Evil Monster Created by SCP Foundation SCP-2419 - The Laughing Men (SCP Animation)

Evil Monster Created by SCP Foundation SCP-2419 - The Laughing Men (SCP Animation)

SCP Explained - Story & Animation

3 года назад

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Michael Lovely
Michael Lovely - 07.10.2023 06:38

They have happy memories, expect for the last one.

kawertyx - 24.09.2023 19:10

Why they dont sent it to space?

mrswimmy tanker
mrswimmy tanker - 21.09.2023 07:08

So incenerator quits working just set the building alight problem solved

simon shipp
simon shipp - 03.08.2023 10:01

that's an incredibly creative idea for an SCP, you kill countless D class personnel remove all their joy from their dead brains and dispose of them in the same place as amestics leaving hate and no memories behind

Cherry122 - 13.07.2023 03:13

What's the point of the guards carrying guns at this point? They never work.

Corban Riley Hope
Corban Riley Hope - 20.06.2023 11:27

I guess you could call it "lingering will"

Raven Blackheart
Raven Blackheart - 21.05.2023 03:58

Sounds a lot like SCP 682.

Teoriak - 09.05.2023 17:33

scp 2419 the Klas D revenge XD

Zurround! 1000
Zurround! 1000 - 08.05.2023 10:24

The whole "D Class" thing does not really sit right with me. Blah Blah yes I know they are all criminals convicted of terrible crimes but they way they are used in this story is NOT consistent with how I was taught that the American Criminal Justice System was supposed to work. It just feels WRONG to me.

Crimson fang
Crimson fang - 30.04.2023 08:15

i wonder, was this written before or after scp 1730, youd think the foundation would learn with using incinerators no matter what XD

Snail Burger
Snail Burger - 29.04.2023 19:57

I only watched this because it was someones license plate

AntiZoophile - 01.04.2023 18:00

so how many scp 2419 instances are there?

devonscotsmen - 31.03.2023 01:35

What if the 🐍 ✋ found out about this scp & deliberately caused a containment breach 🤔⁉️

Sky Bubbles
Sky Bubbles - 15.03.2023 04:37

This oddly reminds me of ff7

Stefan Tosic
Stefan Tosic - 03.03.2023 00:32

Just let lizard on them
Instant edit: or jack bright

The Randomizor
The Randomizor - 17.01.2023 19:32

Just give them a nice dose of class z mnestic. its always fatal.

Watisdis - 16.01.2023 01:11


Mr. mystery
Mr. mystery - 02.01.2023 11:13

Does anyone not question how they have regenerative abilities but one of them chewed its arm off? Or how it doesn t look burned at all? Or how it has a jumpsuit on?

NotFondOfTheRainbowPeople - 16.12.2022 23:15


RaeLikesToPlay - 11.12.2022 19:01

inject one of the monsters from 2419 with happy soup stuff

Tecno - 23.11.2022 05:23

For me the solution is to use SCP 999 because the only thing that can beat rage is happiness

Waffle E
Waffle E - 06.11.2022 05:14

At this point security just should stop using guns if they do nothing to 90% of scps

Lynn Cole
Lynn Cole - 27.10.2022 23:58

Okay, stupid question: If you can extract happy memories from dead people... couldn't you also make an angry soup using the same methods? If you extracted both the happy, and the angry, whatever force is animating these corpses would be indifferent. And then you'd be stock with a bunch of corpses that are just, "Fine, I'll burn, whatever."

Carl Arehart
Carl Arehart - 11.10.2022 06:47

Aw sweet man made horrors beyond my comprehension

Monado6 - 03.10.2022 12:12

Reminds me of the villian of ferngully

Ian N
Ian N - 21.09.2022 17:42

Nearly all the SCPs have super regeneration.

moh emad
moh emad - 09.09.2022 14:55

u are making such a big deal out of this
just contain the incinerators in a reinforced steel boxes
their bones and teeth are not harder or hot enough to scratch or melt down the steel any way

Tom A S
Tom A S - 06.09.2022 10:07

if they're happiest positive moments were taken from them while dead, how did they come back to life to begin with, or become anomalous?

????? le ????
????? le ???? - 06.09.2022 08:20

If they could create this "Happy Soup" From the brains of the dead, Why didn't they also create a "Sad Soup" too? If the Sad Soup were extracted, maybe this would not have happened.

( O_〉O)?
( O_〉O)? - 24.08.2022 00:40

I like how this channel changes the MTF uniforms depending on the decade the SCP file is set.

Anvec - 19.08.2022 03:19

reminds me of several different SCP's if they somehow got combined in the "Improvement Machine"

Happy - 17.08.2022 04:33


X.Wyatt82YT - 07.08.2022 02:29

Just saying, if I am killed like them, I would haunt that person for ever.

Regocike - 06.08.2022 03:58

What if we injected them with happy soup? Would that make them mortal again?

Magmo - 01.08.2022 18:16

Is it just me or does SCP-2419-A reminds me of Deadpool

Aco Silicon
Aco Silicon - 29.07.2022 10:01

Send them to the Gate Guardian. He should be able to kill these guys.

