Slowing The Speed of Light Down To 2 m/s—What Special Relativity Feels Like

Slowing The Speed of Light Down To 2 m/s—What Special Relativity Feels Like

The Action Lab

3 года назад

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@LosantoBeats - 22.11.2023 06:45

This is what LSD and other psychedelics do to the brain. Slows down the speed of light. Explains why is so much more vivid. 😱

@artisticdaud8750 - 24.11.2023 19:07

Basically in the length thing.....if u play minecraft u understand it well.....basically in minecraft ot is FOV.....and in the color is basically FOV of colors instead of contraption of length........I hope u understand.

@noonesa537 - 02.12.2023 19:19

you need to play Osmos HD

@algernon69 - 07.12.2023 22:20

If we slow down speed of light ti walking speed not only we would have to give up to any electricity driven device, but we wouldn't be able to see anything except very close sources of light.
Everything would turn black, sunlight would take forever to reach us

@greggoldberg1518 - 14.12.2023 09:43

The wave lengths would be stretched out or squashed so much that the light would be imperceptible due to the doppler effect and the shape of the receptors in our eyes. Same thing applies if we were going the speed of light, the speed of electricity would change in your brain for a third parties frame of reference, the speed of atomic decay does etc. and the rate of your aging would obviously change too, therefore your perception of time changes whereas time is not relative but actually absolute when looking at the universe (using your words here) "as it really is". Relativity is just a mathematical construct to reduce physical sciences to elegance and the doppler effect encountered against electromagnetic waves are just another example of that, assuming you are travelling in one direction and light is shining behind you perpendicular to your direction of travel and another light was shining in front of your direction of travel, it would even assume that light coming from behind you is going at a different speed compared to light coming from in front of your direction of travel. Physics has become Metaphysics these days.

@NativeBrownboy - 18.12.2023 13:28

I've also sermized that if you're moving at the speed of light or faster you would actually be moving through the dark or moving blind. Well sort of, seeing how light bounces of everything, you would actually see photons moving, making it hard see difficult to discern what your looking at.

@user-cj1jv8rd3p - 18.12.2023 20:52

this is ... INSANE!!!!! 0:

@user-fv6nc7qi2x - 20.12.2023 21:18

u can slow down the shutter speed?

@holeefukonline - 28.12.2023 15:25

If the universe is expanding, why does the Andromeda galaxy has a blue shift? Is this galaxy moving towards us at faster-than-light speed or what?

@BikyC - 29.12.2023 22:04

very good

@slendycandy8728 - 30.12.2023 04:53

This video would be better WITHOUT ANY ANNOYING SPEACH

@JordanBeagle - 02.01.2024 05:49

This is actually really cool, I would legit play this game for at least a while

@JordanBeagle - 02.01.2024 05:53

At first, I thought your videos were clicked but on getting into more of your content, it is truly high-quality stuff, kudos mate

@skaareen - 06.01.2024 06:45

One of the people that first discovered how to slow down light went to the same school as me

@Brekbo7826 - 06.01.2024 07:25

I never understood red shift and blue shift until this video

@trinitrotoluene3D - 15.01.2024 05:49

I had no idea that FOV increases when sprinting happened in real life too

@jonathannelson4324 - 19.01.2024 11:20

Looks like the Flatwoods Monster in the game.

@DiscombobulatedHampster - 22.01.2024 17:07

You'd sound a lot more believable if you'd lose the homosexual accent

@jokerhaha5123 - 24.01.2024 08:42

So for the traveler, any journey even if it’s nearly infinite would seem instantaneous? Wouldn’t that mean that from their perspective that they are essentially everywhere at once?

@drsjamesserra - 31.01.2024 15:01

To be honest, the changing UV or IR radiation confuses me because redshift and blueshifts seem to happen going forward, this takes away the idea of what is observed in the universe. Too bad the game ended when I walked around for a few minutes seeing the Terrel rotations of some of the objects.

@TanoshiiNiiko1117 - 04.02.2024 07:58

I learned so much, HAHAHAHAHA

@atirekverma808 - 07.02.2024 16:46

Oo i am not high, I am at speed of light !!

@richardjelinek5038 - 11.02.2024 14:19

After watching the video, I think you don't need to tweak the laws of physics. It seems completely sufficient to take some LSD.

@ObdurateUniverse - 22.02.2024 05:35

The speed of light is faster than the speed of matter.

@effectingcause5484 - 26.02.2024 16:19

My understanding was that if I approach light speed, the distance in the forward direction toward my destination would be reduced, such that I would not have to travel so far as was expected when I wasn't approaching light speed. But this MIT simulation says that distances increase as I approach light speed due to my own length contraction and I don't see any shortening of distances in the forward direction. Did they forget that distances across space are supposed to decrease in the forward direction when approaching light speed?

@bugslyfe69 - 03.03.2024 14:58

why does his head look weird on his body?

