Hungary's Greatest Catastrophe - Treaty of Trianon

Hungary's Greatest Catastrophe - Treaty of Trianon

Living Ironically in Europe

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@mr.gigagod9736 - 02.02.2024 01:56

POV: Hungarians coping because they can’t keep oppressing people

@seaman5705 - 01.02.2024 15:11

Hungarians have much more than they deserve . Next , they can go to Russia who's dick they suck .

@user-lb2uc5om6x - 01.02.2024 05:27


@randompersononthenet8548 - 31.01.2024 01:51

But wasnt it the austro-hungarian empire that broke apart? All ethnic groups formed their countries after that, including Hungary.

@Latioopy - 30.01.2024 21:01

think that the history of the Hungarians is unique on earth, if we look at the current population ratio. Maybe related to China. As a Hungarian, I really mean this!

@mbalazs3544 - 30.01.2024 15:56

Thx for the video this was a lot of fun and more rage endorsing than any history lesson XDD thank you. Jó volt :D

@mbalazs3544 - 30.01.2024 15:38

Trianon kida gives all Hungarian a burning rage to hate the est of the worl yet we try not to :D

@bulennn5940 - 30.01.2024 04:00

da li neko zna kako se zove yu gi oh video sa parama

@sammyautomatic3944 - 29.01.2024 14:34

And now Hungary is supporting Russia.. Go, go..

@misirosso7536 - 28.01.2024 00:39

You are so idiot! Short! You telling the mainstream things and not interesting reality! Hungary was forced to be part of Austria by Habsburgs!!! Before WW1,Hungary has a great revolution for Freedom! 1848! Austria win with 200000 Russian soldiers helping them!! Who started WW1???Hungary??? No,the Habsburgs want war with Serbia after they killing the Habsburg Crown family member! Why Hungary loosing territory and not Austria or Germany ??? Why Hungary was the most sanctioned Country??? It was hundred time bigest Chatastrofal then Hiroshima and Nagasaki !!! And Trianon was unhuman shameless unfair sanction ,they want to eliminate a nation ,they(France,Britain,Romania&company) hope Hungary will disappear in short time after their lost.Loosing their forests,minerals,industry and many million poeple.Think a litle if Germany loosing their 3\4 part of territory from a day to another and on that part of Germany all become Russian and they can talk in all official places only Russian ,at schools you will learn only what they say and you do it that is not thrue!! And you cant change it!!! This is Trianon !!!

@miklossarkozi6535 - 27.01.2024 19:09

That's why we are no.1 in alcohol consumption

@andreiflore1262 - 27.01.2024 17:15

Best Peace Treaty Ever.

@WolfOfTransilvania - 27.01.2024 05:05

Transylvania has always been Romanian with an 80%+ majority. Trianon was a historical justice for all the ethnic Romanians that were oppressed there for many years. As someone who was born and raised in Transilvania I’ve learned the truth passed down through generations and it was a great liberation for us Romanians.

@balkanemperor876 - 26.01.2024 22:54

Oh yes, thank you for the propaganda. The land being given back to that natives was a catastrophe. That's why hungary's population in 1917 was majority non-hungarian. 😂 And this after decades of magyarizing the population and oppressing the natives of those said lands in multiple different ways. Also, remind me, what language do hungarians speak? Is it european? Oh...

@madmax6827 - 26.01.2024 16:43

Imagine a modern country wanting a uniform language of communication. The horrors. Not to worry, the Globalists will make human differences obsolete and everyone will have nothing and be happy (Scholtz).

@madmax6827 - 26.01.2024 16:34

This evil treaty will be the cause of future disputes. Nice going, western empires!

@4coffesir - 26.01.2024 12:53

But is there anything on the surface of this planet that does not belong to Hungary?

@adamlahucsky3240 - 25.01.2024 22:39

Despite being a Hungarian, I'm not so heavily invested in this topic which, I'm sure, will provide some neet backlash. All those territories had the main source of income and connected by the most common mode of transportation service. Cutting those off dealt a serious blow to the industry, nearly nullifying the economy, putting the country in shambles.
Even though it happened a century ago some people still jumping at eachother's throat for the reason being the catastrophe. I find it amusing, terrifying and hilarious at the same time. People shouldn't hate some neighbouring stranger for something that happened 100 years ago, while neither of them were a part of it. Not coming to good terms is acceptable but treating eachother as trash over this is just ridiculous, waste of energy and time. Focusing on how is the other like as a person and not judging by their origins is a great start, I believe.

@mushokueien8148 - 25.01.2024 20:59

Hungary's Greatest Catastrophe is Orban, country gone full moronic retard on global politics while he is ruling

@mayerpawel8239 - 25.01.2024 18:12

Trianon was not as harmful as orbán the traitor .

