Shenmue III - What Happened? ft. Super Eyepatch Wolf

Shenmue III - What Happened? ft. Super Eyepatch Wolf

Matt McMuscles

3 года назад

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@soheilkhorasani3522 - 30.01.2024 22:58

awww poor Jay 😂😂😂

@M4ruta - 24.01.2024 17:08

It's pretty amazing that, whereas Shenmue and Shenmue II divided gamers in a love-it-or-hate-it response, Shenmue III divided the lovers into yet another love-it-or-hate-it response.

Still keeping my fingers crossed for part four, I want this saga to continue!

@ericsutherland2636 - 30.12.2023 09:09

I'm honestly a little bitter that this mess got the record for most successful kickstarter, because Bloodstained held that honor for like a month before this crap.

@chadhorak1528 - 16.11.2023 01:13

As much as people complain about shenmue 1 & 2 fighting system, it was good for its time and still better than the shenmue 3 fighting system. If a part 4 comes out they need to scrap the new fighting system and give much greater progression of the story.

@eddywang9622 - 13.11.2023 22:50

Hahahahahahaha, to everyone whos unhappy about shenmue 3 ending, remember, from 1 and 2 all characters surrounding ryo had said that all revenge intentions never have a good ending. This is the keyword, the game wont have a good end cause revenge is all that fuels ryo.

@rm25088 - 12.11.2023 12:22

I don't get it. The whole point to this whole franchise is to avenge your fathers death. Is that ever going to happen? They have to make a 4 and that SHOULD be the final game with you fighting and finally beating lan di or whatever he decides to do to end it. Maybe Rio dies, who knows... It is like Suzuki is holding onto his past and doesn't want to give up something he worked so hard on back in the day. It has been over 20 years since the dreamcast and shen 1. The chances of him getting backed for another game is probably slim, and that sucks because this was a good story. At least 1 and 2. I have never played 3. He is just old school japanese that hates change it seems and is stubborn as fuck.

@esbenm6544 - 06.11.2023 04:50

If I was compelled to open every single closet, cupboard, and drawer I encountered, that would also take up more of my real time than I want. While you CAN do that in real life, real life usually also has ways of indicating which ones are worth your time. I can be reasonably sure I'm not missing a clue to the whereabouts of my father's killer by not rifling through my neighbors kitchen utensils.

@everythingsalright1121 - 03.11.2023 16:56

Frankly this franchise would be better off without suzuki anywhere near it lmao. Nobody's gonna fund a shenmue 4 after what he did with the money for shenmue 3

@everythingsalright1121 - 03.11.2023 16:44

Honestly i feel like with a budget that small for a project that he wanted to be so big and ambitious that was a massive red flag. A 6m budget is good enough for a high quality indie game but not the kind of expansive open RPG that suzuki had in mind...if it ever existed given his absolute delusional views that his work is always perfect and modern innovations are trash. And of course the end result of a shitty filler episode

@BladedEdge - 13.10.2023 01:12

The only way Shenmue will ever have a satisfying conclusion is if Suzuki hands Sega RGG Studio his complete plot outline, then stays the hell out of the building until Shenmue: Actual Final Chapter is done.

@jeansmambacraft8 - 06.10.2023 22:00

What's with Ryo's new outfits? Looks cool but seems weird

@stinkymarty - 23.09.2023 22:15

At least we have yakuza

@qthestruggler2715 - 29.08.2023 22:14

The fact that Epic Games came in like a CHAD and covered all the refunds from Shenmue 3 is beautiful

@nerdtuga9180 - 15.08.2023 12:00

As soon as Deep Silver gets involved, you know you're in trouble

@lacreturadekentucky - 09.08.2023 05:18

I literally bought Shenmue 1 and 2 on PS4 just so I could actually experience the story before I played 3, Had I known that Shenmue 3 was just going to be essentially the Warship Island Arc of the gaming world, I wouldn't have even bothered playing it. However bad it was though, at least I didn't pay for this game on Kickstarter when that started. I would've been pissed if I paid even $1, expecting Ryo to finally avenge his father and beat Lan Di, and all I got was a freaking filler arc. It's stuff like this that make it to where I refuse to pre order games unless it's a game on another platform already that I know I enjoy, like Dragon Quest XI S, or Persona 5 Royal.
Tl;dr, In the words of the Angry Video Game Nerd: "What were they thinking?!"

