How to (Explain) ADHD

How to (Explain) ADHD

How to ADHD

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JaBrevno - 29.09.2023 20:03

This video is as creepy as it is helpful.

Parralyzed - 29.09.2023 13:49

Can you be anymore annyoing

Alwyn Dippenaar
Alwyn Dippenaar - 29.09.2023 10:59

I had to rewind this video so many times. Thanks for the info, please speak a bit slower next time. I’m still thinking about what you said and then we’re on the next section 😁

Farah Mustafa
Farah Mustafa - 29.09.2023 01:18

Okay I'm crying!! How is this so accurate and emotional.

nori ncobro
nori ncobro - 27.09.2023 16:08

Excellent vocal fry...😊

Xeno - 27.09.2023 07:45

One thing I never see touched on much is medication guilt.. Ive been taking meds for 2 years and I get angry and ask myself why can't i just function like this off meds!... I hate that it really is nearly like a disability 😣.. Just somthing thats been on my mind tonight.. Off meds days and life are so hard.

Ildar T8
Ildar T8 - 27.09.2023 02:20

"We usually know what to do, and have the best intentions" - this hits home. Parents, peers, and other people around us do not realize this. It makes life like a video game: going through life on hard mode with no save button.

Jaime - 21.09.2023 01:21

Wow this is the video about ADHD that resonated the most.

Tafellappen - 15.09.2023 16:03

Knowing about computers gives so many useful analogies, like everyone compares working memory to ram and its good but i think the better analogy for some of my experiences is cpu cache. “cache misses” are inevitable, but we have less cache than others to begin with and so we get it way more often. Also, half the time my brain runs programs written in such a bad way that causes absurd cache thrashing, it feels like my brain is constantly cycling between the same 3+ things but only one at a time fits in the cache. So busy dealing with cache misses it doesnt get to actually process anything sometimes. But you bet it is generating insane amounts of heat!!!

IDKwhatimtalkingabout - 14.09.2023 17:42

I’ll be watching a video that’s over 10 minutes long on adhd and forget what the video is about at least once. If the irony wasn’t there I’d be way more annoyed. It’s so frustrating though

The Congress Guy
The Congress Guy - 14.09.2023 13:58

I wish my wife would watch videos like this with me. She just thinks I’m using my ADHD as a crutch or to justify being lazy.

Brazil Chem
Brazil Chem - 12.09.2023 15:53

I still don't know what is the threshold amount of thought colliding in one's brain to safely confirm adhd or not. Are people with a lot of imagination/thoughts/distraction adhd?

Coralcraft - 12.09.2023 09:09

I was just getting ready to go see a psychiatrist to find out if i have ADHD or not or am i just dumb and at the right time this video was recommended to me and i needed it to explain psychiatrist about my problems. thank you so much❤

Nina Monro
Nina Monro - 10.09.2023 01:45

I’m 36 and just have been diagnosed. Everything makes so much more sense now.

Abdala Mustafe
Abdala Mustafe - 06.09.2023 14:44

She every day is convincing me that I have adhd

Tori Derden
Tori Derden - 06.09.2023 12:12

Thank you so much for the subtitles for different languages!

Sally O
Sally O - 06.09.2023 04:24

when you grow up constantly berated, called names, beaten, yelled at, compared to your sibling who does everything the right way, you don't know anything else and you ask the universe "What's wrong with me?" However, that scatterbrain isn't as scattered as some may think; that scatterbrain assimilates a LOT of information very quickly and has little patience for belaboring an obvious point and so wanders off in its own direction and puts it together for new and innovative ways of looking at things and finding innovative resolutions. I rather think that without ADHD, we would still be living in caves wondering how to stay warm or move from one place to a place that's farther away than walking distance. Just because you can't perform - uh, that is, conform - to the model of instruction most people do (it's oversimplistic and disparaging to creative thoughts) doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you! I don't think I'd like being "typical;" it's lackluster. better off here in the "pathological" realm of art, music, discovering new math ..... who wants to just passively sit and learn to turn your brain off and be like everybody else?

Victoria Vozzo
Victoria Vozzo - 04.09.2023 16:18

Wow! I haven’t seen many people covering this subject… I think you made a great job at it.

Victoria Vozzo
Victoria Vozzo - 04.09.2023 16:17

This video help me a lot to learn abt adhd

Jay Tamayo
Jay Tamayo - 04.09.2023 15:37

Saw your other videos. This someone helps us to understand how this ADHD manifests inside to the outside. I believe I have this, but to make sure that I have ADHD, diagnosis is the best answer. My work requires multi-tasking, and it's over whelming. My brain, even before work, and it gets worse When I started working, feels like there is someone squizing a particular region in my brain, my frontal lobe specifically or feels empty. Many times now, I stare at something, and my eyes kinda blur. My supervisor speaks fast and my brain couldn't pick it. I feel humiliated inside.

🥀Thë błøød møøn wøłf🥀
🥀Thë błøød møøn wøłf🥀 - 01.09.2023 03:49

Lol me watching this and other random shtuf when i should be reading one short chapter of a random book 💀

Tay11 - 31.08.2023 21:45

What to do about ADHD if you have it

-Exercise regularly, especially when you're feeling hyperactive or restless.

-Eat regular, healthy meals.

-Get plenty of sleep.

-Work on time management and organization.

-Connect with people and maintain relationships.