@neonowlgery - 25.01.2024 14:15

No matter what #### Hungary did back then, I don't think making Hungary losing many of its terrority was a good deal. Sure, Hungary originally just stole those regions from other empires/countries/call them whatever you want, but having the whole of Felvidék and Horvátország would be nice for them. I personally hate Hungary due to its political issues, and most of the people. I was, born in Hungary, as a Székely myself, but I prefer Romania. Just a little village, with less internet, so that I can use the web more rarely, and have my own peace - even tho I'm a programmer/coder -. My opinion on Transylvania belonging to Romania? That's good. It shall stay like that. No point on fighing for the old regions anyway.

@hvcsk69420 - 25.01.2024 12:34

As a hungarian, Crusader kings 3, EU 3-4, Victoria 2, HOI4, even the total war Medieval 2, first thing to do, play as hungary, and get revenge

Like HOI4 have one of the best hungarian focused mod (hungarian flavor) like such a nice mod, i wanna say its what should a dlc focus tree should be for those prices

And Total war Medieval 2, having mods too (not that easy to install) but have like 4 "different" mod about the Arpad house (biggest family tree in hungary) first king (István) (1000), first iron fist leader (László) (1080), trying to make the country big (Béla 3) (1173), trying to save the country from mongols (Béla 4) (1241)

Great mods and educatives

Its just great to see your country doing what it should have been doing 😂

@matyas94k - 25.01.2024 02:59

I would like to watch a video from you about Poland, more specifically the historical background of the sympathy between Hungarians and Poles.

@user-hs6gw4is2r - 25.01.2024 02:47

What you lost was never yours,those were croatian,slovakian,romanian lands, so you ocupied those lands,SO GO FUCK YOURSELF!

@Mymoza88 - 25.01.2024 02:30

Nem vagyok álmodozó, hogy valaha is visszakapnánk területeinket, ezt már ellehetlenítették már régen, csupán egyet várok, bár ez se fog nemhogy életemben, de énutánam se bekövetkezni, hogy Európa ismerje el hibáját, vétkét ez ügyben, mossák tisztára a magyart.,a környező országok pedig azt a fokú ellenségességet, mészárlásokat, deportálásokat megkülönböztetéseket, üldöztetéseket (amit elvileg a trianoni békediktátum nem engedhetett volna) vállalják fel, és kérjenek bocsánatot.

@pavolp.6527 - 25.01.2024 00:20

Long live Trianon

@dexocon2658 - 24.01.2024 23:10

Lets be honest, Transylvania was never trully hungarian, just forced ocuppied land of Romania.

@gaborszadai1992 - 24.01.2024 20:44

I love it...Austria-Hungary feeling:

Slovaks would elect a mayor in Rajka😂

Tót atyafiak választhatnak idén polgármestert Rajkán

Imádom...."Nagymagyarország" fíling😂:

A faluban egy ideje az a hír járja, hogy a mostani polgármester és rajkai őslakosok mellett odaköltöző polgármesterjelölt(ek) is indulnának a nyári önkormányzati választáson. Lakcímkártyával, rajkai lakcímmel – állampolgárságtól függetlenül – bárki szavazhat rájuk. A pozsonyi Új Szó nemrégiben olvasói levelet kapott, vélhetően Rajkáról, aminek az írója azt kérdezte, választható-e egy magyar település polgármesterének vagy képviselőjének egy nem magyar állampolgár, ha csupán az állandó lakhelye van az adott községben. A lapban megszólaló jogász szakértő szerint igen, ugyanis kötelező érvényű EU-s jogszabály az Európai Unió Alapjogi Chartája, amely a 40. cikkében szó szerint kimondja, hogy „Minden uniós polgár választásra jogosult és választható a lakóhelye szerinti tagállam helyhatósági választásain, ugyanolyan feltételekkel, mint az adott tagállam állampolgárai”👑🇭🇺✌🏻...

@neo-luddismrules - 24.01.2024 19:32

I can agree on one thing with Hungarians: fuck Woodrow Wilson

@entropy_of_principles - 24.01.2024 14:46

I have a hungarian wife, I took her from their parents and bring to Romania where we live, ..and was like shitty Trianon happen there, a lot of crying and sad moments...😢😢😮😮😅😅😂😂

@vtamaslaszlo9111 - 24.01.2024 13:45

Kedves Kommentelők , Magyarország egy csodálatos ország , tele okos emberekkel , akik nagyon vendégszeretőek . A lakosság számához viszonyítva Magyarok kapták a világon a legtöbb Nóbel díjat . Valamint a lakosság számához viszonyítva a Magyarok nyertek legtöbb Olimpiai aranyérmet a világon . Van egy vicc , aminek van valóság alapja : Amerikában , tárgyaláshoz készülnek a tudósok , egyikük megkérdezi , MR Smith itt van ? Nincs . Jó akkor a mai tanácskozás Magyar nyelven lesz megtartva . Ezt remélem értitek hogy miért , mert MR Smith kivételével a többi Magyar volt . ( Teller Ede ( 1908-2003 ), Neumann János ( 1848-1919 ) Szilárd Leo ( 1898-1964 ) És még sorolhatnám . ❤️🇭🇺❤️

@attilakovacs1415 - 24.01.2024 10:31

Until 1920, these peoples of Carpathian Basin could live at 80-90% of the Austrian level....and now? 103 years later ?? joke......failure ....

