The Myth: ‘Travel Makes Me Happy’

The Myth: ‘Travel Makes Me Happy’

137 Просмотров

Demystifying the ‘happiness of travel’.


This week I was thinking about Travel and Happiness, and how there's this myth of 'Travel Makes Me Happy'. Yes, travel and happiness can be tied together, but they don't equal each other.

Think of it this way, travel sets us up by giving us the right mindset and a unique environment to create some of the necessary ingredients for greater happiness.

For example, travel takes us outside of our comfort zones where each day we're trying new things and learning about people and ourselves. Even though it may not be comfortable, it means we're likely growing and creating new thoughts which generally increases happiness.

Also, when we travel we're also typically without the same stresses and responsibilities we may have when we're at home. This typically increases happiness, who wouldn't be happy to leave work and stress behind?

And finally, travel sets us up to meet like-minded people. When we're doing what we love and meeting other people doing what they love, we're bound to make quick connections. Usually, meeting people who value what we value leads to higher levels of happiness as we affirm each other and our values.

So, we can see there is something about travel that leads us to feel happier, but we can also create these environments and mindsets for ourselves wherever we are.

We just need to find ways to do the following:
1) Get out of our comfort zone
2) Reduce (or take breaks from) stress/responsibilities
3) Meet people who fuel our passions.

When you break it down it's not too difficult at all. :)


#Travel #happiness #after_travel #home_from_travel
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