Are You A Nihilist?

Are You A Nihilist?


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@user-zf9dv8kg7q - 08.12.2023 23:52

reverlation 21 . times up humanity lost Wikipedia

@KatyJanysek - 08.12.2023 22:11

I find peace, comfort and joy in accepting and recognizing the generalized “meaningless” of life. I personally believe that “the meaning of life” is for each individual to figure out for themselves and there is no standardized answer that applies to everyone. Seize the day, and live for your waking life instead of worrying about dying to get to an un-promised, non-guaranteed “afterlife”.

@depraved420 - 08.12.2023 20:47

"Life is meaningless" is always looked at as a negative statement or outlook. That's not the case. Life being meaningless is the most positive thing you could ever say or think. Because you give your life meaning, whatever it is you do. If you want to be sad you will be sad, when you want to be happy you will be happy. If you look at everything from a negative perspective then of course life will be bad and you will be unhappy.

@jimmydcricket5893 - 08.12.2023 16:36

Life is about shagging.

@alanjames899 - 08.12.2023 15:21

As for purpose, we could be creating what we are in, keep compounding wisdom n technology, wu in it, matrix n that, tolle wrockons his old car had a tiny bit of conciousness in it, so androids with all the books ever written all human knowledge in one android,robot in alien films ect, and remember it's the smallest things that are important, Evan this great do and all are coments, ❤😂😊

@alanjames899 - 08.12.2023 15:14

We are the one awareness, thankfully we have learnt how to forget, the infinite being has not got a clue either just like us it knows its aware, and probly just bored shirtless then went oops is that a particle hahaha as above so below, as within as without, why do yu think we lauph, its the great cosmic joke, don't worry be happy ❤😂😊

@maeve7137 - 07.12.2023 15:20

is it only me but his vice is kinda sharp makes a lot of s noises and sometines it gets unbearable with headphones on. maybe sit a bit away from the mic. also loved this video

@chrisa7481 - 07.12.2023 08:06


@ethanwinters5454 - 06.12.2023 05:37

Only 3.k likes is crazy

@74maniak - 04.12.2023 20:18

great video, too bad about all the lousy ADS....

@giuseppeLizzi-rj3er - 04.12.2023 15:30

Ask loads of women

@giuseppeLizzi-rj3er - 04.12.2023 15:29

I know there lots of meaning to life

@Peenutbutter99 - 04.12.2023 01:04

What an amazing video

@kishoretadiparthiexplorer2958 - 03.12.2023 20:37

Yes I am

@Baggiesman - 03.12.2023 14:15

Bananas make me want to vomit, the moment I take one bite I gag.

@nizuki - 03.12.2023 00:36

Take ENTHEOGENS and being an the idea of atheism will go out of the Window.

@beenabarna1403 - 02.12.2023 22:08

The edit is strange down the line and cuts abrubt-like. I will try again but its still pointless. 0_o
Thank you tho'

@boonraypipatchol7295 - 02.12.2023 19:53

... ... Nirvana.......

Is the only way out...

@SilverBack-xi3ln - 02.12.2023 19:50

I felt better before they told me Santa wasn’t real 😞

@saycheese7417 - 02.12.2023 14:21

Show me what you got… nihilist

@fightswithspirits915 - 02.12.2023 10:36

Like is meaningless if one makes it so. A protective force allowed me a glimpse of my future existence. Non existence. Non existence in an abyss of infinite nothingness isn't easy to not create.

@lyn5274 - 01.12.2023 20:35

Nothing matters not even life, I don’t understand why I am still alive. My will to live is gone and yet I I am still here something is keeping me from dying . It’s a cruel mean joke.

@numinous2506 - 01.12.2023 18:13

It matters because I said so. Now get out there and live your best life.
Don't worry about it.
If all this is true it doesn't really matter either way.
Just choose happiness.

@mileslifting6228 - 01.12.2023 14:37

If you understand that everything is possible with ‘time’ then the reason we are here is because eventually everything will happen. Entropy.

Infinite time + energy = everything

The reason we are here now is because now to us is our reality. Time is relative so don’t spend your life thinking about something that just is, and live your life happy and grateful .

It is what it is and that is okay.

@Necromorphicon - 01.12.2023 13:52

Im a Nihilist, was deeply depressed, but then realized that i dont have to matter, just enjoy the ride.