@attilakovacs1415 - 24.01.2024 10:17

the internal and external masonic manipulation....and the envy of the Balkan peoples who are 100-200 years behind....

@todo9633 - 24.01.2024 03:47

Ah yes, Hungary, the country that makes a national identity of being mad that they were conquered for a while, and also of being traumatized that all the people they conquered got independence from them.

@cristiantanase6070 - 24.01.2024 00:53

Im sorry but this is why nobody likes you in Europe.... You always play the victims and you full of bullshit!

@r32guy85 - 24.01.2024 00:39

"rulers of austria" shows two rulers that were rulers of spain

@copiaka - 24.01.2024 00:36

The Treaty of Trianon, signed on June 4, 1920, was one of the peace treaties that officially ended World War I. It specifically dealt with the Kingdom of Hungary, which was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The treaty was negotiated and signed at the Grand Trianon Palace in Versailles, France, and it had significant and lasting consequences for Hungary.

The main provisions of the Treaty of Trianon included:

Territorial Losses: Hungary lost about two-thirds of its pre-war territory. Regions with significant Hungarian populations, including Transylvania, Slovakia, parts of Croatia, and other territories, were ceded to neighboring countries. Romania, Czechoslovakia, and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (later Yugoslavia) were among the nations that gained territory at Hungary's expense.

Population Displacement: The redrawing of borders resulted in the movement of millions of ethnic Hungarians to other countries, leading to significant demographic changes. This was a major source of resentment and remains a sensitive issue in Hungary today.

Economic Impact: The loss of key industrial and agricultural regions had a severe economic impact on Hungary. The country faced economic challenges as it struggled to adapt to its reduced size and resources.

Military Restrictions: Hungary was subjected to military limitations, including restrictions on the size and capabilities of its armed forces. The aim was to prevent Hungary from becoming a military threat in the future.

Political Consequences: The treaty had profound political consequences, contributing to a sense of national humiliation and fostering a deep-seated grievance among Hungarians. The event is often viewed as a symbol of unfair treatment and a betrayal of Hungarian national interests.

For many Hungarians, the Treaty of Trianon is considered a grave injustice and a national tragedy. The loss of territory and the displacement of Hungarian communities have left a lasting impact on the country's psyche. The resentment towards the treaty has persisted for decades, and it continues to shape Hungary's national identity and political discourse. Understanding the historical context and the emotions tied to the Treaty of Trianon is crucial for comprehending Hungary's contemporary perspective on its history and place in the world.

@cheezl95 - 24.01.2024 00:34

What's the point of this? The result would have been the same either way.

I don't know about other countries, but as a Croat, Croatia was in a personal union with Hungary since 1102. Croatia was a kingdom (or multiple kingdoms) that was ruled by hungarian and later Austrian leaders. It was part of the Hungarian empire. Similar to Poland amd Russia. The land was never Hungarian. Hungarians never lived here, they were a small minority, never more than 10% of the population in the lands of modern day Croatia.

Probably the same situation in most of the other lands that the Hungarians claim, but I dont know much about those. I only know that Vojvodina and a central part of Romania had a significant inhabited Hungarian population.

So either way these lands would declare independence at some point. We have famous leaders that vehemently opposed Hungarification. It was considered oppression, enforcing Hungarian in Croatian speaking schools.

It was never a partirion. More of a collapse that was forced, but was doomed to happen at one point even if the other regional powers didn't cripple the Hungarian empire.

@wanderlewis8552 - 23.01.2024 22:42

you are stupid, telling half-truths: 50% and lies and misinformation: 50% on purpose. You are a propagandist go back and have a GCSE in History at least...

@antoninkrizanic7233 - 23.01.2024 22:24

Ezek a mieink!

@bencegyalus4637 - 23.01.2024 22:15

Ty Deák

@matefuto4262 - 23.01.2024 20:34

never forger never forgive

@mistertoli9312 - 23.01.2024 20:23

this is just like the cycle of life. The lion may hunt the gazel but if the gazel escapes it lives but the lion starves. But if the lion catches the gazel the gazel dies and the lion lives. Same in this situation, yes hungary was chopped to pieces byt also many other countries got independence. Im not educated enough and im with a neutral prespective necause i dont have any relation with any of these countries

@hungariancuman2835 - 23.01.2024 19:50

and westoids wonder why we hate our neighbours...

@stefanalbu8966 - 23.01.2024 19:43

The Hungarians should just accept their defeat and be done with it the majority of Hungarian land is still Hungarian and the majority of its land was never in Hungarian majority. Vojvodina and Croatia were majority Slavic as was Transilvania in majority Romanian only a small portion in the middle of Transilvania is Hungarian

@zoltan6451 - 23.01.2024 19:19

just baffling man so many people who dont know history Romania had cryllic language before 19th century they changed to latin with help of france because the French wanted an ally in the east against the Austrian empire nothing else , even a french general once said "romania is the best colony france ever had"
