WHAT JOBS CAN YOU GET WITH A MATHEMATICS MAJOR: The Importance of Math for Jobs | Nathan Dalaklis

WHAT JOBS CAN YOU GET WITH A MATHEMATICS MAJOR: The Importance of Math for Jobs | Nathan Dalaklis


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@Snakeyes244 - 29.08.2023 19:24

It really wasn't clear what the difference between formulaic and conceptual is, but I took it as how people view mathematics and what mathematics actually is. 90% of people think math is all formulaic, but that's like saying biology is formulaic or business management is formulaic. Every single career domain has aspects of both. Mathematics can be much more creative and innovative and "conceptual" than people realize. Mathematicians don't just know how. They know WHY. And that is important to explain to employers who see your background as anything less.

@satioOeinas - 10.08.2023 17:34

My advice if you love math but are not seriously good / excel at it in a exceptional way, is to get a BS in mathematics and then a MS in computer science / robotics / physics / software engineering.

@inhibited44 - 10.08.2023 01:39

math would have been a great thing to major in during wWII with all the cryptography work that was available at the time. Things changed for the worse.

@zacharyschoen1877 - 25.07.2023 15:11

Your channel is pretty cool. Thanks for sharing. I love math as an EE major right now and am actually considering going to grad school for applied math.

@dariusmatthews2521 - 20.07.2023 14:37

…I just get a big BIG no from college graduates on math major…that majored…I’m not sure but they went to RPI I went to community college for fine arts but dropped out due to financial issues and I wanted to change my major to math.

@davethesid8960 - 14.07.2023 15:02

When saying positive, you don't need to exclude 0.

@ancellery6430 - 15.05.2023 09:52

is it difficult to get into software engineering with a math degree and strong coding knowledge and projects/experience? I could either go to Berkeley for applied math or UCLA for computer science+linguistics but im not sure which would be better.

@st-wq3kj - 13.05.2023 23:35

Combine it with computer science and boom you are now an Analyst

@kevinstreeter6943 - 13.04.2023 20:02

All good points. But, the problem is that the employers do not understand this.

@redoyanarifin4661 - 17.03.2023 20:02

Can do my master's in physics after bsc in mathematics?

@prod.kashkari3075 - 08.01.2023 21:44

Get a statistics degree. You can make it as rigorous as a math major with electives, as I’ve done so myself. Also it helps with getting jobs.

@dtsh4451 - 16.10.2022 19:13

The answer is YES😂

@arctan-k - 27.09.2022 11:34

I'm software engineering major, and I'm applying for math major for master's degree, because I love math so much, and it's my passion. I'm thinking what carrier opportunities I'll have

@firozarahman6796 - 04.09.2022 10:05

Thank you for taking the time to explain this.

@jerryesque3747 - 18.07.2022 10:09

Wow, I got a BS in math a long time ago but never ended up using it. I didn't know what careers you can get with it. I wonder if I can still use it. Math was challenging but I actually kind of miss it these days.

@kwanryan5914 - 27.06.2022 14:50

this man has a really powerful blink

@stefanwebdev1803 - 18.05.2022 08:46

So Math now is like hot it was Philosophy in Acient Greek times .

@martinezruizcanalesaguilar5986 - 11.03.2022 06:09

This was genuenly helpful !! Thanks :)

@jadedjimmy - 08.03.2022 00:39

I’m trying to learn as much about math careers as possible. I graduated with a math degree about a year ago and have been working as a finance analyst since a bit after that, but honestly the job itself relies very little on math and is more about file keeping and whatnot. I know that there other probably more stimulating jobs out there that actually would utilize this math degree that I worked so hard to get, ya know.

@HannesFoulds - 28.06.2021 20:28

I don't mean any offence, and for all I know, you probably have the best, coolest, fun, and most technical IT job where you apply your math skills. I just always find it sad when I see math majors or qualified engineers who worked really hard and had to study really complex subjects, only to become a software engineer. They usually end up doing no better than me, and oftentimes worst. Maybe because when I was little my dad told me to become a mechanical engineer, I decided I love tinkering with computers and pursued a path with the specific goal to be a software engineer. As a natural progression these days I spend most of my time on stuff such as robotic process automation, data science, machine learning - what all the cool kids seem to want to do... But I must say, I think I should have listened to my dad!

@jamesbra4410 - 28.05.2021 14:49

I like math as a game but honestly there isn't anything out there for a math major without a PHd.

@hehehepaitachato9184 - 13.05.2021 05:01

I am in the first year at university, and I am majoring in maths. Cant deny, i just love it.

