1936 Comedy-Romance! One Rainy Afternoon - Ida Lupino American Classic Movie

1936 Comedy-Romance! One Rainy Afternoon - Ida Lupino American Classic Movie


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@DavidRice111 - 17.03.2015 05:31

What a delightful film. I've always loved Ida Lupino.

@patriciasmith8205 - 16.05.2015 19:45

What a beautiful film.. :))

@patriciaezell7166 - 10.10.2015 05:42

It was delightful, a little silly and very carefree. I really enjoyed watching and would like to see more comedy shows. Thanks

@one4allfour1 - 10.10.2015 06:56

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'll be uploading and adding more Comedies very shortly. I love this genre as well :D

@TheRAFfc - 15.10.2015 17:43

Its nice to see Ida she was at school , for a short time with my sister, Wally Lupino was a friend of my Ssiter, Thanks for the Memories. :):)

@TomBacchus - 24.12.2015 08:56


@jbtex784 - 13.01.2016 05:28

Thank you for letting us see the actors names after the end of the movie!

@phil4v8 - 01.04.2016 03:27

I'm sorry I didn't know commercials helped you
Thank you. I know for next time.

@angelialvares - 18.07.2016 20:15

Thumbs up for this one delightful film. No animation, no camera tricks. Just really clever script, and it kept me engrossed right through while chuckling all the way!

@PopleBackyardFarm - 07.09.2016 04:34

enjoyed this 😂

@suziewonder9660 - 01.11.2016 06:38

I thought it was very funny to notice the actor (don't know his name) much younger of course, who was in "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" (or was it "Mary Poppins"?) as the silly man with the silly voice who was able to float in the air from his silly magical laughter! I recognized his demeanor as well as his giggling, obviously his famous character nuance (nuisance) which must have originated back in those days. It's the little references like that which make some of these older films so intriguing!

@ChiHatcher - 11.11.2016 06:34

awe that was so charming..Please keep the comedy's coming!!

@alexandramitsis6401 - 09.05.2017 12:30

love it

@djs9415 - 25.08.2017 21:26

How time flies,my friend.Especially when we are having fun! When you started your channel a few years ago I was your First subscriber under another name and thanked you for your work.And we often had an enjoyable natter about films.But a couple of years ago I shut down my account because google invaded my privacy by tracking me through my email and spamming me with adult site links..This is unacceptable .Not a joke. But I have found you again! Because I loved your choice of movies.This was the movie I saw after enjoying your description and wondering where you had gone.Long time no see! And here you are with 9 k + subscribers,hurrah. .Watching this again, after all these years. Bless you again!

@leereadman9940 - 20.09.2017 15:16

how wonderful these old movies are there just grand thankyou

@KerrieRedgate - 21.10.2017 16:14

Great cast of stars! Such imaginative scripts in those days, and very playful. Loved this! Thank you so much for uploading this joy. (And wasn’t he handsome!)

@kbaise931 - 26.11.2017 10:57

thank you i needed a smile since i can't sleep.

@chulijames - 07.02.2018 06:03

loved it, so original

@trainrover - 17.03.2018 23:54

Grand old movies and archival footage are the only things that make me indeed marvel at digital electronics.. .. . .

@constantinadellopoulou3725 - 15.05.2018 21:47

loved it :) such a jolly, light-hearted and merry and cheerful one, this was :) thanks ever sooooo much :) he! he!

@cosettecopperfield8397 - 15.07.2018 00:32

one4allfour1, that was fun. Thanks. All those familiar character actors! But, my oh my, did not that handsome fellow steal the show!

@Multi1mark - 24.01.2019 05:25

Thank you for the upload. Good Classic Comedy Movie.

@neversurrender5976 - 31.10.2019 04:40

Gee, that was swell!

@gc4282 - 02.01.2020 02:35

What a fantastic movie! Loved every minute of it. Francis Lederer and Ida Lupino are superb in this classic comedy. Since I came upon this a few months ago, I've probably have seen it now about 10 times. It truly is a classic film lovers gem! Thanks so very much for posting it!!!

@user-wc7mo9uo9o - 23.03.2020 09:54

Not that good, disappointing movie.

@mimiinmissouri3139 - 17.05.2020 08:52

I just stumbled onto your channel and I’m so glad I did. Movies from the 30’s & 40’s are so much better than the ones made today. Thank you. 😎

@mackethridge7798 - 27.08.2020 07:15

What a movie! Makes one feel young again! Joyous again! Free again! Life is meant to be like that. But we should not look to find it. We should call it forth from within! As did the actors in this film! God bless them forever!

@bettymiller1929 - 13.10.2021 12:50

You pick excellent movies!
This one was very sweet.
I’ll subscribe

@orahruthkamienny1693 - 14.02.2022 23:50

This movie is the BEST. Spoofy and realistic at the same time. Hilarious and subtle - the trial scene is classic. I got my hubby to watch it and he liked it too.

@pattygonzales9605 - 28.04.2022 02:10

Love happy endings and I really enjoyed this one. Happy tears.

@vivianidelacerda9708 - 05.05.2022 11:02

This must be the cheapest movie ever made...

@venkatreddy392 - 20.07.2022 07:21

I, laughed and very happy after long time after court scene.

@justinaelizabeth5547 - 31.07.2022 13:45

Thank you! The '30s is by far my favorite ❤ and yes, she & he both did a tremendous job 👍

@libbystaton7270 - 02.08.2022 03:17

Love these old movies!

@gordonstroup882 - 04.10.2022 05:48

"I kissed a girl, and I liked it"!

@marlene-rr2ih - 12.10.2022 06:55


@kkay3784 - 28.02.2023 08:44

two years after the Hays Code went into effect, and a kiss becomes a thing of violence. So funny to see the censors of the censors. The writers must have had a great time creating this. "If he were only a murderer!" 🤣 Gotta say that old judge was a pretty creepy dude, but Roland Young was as twinkly as ever.

@peterwebb725 - 12.07.2023 11:05

Rubbish a mix of white an white or black an black. No black an white movie. Can't watch

@neatpaws - 21.07.2023 06:02

What a GEM.

@pmullins1495 - 21.08.2023 11:27

Can you say " Silly" ?

@MsMars. - 01.09.2023 09:25

Year of the film?

@NitinKataria-v3b - 19.12.2023 15:44

Why do the opening music sounds like the Tom and Jerry one ?

@raylenenielsen5943 - 28.12.2023 08:49

Such a darling lighthearted picture! And Francis Lederer was so adorable as always 😊

@C.Hawkshaw - 09.01.2024 09:08

Roland Young steals the show once again! ❤

@MrJOHNMICHAELVEGA - 11.04.2024 03:51

Wonderful movie ❤️🎶👏

@laurakibben4147 - 01.08.2024 16:33

And again!!! How could so many people back then have had the SAME HANDWRITING!?!!!!!!😢😢😢
I've now, with that letter he was trying to deliver, seen nearly a dozen instances in as many movies of handwriting that is exactly like my grandmother's.

@Nokickback - 25.11.2024 21:10

Interesting 🤔

@MatteusAlvas - 02.01.2025 00:52

I’m always excited to explore new films on Retroflix

@bear1134 - 10.12.2016 23:29

I smiled and had some teary eyed thoughts this wonderful film and just think, my great grandchildren call me old Grumpa.
