Army Showcase! - Heretics or Heroes? 14,000 points of 40k Dark Angels Army Showcase.

Army Showcase! - Heretics or Heroes? 14,000 points of 40k Dark Angels Army Showcase.

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@chrisjones8577 - 17.02.2021 02:22

Hey, mum! It's me!

@scottfekete2982 - 30.01.2024 07:24

Well you have the Lion now so hopefully plastic thunderhawk.

@MegaGam3rsUnited - 15.01.2024 22:47


@borisdorofeev5602 - 05.08.2023 04:34

And now the Dark Angels have one of the best all around looking models with the Lion. The face/expression is perfect, the helmet is amazing, the way the Watchers can hold various items is efficient.
Whoever designed the Lion and the new Angron definetly incorporate actual physics in the design. Like they think of surface area, viscosity, topography, etc. which makes those models look incredible with contrast paint and make methods like slap chop and 'eavy metal easier and more forgiving. Like even a thin coat of nuln oil will bring out insane detail. Very very cool model the new Lion El' Johnson

@CodenameApollo - 15.07.2023 21:41

Really love, nicks enthusiasm! I will soon be ready to come up there and believe it or not. I want Nick and his Genestealer cultists to be my first opponent

@retributionangel5078 - 01.06.2023 02:56

Smaller than mine :D
Still a nice army.

@AKLumps907 - 14.05.2023 10:48

Too bad you think the Dark Angels would the allow the primarch of another chapter could force the primaris onto the chapter.

@stevenmcgrath5114 - 04.05.2023 05:52

How is Cris Jones reacting to the actual return of the Lion ?

@tonydiazist - 26.04.2023 01:58

glad to announce lion came out

@sweetboygreeny3855 - 15.04.2023 01:09

The Lion is coming! You can get it now. I am so happy for you!

@johnnyrebel4real166 - 29.03.2023 05:52

and now the Lion as Awoken

@clin1calgaming792 - 28.03.2023 21:11

I would love to hear him talk about the Lion now!

@ruinwell4266 - 25.03.2023 23:26

Seeing this after The Lion has awoken, I bet this guy is chomping at the bit

@la_jefe9105 - 25.03.2023 02:16

I really don’t wanna be that guy but the watchers in the dark are not chaos. When the changling, a demon of tzeench, saw a watcher in the dark it screamed and cried then ran away

@tajj7 - 13.03.2023 20:12

Great collection beautifully painted as well.

@clydeshelton3212 - 30.01.2023 02:30

5th ed dark angles lighting claw terminator's with a Chaplin and a chapter banner in a lanraider crusader. 12 inch movement, 3 inch disembark, 6 inch assault 5 attacks per terminator re -role to hit, re-role to wound power weapons..averaged 25 wounds per turn no save.....would wipe command squads. supported buy raven wing...

@Ekstrax - 20.11.2022 03:57

About half of them went chaos but to be fair a lot of legions had large portions go traitor, it's more the fact that they haven't told anyone for 10.000 years that makes it borderline heretical :)

edit: nice tattoo by the way! :D

@CosyBibi - 20.11.2022 03:43

This guy’s painting skills are insane

@alpharius42069 - 24.10.2022 00:47

Alpha legion supremacy

@darcybanasiak7293 - 22.10.2022 02:59

Currently building a successor dark Angels chapter

@buryitdeep - 21.09.2022 04:36

and only a $ dollar per point.

@Him535 - 18.09.2022 09:46


@cassiecaradoc2070 - 06.09.2022 02:01

Sorry for the necro post, but I just threw down 13000 points of Dark Angels in an apocalypse game this past weekend. I had the entire Deathwing... all 100 terminators.

@Jimothyjohns - 16.08.2022 09:42

The Dark Angels and Lion El’Johnson are not traitors. While the Fallen are traitors, the true Dark Angels will never betray the Emperor, for Loyalty Is Its Own Reward according to their Primarch

@OmnipotentPeaceMan - 11.06.2022 08:38

I am so torn between ultramarines and dark angels, I already have 2000 points of dark angels, but I want to move to 100% primaris, and I am unsure if I should just go with Ultramarines.

@divafever9754 - 20.05.2022 22:24

Why have these old men stolen some kid's toy collection?

