Can you Beat The Warcraft 3: Blood Elf Campaign Without Losing a Unit?

Can you Beat The Warcraft 3: Blood Elf Campaign Without Losing a Unit?


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Byron Holt
Byron Holt - 15.11.2023 01:35

You meet Lady Vashj in the first mission, so even if you did complete the second without her, you still met her.
And the tower defense mission was also "broken" in the original. The last ten or so waves are bonuses, you get the Pandaran Hero reward even if you don't survive to the very end. There are a million reasons to shit on Reforged without you just making shit up.

TheSRow - 07.11.2023 06:15

Kale 🌿

Arturo - 23.09.2023 13:45

WoW cutscenes..., disgusting

Sicomaían - 07.09.2023 16:59

Fun fact: it is a bit easier to do the deatless run in reforged since you can stack several items, like the pocket watch towers or scrolls of healing on a single item slot while in the no reforged version you can only have one of those items per slot.

shingshongshamalama - 26.08.2023 22:10

Someone please write a story about that Mana Stone of Akama.

Unslaadahsil - 01.08.2023 14:03

I wonder why reforged wasn't just the exact same game remade in a more modern engine, maybe with an updated multiplayer mode more similar to the various multiplayer options of SC2. Feels like it would have been easier for everyone involved.

Immortal Gamer
Immortal Gamer - 10.07.2023 07:02

That's one of the few things reforged improved. In OG WC3, if you try to take a TP scroll from the first mission to the second, it disappears from your inventory in mission 2. T.T

Also, I can't speak for Dungeons of Dalaran, I was never that big a fan of the original and I've never played reforged (for obvious reasons), but the original TD mission was pretty basic/bad. It's hard to imagine even reforged making it worse. Also, you always won the bonus level in OG WC3 as well, you just only get the panda if you win properly.

Alejandro Yañez
Alejandro Yañez - 19.06.2023 23:43

Oh sure! Make a Campaign were the main hero you get, is a SUPPORT HERO that everyone uses to either trolling by harassing with Flamestrike, or to actually support MK or Paladin with syphon mana.

Jan Procházka
Jan Procházka - 17.06.2023 22:05

I think tower defense mission was autowin in original frozen throne too. But only if you finished all of it you would have brewmaster for the next mission :D

DarkinPunk - 04.06.2023 23:30

I've watched this several times now, and every single time the MSPaint Lady Vashj in the intro makes me descend into giggles.

Zes - 25.05.2023 23:15


badri nath
badri nath - 28.04.2023 11:15

Ok so did u actually save the riflemen on ogre island?? Mission 1

Roshi - 16.04.2023 01:34

In the dark covenant, you could have just sent everyone at the edge and wait for the undead to destroy your bases, they survive and are sent into your base

hinugundamB - 09.04.2023 00:24

Gates of Abyss is actually incredibly easy due to player having access to Couatls, they do incredible damage, flies, can cast abolish magic and only cost 2 food. Just mass them and even red dragon dies in seconds, while nothing come out of dimensional gate lives to attack.

Stryder625 - 13.02.2023 05:20

Bro, you should do all these Warcraft challenges again, but instead with classic warcraft 3, not reforge.

Hamlet - 09.02.2023 05:42

I found out today by myself that you could also just complete mission one and never get attack by undead if you just dont build anything.

朱澤淵 - 08.02.2023 04:28

Fun fact, Naga royal guard is rank 6 in 1v1 fight in all of the creeps, including all the lv10s
Although technically Naga royal guard is lv6

Ya Boi Tyler
Ya Boi Tyler - 25.01.2023 06:29

In A Dark Covenant, green won't send terrifying attack waves unless you retake a base. And you can get OP Naga units if you let your bases die. Might make the run a bit less tricky. And if can just walk units out of your base in the start of the game and they won't get attacked

Tomáš Staňa
Tomáš Staňa - 18.12.2022 01:14

Well, shouldn't you in search for illidan try to save as many allied units as possible? You can destroy the buildings which stops generating of the units and at least in standard war3 you can hire mercanaries, which might help to deal with enemy forces (propably not though, but would like to see you try :), because if anyone can succeed this way, it is you )

Lòriethalion Isilgor Mithredel
Lòriethalion Isilgor Mithredel - 30.11.2022 16:54

The "reforged bad" jokes are getting so fucking old, like, we get it you don't like it, the thing that gets me is that you're frequently making super bad faith arguments for why it's bad too, it's such low hanging fruit and it leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. It's SO annoying, and I want to watch these videos too because the premise is great, I just have to suffer through your obnoxious complaining and then I'm done, unsubscribing, I look for quality in where I spend my time and if I wasn't a stubborn mf I'd quit midway.