@Jamal2fresh - 01.12.2023 08:58

I am in a big depression lately and I cut myself off all religions and faith systems. I began to just stay in the nothing lane. No point, no meaning and no reason. I’m just done. There’s days I wish I can rewind time. But then there’s days I’d want to just leave, vanish, disappear into thin air. Living check to check, with a good heart, and never winning in life no matter how much I try makes me feel used, abused and thrown to the side. There’s days I wish I can have a car, afford a house and just have something for once but instead the evil people get it all while people with good hearts and hard working go through the worst. It’s like I take 2 steps ahead, I fall back 3 steps. If you’re reading this, I hope you’re happy and not in a dark place like me.

@haraldtheyounger5504 - 30.11.2023 17:01

Life is meaningless, but so what, it's great fun... and no you don't have to be rich to enjoy the simple beauty of nature, of the human body, etc. Pursue nothing, and you have it all.

@talhashah1011 - 30.11.2023 12:44

this could be an amazing netflix show

@mrhassell - 30.11.2023 10:30

I started off as a pessimist. Went to Egypt, became a Nileist, grew up and became a Nihilist, went to church, became an Anarchist.

@Rastlov - 30.11.2023 09:48

There was nothing. It got bored so it split into 1 and -1. This was more fun than being zero, so nothing maximized it's fun until we have our current nothing. Pick whichever part of nothingness you want around you and enjoy.

@nocturnalsingularity3138 - 30.11.2023 08:58

When i think about life, and the universe, the world and its societies. I do realize nothing matters. Not really that is. All there is, is you, and what you feel matters. That isn't negative. It isn't sad to realize that in 500 million years, every issue, every happy or horrible experience we've had will no longer matter. It is instead you stepping outside of the categorical box most of us live in, and seeing things as rational. What i find strange is that our society sees this, - the most logical and most rational understanding of human existence - as depressive, unhealthy, or negative. I see that as mass delusion.

@AI-Hallucination - 30.11.2023 04:14

“Are you a nihilist” 😂

@jrelevates1574 - 29.11.2023 23:11

It's Aliens. I'd love to believe in a God, but he's dropped the ball so badly, I just can't.

@pedroskipr - 29.11.2023 20:17

Life is not worth it

@bryandraughn9830 - 29.11.2023 19:22

I'm pretty sure when someone is punished for a crime, the future choices they make might be influenced by the punishment if not the individual.
I don't necessarily agree with that system but I think that's what it's attempting to accomplish.

@unmeshbhatt6569 - 29.11.2023 16:50

Excellent, wonderfully presented will help many seeking answers. Thank you.❤

@lestertorres8836 - 29.11.2023 16:17

Everything you do in life is insignificant, but you have to do it.

@manueldiegoalexander3879 - 29.11.2023 15:38

This an unbeliaveb;e reaswon XD :

@awomandoesnothaveapenis - 29.11.2023 14:58

It’s freedom realising life is meaningless. The pressure evaporates, you realise life is the longest time you’ll spend doing the one. Take your time have patience and don’t be a dick to others.
It works for me.

@airrig2991 - 29.11.2023 07:25

Perhaps Life Is A Disease
And Death Is The Healing

@richardlande2054 - 29.11.2023 06:51

Babylon 5...London said, there comes a point in your life when you look in the mirror and you realize you'll never be anything more than you are. At that point you either kill yourself, or you stop looking into mirrors.

Well, I stopped looking into mirrors long ago. Nobody likes me, I haven't had a girlfriend in 20 years. Even I don't like me. A man must accept his Fate, or be destroyed by it.

As for myself, I'd like to think that there are always....possibilities.
Life maybe meaningless, but you never know what tomorrow may bring.

For better or worse, the 80 or so years we are given on this earth, are still worth it.

And in case any of you were wondering, I've been homeless in my car for the last two years straight and yet life is still good. Once you get past the idea that life has no purpose, other than shopping or having kids, there's a sort of peace to it. Most people you'll encounter are selfish greedy bastards. If that's "normal" then I'm better off isolated in my car doing my own thing.

Happiness is in the eyes of the beholder.