M M - 24.07.2022 10:16

Try killing those things like how they would kill 682

Who Cares
Who Cares - 14.07.2022 12:42

"Chorus of Agony" Good Name for SCP Death Metal Group...

doctor-61 - 05.07.2022 00:42

Dude, SCP-2419 during when day breaks.

A Person
A Person - 03.07.2022 13:24

I want to see what this SCP does during When Day Breaks

Nexarius - 02.07.2022 03:33

After what they do to D-class I'm not surprised they want to kill them all. They've only ever encountered foundation personell so we don't know how they would react "outside".

Typhoon - 26.06.2022 19:45

What if you have the scp happy soup

Wodan Wentz
Wodan Wentz - 26.06.2022 17:01

what if we freze tem if noting can burn tem why not tryen to freze tem tu death

Kat King
Kat King - 24.06.2022 18:29

Joshua Graham

bob the walrus
bob the walrus - 17.06.2022 21:43

to me scp 2419 danger wise is a growing keter cause of how many d class are burned

Motorized bicycle nation 53 custom cycles
Motorized bicycle nation 53 custom cycles - 15.06.2022 23:32

When I give him happy soup OK chill out no more angry

Dumbledazz - 08.06.2022 06:28

Why not just inject them with the "Happy Soup" you made from them SCP Foundation??

RaphBlade7 - 08.06.2022 03:40

[Dr. Cleft:] "Dang, Anomalous D-Class! First D-Class ghosts, now we got HATEFUL regenerating undead revenants!"
*SCP-682's two miniature clones, SCP-682-NLC (fission clone) and SCP-682-TL-BACON-C (created as a result of an experiment involving placing BACON & picture of SCP-682 inside SCP-914 on VERY FINE) laugh at Dr. Cleft's frustration over the HUMANs turned MAN-MADE MONSTERs!"
[Dr. Cleft:] "Dang, REPTILEs! Bet you find our predicament humorous! Of course, you would your even more HATEFUL as those former D-Class!"
[7th Dimensional "SEEKER"/Anomalous Researcher INDRID COLD:] "To be honest, I'd imagine their HATE for SCP-682 in nowhere near as strong as yours!"
[Dr. Cleft:] "Thanks! I pride myself on it! In fact, I had a dream where I became one myself after SCP-682 killed me, only to make me strong enough to finally terminate the REPTILE! Unfortunately, senior FOUNDATION STAFF are prohibited from intentionally becoming HATEFUL undead revenants! Besides my old colleagues at the GOC would hunt me down lest I become a threat to humanity!"
[😎Dr. Bright:] "Probably for the best, as being an immortal, I can only imagine what kind of living HELL that must be! I mean I know what it is like to BURN TO DEATH, as its why I'm no longer permitted to attend BURNING MAN!"
[Dr. Cleft:] "Yeah, cause the FOUNDATION spend a lot of time and resources covering up you becoming a literal BURNING MAN cause of your KICK THE BUCKET PERMEANTLY LIST (a list of various ways to die which Dr. Bright hopes will be permanent, that Dr. Bright has been known to try when really bored or when he's ready to end his current body's life so he can try out a new one)!"
[Dr. Bright:] "Hey, I may have gotten a PROHIBITION, but it was worth it as while it may have been covered up, the LEGEND OF THE REAL BURNING MAN will live on!"
[Dr. Gears:] "Well, at least Dr. Bright's legend has made local authorities weary of copycats, preventing others from succeeding like Dr. Bright did."
[7th Dimensional "SEEKER"/Anomalous Researcher INDRID COLD:] "Glad you are starting to see that Dr. Bright's antics have positives in addition to the usual negatives! I assume you all wish for me to help with the BURNING MEN! To be honest, I wish I had been around to consult on the practice of creating HAPPY SOUP, as I could have helped you to avoid this particular scenario! I would have to agree these REVENANTS can no longer be considered human! They are undead creatures of pure WRATH! They have no concept of compassion and only exist to make others suffer! Fortunately, I am use to dealing with such entities! First I will require one of the incinerators that these entities originated from, preferably the one that contained the first BURNING MAN instance (I will transport it to a specialized research station I set up in a timespace anomaly, as my methods are a little too extreme to be performed in your universe safely!)!
[Dr. Cleft:] "Sounds good, but how do we keep D-Class personel from becoming more of them?!"
[INDRID COLD:] "Oh, that's simple! Just make sure not to remove all the HAPPY SOUP from D-Class corpses and better yet, I have submitted the Ethics Committee with a proposal of them receiving proper treatment in death! You have no idea how much some spirits a proper burial and/or their remains being treated respectfully can allow D-Class to rest in peace! Also remembering to that D-Class are still human and that we are COLD, NOT CRUEL! Mind you this kind of thing is not easy, especially if the D-Class was a truly horrible individual in life!"

john Doe
john Doe - 04.06.2022 23:27

I wonder if they'd be immune to When Day Breaks

Z3R0 - 30.05.2022 23:50

‘Cold not cruel’ still has its consequences, and the foundations very aware of this and yet… things like this scp are still pretty surprising(?) ain’t it?
