Discover Bulgaria: From Poverty to Tourist Paradise? 44 Fascinating Facts

Discover Bulgaria: From Poverty to Tourist Paradise? 44 Fascinating Facts

All About Europe

1 год назад

171,224 Просмотров

Discover Bulgaria: from poverty to tourist paradise? In this video we dive into 44 fascinating facts about this enchanting corner of Europe.

We will explore its landscapes, culture, history, people and much more. Stay tuned as we take a closer look into the stunning landscapes, vibrant cities, rich traditions, and secrets only known to locals. Discover how sustainable tourism is shaping Bulgaria's future.

Whether you're a seasoned traveler or just curious, this video offers an in-depth view of an often-overlooked European gem.


#Bulgaria #Europe #geography #country_facts #travel #Bulgaria_travel #best_of_Bulgaria #Bulgaria_travel_guide #Balkan #Balkan_history._Sofia #Plovdiv #Varna #Burgas #Bulgaria_history_Bulgarian_empire #Bulgarian #Ljubljana #Bulgaria_culture #Bulgaria_2023 #Bulgaria_places_to_visit #places_to_visit_in_Bulgaria #bulgaria_tourism #things_to_do_in_bulgaria_sofia_bulgaria #undiscovered #travel_bulgaria #tourism #visit_bulgaria #sofia_bulgaria #bulgaria_travel
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Nazimi-Matutu☪️ - 12.11.2023 17:45


Clement Mawrie
Clement Mawrie - 12.11.2023 16:00

I like Bulgaria nature and female character.

Stephe - 12.11.2023 13:58

As a Bulgarian I can say that homemade Rakya is not 40% alchohol in it. Its a lot more :D

Vasco E.
Vasco E. - 03.11.2023 16:42

Westernalisation completely destroyed Bulgaria. From a feared competitor with factories, textile, chemicals, aeronautics, robotics,pharmaceuticals, Bulgaria now exports ass-wipers, strawberry collectors, waiters, low added value workers. Economy, society, institutions are broken.

Eliades Pastor
Eliades Pastor - 01.11.2023 07:25

#2 potassium producer in east bloc!

Liz Chan
Liz Chan - 30.10.2023 00:34

I'm sure you did a lot of research, which is amazing, but I just had to write a comment after the wedding invitation part. What most people would call tradition is actually partly folklore and partly tradition and yes, while it's very very rare, there is a chance you might see a couple splitting a loaf of bread (or pitka as we say) above their heads, but even my 70 year old grandparents didn't participate in the wedding rituals. Maybe, just maybe, my grand grandparents did, all of the traditions were basically forgotten after the ottoman rule as the country wanted to be more like western Europe. People always assume that when we say a superstition we believe in it- we don't. Just a few things are off, but of course it's impossible to know unless you live here.

Velizar Petrov
Velizar Petrov - 26.10.2023 11:51

Ooo man, tahnk you very much for this awesome video. I reaaly make me cry :)

Ordinary stuff
Ordinary stuff - 23.10.2023 08:27

White in the flag is not hope , its freedom!

thatisme3 thatisme3
thatisme3 thatisme3 - 21.10.2023 20:35

Lol. "Bulgarians tend to knock on wood" for luck not to protect against evil. And that is surprising? Thoyght rest of the world does too. The exoression "lnock on wood" i suspect doesnt come from bukgaria

BoB - 20.10.2023 23:37

baba marta=granma marta and the martenica is worn as long as you want but when you can get it of when you see a stork

Giannis Mentz
Giannis Mentz - 20.10.2023 10:09

Tourist paradise = Adventure place for the rich, local corrupt governments, corrupt police, corrupt anything, local people poor and suffering, no future, local governments trying to emphasize past historic achievements to give meaning to their meaningless existence. These countries are usually failed states, they are allowed to exist as long as they are entertaining, eventually either destroyed in wars or annexed in some other way by real actual states. (Sorry if I upset any people from there, but that's the truth. Ask me how I know.)

HD hd
HD hd - 17.10.2023 15:38

The great Bulgarian ruler Can Tervel saved Europe from Arab invasion in the 8th century, also Bulgaria was the only country that saved all its Jews 50,000 people during World War II from Nazi Germany….

