Genealogists help African Americans trace lineage past enslavement

Genealogists help African Americans trace lineage past enslavement

TMJ4 News

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@NicholasMakhubele-ib2ok - 05.01.2024 12:19

The trace lineage past slavery of us is we fashioned humans we gave birth to new race and yet people do not get it that only a Black female can give birth to different colors of babies even albino can come from a Black women. When u mix colors together they all become black showing black is not a color but where color come from and i am trying to simplify before telling you who are your ancestors THE ELOHIMS (disagreeable beings) who crafted humans with Yakub the big head scietist (yahweh) king of the light race. The bible can tell from there why jewelry of god the real jews are in self forgotfulness

@advils12 - 01.01.2024 00:18

I just discovered through a DNA test that my ancestry traces back to the Mali Empire. I am a Mandinka, and it appears that there are only a few of us based on our DNA. It's amazing to think that I come from a lineage of kings and never knew it! It took me this long to do a test. I've been in awe for days now

@yolandalcheek462 - 15.12.2023 04:27

Once you get to a certain point there's no information 😢

@shaypink40 - 15.10.2023 23:05

Black🖤 Negro & Colored North Americans 🇺🇸 are NOT Africans ⚠️

@PlannedObsolescence - 22.09.2023 13:44

Don't black men also have full lips?

@sosabreadtv5247 - 29.08.2023 08:12

We're indigenous to americas

@waterdad711 - 26.07.2023 01:19

What a joke!
This is racist propaganda!
Wait until those Emit Till monuments get erected!
We will tear them down like you did ours last year.
Civil war looms

@drelocs2878 - 14.07.2023 07:40

I’m confused on how everyone got song form of reparations except us due to the hand dealt right at home. The true lost and forgotten tribe.

@drelocs2878 - 14.07.2023 07:39

This is sad asf

@dirtydirty5857 - 18.05.2023 08:27

It's crazy because they know exactly who we are .. .Ain't no coincidence that were a group of ppl who don't know who we are but the whole world knows us?? That is weird maybe we are some special ppl and just don't know ..But one day truths are gonna come out and only then we'll know and understand ✊🏾♟️🖤💯✡️

@blackcoingoddess9582 - 03.08.2021 03:07

I started an got so discouraged but today I found this video so I'm encouraged to start again. Thanks tons peeps!
