How to Find Royal/Exotic Multitools | The Multitool Secrets of the No Man's Sky Sentinel Update

How to Find Royal/Exotic Multitools | The Multitool Secrets of the No Man's Sky Sentinel Update

Xaine's World

2 года назад

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@TheRealSlayingReality - 24.10.2023 03:14

Found an A class

@TheSCIOnce - 23.09.2023 00:36

What am I supposed to do when the sentinel pillars don’t have terminals?

@allensparks4734 - 02.03.2023 12:44

On xbox I have 2 on one save they do not mirror each other at least not since Leviathan expo.

@allensparks4734 - 02.03.2023 12:40

Well I mean sure you have to scrounge nanites. Or when your save is turned to normal (because I can find them in expeditions only it seems ) you just change difficulty to free purchases.

@tronlady1 - 21.11.2022 02:26

You just have to visit Barnsley to find the perfect tool 😂

@halbouma6720 - 09.09.2022 02:15

Thanks for the guide Xaine!

@nigelnightmare4160 - 22.08.2022 20:49

Is there any way of determining weather the sentinel pillar has a Royal multitool apart from defeating the sentinel's and looking in the menu?

@TheProsirius - 20.08.2022 19:45

Thank you.
clear and good bg infos of the Multitool drop table.
Something i did not know before.

@williamdunlop3108 - 13.08.2022 03:19

Thanx Xaine, on-ya mate!

@Shadow62x - 07.08.2022 00:13

Thr only thing I learned from this, "You can upgrade your multitool's class."

I did not know this.

@travishaselden - 06.08.2022 00:19

I know this video is a few NMS versions old but I have gotten an A-Class Royal multitool spawn. It is white and gold.

@RonzuRerose - 04.08.2022 00:35

Is it suppose to be C class? I found the yellow one in your video but its C class. Wasn't sure if thats what class it needs to be.

@andisart - 03.08.2022 10:56

Different question: what weapon are you using in the video? It’s so powerful! Also, what multi tool is that (the white one)? I’m newish to the game (60hrs started recently)

@yamahamadness13 - 04.07.2022 20:18

do you have to destroy the nodes or just reload and check terminal

@darkbydesign1031 - 27.06.2022 11:49

is this part of a expedition or u can find these randomly ?

@KVAR42 - 23.06.2022 06:26

Sir, thank you for your time and helpfulness. New to the game, loving it, Your videos are a huge help to enjoying all the features. All the best

@user-we4bl5sr9w - 16.06.2022 05:17

Thats a crapload of nanites

@kimkennedy1105 - 19.05.2022 14:43

Yea it was done on purpose. That's how exotic work

@ffxivmage - 19.05.2022 05:45

Just found my first Royal Multitool! And it is already an A-Class right out of the box of the Sentinal Pillar.

Gift of the Anomaly (A-Class)
Elkupalos galaxy
Bognor system (Boat,Bird,Fish,Face,Sunset,Eclipse,Galaxy,Face,Fish,Sunset,Rocket,Face)
IBank VI moon
-41.99, -173.02

@Jenan_Tahnik - 17.05.2022 20:46

@Xaine's World, Thanks for this... I need help... I tried following this guide... I portaled to the planet went to the other planet, landed, hopped out, reloaded my game, flew to the space station, and the multitoop in the cabinet wasn't the Royal, it was a B-class rifle...
What am I doing wrong?
Do I need to repeat the process of flying to New Londinium, save, reload and go back to the space station until I get lucky?
Help, please...

@Graybeard_ - 08.05.2022 03:40

So I just found an S-class cabinet in a space station and flew down to the first planet and right to a sentinel pillar. Is there anyway that the royal mt would spawn in the s-class cabinet up at the space station?

@Tigs2 - 06.05.2022 15:28

Xaine there is an A class one out on reddit. I found it.

