30 Minute Workout | Yoga for Men Series - Workout #1 | #yogaformen

30 Minute Workout | Yoga for Men Series - Workout #1 | #yogaformen

Man Flow Yoga

4 года назад

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Abe Penner
Abe Penner - 18.09.2023 15:12

New to yoga and in the process of weight loss and getting into shape aswell get more flexible

Brian Wright
Brian Wright - 26.08.2023 22:29

I always appreciate the extra commentary and the little tidbits of yoga education and how you graciously incorporate it all! 👊🏼

diving Tom
diving Tom - 10.08.2023 22:38

Fantastic video and instruction.
Thank you for sharing this

Thayaga - 09.08.2023 14:38


Anthony Alzate
Anthony Alzate - 08.08.2023 14:51

Definitely helpful, thanks!

Ioannis Antiotis
Ioannis Antiotis - 31.07.2023 10:50

7.46 very sexy!

Alec Boegman
Alec Boegman - 30.07.2023 20:07

Great video, definitely going to check out the others in the series! You mentioned calf tightness because of the shoes we wear. Do you have any recommendations for shoe brands that would limited this impact?

@S-series1977 - 26.07.2023 09:26

Nice 🙂🙂👍👍👍👍🙂 video

@S-series1977 - 26.07.2023 09:24

Nice 🙂🙂👍🙂🙂🙂🙂 video

Bruno Walker
Bruno Walker - 17.07.2023 21:03

Hi sexy

Helena Neary
Helena Neary - 15.07.2023 17:24

I really prefer your other video . I really don’t like seeing dogs in peoples videos. I find it a distraction when I am really trying to focus on you.

GDB Productions
GDB Productions - 12.07.2023 00:40

Is this something even for beginners, I don't have a lot of experience with Yoga.

Ram Yadav
Ram Yadav - 11.07.2023 19:38


Al Gulick
Al Gulick - 23.06.2023 16:02

just a beginner. I love this specific for men format! Thank you

krish nurseegadoo
krish nurseegadoo - 19.06.2023 18:22

Hi Dean I really appreciate your yoga videos. Beautifully done. I do yoga but watching you doing yoga gracefully gives me more motivation to continue. I like your dogs.

The Roaming Colt
The Roaming Colt - 16.06.2023 05:00

Started this yesterday! Day #2 was a butt kicker lol thanks!

Soul Journeys
Soul Journeys - 10.06.2023 13:25

Thx Dean. This is a great 30 minute yoga/strength/stretch - your explanations are very thoughtful and helpful. Grateful 🙏

Tyler - 06.06.2023 05:45

Grateful to have found this channel. One thing I've noticed with the more feminine based yoga is that the sessions never really push the envelope. Even the "intermediate" stuff usually left me wanting.

Bodene Ivy
Bodene Ivy - 29.05.2023 17:56

First, thank you. Today was my first day of trying yoga (ouch). I'm about as bendy as a pencil! But, I want to change that. I did struggle but persevered, and intend to keep it up. I think for now, I will focus on the exercises in this video before moving on, in the hopes that I will be able to do the poses with more accuracy and effectiveness.

Dildo Insaney
Dildo Insaney - 21.05.2023 13:05

I’ve been a yoga addict since the mid 80s and swear by it. Occasionally, I get out of the habit and don’t practice for a few months. In that time, my quality of sleep worsens, my appetite goes a bit haywire, and I really notice how quickly my joints seize up. Then, as soon as I start practicing again, everything falls back into place.
I’ve been integrating some of your postures in with my routine and it’s made a huge difference. It does feel as though more and more men have come to realise the many benefits. Years ago, people would pull my leg about it. These days, those people are probably doing it themselves.
Thanks for posting these videos. I would have been all over them if they’d been around in the 80s 👍🏻

jacky rogers
jacky rogers - 20.05.2023 04:50

Will you show us your penis at some point on the channel not pixelated Tennessee your message actually work please.

JeanPaul Belmont
JeanPaul Belmont - 09.05.2023 06:33

I followed your pupz poses and they really helped!

Jeff Haley
Jeff Haley - 06.05.2023 17:16

Thanks have enjoyed adding this with my Fit Father Project workouts. Enjoyed the podcast to on Pelvis Floor.

Minimalist Maverick
Minimalist Maverick - 24.04.2023 23:24

Great routine! I'll def be doing this one again

S T - 21.04.2023 02:30

Almost zero exposure to yoga but several years ago a few friends showed me some simple stretches and that's what keeps me walking without a limp... I'm going to be watching more in the near future. Thank you !

Keola Lee
Keola Lee - 13.04.2023 20:49

Love this routine, and again, it just FLEW by!

