolutely miserable now, and what happened to you has happened to us all at one time or another. Don't give those scumbags any rent in your head!

greg walker
greg walker - 13.06.2023 13:16

Nice hat

greg walker
greg walker - 13.06.2023 13:07

They shafted my as a buyer on eBay plus. They said there's a $14 voucher off. Come to pay it's not there.... eBay gave 4 different excuses and didn't want to help and said I have to pay etc...

Glori Byrd
Glori Byrd - 13.06.2023 03:23

You're dealing with foreigners in Ebay customer service. They are not even in the country.

Knows Nugget
Knows Nugget - 12.06.2023 23:08

When ever I have sold anything on Ebay I state no returns or refunds.
Iitems priced right will sell.

David Lanham
David Lanham - 12.06.2023 21:55

I wish you would channel all this at the government, run for public office, and send them all to prison where they belong.

Dean Funderburk
Dean Funderburk - 12.06.2023 08:57

It is pathetic how eBay treats us as sellers not fair for us sellers I’m sorry for your issues I’m 💯 percent on your side

Janet - 11.06.2023 23:39

Dare criticise them on the forum too, same thing happens, i was banned for a week!

Iam Unashamed
Iam Unashamed - 11.06.2023 22:44

Give ebay a second they will let you down again and again sellers mean nothing to them😢

whodidit99 - 11.06.2023 08:57

You should not worry about neutral feedback. It doesn't affect your rating. Just reply.

BTM Hustles
BTM Hustles - 09.06.2023 13:37

This is some straight up conspiracy level Sh** from eBay haha...!!😂

fujitsubo - 09.06.2023 04:15

as bad as this sounds but i leave nutural feedback all the time instead of neg feedback for the soul purpose of knowing its harder for the seller to remove it via contacting ebay. ive had so many times a seller has screwed me over like paying for auspost express and they post it in 5 days time via parcel post and it turns up 2 weeks later. i leave neg feedback check a week later and the neg feedback is magiclly removed. ive never seen any of my nutrual feedback get removed. i wont stop doing this until sellers stop weezeling there way out of neg feedback for doing obvlously dodgy stuff.