-Take medications as directed, and avoid use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.

maxwell reeves
maxwell reeves - 30.08.2023 03:36

Simply have you ever had a thought then you have another thought then you have another thought then you have another thought then you have another thought in rotation

Lee G
Lee G - 29.08.2023 12:22

Love this video. 💙

Health And Lifestyle
Health And Lifestyle - 26.08.2023 05:49


Mark Sherwood
Mark Sherwood - 25.08.2023 03:41

I’ve just been diagnosed at 35, after a long, lonely journey of discovery. Only now am I understanding who and what I am. And why I can be so terrible with memory and other stuff, yet still be functional and academic. I needed to find a way to explain this to others. And this video does exactly that! Thank you so much. Subscribed and looking forward to watching more content.

sino - 16.08.2023 02:28

i almost cried when i saw this had portuguese subtitles. thank you SO much

edit: nevermind i cried lol

Justin Bergantiños
Justin Bergantiños - 15.08.2023 11:30

Idk why I cried when she started talking about how ADHD also affects emotions. It kept pouring on as she mentions situations like being called weird or metaphors of being the smartest yet stupidest and the most motivated yet the laziest person. It hits me when I realize that maybe I have ADHD as I am well aware that I am sensitive. It also hurts when I can't pay attention to small details about my former partner. I get frustrated that I hurt her for being inattentive, even if I really tried to do my best to listen and pay attention to the small details.

Jakub Michałowski
Jakub Michałowski - 14.08.2023 20:20

After watching this video I'm no longer sure if I have ADHD.

Button Wizard
Button Wizard - 14.08.2023 16:46

I wish I understood this sooner. 53 y/o and just now really understanding what ADHD is. I remember my mom angry with me at 10 because I kept forgetting to do homework or if I did it I would forget to bring it. Telling me that I can't forget and being really confused how I can remember not to forget. In high school I spent 2 hours trying to make myself do a 1 hour assignment and could not even start. I almost never did homework and got in trouble constantly. But 3x more likely to start your own business sounds accurate. I've started 2! And 1 of them I should be working on RIGHT NOW. 😆

PartyGamer62 Game reviews and more!
PartyGamer62 Game reviews and more! - 14.08.2023 02:48

I honestly didn't know my adhd was linked to my emotional state, thanks a bunch!

Jamie Karl Coupe
Jamie Karl Coupe - 14.08.2023 00:25

This video is absurdly useful and it might have changed my life and how I see myself. I’m 28 and learning this now. Given time to sink in I might feel human again. Thank you x

inFinity - 13.08.2023 00:16

Fun fact, ADHD is both the most over-diagnosed and over-medicated mental disorder by far. The more and more inclusive it becomes and wider the spectrum gets, the more it discredits people who actually suffer from it.

inFinity - 13.08.2023 00:12

Gonna be honest, everyone in this comment section is overreacting. I’ve had ADHD my entire life, it’s not that bad.

IR0N B4R0N - 09.08.2023 10:44

My pops would get so mad at me, leaving lights on after leaving a room, not locking the door coming home from a late shift, forgetting an assignment at school, forgetting to write the assignment down on my school planner. To this day, still do those things. Drove my father up the wall and I had myself believe that I was a bad kid. But I didn’t want to forget those things. I wanted to make him proud. Doing good in school but I couldn’t because I didn’t know why it was so hard for me and easier for others.

Daniel Partridge
Daniel Partridge - 07.08.2023 14:22

So nice to feel understood for once in my life. Keep doing what your doing! Your an amazing person with an amazing team! Please keep helping people like you and I.

Creamy Pasta
Creamy Pasta - 06.08.2023 16:41

ADHD = laziness and selfishness

Nick Sundstrom
Nick Sundstrom - 04.08.2023 15:10

It is like having the best computer processor with the least amount of RAM

army95cspec - 02.08.2023 23:04

Love your videos and appreciate them. Going to be 40 soon and just learning I have had this my whole life and wish I learned earlier and how to manage it. When I went to a doctor for depression in my teen years he didn't say I had this, but mentioned I had something that was described to be as racing thoughts. My mind was like a billboard setup like the bloomberg tickers. Most people can follow since they are all moving left to right in a neat order, but mine is going much faster and in every directions causing me to lose that thought till it comes back around. I can't say for sure as I did not discover I had this at a younger age, but I think finding out in your older years is likely more difficult to combat and change your ways. Find it crippling at times.

javier lopez
javier lopez - 02.08.2023 22:32

thank you for this 🥲 just started medication again after trying and failing for 10 yrs

Cute Puddle Slime
Cute Puddle Slime - 02.08.2023 00:49

Maybe it should be called ARD (Attention Regulation Disorder)

Qolina Gemstone
Qolina Gemstone - 02.08.2023 00:08

Dear totally awesome, lovely lady:

I am in my fifties, and for a decade I had taken care of teens in group homes. Some of them had been diagnosed with ADHD. The more I learned a small amount about it, the more I began wondering if I myself had it.

Question: In the past, I had thought of myself as an Ideas person, and told myself that is why I rarely carried these ideas out, because I had learned that 'ideas' people usually were just the idea person, that another was needed to carry them out. But, typically, would you say 'ideas people' might have ADHD?

shark boy
shark boy - 01.08.2023 05:24

I think i do im mostly always excited and when there is a event in a few days i just want to go that second ( also while typing i forgot what i was typing in the middle of it and stop after around 10 seconds and space out for around 2 seconds ) and when i am bored i go around everyone and can’t stop talking to them do you think i have adhd

LowGodd - 30.07.2023 07:48

I dont know if I read this or made it up myself trying to explain it to my father, but its always felt like being at a buffet and constantly putting more stuff ontop of the plate, eventually stuff starts falling off the sides.

TheWisePolarBear - 29.07.2023 05:22

me who couldn’t pay attention to this video:

Hanzo001 - 27.07.2023 11:51

its just called prioritizing and being taught to do so

Hanzo001 - 27.07.2023 11:50

can persons with adhd persevere and push themselves to minimize it to the nth degree? i did…