@cattlemen - 06.03.2024 11:23

So you just proved how Santa Delivers all the toys in one night.

@1DreadedAngel - 06.03.2024 13:43

imagine being a kid in school, been put into groups and given this game. then told to study the effects and use your own research to explain the different effects at different speeds? 🤯🤯 what a way to learn!

@vedwards5027 - 08.03.2024 18:08

Does anyone else notice how none of this is demonstrable or repeatable through experimentation??? Time doesn’t exist, it’s just different arrangements of matter. Time only deals with hypotheticals…there is only the infinitesimally small present moment and it can’t be measured with time.

@vedwards5027 - 08.03.2024 18:11

Time dilation and length contraction are the deliberate response to invalid equations being associated with non-matching experimental results so instead of accepting that the equations are flawed, Einstein adjusted reality to fit the equations.

@vedwards5027 - 08.03.2024 18:13

None of this actually happens in reality don’t fall for this nonsense which also has no real world application or use. (Clocks being out of sync is not proof of this but rather a reality amongst all clocks because no two clocks are ever absolutely synchronous)

@theofficialbigmac - 16.03.2024 07:58

If in the light clock thought experiment, the light emitted a laser toward the observer as it ticked up and down, would the observer see the laser moving at the speed in his frame of reference or the rockets frame of reference?

@theofficialbigmac - 16.03.2024 08:08

If in the light clock thought experiment, the light emitted a laser toward the observer as it ticked up and down, would the observer see the laser moving at the speed in his frame of reference or the rockets frame of reference?

@theofficialbigmac - 16.03.2024 08:13

If in the light clock thought experiment, the light emitted a laser toward the observer as it ticked up and down, would the observer see the laser moving at the speed in his frame of reference or the rockets frame of reference?

@sammy4211 - 17.03.2024 13:58

Awsmmm reality is relative

@whatsupbeakman - 25.03.2024 06:41

Excellent video,, a concept to explore in a potential new Outer Wilds DLC (if the devs see this!).

@ThomasMuirAudionaut - 25.03.2024 23:14

people who think real life is extended by activity don't know about occupational illnesses or the fact those who do the most labor die the youngest.

@user-xr6xi5ym6e - 26.03.2024 13:23

Actually, for a person move at close to speed of light, they will see the stationary person get contract and for a stationary person, they will see the person move close to the speed of light, so this means this simulation is wrong. The object has to be length contracted. This means closer to the speed of light, the length get contract more and more. At the speed of light, everything is going to be flat, not infinitely long. You will actually see everything get squished together. For a ball fly in front of you at 99% speed of light, it will get length contracted, not spaghettified out. You can watch this on the science alyssum and you will understand

@user-xr6xi5ym6e - 27.03.2024 17:25

The top one is true. The bottom one is false. The faster you move, the more squished it should be. A cube will become a cuboid.

@5ty717 - 31.03.2024 08:58

Excellent… surprisingly so.

@Kopetan4egX - 08.04.2024 20:37

There is a short story by Alexander Beliaev, Russian writer, about living on Earth with light moving very slowly. Very interesting.

@gosnooky - 22.04.2024 16:14

It seems unintuitive that length contraction would make things look further away, but another way to look at it is the faster you go, the further away things look, so at light speed they must appear at an infinite distance away, so you could never get there.

@audrew33 - 16.05.2024 01:07

what is time dialation unit? bbt or bbp on strain.. what is time? impact on body..

@Awais.... - 19.05.2024 10:03

Physics is awesome

@sh4rds0fgl4ss - 20.05.2024 17:20

okay but if the 4th dimension is time, doesn't that make us 4 dimensional creatures?

@greenfinmusic5142 - 04.06.2024 04:30

Why do all of the orbs have a pedophilia symbol on them?

@vinayhegde7180 - 21.06.2024 21:47

Definitely an interesting video. Speed of light is not just the speed of light it is also the speed with which information travels and it is a fundamental constant. Will there be atoms, stars etc with 2m/s speed? Not sure. Even if they do, with slower speed of light the whole world will be much much slower. Our thinking, movement etc will be very slow. Practically, it is as hard as it is today to reach closer to 2m/s. So the universe is going to be the same if it exists. On other hand, we can set the speed of light to 2m/s even now since metre is defined in terms of the distance travelled by light in 1/(3*10^8) seconds. The length of metre will be shorter.

@Cane4092 - 07.07.2024 19:31

From when you were talking about time dilation wouldnt that mean that if im constantly moving my entire life, i will age faster relative to everything else and would die slight sooner?

@TheActionLab - 13.08.2020 18:40

Interesting note: Even Einstein was mistaken on length contraction. He had said that a sphere would look like an ellipsoid. However, Penrose later proved that a sphere would still be spherical, although rotated. Notice in the simulation how the spheres are the only objects that don't look distorted when moving at near light speeds!