@seth7343 - 04.04.2021 07:53

This is very helpful because I love math and am coming into high school in a few months so I want to know these things lol

@danielkrajnik3817 - 24.02.2021 19:00

aren't logs handled automatically these days? or were you working on a solution to detect patterns in those logs?

@mostlymatt7567 - 21.02.2021 18:00

Hello. This video is exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to see how studying a subject changes me as a person, and I haven’t really seen or heard people’s answers. Thank you so much for this perspective.

@eucalyptusman8118 - 27.01.2021 08:30

Thanks for the video; very helpful.

@simranthiara6616 - 21.01.2021 04:16

Graduated in Applied Math last year in May, still looking for work :(

@trucommander - 13.01.2021 00:57

Thank you brother! I’ve been trying to figure out how to use my BS in mathematics and BA in philosophy! It’s been pretty difficult trying to figure out what to do with them! Such how to apply them for a good job. Thanks for giving me the ideas!

@jonathancasais6491 - 23.12.2020 16:22

I love math but really stopped learning much going into high school where should I go into next to try and get back into as I'm tryna become an engineer?

@jerberus5563 - 19.12.2020 03:42

When I was a music major, I heard about cryptanalysis, so I then got a math degree.

@gausssto570 - 10.12.2020 22:38

My favorite math major job is 'warmer'. Unemployment offices get very cold and standing in them for long will transfer quite a bit of your body heat.

@timothyyan1654 - 09.12.2020 06:12

it looks like u r blinking very hard each time u blink, other than that nice vid

@andyiswonderful - 09.12.2020 03:51

What I take away from you video is that a person in college should major in one of those other fields, and minor in math. Math is a tool to an end, but is it removed from the pursuit itself.

@minhtao9774 - 08.12.2020 14:10


@psilvakimo - 06.12.2020 08:53

My strong mathematics background (BA, MA) helped a great deal in my engineering career (MS, PhD) . I was able to do very interesting analyses and formulate algorithms (from trajectories to modal analysis). Many engineers come up very short in math.

@markwarden7719 - 05.12.2020 18:11

You are cute! Love your videos

@fredrik4362 - 04.12.2020 15:41

Not sure how this channel only has 4k subs.
Great content.

@lahirulowe4752 - 04.12.2020 06:20

my heart breaks every time you erase💔

@minh5044 - 28.11.2020 21:59

I think the video title should be changed to "What jobs do you QUALIFY for as a mathematics major". A math degree teaches you the conceptual foundations of all the fields mentioned in your video, but doesn't provide you the specific skills on any of them. You can't "get" any of the jobs mentioned, at least not directly after graduation. You would either have to double major in something else during undergrad, pursue higher education in those specific fields or develop those skills on your own time. This is the real blunder of a math degree: jack of all trades, master of none.

@BigRobChicagoPL - 19.11.2020 05:11

Even something like farming requires math! What is the rate of feed depletion? Estimated costs, profit, etc. I am an Accounting major and although the math in this neighborhood isn't very sophisticated I still appreciate the value that it brings.

@cajun221 - 16.11.2020 06:33

You probably didn't get TA job is because you're white... Which is sad & unfair

@kjkj8648 - 07.11.2020 01:58

This may sound selfish of me but I’m trying to make big bucks. I’m not talking millions here but I’m talking 200k a year eventually if I try hard enough. I know I’ll need allot of schooling and probably a couple of degrees else where. I love math but I just don’t know if most of it will be taken up by computers or ai in the near future. I was also wondering if it’s even remotely probable that this is a big money making subject to pursue and try to grow in? Sorry if this is all cluttered I just love math but I also want to make big money and make a difference in the world somehow

@reos7496 - 04.11.2020 06:30

Tbh all you need is just basic maths.

@CunningCaracal - 04.11.2020 04:39

Thanks for this, I'm still struggling with getting a job past retail since I graduated since 2019. Seeing you get something in IT is definitely worth a look. Thank you

@arwaiz610 - 04.11.2020 03:03

thank you soo much this is what i need these days 😭

@nathantibu - 02.11.2020 00:44

he blinked exactly 3452 times

@rotters2556 - 28.10.2020 04:29

wtf is the problem with your eyes

@afriendfrommars5684 - 27.10.2020 01:00

Great video and you should do your masters in art

@williameckman1164 - 01.10.2020 12:20

So my dumbass self would just be considered that one guy that can do math in the workplace? Why am I doing this, i don't want to be an engineer, I just want to make art. Yes I know shapes, but how will that get me a living?
