Why Rimworld Is So Awesome

Why Rimworld Is So Awesome


2 года назад

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Yeet3455 - 12.09.2023 08:15

One time a transport pod crashed spitting out John, a 1,700 year old 28 year old misogynistic cannibal surgeon

hippopotamus - 12.09.2023 07:09

Me getting flashbacks of Randy random

Sebastián Bonilla
Sebastián Bonilla - 03.09.2023 20:26

I remember one time I got sick of tye game bullshitting me and I dev mode some wounds away.

Needless to say, Randy didn't like it and blew up a cable that was next to a baby.

Well played.

Hector Garza
Hector Garza - 02.09.2023 04:43

I remember taking in a colonist that was a drug addict, which I didn't know he was until I took him in. He would always be depressed and picking fights with my 'leader' in the colony, which was in charge of research and good with a gun. We all have that one colonist that keeps the entire colony going. After arresting him twice, I wanted to get rid of him. Finally after he lost it yet again and began breaking things I just banished him. On his way out, he triggered a trap I had set up for raids, and he died instantly. It was awesome. I didn't bury him, just put his body out to rot. Wow, I have issues.

cristian chan
cristian chan - 01.09.2023 09:01

2300hrs and still run...

Christina - 26.08.2023 05:16

I feckin love this game ❤ and I love that you were able to use the in game music! They’ve got a very good soundtrack

tobias svensson
tobias svensson - 14.08.2023 17:12

Had a pawn called guy that I captured from a raid that I recuited as a chef turnes out he was of a diffrent ideology and he was super push about it trying to convert every one els in the colony to it giving them bad mood debuffs as they rejected him.
Finaly arrested him to force him to convert to my colonys ideology a raid showed up broke the ac to his prison cell he ran away and I never saw him again.
two week later a pod crash landed with superguy who was a better chef that I converted and recuited. 10/10 would have fierce ideological debattes with local chef again.

Brenden - 12.08.2023 07:59

if you pick up this game learn how to edit the game settings and turn off the ZZZT event. It can't be avoided and progressively gets more destructive as your battery capacity grows.

apok1980 - 09.08.2023 05:49

I wonder if the guy who developed this is some kind of next level genius?

Asher Merrell
Asher Merrell - 08.08.2023 03:58

what seperates this game from something like dwarf fortress? they seem very similar to me(i would actually like to know please reply)

Mr.Hassan Sir.Khamis
Mr.Hassan Sir.Khamis - 05.08.2023 02:21

Mentioning that, I see why an update just dropped for Oxygen not Included.

Frobbel96 - 04.08.2023 01:01

I can't decide if I should get oxygen not included cause of the looks or rim world cause of the random Events :(

Andrei Cristian
Andrei Cristian - 31.07.2023 13:11

Did you just call Civilization an indie game?

brian ramesar
brian ramesar - 28.07.2023 03:43


Orlando - 25.07.2023 23:37

this guy hardly shows any of rim world just other games. talking nonsensne

Raine Erasmus Walker
Raine Erasmus Walker - 25.07.2023 13:33

I loved this video. I'm on the bus right now and can't wait to get home and play some more RimWorld. ❤ I don't want to watch a tutorial even though the game is complex (I haven't even bought any DLC yet) because figuring how to play a new game on your own is the greatest joy in the gaming hobby. Do yourself a favor and don't ruin a great game experience for yourself by being the kid who goes snooping for his xmas presents and looking at wikis and guides in and outside of the game. Just go in blind and roll with the punches; RimWorld is especially designed around this type of play 😊 have fun Colonists ❤

Spinch Sprimkle
Spinch Sprimkle - 24.07.2023 22:21

What sorts of occupations do they have on Rimworld?

I enjoy a good rim job

Tapejara 150
Tapejara 150 - 23.07.2023 13:34

Every friend Ive showed this game first they refuse because of the graphics and UI but when Im showing and explaining they cant believe this game and get immersed :))

Bartomolev - 22.07.2023 23:52

TLDR: atempt of creating an catgirl caused an planet wide extinction

i tried to make a cat gril
when my mad doc finished to proces instead of a cat girl i was met with an flesh abomination
i draftede my colonists and tried to kill the beast but for some reason one of my pepole had a granade launcher with an EMP granade, he fired it and missed hitting the cooling system of my nuclear reactor (RIMATOMICS mod) then i proced to have a panic atack as the temperature of the core was reaching dangerous levels, i eventualy killed the monster but it was too late. the reactor caused a partial meltdown, it was all fine as long as no one opened the blast doors
gues what ?
a fucking colony pet CAT, opened the blastdoors releasing the radiation
half of my pepole didn't get enough time to put on a hazmat suit and died of radiation poisoning, then when i ordered construction of an sacrophagus my only builder decided to have a breakdown but in the panic i forgor to shut down the reactor, 2 seconds before my only sane person reached the controls... the reactor exploaded killing everyone and everything

i was left with one man that was on a expedition, he returned to the wasteland, well he wasn't a man, he was an android
he rebuilt the colony and then i started to go mad and send ICBM's to every faction
in the end i was left with an empty planet filled with radiation and an polution.