@kingsleycy3450 - 12.07.2023 19:03

Yu Suzuki old mate should have looked around and seen that games like Persona and Yakuza have already realized his vision better than he ever did. It really is the height of hubris to dismiss the progress others have made in the industry

@renoir2616 - 10.07.2023 08:22

can't wait for the day we finally beat the most boring, bland, shit antagonist to ever exist lan di 200 years from now woo

@ShoMoney34 - 09.07.2023 02:07

The atmosphere was still great in this game. Had they just used the old fighting system and included a few more random events like the first two games, I could have been completely satisfied. Still looking forward to Shenmue IV, and hoping they learn from these mistakes. It would be cool for Sega to let YS use the dragon engine and reskin it as Shenmue.

@samjiman - 05.07.2023 12:00

There were a few good parts, but Shenmue III was disappointing, although I didn't expect it to be as good as I and II.

@janrautenstrauch4729 - 26.06.2023 13:15

I guess the fans could've forgiven much of the hehind the scenes shenanigans IF the final game would've... ya know... completed the story in a fullfilling way.
But a game that doesn'T even add much to the story while it plays as if the last 18 years hadn't happened... i can't even imagine why this flopped.

At least that's what i got from th fan-outcry not being a shenmue-fan myself.

@rickjohnson803 - 21.06.2023 09:05

well if he learns from his mistakes we can expect a shenmue 4, after all it's not like kojima being kicked out of konami 🤷‍♂

@travisgraham2067 - 17.06.2023 23:46

Of course sega let yu have shenmue. It's part of the reason sega no longer makes video game consoles and almost went bankrupt. Plus sega is more afraid to take risks. And that's why we don't see new virtua fighters or remakes of some of their legendary genesis games. Plus, yakuza kicks shenmue's butt.

@santicruz4012 - 05.06.2023 08:21

Yoooo what a crossover :’)

@Surkimus - 03.06.2023 22:03

I love the alundra 2 soundtrack in the background

@zoeian6817 - 11.05.2023 10:18

I don’t agree one comment. It’s not as same as the game from 18 years old. It’s worse than 18 year olds.

@Shenaldrac - 09.05.2023 03:37

Wow, the sheer gall of Suzuki blaming his well funded, experienced development team from the first two games. "It took so long because all those other people kept having ideas instead of shutting up and blindly obeying MY VISION! It wasn't my responsibility at all ever not even a little bit nope, it's everyone else's fault that the first game took so long to develop."

Like holy shit. I have zero respect for this man.

@chuganoga1908 - 07.05.2023 14:16

I can still go back and enjoy the heck outta S1&2 but S3 just… didn’t even feel like Shenmue at all. The departure from the Virtua fighter Battle System, lack of storytelling and repetitive grindy gameplay progression was just freaking all the way dead. Screw that game and it really hurts me to say that, I just hope they make it a graphic novel only to finish the story or just use that anime to finish it so we can atleast have closure.

@luckrequired5382 - 29.04.2023 20:43

Based on the development time and the fact Yu wanted to make a dozen Shenmue games, none of us would see the end of this story in our lifetimes. I pulled my pledge on Kickstarter forthwith.

@t0_031 - 17.04.2023 10:15

So the game did bad because it was not a actual full sequel and mostly a filler episode... Not sure if shenmue 4 will happen..which means ryo will never kill the dragon guy..

@MrAllustrious - 31.03.2023 02:56

I feel like the makers of Sifu, Slo Clap and possibly Either the Yakuza developers or Naughty dog should collaborate and remake the shenmur series and design an ending for it

@Rammsoldat - 20.03.2023 21:07

yeah the epic store shit really killed it for me. If you crowd fund a game it should honor the pledges it makes when securing its backers. Adding epic as an option would have been fine but locking it away from steam users who had already paid was not on. Pheonix point did the same but at least they refunded everyone who didnt like the move.

@str8apem88 - 01.03.2023 21:01

Soooo... Is Shenmue dead now? The third game flopped, and the anime isn't getting another season. So Ryo is never gonna avenge his father? Well damn.

@Salnax - 07.02.2023 00:10

Having a visionary who is isolated from their medium of choice can work out fine, but you need somebody to step in and tell them “No” when they’re stumbling into a big mistake. From the looks of it, Suzuki didn’t have someone like that.

There is also the scale to consider. To my knowledge, Yu Suzuki’s career at Sega besides Shenmue was largely as a leader of smaller teams working on smaller, arcade sized projects. His classic &0’s Super Scaler titles often had no more than a dozen devs, and even in the 90’s, Virtua Fighter 2 had about 30 people working on it. The guy has years of experience making small or arcade style experience and his time spending huge amounts of money on Shenmue. If anything, I’d be more interested in seeing him return to something like Virtua Racing.