Brendan O'Brien
Brendan O'Brien - 04.04.2023 08:42

Wow brilliant

Matt - 29.03.2023 18:37

Hey Dean, I like your videos. So In depth about correct position and muscle activation. Thank you.

Kevin - 23.03.2023 03:25

Thank you so much I soooo appreciate your content for men.

KA Giles
KA Giles - 17.03.2023 18:33

Felt challenged in my flexibility I appreciate your approach to yoga. Most do way to much useless talking and go way too fast

Andy Taylor
Andy Taylor - 15.03.2023 11:00

Instant relief. Thank you good Sir

Al Gulick
Al Gulick - 10.03.2023 19:22

Been looking for this! Yes a definite difference between yoga for the 2 sexes! Appreciate you!

Pancaxe_ 332
Pancaxe_ 332 - 08.03.2023 21:40

Love this workout
Already seeing back pain improve

Lessons From A High School Dropout
Lessons From A High School Dropout - 23.02.2023 19:03

I started your Man Flow Yoga with the intention to give me better strength training and to work on breathing and I have completed two sessions and hooked. I have always been big into stretching but this is truly the best kind of workout I want in my daily routine. Thank you for what you do! I will share this with other men i know.

Jim Clarkson
Jim Clarkson - 23.02.2023 02:30

Thank you Dean. This is exactly what I have been looking for to add to my resistance training and cardio workouts. I’m 72, a newbie to yoga and am looking to improve my flexibility & balance. BTW just ordered your book, Yoga Fitness for Men and look forward to learning more from you. Yeah, I’m glad I don’t need leotards or have to chant. Finally, a yoga program for men. Thank you and be safe and well.

Elizabeth Lowy
Elizabeth Lowy - 19.02.2023 12:07

It was a great basic session however as a traditional yoga instructor having trained in an ashram I need to correct you respectfully that most yoga is NOT made for women unless you are in a specialized yoga classe directed only to women. Women were actually not allowed to do yoga till much much later... traditionally it was men who first engaged in yoga. That said yoga is for all body types, genders and ages (encouraged after the age of 7yrs) Please do not spread false information. Wishing you the best on your journey! Namaste

Leo Gaming
Leo Gaming - 12.02.2023 22:54

Sir, I'm a beginner....could you please guide me , what should be the schedule?

Daniel Rogerson
Daniel Rogerson - 31.01.2023 13:09

Thanks for the excellent videos, Dean. I have been doing your classes for about 6 months and I have learned a lot of useful tips, cues, and information from your classes that I have not encountered in classes that did not focus on men.

Matt Brown
Matt Brown - 28.01.2023 13:16

this is my first foray into yoga - I'm adding this in daily as part of a strength and conditioning program. A friend recommended Man Flow. thank you.

LeCrenn - 09.01.2023 13:54

Thank you for your work here. I've done yoga off and on for years, and appreciate that your approach is free of the whole swami-baba-gi-guru jargon that so many other yoga teachers use. I'm accustomed to seeing only one or two guys in the room, so an entire class geared for men is refreshing.

matthew conner
matthew conner - 04.01.2023 17:26

Very exhilarating 👍🏾

Douglas W
Douglas W - 20.12.2022 17:35

I've done tons of yoga but your poses and instructions have already given me insights and understanding that I didn't have, helping make more sense of what I'm doing. Thanks. Amazing how many years one can do things wrong - or at least sub-optimally - while thinking that "more of the (wrong) thing" is better. I'm looking to make my focused, intentional body work as effective and efficient as possible. And it does seem much, much more geared to MY type of body, which is very non-feminine (e.g., tight, heavy/bulky). Thanks.

Brian DeJesus
Brian DeJesus - 17.12.2022 23:41

really glad I discovered your channel. I do think there is a difference between yoga for men and for women. Most yoga sessions I have attended have been mostly women and the focus was on flexibility. For what ever reason, men have less capacity for flexibility than women. I think that it only makes sense to cater sessions to the body types that are participating.

Matty - 13.12.2022 17:26

I know you're a professional, and respect that, but damn. This was very hot.

ABRAHAM NUTRITION - 12.12.2022 02:19

Dean, I just found you a couple of weeks ago. 3 years ago I had a 50% compression fracture to my L1 and was diagnosed with severe male osteoporosis. I have been practicing yoga for a couple of years but your videos are making a huge difference. I love how you combine yoga with strength movements and for us guys with less flexibility. Thank you for this channel! I wish I had found you sooner but I am glad I am here now!

Derek Rathel
Derek Rathel - 11.12.2022 05:01

I love how the dog moved like whatever it is knew what was coming.

Norbi Bajgyik
Norbi Bajgyik - 09.12.2022 07:44

I hope I m not the only crybabay here but my knees are killing me , less talk would be a lot easier for the working guys knees, just say'n