@RedHart43 - 17.05.2022 11:11

Dude I love how he even has a death wing tattoo

@famillebeaulieu-luangkham2923 - 31.03.2022 16:45

I have a clarification to make : the Lion sleeping underneath the Rock is NOT a recent addition, by no means : it was written at least on page 14 of the V2 Codex "Angels of Death", which I still own !!! So as far as I know, it has always been official and canon lore that the Lion is alive and recovering. Luther escaping is a more recent addition, that at least is true ;)
And reversing the roles by saying that the loyalists are those who were scattered across the galaxy is just plainly stupid on sooo many levels : first, if it were the case, characters like Astellan, that we SEE on the wrong side during the Heresy, to end up prisoner of the DA in the 41st Millenium would just "reunite with his former buddies" instead of being tortured by chaplains only one or two hundred years old, at most... Same for ALL know characters of the Heresy that fall in the hands of the modern DA. PLUS : the modern DA are RECRUITING on a lot of worlds : their entire HQ is less than 300 years old and they come from various worlds. Some are known of the Imperial authorities and their wherabouts are not a secret (their planet of origin, their year of recruitment, their age at the time and so on). PLUS Deathwatch ? The Inquisition monitors all those who enter its institution, and gather intel about their origin, age, states of service etc. Not utterly impossible to mystify, but Deathwatch has been around for 10000 years : how credible would it be for sooo many "heretic" DA to pass this screening (do I have to remind everyone that the fallen have, well, fallen to the Chaos gods for the most part ? How would the psykers and monitors of the Inquisition NOT detect it, not a single time over 10000 year ?). So in this whacky theory, where would be the original 10000 years old calibanite DA among the chapter ??? PLUS : the canon lore explicitely denies this "theory" by writing first person about some of the most famous DA characters, so in many books, we are not just "spectating" them from outside, we are seeing the story through the eyes and mind of those characters...

@davidstomberg8737 - 20.03.2022 19:45

It was the alpha legion all along

@magneticpunch - 22.01.2022 23:52

This is one impressive army !! Fantastic work and so inspiring !

@Aquilalias - 11.01.2022 02:13

Nick is such a great guy for this job. He seems to really appreciate the effort and has great communication skills!

@BRUSHFORSOUL - 05.01.2022 23:00

Warm greetings from a hut in the snow-covered forests! You have wonderful miniatures and excellent work! Thank you so much for the inspiration given by this demonstration!

@saberxebeck - 04.01.2022 05:34

As another ex rouge trader player I look at those marines and think naa they aren't old, "Beakies" are old!

@paulhempenstall5463 - 09.11.2021 04:20

Wow, I started with Dark Angels when I got the Deathwing expansion to Space Hulk probably in 90/91, so only the 30 or so years, but only have 140 or so, though still working through the paint jobs, 25ish models to go (but I doubt it will get to the end, bound to be more bought in the meantime), this looks like. Seeing a fully done army like this is amazing!

@rhebelrhouser2813 - 06.11.2021 18:09

They don’t torture them for information they do it to make them repent

@zachsmith8967 - 28.10.2021 22:02

Before I watch this I better hear some dad jokes in here Chris

@TheDimonTube - 28.10.2021 16:22

Any idea what the intro soundtrack is?

@Bustermachine - 28.10.2021 09:20

Fourteen thousands 'points' that's a funny way of saying 'dollars'.

@jaegerbomb269 - 28.10.2021 06:33

I only have half that number. I love the Dark Angels on table top. They have great exclusives and are a three in one. Lore wise... they're jerks! Honestly, total bastards. May it blow up in their faces.

@dimnakaadigwe9752 - 27.10.2021 12:37

The lion sleeps tonight

@Mupersega - 26.10.2021 16:03

best sign-off

@10000Wolverines - 24.10.2021 22:10

I watched the father and son bat-rep the other day and was thinking Chris was from Liverpool! Glad to know I was right as I'm a fellow Scouser and to get that wrong would have been embarrassing...

@davidhardstaff8110 - 19.10.2021 12:37

Old skool dredd 100% the best..

@andrewnavarro1185 - 13.10.2021 09:56

Ah, the most traitorous scum legion of them all, the Dark Angels. May they someday find themselves on a world that can be conveniently exterminatus'd.

@callumoloughlin7420 - 12.10.2021 12:35

Nick: "These guys look stumpy."
couldn't have put it better

@theoverpreparerlamenters3r436 - 06.09.2021 14:37

Not going to lie, I was expecting a Mastodon.

@jrfour2408 - 06.09.2021 02:23

My personal headcanon is that the watchers in the dark are the psychic warp manifestation of the Dark Angel's guilt and contempt for their own legion, looming over them like a specter of their failure, a grim reminder that never goes away.

But that's just me. :P

@andrewbakescakes9684 - 27.08.2021 10:07

In the monastery, the mighty monastery, the Lion sleeps tonight.

@vanzetti7 - 24.08.2021 03:45

'I also do voice over work for Bond villains as well.'