Mimi Mimi
Mimi Mimi - 27.11.2022 06:41

as always the written commentary on the video fucking kills me the "hey guys can i play" fucking slayed me.

Cole Cote
Cole Cote - 24.11.2022 07:17

Wow that mana stone has such a cool story behind it.

“Frostmourne is a joke compared to-“ WOOOOAH LETS NOT GET CRAZY HERE. 😅

Amazing world of Simon
Amazing world of Simon - 24.11.2022 05:09


iunary - 19.11.2022 00:41

Oh when I played that final mission for the first time and saw that I had the Naga Royal guard, I was sooo happy :3 I knew nothing could stop us now

Ernesto Marcos
Ernesto Marcos - 04.11.2022 02:27

Damn, those were some nice strats that I never would've thought! I managed to go deathless on A Dark Covenant until the assault on the green base (since I could intercept the ground attacks while they were crossing the river on Zeppelins I only needed Dragonhawks and towers to defend from the fliers) but yea I never would've been able to destroy that without losing units lol. Also Gates of the Abyss was very well done, I always dread the first three minutes because it feels impossible to not lose all your weakened units. Lord of Outland is very easy in comparison, with your overpowered heroes and the two Royal Guards alone you can destroy almost everything so I literally only lost units because I purposefully let them die to bring them back at full with the Rune of Greater Resurrection as I was fighting Magtheridon. Additionally, Akama comes with a Staff of Silence which makes most enemy heroes total bait.

One thing I do wonder is why didn't you use the Phoenix? Since it never despawns as long as you don't let it die it seems like it'd be the one summoned unit you'd be fine with. Also afaik in The Dungeons of Dalaran your melee units are magic immune (Lieutenants and Spellbreakers) so Flame Strike shouldn't harm them.

Other than that, this was really cool to watch!! That Mana Stone has been to places alright.

bTarczy - 26.10.2022 16:13

Considering Reforged exists I have to forgive George Lucas.

Some Cunt
Some Cunt - 16.10.2022 01:03

Interesting to see that you had this much trouble with gates of abyss. You can just make the naga mutalisk unit and if you get ~2 control group's worth of them, they will kill anything as soon as it comes through the game and they have plenty of health to tank defending against attack waves as well.

Simon Tetsuo
Simon Tetsuo - 07.10.2022 20:31

Actually The blue Rock was only used by 5 Heroes:
Maiev, Malfurion, Margoth, Vashj, and Akama
Who are the last two?

Lyk D'Nine
Lyk D'Nine - 03.10.2022 18:40

Oh wow I had forgotten that blizzard ruined Wc3 with reforged.

aierune - 29.09.2022 09:33

I remember getting that secret tower defense mission and being so fucking confused. I thought it was a campaign mission tbh at first lol.

Kim Jong-un Gaming and Vlogging
Kim Jong-un Gaming and Vlogging - 27.09.2022 17:57

u should be a voice actor

David - 21.08.2022 03:41

Anyone know why my computer keeps crashing when doing the mission the search for illidan on blood elf campaign? Idk why but i can do every other quest but i can’t continue the campaign without finishing it

Resul Bilici
Resul Bilici - 02.08.2022 22:30

Actually you lost because in the bottom left are 2 rifelmans and don't forget rule number 2

Flocken's Nekroparlor
Flocken's Nekroparlor - 30.07.2022 18:58

When did you pick up the SECOND mana stone? It had two charges :o

Lichelord Godfrey
Lichelord Godfrey - 19.07.2022 16:25

You keep complaining about how shoddy reforged is. Why don't you purchase a legal, physical copy of ye olde Warcraft 3 and install patch 1.28.5 onto it? It has widescreen support and in an earlier patch they removed the CD requirement.

samiamrg7 - 10.07.2022 06:22

The Tower Defence level is actually somewhat iconic, since it almost singlehandedly spawned the genre of Tower Defence games.

BloodWolf2005 - 28.06.2022 05:58

New legendary item: "Makrura Tidal Lord's Mana Stone"

Ralkern - 23.06.2022 16:48

Just realized that after the Furbolgs defeated archimonde, you then run into this super-strong gnoll.
Conclusion: Creeps are the most powerful entities in warcraft.

EgyipTomi - 09.06.2022 12:48

In first mission you didnt kill golems and ogrees. Anyway, the 2nd mission nagas didnt help Kael, so why is he in the prison? :D

Alry FireBlade
Alry FireBlade - 06.06.2022 02:26

Can someone explain me how the Game handles the Items the Heros have in the Campain. I mean, when I do a run throught the entire Game is easy, but what is, when I replay one of the Missions?