Cocinox - 10.10.2023 19:55

I'm Bulgarian and I can say our contru is really beautifull but the goverment and they sell everithing and all ministers take the money for their out pleasure and those peaople are the mafia and nobody want to investigate them !!!!

Kora I Vincent Wilkin
Kora I Vincent Wilkin - 09.10.2023 22:16

I just hope it will never become a tourist paradise, as tourism destroys everything.

origynally - 06.10.2023 09:26

This video is full of so many inconsistencies and half-truths, that the text limit here wouldn't let me cover 1/100 of them. For example not a single person has ever called yoghurt "white gold".

frawldog - 05.10.2023 18:31


Rose Dek Beauty Therapist and Cosmetics London
Rose Dek Beauty Therapist and Cosmetics London - 05.10.2023 09:47

In Bulgaria has less car pollution than in UK and many other places.

Vesko Vasilev
Vesko Vasilev - 03.10.2023 11:29

In Bulgaria when you have a bad thought you knock on the wood or your head to prevent it from happening.

Tony Stoev
Tony Stoev - 03.10.2023 06:39

Nice video. Should have done some more research on some of the topics, though. 😉

Dimkara sub_confirmation
Dimkara sub_confirmation - 02.10.2023 14:12

Let me correct yourself ,
Bordered with ex Bulgarian TERRITORIES them all.

Niko. exe
Niko. exe - 02.10.2023 02:29

John Atanasov is also Bulgarian born in US. His father is born in Bulgaria. Thats the guy who invented THE COMPUTER.
U missed to mention it.

Niko. exe
Niko. exe - 02.10.2023 02:24

40c alchohol is the official degrees. Most people drink 40-65C. There is 75C too but its used for desinfection for ex. (ofc. some also drink it). thats in the country side.

mimenchenco - 01.10.2023 21:37

Still the worst economy and corruption in Europe

LADINARK - 01.10.2023 18:41

Next time check the pronunciation and the emphasis of geography objects, cities, mountains, etc!

Zdravko Belinski
Zdravko Belinski - 01.10.2023 17:20

Hello, we need more info about fact 39, as all internet and chatgpt suggest he does not have bulgarian grandfather

Никола Великов
Никола Великов - 30.09.2023 23:31

Actually the color white on the Bulgarian flag means peace.

Din9mir - 29.09.2023 12:20

John Atanasov who invented the computer is also Bulgarian.
And Plovdiv is the most ancient living city in Europe and ninth in the world.

Petar Antonov
Petar Antonov - 29.09.2023 07:38

A little-known fact is that Bogomilism arose in Bulgaria during the Early Middle Ages, which is the progenitor of all "heretical" currents in Christianity! Through Bulgarian soldiers who served in the Italian provinces of the Byzantine Empire, this religion spread first in Italy under the name of Catharism, and from there in France and all of Western Europe..! Also, at the beginning of the 20th century, Master Petar Dunov created the White Brotherhood, which preaches Perfection and Merging with nature under the auspices of the Lord Jesus Christ, which manifests itself in music, dances and physical behavior in harmony with the vibrations of Nature..! The most famous ritual is Paneurhythmia, which is a dance with special movements to the music of a violin, people are dressed entirely in white..!In your video there is a shot of this dance, when you explain what "horo" is !!! This teaching is very popular in France, where Master Petar Dunov is called Beinsa Duno..!

Petar Antonov
Petar Antonov - 29.09.2023 07:11

The Cyrillic alphabet was created by the student of Cyril and Methodius, Saint Kliment Ohridski, who, by order of the Bulgarian prince Boris the First, built a school in Ohrid, where he improved and adapted the Glagolitic alphabet created by Cyril and Methodius for the needs of the Bulgarian language..! In honor of his teachers, he called the new script "Cyrillic"! Second omission, Bulgaria is not one of the poorest countries in Europe, but in the European Union..! There is a big difference between the two definitions..! Third omission, Bulgaria has never lost a battle flag in battle! Fourth omission. The first use of the airplane for military purposes was the work of a Bulgarian pilot who threw hand grenades during the Balkan War! There are more, but I won't have enough time to describe them all...!