@venom74799 - 27.01.2023 11:47

I’d like to thank shenmue for breathing life in the yakuza series. I played this back in the day on a vga box and it was so mind blowing at the time but it had so many little annoying things in it that I never got attached to it and just played it as a graphics demo.

Part 3 is a sham of a game and shows how Suzuki was a visionary who smells his own farts.

@candrian7 - 18.01.2023 21:48

The original Shenmue pioneered many games concepts still used today, most of them are hated.

@user-so6ps4pb6y - 18.01.2023 20:57

So..... Incompetence, rusted mechanics and an unbridled ego to spit on the dedication
passion and money of the fans to the point of not ONLY taking out several thing that they liked ( fighting game combos) but having the audacity to charge 60 dollars for a fuckig filler episode despite the fact all everyone wanted was an end to the story.....
WTF shenmue devs

@durrclips746 - 08.01.2023 21:14

The game looks terrible and cheap and EVERYONE has forgotten it even existed. A total disaster.

@AngelofAmbrosia - 27.12.2022 15:56

Jesus this is painful to watch. I’m not even a big Shenmue fan and this hurts my feelings.

@johnny1893 - 14.12.2022 17:40

Shenmue 4... 🤡🤣

@RavenShinyThings - 06.12.2022 03:20

It was a step back from the other two games for me.

@D0NTST4RT - 09.11.2022 00:35

That opening gag fucked with me that voice and the filter was way too spot on Shenmue VA

@darthmakaveli - 05.11.2022 13:23

Yu Suzuki should've given the fans what they wanted to relive some of his former glory. Instead, he just wanted to relive all of his former glory.

@joemaze9156 - 31.10.2022 02:10

I actually love the game so yea bring forth part 4

@rodolforodriguez4447 - 27.10.2022 09:45

Matt mcmuscles:

@guyincognito6582 - 21.10.2022 15:29

I hate that Eyepatch Wolf prick.

@Themozartthug - 16.10.2022 16:24

"shenmue 3 never gave us anything new, it never continued the story"

Shenmue is a journey game, it done exactly what I hoped for. It captures a atmosphere only shenmue can. Shenmue was never about "finishing the story", it was about the journey it took you on. Shenmue is still the greatest game ever made, it just feels so refreshing to play and game that isn't rushed, every day is something special, some days nothing happens, some days a lot happens.....people are far to critical of shenmue, wanting something shenmue never aimed to deliver, u want fast paced story ect, play literally any game brought out over the last 10 years......stop putting shenmue in the same genre other games go in, it's stands on its own, u ever love or it u hate it, but don't label it something it never aimed to be, it's always been about the atmosphere......shenmue 1 still has more atmosphere than most modern games

@JetFireHawk - 07.10.2022 22:06

Cool 2 of my Fave utubbers

@zacharycardon2353 - 22.09.2022 01:47

For a platform seemingly 100% dependent on 3rd party content, I've always felt PlayStation is a station where IPs come and go, leaving little interest in keeping one series as their poster boy. (Or perhaps I'm still accustomed to mandatory mascots).

Other factors to a beloved game series hiatus or conclusion could be the stigma of comparing games to film. From Atari 26000 to N64 and beyond, franchises released games that both played and sold well almost annually thanks to their simplicity. Developers conquered and pushed hardware limits, but knew they were far from ready to compete with Hollywood. Now that games brag to have caught up to cinema, peer pressure drives studios to fall back on the age-old habit of treating games more like graphical show-off contests like never before; thus, extending game cook time while also hammering harder on exhausted chefs.
With this in mind, while I don't have all the answers to Sly Cooper's fate, both Sony and Sly's devs know that Cooper is 3 console generations behind; and as much as they'd like to make his next adventure, there's bound to be a lot of pressure to get it right. Games without regular sequels grasp on nostalgia's lifeline and reviving a fossil who hasn't made babies in a long time can make or break the game.

But hey! The endangered 3D platformer species is slowly repopulating, and if Sony won't deliver, then indie devs surely will.

@JadenFox9 - 21.09.2022 13:26

maybe they should've just gone with the Tale Tale Method if all they were gonna do was nothing, would've costed less, and been easier to do, but it already came and went, can't do anything about the past

Maybe a Live Action Movie or something wouldn't be so bad
