VIKINGS didn't LOOK like this (you've been lied to)

VIKINGS didn't LOOK like this (you've been lied to)

Heimdall's Workshop

1 год назад

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Zack Brock
Zack Brock - 30.10.2023 22:04

Wasnt there a historical story told about one viking on a bridge killing like 70 Englishmen single handedly

Al - 30.10.2023 16:49

Cited sources: trust me bro

Helge Pettersen
Helge Pettersen - 30.10.2023 05:46

This is just dumb, the romans described them as giants

Tepexob - 29.10.2023 23:37

They were people who strongly believed in there religion which rewarded strength and death in battle, there diets, was meat, carbs, berries and seafood, they farmed and rowed everywhere… and even today where there bloodlines are most dominant those countries have the tallest populations in the world… you keep trying to convince yourself that there weren’t plenty of massive Vikings.

Ramzan Kadyrov
Ramzan Kadyrov - 27.10.2023 03:36

Everyone was smaller back then. There were exceptions though.

SharrenDabs - 27.10.2023 01:19

The ones who pillaged generally were the bigger farmers so the depictures aren’t wrong since they show all shapes and sizes.

Jon Barx
Jon Barx - 26.10.2023 21:30

Half of what your calling "facts" to use as your argument are also only speculation and carry no more concrete evidence than hollywoods take

Christer Cronholm
Christer Cronholm - 26.10.2023 18:04

Bruh vikings was tall back then but the men and women in the other were very short and vikings had atleast sixpacks after som days

Vlad Dan
Vlad Dan - 26.10.2023 01:55

Uhm....this is bs.

Charles Featherstone
Charles Featherstone - 25.10.2023 20:35

The viking beserker elite would have been the first vikings dnemies would see .

Hugh Gallagher
Hugh Gallagher - 25.10.2023 14:39

Shove the watch up your hole ya Dickhead

Jim Moriarty
Jim Moriarty - 25.10.2023 03:41

If I'm not mistaken, the average height for European men at this time is around 5'4" or 5'5". So a 5'9" viking would pretty much be a giant.

Jimi Baked
Jimi Baked - 24.10.2023 14:25

An old style Farmer working the land eating foods like that raw milk veg and meat they might b lean but strong and fast

S G - 23.10.2023 19:08

That’s bullsh*t. Even the Arabic people described them as having perfect bodies and tall as trees. People just say anything on the internet

sammy newsome
sammy newsome - 22.10.2023 17:22

Lol strong crack heads basically

Jsilva1k - 20.10.2023 22:06

💯🎯 knowledge is key 🔑

Big Papi P
Big Papi P - 20.10.2023 12:27

Incorrect , this entire video is just BS

Jordan - 20.10.2023 09:41

Weak men trying to make a possible connection to immortals. You’ll always be nothing

Haden Craig
Haden Craig - 19.10.2023 16:33

"Viking" wasn't an action but rather way of life. This is why I get irritated when I see TikTok cosplayers claiming to be viking. True history of Norwegians in the 8th to 10th century were pretty lean. They were hard workers and the ones who were bigger, brutish looking and outsiders, were often berserkers and gave their lives to the gods. The furs and pelts often were saved for both building insulation and cold weather clothing. Now the majority of danish Vikings were the classic shamanic looking, almost like ancient Brittany. They often wore furs and put boar pelts on their shields. The reason is because it adds a texture that some blade find troublesome to cut.

SinoYoutube - 18.10.2023 22:38

everyone else in europe averaged like 5 feet so they were still giants in that time