Bartomolev - 22.07.2023 23:29

play the game with V.O.I.D mod, its pure hell
no good events
an unfair overpowered enemies
its pure hell or paradise if youre an masochist, but if you play rimworld then i assume youre an masochist

Pedro El Diablo
Pedro El Diablo - 12.07.2023 15:29

Rimworld is quite something. I bought it in 2015 when the game was still in alpha, and i never got tired of it. Every new game almost feels like a first time and the story telling side (all the events and how they "logically" follow each other) make it so interesting everytime. The mods and DLCs make it a never ending new experience. Just right now i've started playing it again after a quite long break, i'm playing until 2 or 3 in the morning when i have to work the next day. it's just so addictive. And the best part is that despite many long games, there's still parts of the game that i don't know (the caravan and quests side, as well as many late game items). It's the only game where i'm still learning things after almost 10 years of playing it. Just incredible !

Zorro Re
Zorro Re - 11.07.2023 01:39

Almost 600 hours this game so much fun because of all the mods

Paul Daigneault
Paul Daigneault - 07.07.2023 04:28

I just started playing this on my Steamdeck. I am loving it. On my first playthrough so far, a mad guinea pig attacked my three settlers and caused two to become bedridden including my only doctor.

ljs. - 07.07.2023 03:51

So why don't I just go learn guitar, instead of playing virtual game?

Joshua Walz
Joshua Walz - 29.06.2023 23:42

Kenshi enters the chat

GAMBIIT - 28.06.2023 09:51

i always ran with the robot mods (small automatic roombas and robot colonists instead of human colonists) - but then also i would severely spike the difficulty of the game to make up for the fact that robots are, in every way other than power consumption, better than humans.

Michał Barycki
Michał Barycki - 26.06.2023 20:58

I have +4000 hours in Rimworld and I come back to this game every now and then and It never ceses to amaze me with it randomness, it is awesome game still developed and improved with great community and mods.... Oh so many mods.

As to a crazy Rimworld story here it is: In a heavily modded playthrough a random android wandered in and stayed in my base as a guest for a couple of days, I payed him no mind and he decided to depart leaving me nice tip for hosting him. Said android was then severely mauled by a megavolverine and was dying halfway between my base and an edge of a map beside a dead beast and it didn't bothered me then... This is when raiders decided to pop in and started to run towards closest enemy, said android, then I started to check who an I dealing with and I clicked on a wounded android... And I froze, he had a termonuclear reactor powering him and if he dies half of a map dies including my base! So I scrambled my pawns, fought over dying, living bomb, saving him in a nick of time and a day was saved, after a couple of days an android wandered away once more spelling doom to his new hosts somewhere else.

Aon Brogan
Aon Brogan - 26.06.2023 15:29

There is a scene in the movie Saving Private Ryan where during the storming of normandy a medic is trying to patch up a soldier. Right as he stops the bleeding a german machine gun shoots him right through the top of the head. In a moment of rage he screams "JUST GIVE US A CHANCE!"

That is Rimworld every moment you have Randy as your storyteller.

Стилиан Манолов
Стилиан Манолов - 23.06.2023 12:58

trash game

No-one - 22.06.2023 02:06

Never understand why people have issues with prisoners.. Maybe we have different "people" skills?
After healing them, you are taking payment right away Correct?
All aid will cost a minimum of one one lung and one kidney, unless they are damaged.
Failure to pay will result in the immediate confiscation of all remaining organs and skin and meat..

"All patients are required to undergo mandatory leg removal before operations,
a dedicated nurse will tend all your needs as we have a duty of care to take what we want."
Now say AHHHH~~

No-one - 22.06.2023 01:54

"York'sheer". ;)

Steffi R.
Steffi R. - 19.06.2023 13:52

If I could only keep and play one game for the rest of my life I would pick Rimworld.

V Vey
V Vey - 14.06.2023 23:38

That review's definitely a stretch, the statue can't negatively affect the raider's mood

Jesus TT
Jesus TT - 12.06.2023 17:51

I have 1300 hours played and i can't even feel it

premier69 - 02.06.2023 13:44

i tried using my kidnapped victims to make the borg collective but they all just caught infections and died...

Catherine le greatest
Catherine le greatest - 01.06.2023 22:58

800hrs in, I still have not escaped in a ship

Sea otter
Sea otter - 20.05.2023 12:16

I was talking about kenshi and my friend said it looks a lot like rimworld, it seems interesting!

Woulphe - 20.05.2023 05:13

Im kind of curious if then game listens to you mic input. One time I was streaming to a group of people showing off the game and I was explaining how anything could happen. "Like sometimes you might have a flock of 12 ducks join your colony out of no where" then literally 10 minutes later I get 12 ducks. Sounds literally impossible but I have a clip of it for anyone whos interested in seeing. Kind of creeped me out at first but it was a fun experience.

El_Guitarrista - 16.05.2023 13:23

this is without dlc right ?

xNataS - 13.05.2023 22:05

Im a year late on this post but yea.. Unemployed atm and got rimworld like maybe 2 weeks ago max, and have 160 hours on it already. Its so good.

Towarzysz Marcin
Towarzysz Marcin - 13.05.2023 20:06

my rimworld story is that i made a thriving village of raiders who kidnapped everyone they can to harvest their organs or enslave them and if any group of beggars arrived they would be shot etc. but my grandpa accidentally deleted all saves. xd
i now struggle to make a normally working village without colonists going nuts, bacause managing everything to work properly really takes time at the start of the game especially with you having almost no resources and shelter, so in more extreme weathers they are gonna suffer from hipotermia or sunstroke. :<

Karma's a bitch.

Dat Boi
Dat Boi - 02.05.2023 13:55

- be me
- play with Combat Extended
- get shrapnell from a mortar in my sharpshooter's eyes
- peak enjoyment

Deesar - 28.04.2023 14:50

noted this game will give me malaria :D