@willieluncheonette5843 - 29.11.2023 04:00

" The word “meaning” is irrelevant to life. Life is neither meaningful nor meaningless. But for centuries man’s mind has been conditioned to believe that life has great meaning. All that meaning was arbitrary. Hence only in this century, for the first time in the whole history of man, has the question, “What is the meaning of life?” become one of the most important, because all old lies are exposed. Life was meaningful with a God. Life was meaningful with a life beyond death. Life was meaningful because the churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, were continuously hammering the idea in man’s mind. A certain maturity has come to man, not to all, but to a very small minority.

I would like you to remember five significant names. First is Soren Kierkegaard. He was the first man who raised this question and was condemned universally, because even to raise the question created suspicion in people. Nobody had dared, ever, to ask – What is the meaning of life? Even the atheists who had denied God, who had denied the afterlife, who had denied the existence of the soul — even they had never asked what the meaning of life is. They said, Eat, drink and be merry — that is the meaning of life. It was clear to them that these joys — “eat, drink, be merry” — were what life is all about. But Soren Kierkegaard went very deeply into the question. He created, unknowingly, a movement: existentialism. Then followed the four other names: Martin Heidegger, Karl Jaspers, Gabriel Marcel, and the last but not the least important, in fact the most important, Jean-Paul Sartre. These five people went on hammering on the whole intelligentsia of the world: that life is meaningless.

Now, anybody who has some kind of intelligence is bound to come across this question, and he has to find some way to encounter it. I do not agree with these five great philosophers, but I give them the respect that they deserve. They were courageous, because once you take meaning out of life, religion disappears, because religion up to now has been nothing but an effort to give meaning to your life: to fill it so that you don’t feel empty; to surround you with God and angels so that you don’t feel lonely…. You have not been going to the church, the synagogue, and the temple without any reason.

For thousands of years man has not been bowing down to the priests without any reason. He was gaining something. Off course they were exploiting him, but even in their exploitation man was finding a certain consolation. He was not alone; he was being looked after. Life was not futile, it had tremendous meaning, spiritual, esoteric, profound… so high and so deep that your intellect could not comprehend it. Still the majority of people, ninety-nine percent, are not bothered by the question. How can they be bothered? They easily find consolation from the dead past. To them it is not a dead past.

The meaning that religious people have given to human life is arbitrary. These people are exposing the arbitrariness of the religious people’s meaning — but that does not mean that life is meaningless. It simply means that the meaning that was given to life up to now is found invalid: God is not the meaning of life. Life beyond death is not the meaning of life. Jesus Christ is not the meaning of life. But that does not mean that life has no meaning.

But because you have been thinking that this is the meaning of life, when suddenly it falls apart, you pick up the polar opposite idea of meaninglessness.

I want you to remember my standpoint. I am an existentialist. And I say to you that life is neither meaningful nor meaningless. The question is irrelevant. Life is just an opportunity, an opening. It depends what you make of it. It depends on you what meaning, what color, what song, what poetry, what dance you give to it. Life is a creative challenge.

And it is good that it hasn’t any fixed meaning, otherwise there would be no challenge. Then it would be just a ready-made thing: you are born and the meaning of life is given to you and you carry it your whole life; this is the meaning of your life. No, existence is far more profound than any meaning. Existence is just a challenge to creativity."

@itsgleneaton4883 - 29.11.2023 01:28

Many times we all get the feeling that nothing matters and the reason is because what everybody has been taught to believe is important and fun isn’t and vice versa. In other words everything else on this planet is important except ourselves. And if we are no5 the most important thing in our lives then nothing will matter.

@firehazemusic - 28.11.2023 21:12

deep shit 🧐

@keciasnow2657 - 28.11.2023 20:34

For my culture about "scary stories" we use them for younger children, showing with masks to scare because they need to sleep time. A little older children, telling scary stories preparing to hunt to future. Using it to be more brave hunter

@HeatherHolt - 28.11.2023 15:48

Idk why people can’t think life is overall meaningless on a cosmic scale isn’t a bad thing. It means something to YOU, whatever you is, and that should be enough.

@garypedigogaeu5787 - 28.11.2023 12:47

The abolishment of capital punishment in Illinois was not for the reason you gave. It was because over 50% of death row prisoners were found to be not guilty when DNA testing became available. A very corrupt legal system was in place in Illinois that allowed this to happen.

@EnryR93 - 28.11.2023 08:29

Life is meaningless until you find it's meaningful then you realize it's meaningless again and so on.