ampotant - 29.09.2023 02:01

A lot of information in such a short video, kudos for that. Few things were a bit off, but I will mention only one. When we invite guests, we don't expect them to bring a gift of some soft or some type of food or a bottle to add to the table. Its more like a tradition for us to bring something when we visit just as a "thank you" for the invitation. So, if you don't bring anything, its totally fine. 😁

babiyar(nazarismaily) - 28.09.2023 23:53

Bulgarian calendar is the most accurate in the world and is recognised by unesco,but nobody knows that,cause we have a lot of enemies that hate us and dont want us to be glorified or to dissapear at all if possible

nsh - 28.09.2023 13:18

good video, however the beginning painted bulgaria as if it was a third world country. in reality, life after the regime fell in '89 was hard, sure, but nowhere near third world living conditions hard.

Margarita Peeva
Margarita Peeva - 28.09.2023 03:19

Very good video, fun fact: fire walking or fire dancing (Nestinarstvo) and kukeri festivals are also two very interesting traditions worth observing :)

BTS fan
BTS fan - 27.09.2023 15:42

Great video, and another fact:
Our flag has never been captured in any battle or war.

Otherwise congratulations on grinding to find so many facts

Scarurface14 - 26.09.2023 23:40

zuckerberg is not of bulgarian descent, fake neww

I.М.М - 26.09.2023 12:58

Блгарија 😂😂 најмизерна држава на Балкан.

Пламен Костадинов
Пламен Костадинов - 26.09.2023 06:49

Soros pays well

Darina Dimitrova
Darina Dimitrova - 25.09.2023 14:25

Bulgaria was a developed country 30 years ago with a GDP that ranked it 26th in the world....then we had a developed industry and agriculture that fed the entire Eastern we are just Disneyland...and we are humiliated with "the -the poor"...

Nicola .Giordano
Nicola .Giordano - 25.09.2023 13:25

The video does not reflect reality! In 2023, Bulgaria is the poorest, most oppressed, most corrupt and racist country not only in the EU, but in the whole of Europe. In reality, Bulgaria is only a geographical territory. The truth is that it continues to be Zadunayskaya governorate governed by a governor-general who performs tasks set by the Kremlin and is the most faithful satellite of Moscow!. The state structure of Zadunaya Gubernia is an exact copy of the oligarchic-criminal structure of Russia.
With the help of Sofia, through the illegal sale of petroleum products, Russia receives over 1 billion euros to wage war in Ukraine.
According to the minds of Boyko Borisov (whom you see in the photo with Stoltenberg), every organized crime group involves at least one policeman. I leave it up to you to judge how strong the legality is.

G D - 25.09.2023 11:28

Благодаря за клипа, страхотна работа и поздрави от България.
Thanks for the video, great work and best regards form Bulgaria.

abi logos
abi logos - 25.09.2023 01:47

At least 5 cultures were like iranians.
Like nocking the wood
Spelling the water ...

J S - 24.09.2023 21:54

according to wikipaedia - Zackerberg's grandparents are quoted as being from Poland, Austria, Germany. nothing is mentioned about Bulgaria which is a beatiful country

Любомир Георгиев
Любомир Георгиев - 24.09.2023 19:56

A lot of false or misleading info. The flag is white green and red representing all regions populated with Bulgarians. White is for Mizia green is for Tracia and red is for Macedonia. This with apples and graves is I bet totally wrong info. It is not so bad in the end as a whole.

Atanas Stamboliev
Atanas Stamboliev - 24.09.2023 13:37

Calling rakia strong liquor is a national crime and the balkans are ready to fight also grape rakia is separated from the rest as higher quality product. It is fine craftsmanship like brewing whisky but the rakia already has the aroma and taste from the fruit

Wes Collins
Wes Collins - 24.09.2023 13:35

We still suffer tbh...

Martin Shiderov
Martin Shiderov - 24.09.2023 09:30

Actually Bulgaria is one of the most richest countries, but politicians are stealing over 30 years.