@Papakakadu - 20.04.2022 02:32

I got super lucky as I started recently and I got an exotic ship and a multi tool that looks like the ship on my second day lol 😅

@Johnod100 - 24.03.2022 13:03

Is any body having trouble with there becon markers when I put one down the next day it has dissapered

@Johnod100 - 19.03.2022 02:40

I have another question about something else which I have not got an answer to .I have a sentinel freightor that is black and I wanted to change the colour to blue but it does not change colour. Can black be changed to another color

@Johnod100 - 18.03.2022 14:18

There was no royal blue multitool at the space station

@simateix6262 - 14.03.2022 23:42

Thanks for the vid really well explained

@davidnelson4818 - 06.03.2022 17:02

So what solar system and Planet can you find the Royal/Exotic Multitools

@RaZZaR18 - 04.03.2022 22:11

Blue gold royal isn't in the space station more... :S

@Torkkar - 03.03.2022 16:22

I can confirm from 2 hours of Nanite combat farming by fighting on a pillar you'll only get 1 other pillar location the sample size here was over 50 Stage 5 kills That's 50 classic Walkers downed in 2 hours & they all gave the same pillar location however going to & fighting on THAT pillar did Generate a 3rd location so by save loading & hopping you should always get a new pillar... at least until you find them all on that planet.

@lloydrasmussen554 - 03.03.2022 06:34

There is a navigation map to find a sentinel pillar, but I found it in a buried cache.

@earthbornalien2888 - 03.03.2022 04:38

Exactly what I was looking for ty great job

@lemniscate1025 - 23.02.2022 08:46

Guys why mu Royal tool is orange???

@kelleren4840 - 21.02.2022 09:47

FWIW: I found a C-Class, non-royal pistol at my first Sentinel Pillar.

@johnsemeniuk8230 - 21.02.2022 03:07

I've visited a good many pillars now... still no sign of a Royal. Much as I don't want to just use a pillar someone else as found... it might just be the quicker option.

EDIT: Saying that, I've just gone and found a Royal Pillar.

@Erasmusprime - 21.02.2022 02:35

I had it happen in the opposite way. Got a royal multi-tool and when i came back to the game later, it had changed to a generic model.

@currrry - 20.02.2022 13:39

Hmu in replies if you want me to upload a mould farm I found. There's a medium refiner on site to refine 1000s of mould into nanites. This is a great video btw. Thank you.

@shaynesutton - 20.02.2022 02:14

you can also get survey maps from drones i.e shatted glass that can show pillar loctions

@grzegorzronkiewicz5984 - 20.02.2022 01:37

im gona try searching for royal multitool in rich or wealthy 3* systems. maybe the drop rate is higher there, like with S class freighters.

@Dadolphinsmakemecry - 19.02.2022 08:46

Well at least I'll have something to blow nanites on and building them out with all the glass I'm getting now.
It's soooo much more fun fighting sentinels now. Electro grenades are just unfair with an AI mech.

Just saiyan.

@AmeriChrisTheMage - 19.02.2022 07:19

Do all Sentinel pillars on a planet have the same normal/royal variable? Or does each sentinel pillar have a chance of being royal or normal. Basically im asking if I should stop at one pillar for every planet, or if I should just continue grinding out pillars until I find a royal.

@pharaohofeuclid - 18.02.2022 12:33

For reference. The experimental fix is not 100% and from the wording I think they acknowledge that.
In my case it fixed one of my two Royals and left the other as a standard MT. Also the fixed MT seemed to get a downgrade in stats where the good stats stayed on the messed up model.

My situation may have been unusual because I had all tools turn royal but then tested claiming a normal MT from a space station which filled my slots and turned everything back to standard MTs.

Either way the advice to keep a save and not assume everything will be fine later is a good one.

@everdrowsy3989 - 18.02.2022 11:34

it is possible to get a gold and white royal from new londinium as well

@ausrookie2595 - 18.02.2022 10:32

I have and use my "Sentinal Boundry Map" which locates Sentinal Pillars, fire a map up and go straight there!

@bentwisted3450 - 18.02.2022 09:13

on Xbone it's reskinning the royal multitools. I have two now (one Jason found and one I stumbled upon myself) and they've both changed to a common pistol skin. the first one I upgraded to S class and it changed. the second changed while it was unequipped ... which was done immediately after I picked it up to wait out what I thought was an upgrade bug. hoping they change back, but not expecting it.

@Ryuko-Toko - 18.02.2022 08:56

you can acc find a map to them in buried caches

@WakeTattoos - 18.02.2022 05:39

My settlement refuses to be attacked by sentinels lol.

@SurvivalBobGaming - 18.02.2022 02:45

Thanks for this guide Xaine!

@Nobloch_ - 18.02.2022 02:27

Some of that I also figured out. Still I plan to farm more maps in case there is chance to find better class. But I won't play until they fix Multi Tool modell bug.
Btw. I found C class basic multi tool inside cabinet.
In addition planet spawn pool for Multi Tools has been restarted. My Multi Tool database of 40 star system is useless.
